Top 19 Apps Similar to Queen Biz Dakar

Découvrez en exclusivité l'applicationdel'album Retaan de Viviane Chidid.Voici les titres disponibles :-DEMB-SIGUIL-RETAAN-HYMN-NAXMA-NAXMAACOUSDiscover theexclusiveapplication of the album Retaan Viviane Chidid.Here are the titles available:-DEMB-SIGUIL-RETAAN-HYMN-NAXMA-NAXMAACOUS
ArtistSignal 1.2.1
ArtistSignal is a free social musicplatformallowing listeners to vote for a Top Artist each month. Wegive theTop Artist at the end of the month $10,000. This allowslistenersto propel talented artists to the top of our platform andgivesartists an entirely new avenue to grow their fan base.Another $5,000 is split between all remaining artists basedonthe amount of votes they receive during the month (excluding the#1artist). Voters can earn rewards directly from artists too justbyvoting!Incredible exposure for emerging artists and a constant influxofnew listeners is waiting here. A new music experience hasarrived.Start voting for your favorite artists today!- Discover Emerging Artists- Vote for Your Favorite Artists- Listen to New MusicLove ArtistSignal?Like us on Facebook us on Twitter @artistsignal
Listen live Senegal's news worldwide with the RFM 94.0
Avec Ivoirmix la Musique d’Afrique vibreavecvous partout.Une excellente application pour écouter et téléchargergratuitementde la musique libre depuis votre smartphone, tablettenumérique oun'importe quel dispositif fonctionnant avecandroid.With Ivoirmix MusicAfricavibrates with you everywhere.An excellent application to listen and download free music fromyoursmartphone, tablet computer or any device runningandroid.
Lino Versace 1.401
Avec l'application officielle deLinoVersacesuivez toute son actualité:- retrouvez toutes les informations concernant sesconcerts(lesdates et l'itinéraire pour vous y rendre)- Regardez les dernières photos et vidéos- Ecoutez les derniers sons de Lino Versacedepuisvotretéléphone.- Partagez vos informations sur Twitter, Facebooketparcourriel.- Recevez des alertes à chaque fois que l'actualité deLinoVersacechange.Restez en contact avec Lino Versace et ne manquez aucundesesévénementsLino Versace de son vrai nom Alain Yoro est unchanteurivoiriens'inscrivant dans le style Coupé-décalé, originairedeSakassou, ilest l'un des membres primaires de la JetSet crééeparDoukSaga.Lino Versace, qui dit s'appeler aujourd'huiSoundjataSoumangourou,forme un groupe avec Boro Sanguy. Au cours desacarrière, il estpassé dans des émissions sur MTV et Canal+pourpromouvoir lemouvement coupé-décalé et un concept appelé le«Zulunayo ». LinoVersace a sorti son 1er album intitulé Faimderécréation en2008.Withtheofficialapplication Lino Versace follow all the latestnews:- Find all the information about his concerts (dates anditinerarytoget there)- Watch the latest photos and videos- Listen to the latest sounds Lino Versace from your phone.- Share information on Twitter, Facebook and email.- Receive alerts whenever news Lino Versace exchange.Keep in touch with Lino Versace and do not miss any of his eventsLino Versace real name Alain Yoro is an Ivoriansingerenrollingin the original Sakassou Coupé-quirky style, it isone oftheprimary members of the JetSet created by Douk Saga.Lino Versace, who says his name today Sundiata Soumangourou,formagroup with Boro Sanguy. During his career, he went on showsonMTVand Canal + to promote cut-lagged movement and aconceptcalled"Zulunayo." Lino Versace released their first albumentitledHungerrecreation in 2008.
