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95 Egg Recipes 1.2
95 Tempting and Delicious Egg Recipes!App Features:• 90+ Delicious Egg Recipes!• Search box• Easy Browsing• Share Via Email• Favorites functionality• Change font size functionality• Universal App works almost will all Android Phones & TabsThe App includes the following Egg Recipes:* To Preserve Eggs : Egging and Crumbling* Shirred Eggs : Mexicana : On a Plate : de Lesseps:Meyerbeer* a la Reine : au Miroir : a la Paysanne : a laTrinidad:Rossini* Baked in Tomato Sauce : a la Martin : a la Valenciennes :Fillets:a la Suisse* with Nut-Brown Butter : Timbales : Coquelicot : Suzette:enCocotte* Steamed in the Shell : Bird's Nests : Eggs en Panade :EggPudding: a la Bonne Femme* To Poach Eggs : Eggs Mirabeau : Norwegian :Prescourt:Courtland* Louisiana : Richmond : Hungarian : Nova Scotia : Lakme* Malikoff : Virginia : Japanese : a la Windsor* Poached on Fried Tomatoes : a la Finnois : a la Gretina:aL'Imperative : with Chestnuts* a la Regence : a La Livingstone : Mornay : Zanzibar : MonteBello:a la Bourbon* Bernaise : a la Rorer : Benedict : To Hard-Boil : Creole* Curried : Beauregard : Lafayatte : Jefferson : Washington:auGratin* Deviled : a la Tripe : a l'Aurore : a la Dauphin :alaBennett* Bouilli : Scalloped : Farci : Balls : Deviled Salad* Japanese Hard : en Marinade : a la Polonnaise : a la Hyde :alaVinaigrette* a la Russe : Lyonnaise : Croquettes : Chops :PlainScrambled* Scrambled with Chipped Beef : Scrambled with Lettuce:Schrambledwith Shrimps : with Fresh Tomatoes* with Rice and Tomato : with Asparagus Tips : Egg FlipOmelets:* with Asparagus Tips : with Green Peas : Havana :withTomatoSauce : with Oysters* with Sweetbreads : with Tomatoes : with Cheese :withFineHerbs* Spanish : Jardiniere : with Fresh Mushrooms : O'Brien:withPotatoesSweet Omelets:* Omelet a la Washington : with Rum : Swiss Souffle :alaDuchesse : SouffleEgg Recipe LinksDownload it Now!