Top 7 Apps Similar to 認養流浪動物

臺北市動物福利 1.3
本APP提供臺北市動物之家,以及臺北市流浪貓保護協會、臺北市愛兔協會、台灣動物協會、台灣愛貓協會與台灣防止虐待動物協會等5家民間動物保護團體最新、最即時的犬、貓及兔子之認養資訊與開放認養時間,讓市民可以在第一時間隨時隨地透過無線網路瀏覽可認養動物相片與提供認養動物健康與行為資訊,鼓勵民眾以認養代替購買,提昇動物被認養機會,早日找到一個溫暖的家。為因應市民飼養寵物數量增加,寵物失蹤協尋案件需求日增,每隻寵物都是主人心中的寶貝,當心愛的毛小孩走失,毛爸毛媽總是心急如焚,希望毛小孩趕快回到懷抱,寵物失蹤協尋App平台就在寵物主人的期待下誕生。臺北市動物保護處保留原有臺北市動物認養App功能,擴充寵物失蹤協尋功能,以促進動物福利為宗旨,故更名為臺北市動物福利App。The APP providesTaipeiAnimal House, as well as Taipei City Society for theProtection ofstray cats, rabbits love Taipei Association, theTaiwan AnimalSociety of Taiwan and the Taiwan Association cat RSPCAand otheranimal protection groups 5 Civil latest and most immediatedogs ,adopt a cat and a rabbit adoption of information and opentime, sothat the public can browse anywhere can adopt for the firsttimethrough a wireless network and provide a photo animaladoptionanimal health and behavior information to encourage peopleto adoptinstead of buying, lifting animals placed in fostercareopportunity, soon find a warm home.In response to the number of people keeping pets increased petgomissing cases increasing demand, per pet is master mind baby,whenthe beloved children lost hair, hair hair mom dad alwaysanxious, Ihope the hair quickly return to the embrace of thechild, Pets gomissing App Platform was born in the pet owner'sexpectations.Animal protection at Taipei in Taipei animal adoption Appretainthe original function, the expansion of pets go missingfeatures topromote animal welfare for the purpose, it was renamedthe AnimalWelfare App Taipei.
포인핸드 -유기동물 입양&실종동물 찾기(유기견,유기묘) 8.0.0
Hand point is the warm service that connects the stray animalsandpeople in shelters across the country.
Buddii寵物社群 2.1.2
Buddii寵物社群,與你精采紀錄寵物生活。透過手機,你可以方便的記錄及分享寵物生活,認識週遭的毛友,發現寵物相關店家。不僅如此,它和地圖整合,在寵物走失時依地理位置推播協尋,利用社群的力量給毛小孩們更多的保護,而且這一切完全免費,快來下載體驗看看吧!粉絲團:介紹頁: https://www.buddii.net主要特點:【記錄珍貴回憶】• 個人及寵物獨立牆面設計,清楚呈現專屬回憶【參加活動抽好禮】• 不定期舉辨徵圖活動,讓您記錄寵物生活又能抽好禮【寵物走失推播協尋】• 當用戶寵物走失,主動依地理位置推播走失資訊,以社群力量加速協尋【串接全台認養OpenData】• 每週更新全台40所認養中心資料,讓我們以認養代替購買【Buddii寵物相機強化】• 讓我們用更有趣的方式,一同記錄寵物生活【發現寵物店家】• 發現週圍商家,所有寵物服務一把捉【保護個人隱私】• 完整權限設定,保護個人隱私【跨平台服務】• 手機端網頁端全平台支援,輕鬆切換不設限【完全免費】• 免費下載,立即體驗Buddii pet community,andyour pet's life wonderful record.Your phone, you can easily record and share pet'slife,understanding friends around Mao, find pet-related stores. Notonlythat, it maps integration, according to the geographicallocationwhen lost pets Push Email Alerts, use the power of thecommunity toMao children more protection, but it all completelyfree, comedownload experience to see it!Fans: Page: https://www.buddii.netMain features:[Recording precious memories]• Personal and pet independent wall design, clearly showingtheexclusive memories[Participating] pumping Gifts• For irregular activities identified levy diagram, so youcanrecord live pet pumping Gifts[Pet lost Push Email Alerts]• When a user lost pet, take the initiative to push thelostinformation according to location, in order to force thecommunityto accelerate Email Alerts[Series] Taiwan adoption OpenData• Update adoption center in Taiwan 40 weekly data, let usadoptinstead of buying[Buddii pet camera strengthen]• Let a more interesting way, with records pets live[Find pet stores]• found around businesses, all pet service a catch[Protection of personal privacy]• Full access settings, protection of personal privacy[Cross-platform service]• Mobile end pages to end the whole platform support, easilyswitchdoes not set limits[FREE]• free download immediately experience
寵物管家 2.1.1
