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Momentum Camera V2 5.2.4
Features:* Watch live HD(720P) streaming video* View with compatible smartphones , PC and MAC* Motion detection and notification with IR night vision* 110 degree wide angle viewing & two wayaudiocommunication* Store video or snapshots at the cloud* cloud storage offering to record and view history (in-apppurchase required)
Closet Organizer Ideas 1.0
Without delving into any psychobabblehere,it’s safe to say that a messy closet does not contributetoanyone’s happiness. Conversely, an organized closet can bringfortheuphoric joy — or, at the very least, a sense of relief atfinallyfinding that long-lost sweater or pillowcase.Here are four easy closet organizing steps you can takethisweekend to get your closet in tip-top shape.1. Take stock of what’s currently in your closet. Yes, we’veheardmany an organizing expert on TV blather on about this, butit’strue. A closet can’t ever be truly organized if it’s hidingitemsthat haven’t been touched since the Bush administration.As painful as the process may sound, unloading a closetentirecontents will give you an honest account of what lurks intherecesses. Donate or toss as necessary and start from scratch.Thissingle act will liberate you from having a bunch of uselessstuffweigh you down and crowd out what you do value.Once you know exactly what you want to keep, adjust any shelvesasnecessary, as in this hall closet system created by SanFranciscoOrganized Interiors. Towel bars (see step 2) affixed tothe doorprovide greater efficiency, as do baskets that keep smalleritemsfrom getting lost.2. Make use of empty wall or door space. Empty sections ofwallsor the insides of doors are prime real estate for towel bars,hooksor dowels, like this artistic example of a tie collectioncreatedby Cantoni Design.Tip: Hardware doesn’t have to be elaborate to work. You mightevenhave everything you need already in your garage. Just make surethehardware is appropriately sized to bear the weight of theintendedload.3. Add lighting. Lighting is key to finding anything in acloset,though so often there’s not enough of it. Newer homes mayhave asingle overhead light that is minimally helpful, while olderhomesmay not be equipped with any light at all. Having anelectrician addshelf lighting would be optimal, but it isn’tcheap, and it’s amomentum killer. Instead, use stick-on orscrew-in battery-operatedLED lights on each shelf to achieve thesame results for a fractionof the cost.4. Corral like items together. Think of your bedroom closetasyou would your desk files. If those files weren’t organized insomesort of comprehensive fashion (by date, client name, orderofurgency etc.), you’d never accomplish anything at work.The same is true for the closet, but with slightlydifferentobjectives. The closet needs to provide you with the toolsto lookgood and get you out of the house as efficiently aspossible. Thebest way to accomplish this is by grouping like itemstogether(colors, styles, uses, occasions) to speed up the morningoutfithunt.
3D Small House Plans Idea 1.0
3D small house plan design gives you bestideasin building a good home interior and exterior. There are anumerousimages that will be useful. So, don't be worry again aboutyourbudget and money because you can made a simple and small homeplans.Planning forms the basis of each and every activity may itbeproduction of goods or construction of houses. We need toalwaysplan for the future and be prepared for the worst. Peoplealwayshave a backup plan ready in case of any emergency and similaristhe case with construction of small houses.If we are to construct a small house firstly we need to planfor,what kind of house do we need? Which locality will suit us?How manyrooms do we require in the house? And many such questionsneed to beanswered before hand. Once we are clear with thesequestions we needto put all the things on paper and design a houseaccordingly.One of the most important things to keep in mind is how youaregoing to use the space. Plan ahead for things such as ahomeoffice, exercise room, or media room. Try to take into accountafuture expansion of your family, and whether you will needextrabedrooms. Finally, you want to think about resale. We allbuild ourdream home thinking it will be our forever home, butunfortunately,jobs, family, and needs change. So keep in mind thatmost peopleare interested in a minimum of a three bedroom/ twobathroom house.This will help you be able to appeal to a widervariety of peopleif and when you need to sell.Of course there are some things to consider when you areplanningto build a smaller home. Here are some important tips andideas tokeep in mind that will help you to make the most of yoursmall housefloor plans.The Importance of Thinking AheadFirst of all, you'll find that it is very important that youthinkahead when it comes to drawing up small house floor plans.Onewrong move while you are building can cause a problem later onwhenyou are in the home. You need to start thinking about thingsnow.Thinking ahead can help you to make sure you have a good ideaofwhere everything is going to go within the home. Carefulplanningis essential if you are going to come up with plans for asmallerhome that work.Have an Architect to HelpTrying to come up with your own small house floor plans may beamistake. So, it's best to have an architect to help you out. Agoodarchitect can be so helpful, since they are well trained in howtouse space. They'll be able to foresee some of the problems thatmayoccur in the future with a small space. You can sit downtogetherwith your architect and together you can come up with goodplansfor the home that will work, even though the space you havemay besmall. So, although it may cost you a bit to have anarchitect helpyou out, it will be well worth it in the end.What Do You Really Want in a Home?You love the advantages of a small home design, right? Theideaof saving money while building, saving energy year after year,andthe convenience of keeping that small home neat and tidyareappealing benefits.But, what are you willing to give up? You simply can't havethesame number of rooms or the same size rooms, or all thesamefeatures you're accustomed to in that larger home. Somethinghas togive. What do you really want in your home and what areyourpriorities? It comes down to, what's a must, and what cango?The smaller the house does not mean the lesser the home, butthesmaller the bill the better! Since less house space means lessoutof pocket costs and more energy to share with others,considersmall house plans, for yourself and the world at large.