Daara J Family 4.5.3
Créé en 1992 par Faada Freddy etN'DongoD,Daara J deviendra au fil des ans Daara J Family etsortiratrèsrapidement des frontières de son Sénégal originel pours'enallerporter sa culture autant empreinte desinfluencestraditionnellesafricaines que du hip hop et de la soulaux quatrecoins de laplanète. Un millier de concerts dont despremièresparties pourWyclef Jean, Mos Def ou Peter Gabriel maisaussi pourLes RitaMitsouko, pour Zebda et pour Ayo les conduirontdans lesplusprestigieux festivals de l'hexagone tandis queleursalbumsconnaîtront un véritable succès populaire, le troisièmeparuen2003 s'adjugeant même le BBC World Award duMeilleurAlbumAfricain.Du hip hop de très bonne facture, du reggae travaillé avecleplusgrand soin, quelques mélanges de funk, de ballades etdemélodieshypnotiques, un flow tantôt bouillonnant, tantôtpresquevindicatif,tantôt beaucoup plus festif, des arrangementsfouilléset des rythmesà chaque instant renouvelés, rien n'a étélaissé auhasard sur unépatant « School Of Life » avant dernieropus sortien 2010.En 2016 sort Foundation, le nouveau projet musicaldeDAARAJFAMILY. Il est la suite de «school of life», comporteplusd’unedizaine de titre et se caractérise par desstylesmusicauxdifférents et modernes.Pourquoi Fondation ?Parce que L’homme est toujours «en chantier» sansoublierlesexpèriences auxquelles il fait face de la naissanceà la mort, il doit toujours apprendre mais aussiavancer,créer,faire des erreurs, se rattraper et enfin trouversavoie.Avec des titres comme «African Mousso, The RealRevolution,BAAG,Call my name, Dem ARDO, Xeet, Def lou nice etc» lesdeuxartistes ylancent un appel à la jeunesse pour qu’elle retourneà lasourceencore davantage et qu’elle soit debout et plus forteface àsonavenir. Il est temps de bâtir !!!Avec cette application suivez toute l'actualité du GroupeDaaraJFamily- retrouvez toutes les informations concernant lesconcerts(lesdates et l'itinéraire pour vous y rendre) et lesnewsduGroupe.- Regardez les dernières photos et vidéos- Ecoutez les chansons de Daara J Familydepuisvotretéléphone.- Partagez vos informations sur Twitter, Facebooketparcourriel.- Recevez les alertes à chaque fois que l'actualitéduGroupechange.Restez en contact avec Daara J Family et ne manquezaucundesévènements du GroupeEstablished in1992byFaada Freddy and N'Dongo D, Daara J become over the yearsDaaraJFamily and will be released very soon borders ofitsoriginalSenegal to go bring his culture as much footprintoftraditionalAfrican influences of hip hop and soul to everycornerof theplanet. A thousand concerts with the first parts forWyclefJean,Mos Def or Peter Gabriel but for Les Rita Mitsouko forZebdaandAyo to lead them in the most prestigious festivals ofthehexagonwhile their albums will experience a genuinepopularsuccess, thethird appeared in 2003 even winning the BBCWorld Awardfor BestAlbum African.Hip hop very well made, reggae worked with great care,someblendsfunk, ballads and hypnotic melodies, a flowsometimesbubbling,sometimes almost vindictive, sometimes morefestive,elaborateordering and rhythms renewed every moment,nothing hasbeen left tochance on an amazing "School of Life"before lastalbum released in2010.2016 Foundation fate, the new musical project of DAARAJFAMILY.Itis the sequel to "school of life", has more than tentitle andischaracterized by different and modern musicalstyles.Why Foundation?Because the man is still "in progress" withoutforgettingtheexperiences he faces from birthto death, he must always learn but also move, create,makemistakes,catch up and finally find its way.With titles like "African Mousso, The Real Revolution, BAAG,Callmyname, Dem ARDO Xeet, Def lou nice etc" the two artistswilllaunchan appeal to the youth to return to the source andthatfurther itis standing and stronger face his future. It is timetobuild!!!With this application follow all the news group DaaraJFamily- Find all the information about concerts (dates anditinerarytoget there) and Group news.- Watch the latest photos and videos- Play the songs on Daara J Family from your phone.- Share information on Twitter, Facebook and email.- Receive alerts whenever the Group exchange of news.Stay in touch with Daara J Family and not miss any oftheGroup'sevents
DJ Flaiva
Brought to you by djflaiva.comDOWNLOAD the "DJ FLAIVA" app FREE now!Listen to FREE streaming MIXES & MUSIC right fromyourmobiledevice.Watch videos from you mobile deviceUpdated weekly with new mixes, upcoming events & more.Stay connected with the hottest parties and venues.Download the app now For FREE!