寵物管家是一套操作簡單並結合許多寵物資訊的APP;我們專注於適合飼主與毛小孩的APP一起分享給飼主們,飼主們除了可以互相交流以外,也可以透過我們其他功能來體驗更多的樂趣。※使用上如有任何問題,請先不要留言在評論區,請來信通知我們盡快回覆並努力解決。@連絡信箱:[email protected]@生活圈【寵物新聞】最新的寵物新聞【趣味影片】天天都有好心情【活動展覽】好康活動不錯過【動態分享】分享毛小孩的每一刻吧【店家查詢】店家資訊隨時找【寵物認養】全台寵物認養都在這【寵物協尋】熱心鄉民幫忙一起找吧【好物推薦】我們嚴選實用好物【藍芽追蹤】透過藍芽與防丟裝置,預防毛小孩走失【寵物相簿】記錄你的毛小孩的生活吧※臉書粉絲團*生活圈※官方的網站 Butler is asetofsimple and combined many pet information APP; we focus onfordogowners to share with hair child APP to owners who ownersareinaddition can interact with each other than to be withourotherfeatures to experience more fun.※ use on any questions, please do not leave amessageinthe comments section, please write to inform us as soonaspossibleand respond to efforts to resolve.@ Contact mail: [email protected] @livingarea[News] The latest pet pet news[Fun] movie good mood every day[Exhibitions] miss goodies activities[Dynamic] Share Share every moment ofitgrosschild[Stores] stores information queryalwaysfind[Taiwan] pet adoption pet adoption in this[Pet] Email Alerts enthusiastic villagers tohelpfindwith it[A good thing] we recommend carefullyselectedpracticalgood thing[Tracked] via Bluetooth and Bluetoothanti-lostdevices,lost child prevention hair[Album] Record your pet hair child life bar※ fans on Facebook* Living area※ official website
Pet Breeds - Find and Adopt
Pet Breeds is the best pet finder toolfordiscovering information about pets and finding adoptable dogsandcats near you!With over 1,000 dog and cat breeds in our data library, PetBreedshelps aspiring owners find and adopt the right breed.Enthusiasticpet owners will also enjoy learning more about theirpets! Findinformation about a breed's origin, lifespan,personality, health,size, cost of ownership, grooming, shedding,behavior with kids,and much more. Don't go home with the wrong petbreed. Readhundreds of pet reviews from our community of pet breedowners whoshare their experiences. Catch the latest pet breedstories andtrends.If you want to find and adopt a pet, you can search throughourportal of 35,000 adoption listings for dogs and cats. Our appisthe ultimate pet adoption finder. Listings can be filteredbylocation making it convenient to find and adopt pets in yourarea.Whether you are looking to find your next pet or desire tolearnmore about your current one, Pet Breeds pet finder makes iteasy toexplore and adopt every pet breed!★ Browse through high quality pet images.★ Compare dogs and cats based on personality, size,trainability,and more.★ Get info about owning a pet from estimated costs of ownershiptohealth concerns.★ Explore each breed's profile to find the right pet breedforyou.★ Review dogs or cats you have owned and share your experiencewithPet Breeds' growing community.★ See thousands of pet profiles to find your next pet to adopt!This app also contains a vast dry dog food database with morethan400 products! Search for dry dog food based on qualityofingredients, primary carbohydrate and proteinsources,breed-specific food, price, and more! Use our data to helpmake theright nutritional decisions for your dog.★ Utilize our Smart Rating to help you choose the best drydogfood.★ Sort by price to find affordable options.★ View the five main ingredients and percentages for crudefat,crude protein, crude fiber, and moisture.This pet finder app is developed and optimized for Android, thisappwill give you pets knowledge wherever you go! Content isgearedtoward users within the United States. Data is
퍼피랑키티랑 - 애견수첩/애묘수첩, 반려동물 필수앱 2.1.0