How I - 하와이 3.2
나는 어떻게 살고 있는 걸까?다른 사람들은 어떻게 살고 있지?세상 사람들이 어떻게 살고 있는지 궁금하다면 HOW I(하와이)![ 나와 비슷한 사람들의 운동량은 얼마나 될까? ]하와이가 당신의 운동량을 비교해 드립니다.아... 나는 숨만 쉬고 사는구나... 반성의 시간이 될지도 모르겠네요.[ 나와 비슷한 사람들은 얼마나 잘까? ]하와이가 당신이 '잠만보'는 아닌지 비교해 드립니다.미녀는 잠꾸러기라지만... 너무 미녀가 되는 건 아닌지 하와이로 비교해 보세요.[ 나만 매일 야근 하는 걸까? ]하와이가 나와 비슷한 사람들의 야외 활동 시간을 비교해 드립니다.너무 야외 활동만 하시나요? 하와이로 비교해보시고 가족과 함께 하는 시간을 늘려 보세요.[ 도대체 이런 앱들은 어떻게 알고 설치하는 거지? ]하와이가 나와 비슷한 사람들이 어떤 앱을 쓰고 있는지 비교해 드립니다.100만원짜리 스마트폰을 게임기로만 쓰시는 건 아니겠지요?다른 사람들의 앱 라이프사이클과 비교해 보세요.[ 틈만 나면 스마트폰을 만지는 당신!! ]하와이가 다른 사람들은 스마트폰을 얼마나 쓰는지 비교해 드립니다.다른 사람들은 왜 보조배터리를 들고 다니지 않을까? 궁금하시면 하와이 하세요.[ 무제한 통화 요금이 필요한 걸까? ]나만 스팸 전화가 걸려오는 걸까?하와이가 당신의 통화 라이프 사이클을 비교해 드립니다.[ 스마트폰에 카메라는 달려 있는데... ]고성능 카메라가 달린 스마트폰!! 그냥 장식으로 달아둔 건 아니겠죠?하와이가 당신과 비슷한 사람들의 미디어 라이프를 비교해 드립니다.[ 마당발이신가요? ]넘치는 약속! 나의 마당발 인맥! 하와이가 검증해 드립니다.나와 비슷한 사람들은 얼마나 약속을 하고 얼마나 많은 사람을 알고 있는지 궁금하시면 하와이 하세요.[ 다른 사람들은 어떤 것에 관심이 많을까? ]하와이가 나의 관심사와 다른 사람들의 관심사를 비교해 보여드립니다.[ 이걸 다 비교해준다고? 개인정보를 싹 다 털어가는 거 아니야? ]하와이는 소중한 당신의 정보를 무분별하게 수집하지 않습니다.하와이는 당신이 누구인지 예측만 할 뿐! 당신이 정말 누구인지 물어보지 않습니다.[ 뭐야... 맞는 게 별로 없잖아? ]하와이는 통계 정보를 바탕으로 비교합니다.며칠 깔아놓고 있다고 해서 하와이가 스마트폰을 잡아먹진 않습니다. ^^생활패턴이 생성될 때까지 조금 기다려보시면 하와이가 다 비교해 드립니다.How areyouliving?Other people do not live?I wonder if HOW I (Hawaii) that the people of the world howtolive!What happens [momentum of people like you are? ]Hawaii will compare your momentum.Oh ... I'm ... I do not know be a time of reflection restingsummanlive.[jalkka how people like me? ]Hawaii will compare whether you are 'asleep manbo.Beauty compare Sleepyhead are routinely ... so that the beautyofHawaii as a gun or not.[Am I the only one to work overtime every day? ]Hawaii is out of time outdoors, we compare the same people.So only from outdoor activities? Compared to Hawaii lookedincreaseyour time with your family.[What the hell am to know how to install these apps? ]I compared that Hawaii has shown similar people to writesomeapps.A $ 1 million won only smartphone game Known issues: Resolvedcasesmaybe not?Compare and app lifecycle of others.[teumman After touching your smartphone! ]Hawaii Other people will spend much compared to smartphones.Other people would walk Why carrying a spare battery? I wonderifyou please Hawaii.[wonder you need an unlimited call charges? ]Am I the only one that incoming spam calls?Hawaii, I compare the life cycle of your calls.[There are cameras in smartphones ran ...]High-performance smartphone with camera! It just would notdalahdunthing as a decoration?Hawaii will compare the media life of people like you.[Madang Are you? ]Full of promise! Madang my contacts! We will verify Hawaii.People like you and me and how much promise and wonder if youknowhow many people in Hawaii.[other talkative people are interested in what? ]Hawaii will show my concern and the concern compared tootherpeople.[haejundago Compare all this? Shoot your personal information isnotgoing to go off? ]Hawaii is not unreasonable to collect valuable informationaboutyou.Hawaii is not only predictable but who you are! Do not ask whatyoureally who.[... beats by what suits you? ]Hawaii is compared on the basis of statistical information.Just because a few days left meokjin Hawaii will spread outthesmartphone. ^^We compared the Hawaiian wait until you see a littlelifepattern.