dakarmusique 4.1.2
Music Radio is the first DakarSenegalesemusical webradio on canvas. We want through this radio topromoteSenegalese music across all genres: Modern, TraditionalandSpiritual.La radio Dakar Musique est la première webradiomusicalesénégalaise sur la toile. Nous voulons à travers cetteradio fairela promotion de la musique sénégalaise à travers tousses genresmusicaux : Moderne, Traditionnelle et Spirituelle.
Afrobeat Love - African music 2.2.7
Afrobeat will let you know as soon as a new african music hitisreleased !
اغاني اوراس ستار 2017 1.4
اوراس ستارالمواليد:29\7\1981كانت بدايته اغاني 1991 ابد الغناء بعامالاطفال والبرامج باغنيه ندور ندور واغنية شوف شوفتعاون مع كبار الملحنين و الشعراء امثالالشاعر الكبير كريم العراقي و ضياء الميالي و طالب السودانيوعلي العتابي و حسين الشريفي و سعد جبير و حامد الغرباويوعليالفريداويوالملحنين جعفر الخفاف و طالب القرغلي و ضياء الدين و علي بدرو ماهر احمد و وناصر الحربي وبعدها بدا يلحن اغانيه بنفسهاكمل دراسته في معهد الفنون الجميلة وحصل على شهادة دبلومصور اغنيه مغرور بجمالك وهي من كلمات الشاعر طالب السوادنيوالحان علي بدر وبعدها وصور اغنيه بمبوني وهي من كلمات سعد جبيروالحان اوراس بنفسه وبعدها صور اغنيه ليش تبجي الحلوة من كلماتسعد جبير والحان اوراس بنفسهاغاني اوراس ستار 2017" احاول انسى حبك"," روحي بيك"," دفتر قديم"," الحب تغير حالة"," والله ما ناسيك"," اوف ياحضنك"," واحد واحد"," اختاريت غيري"," تورط",اغاني اوراس ستار حبي وحنانياغاني اوراس ستار جديداغاني اوراس ستار2016اغاني اوراس ستار 2017اغاني اوراس ستار الجديدهاغاني اوراس ستار دفتر قديماغاني اوراس ستار اعلن التوبةاغاني اوراس ستار تورطاغاني اوراس ستاراغاني اوراس ستار اوف ياحضنكاغاني اوراس ستار ياعمرياغنية اوراس ستار ياعمري وحياتياغنية اوراس ستار يا اسمراغنية اوراس ستار ياكلبي انساهااغنية اوراس ستار ياكلبي بطلاغنية اوراس ستار يا سفانةاغنية اوراس ستار يا زيناغاني اوراس ستار ترف يازيناغاني اوراس ستار والله ماناسيكاغاني اوراس ستار واحد واحداغاني اوراس ستار ولك ياكلبي بطلاغاني اوراس ستار ولك ياكلبياغاني اوراس ستار وماهر احمداغاني اوراس ستار وين طالعاغنية اوراس ستار ولك ياكلبي بطلاغنية اوراس ستار وماهر احمد انسان ثانياغنية اوراس ستار وين طالعاغنية اوراس ستار وماهر احمد انسان ثاني mp3كلمات مفتاحية للوصول إلى التطبيق :أغاني شعبيةأغاني حزينةأغاني جديدةأغاني يمنيةاغاني يونانيةاغاني وطنيةاغاني هنديةاغاني هادئةاغاني مغربيةأغاني مصريةاغاني ليبيةاغاني لبنانيةاغاني شعبية مغربيةاغاني امازيغيةاغاني دينيةأغاني ظفارية وطنيةأغاني ظفارية شعبيةأغاني ظفارية عمانيةأشهر الفنانين والفنانات العرب♫ حسام جنيد Hussam Janid♫ حسين الديك Hussain El Dik♫ وفيق حبيب Wafiq Habib♫ علي الديك Ali El Dik♫ عمار الديك Ammar El Dik♫ مجد القاسم Majd El Qassim♫ رويدا عطية Ruwayda Atiya♫ فهد بلان Fahd blan♫ تامر حسني Tamer Hosny♫ شيرين عبد الوهاب Sherine Abdel Wahhab♫ اليسا Elissa♫ وائل كفوري Wael Kfoury♫ وائل جسار Wael Jassar♫ نانسي عجرم Nancy Ajram♫ حسين الجسمي Hussein Al jasmi♫ هيفاء وهبي Haifa Wehbe♫ كاظم الساهر Kathem Saher♫ وليد الشامي Waleed Alshami♫ محمد السالم Mohammad Al Salem♫ حاتم