1. 애견/애묘수첩 대체A. 퍼피랑키티랑은 기존 종이로 된 애견/애묘수첩을 완벽히 대체가능합니다.B. 미용은 과거이력이 사진으로 보관되므로, 미용한 시기를 알 수 있고, 미용 전후 모습을 사진으로확인할 수 있습니다.C. 우리아이들에 관련된 일기, 목욕한 날짜, 산책을 기록할 수 있습니다.D. 산책은 산책한 날은 물론이고, 산책한 시간, 거리를 기록해줄뿐만 아니라, 산책한 경로를 지도에표시해주어서효과적이고 체계적인 산책이 가능하게 해줍니다.2. 커뮤니티A. 커뮤니티를 통해서 다른 보호자와 기쁘거나 슬픈일등을 소통 할 수 있는 공간을 제공합니다.공감이 가는 보호자들분들과 팔로잉, 팔로워들 통해서 반려동물의 새로운 문화를 창출 해 나가는 것을지향합니다.B. 아이를 잃어버리거나 주인잃은 반려동물을 보호하고 있을 때는 미아신고/보호중게시판에 글을 올리면 주변에있는 서비스가입자에게 바로 메시지전송을 해줍니다. 빠르게 주변사람들에게 전송이 되기 때문에잃어버린 아이를 찾을 확률이 높아집니다.3.다양한 정보습득A. 반려동물 이야기i. 각종 매체에 소개된 반려동물들의 이야기를 소개합니다. 때로는 재밌고, 때로는 기쁘고, 슬픈 이야기들을보실수 있습니다.B. 반려동물 상식i. 우리가 미처 몰랐던 반려동물에 대한 상식을 수의사님들께서 직접 정리해서 알려주시는 공간입니다.4. 온라인 쇼핑몰A. 각종 반려동물 용품들을 온라인으로 쉽게 구입하실 수 있습니다.5. NFC 인식표NFC 인식표는 유기방지를 위한 인식표입니다. 내장된 NFC칩에 담긴 반려동물의 정보를스마트폰(NFC가가능한)으로 확인할 수 있습니다. 퍼피랑키티랑 NFC인식표는 타 업체의 NFC인식표와 달리 단순 반려동물의 정보만불러오는 것이 아니라, 보호자의 스마트폰과 연동되어(사실 보호자가 보호자의 반려동물정보를 볼 필요가 없기때문에, 평상시에는 거의 사용할 일이 없죠^^) 다양한 서비스를 제공합니다.A. 산책기능반려동물이 외부로 산책시 스마트폰과 연동되어 산책한 시간, 거리, 보호자 칼로리소모량, 산책한 경로를 지도에표시되어 한눈에 산책한 내용을 알 수 있습니다. 뿐만 아니라, 산책한 날짜가 모두 스마트폰에 저장이 되기때문에관리하기 쉽게 해줍니다.B. 더불어 자주사용하는 퍼피랑키티랑서비스를 바로 연동할 수 있게 인식표를 스마트폰에 태깅(접촉)하면 편리하게퍼피랑키티랑서비스를 이용하실 수 있습니다.또한 NFC 인식표로 가까운 동물병원에서 반려동물등록을 하실 수 있습니다.1. Dog / notebook replacement aemyo  A. It Trang Trang Puppy Kitty can completely replacethepet / aemyo notebook to an existing piece of paper.  B. Because beauty is past history are kept inthepicture, it can be seen when one cosmetic, cosmeticappearancebefore and after photos      You can check.  C. We can record a diary, bath one day, walkingrelatingto children.  D. Walk is a walk one day and, of course, walk anhour,as well as giving that will record the distance, walking apathmarked on the map      This enables efficientandorganized walks.2. The Community  A. It provides a space for you to communicate withothercaregivers glad or sad first place through thecommunity.      That sympathy goes out tocreatea new culture of pet guardians by the people andfollowing,followers      Oriented.  B. Increasing the article when protecting your petislost or have lost a child to report the owner of the lost/protection board around      Which allows subscriberstodirectly send messages. Since the rapid transportpeoplearound      This increases theprobabilityto find a lost child.3. acquire various information  A. pet story     i. It introduces the story ofthecompanion animals introduced in various media. Sometimesfunny,sometimes joyful, find the sad story        You can.  B. pets knowledge     i. Micheo gives us the space wedidnot know to organize your common sense about yourpet'sveterinarian deulkkeseo directly.4. Online Store  A. You can easily purchase various onlinepetsupplies.5. NFC identification tagsNFC is a dog tag dog tag for organic protection. Smartphoneinformation of the companion animal contained in the built-inNFCchip (NFC is available)You can check in. Trang Trang NFC Kitty Puppy dog ​​taginformationis only a simple identification tags for pets, unlikeother vendorsNFCRather than loading, it paired with a smartphone Guardian(Guardianfact that there is no need to see the information of thepetguardianTherefore, there's not my normal use almost ^^) it offers avarietyof services.  A. Walk features      A pet is linked to smartphonesto the outside when walking walking time, distance,caloriesburned, guardian, walking path on the map      It is displayed so that youcansee at a glance what a walk. In addition, all walking adate,because your smartphone stores      It makes it easiertomanage.  B. In addition to the common ditch Puppy Withtagging(contact) the identification tags on your smartphone, sotheservice can be immediately linked to Kitty ditchconvenient       You can use thePuppyKitty Trang Trang services.       You can also registeryourpet from your local animal hospital identification tagsNFC.