العراقي Hatem Al Iraqi♫ هاني شاكر Hany ShakerOras Star Births: 29 \ 7 \ 1981 Music was his debut in 1991 singing the year must Kids and programs N'Dour N'Dour song and songShoufShouf Cooperation with top composers and poets such as The great poet Karim Al Iraqi and Zia, anddemandedtheSudanese Mayali Zebra and Ali and Hussein Sharifi and Saadal-JubairandGharbaoui Hamid and Ali Alfredaoa And composers Jaafar pumice and demanded AlqrglaandDiaaEddin, the Badr And Maher Ahmad and Nasser Al Harbi andthenlookedmispronounces his songs himself He finished his studies at the Institute of FineArtsandearned a diploma Photos song beauty cocky, one of the words of thepoetdemandedAlsoadenei And composed by Ali Badr and after pictures song Bembonaitiswritten by Saad al-Jubair Oras and composed himself and after pictures LechTbjeesweetsong lyrics Saad al-Jubair and composed himself OrasMusic Oras Star 2017"I try to forget love,""My soul Beck""Old Book""Love the case of change,""God, what Nasik""Of Aahoudnk"" one by one","Akhtarit others,"" Involvement",Music Oras guise of love and HananiOras New Music StarMusic Oras Star 2016Music Oras Star 2017Music Oras New StarMusic Oras Star Old BookMusic Oras Star announced repentanceMusic Oras Star involvementMusic Oras StarMusic Oras Star Of AahoudnkMusic Oras Star AaamraSong Oras Star Aaamra and my lifeSong Oras Star O CaucasionSong Oras Star Aakalpa forgetSong Oras Star Aakalpa championSong Oras Star O SofanaSong Oras Star Ya ZeinMusic Oras Star Luxury YazenMusic Oras Star and God ManasekMusic Oras Star One OneMusic Oras Star yours Aakalpa championMusic Oras Star yours AakalpaMusic Oras Star and Ahmed MaherMusic Oras Star Wayne SeeSong Oras Star yours Aakalpa championOras Star Song and Ahmed Maher second manSong Oras Star Wayne SeeOras Star Song and Ahmed Maher second man mp3Keywords for access to the application:Folk songsSad songsnew songsYemeni songsGreek songsNational songsIndian songsRelaxing MusicMoroccan songsEgyptian songsLibyan MusicLebanese MusicMusic popular MoroccanAmazigh Musicreligious songsSongs Zvarah nationalZvarah popular songsOmani songs ZvarahMonths artists Arabs♫ Junaid Hussam Hussam Janid♫ Hussein cock Hussain El Dik♫ Wafiq Wafiq Habib Habib♫ Ali Al Deek Ali El Dik♫ Ammar Ammar El Dik Dik♫ glory denominator Majd El Qassim♫ Rueda Attia Ruwayda Atiya♫ Fahd Ballan Fahd blan♫ Tamer Tamer Hosny♫ Sherine Abdel Wahab Sherine Abdel Wahhab♫ Elissa Elissa♫ Wael Kfoury Wael Kfoury♫ Wael Jassar Wael Jassar♫ Nancy Ajram Nancy Ajram♫ physical Hussein Hussein Al jasmi♫ Haifa Wehbe Haifa Wehbe♫ Saher Kathem Saher♫ Walid al-Shami Waleed Alshami♫ Mohammed Salem Al-Mohammad Al Salem♫ Iraqi Hatem Hatem Al Iraqi♫ Hani Shaker Hany Shaker
Dakar En Vivo 2.0
MusikBi 1.1.1
Cette application vous permet d'écouterenStreaming et de télécharger le meilleur de lamusiqueAfricaine,mais aussi internationale. Vous pouvez ainsiprofiter devoschansons préférées, lorsque vous n'êtes pasconnectés, aveclelecteur intégré ou celui de votre choix.This applicationallowsyouto listen in streaming and download the best of Africanmusic,butalso international. You can enjoy your favorite songswhen youarenot connected with the embedded player or one ofyourchoice.
NRG Player Carbo Skin carbo_1.6.3
NRG Software
Theme for free music player NRG Player
Walabok 1.0
Découvrez les meilleurs artistes et nouveautés du Hip hopsénégalais---------------------------------- L'application deWalabok estréalisée via Radio King
Sénégal Live Radio 1.5.2
Sénégal Live Radio is anapplicationthatgathers all the most popular Internet radio stationsof Sénégal,radios of différent genres gathered in this applicationlikemusicstations , news, classical , information, andentertainment aswellas many other popular genres and styles.Several features make the strength of SénégalLiveRadioapplication:- Listening in the background allowing you toperformotheractivities while listening to your favorite radiostation.- The ergonomics of the interface that allows you to clicktoselectthe station you want or change stations quickly.- The continuous updating of the list of stations willensureabetter quality and responsiveness to resolve anyproblems.Radios are as following :- Radio Sénégal- RFI Afrique- Africa N°1- Radio Matam FM- Radio Tamba FM- Radio Saint-Louis FM- Radio Thies FM- Galsen web Radiiio- Djidda-FM Bakel- Zik FM Dakar- Radio AlFayda Kaolack- Radio AlMadina Dakar- Sud FM 98.5 Dakar- Sama Radio Dakar- Radio Pikine Diaspora- Radio Pikine- Radio Pik-caam- AlloDakar Radio TamTamPlease note this application and leave us yourcommentsandsuggestions.
Découvrez l'application officielle deMaîtreGims à l'occasion de la sortie de l'album SUBLIMINAL - LAFACECACHEE.Retrouvez toute la musique, les clip, les dernières news,desexclus...Discover theofficialapplication Master Gims on the occasion of the release ofthe albumSUBLIMINAL - THE FACE DOWN.Find all the music, videos, the latest news, excluded ...
ZIK FM RADIO 89.7 2.2
ZIK FM est la 1ère radio au Sénégal Urbaine au Sénégal 1-Vouspouvez écouter en live la station préférée des Sénégalais 2-Vouspouvez réécouter en podcast les émissions (Teuss, etc.)
Senegal Radio Stations 3.0.0
Free access to Senegal Music and News Radio Stations.
African music 2.8
AFROVIBES is the first androidapplicationthatstreams only african music as azonto,coupé-decalé,makossa,bikutsi, mdombolo and other african rhythms.It was thinkedforpeople around the world, who love african music.The firstfreeversion of the application has a playler and a oneplaylist.Theplaylist is updated dynamically at each new startup andtheplayerdispose the following fonctionalities:- play / pause- repeat- shuffle- next/previous- backward/forward (seekbar)However, a connection to the internet is requiredfortheapplication.