Top 19 Apps Similar to Plaza Cafe

PLAZA – Mall APP 1.1
A must-have, dual language(Spanish/English)smartphone APP for the thousands of visitors thatshop at PLAZA LASAMERICAS on a daily basis. There's no better wayto maximize yourshopping experience, whether at home or in themall. Download thePLAZA - Mall APP today and start navigating theshopping center.Check out the latest deals, news and events; findstores, diningand entertainment options including movie shows;connect with themall on Facebook, or simply set yourself a reminderof where youparked. With the APP take PLAZA with you wherever yougo.
C.C. Plaza de la Estación 1.0
Accede a todos los servicios del C.C. Plazadela Estación desde tu ANDROID* ​Noticias y eventos* Novedades* Promociones* ​Horario y fechas de apertura* Directorio de tiendas* Buscador de servicios* Información de tiendas y restaurantes* Nuevas aperturas* Planos del centro* Descuentos.Access all servicesS.C.Station Square from your Android* News & Events* New* Promotions* Times and opening dates* Store Directory* Search services* Information of shops and restaurants* New openings* Plans center* Discounts.
São Bernardo Plaza Shopping
App São Bernardo Plaza Shopping, ease and comfort for yourmomentshere.
婚紗展 | Wedding Plaza 1.2
Plaza Cuernavaca 1.1
La aplicación del Centro ComercialPlazaCuernavaca, te muestra como llegar a la tienda deseada ytemantendrá al tanto de los eventos, actividades y promocionesquehay en Plaza Cuernavaca desde tu smarthphone.Para usar la sección de mapas, solo basta con identificar latiendamás cercana a tu ubicación, buscar su nombre en la app y latiendaa la que deseas llegar, solo basta con seguir la lineaamarilla yllegaras a tu destino.The applicationofCuernavaca Plaza Shopping Center, shows you how to get tothedesired store and will keep you abreast of events, activitiesandpromotions that there are at Plaza Cuernavaca fromyourSmartphone.To use the maps section, just enough to identify the neareststoreto your location, search your name in the app store to whichyouwant to reach, just simply follow the yellow line and you'llcometo your destination.
D´Plaza 1.1.2
D´PLAZA es una App Móvil de búsqueda para la ciudad deMérida,Yucatán, que cuenta con 6 secciones principales: Plazas,Comercios,Locales, Restaurantes, Promociones y Eventos. Cadasección sedivide en diferentes categorías con el fin de hacerte másfácil yrápida la búsqueda de la plaza, negocio o servicio querequieres.En la sección de Plazas y Locales, podrás buscar y ubicarcadaplaza comercial de la ciudad de Mérida por zona: Norte, OrienteyPoniente. Así tendrás a la mano la mejor forma de llegar a laplazaque buscas desde donde te encuentres, así como todos losserviciosque presta, los locatarios que tiene y los datos de quienopera laplaza por si estas interesado en alguna información enparticular órentar un local para poner algún negocio ó servicio,tendrás todoslos datos referentes al local y requisitos quesolicitan loslocatarios para rentarlo, al igual de los locales queestaránpróximamente disponibles. En la sección de Comercios podrásbuscary ubicar directamente con el nombre del lugar que buscas, yteindicaremos la mejor ruta para llegar desde donde teencuentres,los comercios los clasificaremos por Negocios, ServiciosyDiversión. En Negocios encontraras tiendas de ropa,electrónica,zapatos, artículos deportivos, pastelerías, farmacias,y todo loque sea venta de un bien; En Servicios encontraras salonesdebelleza, salud, banquetes, gimnasios, veterinarias y todonegocioque ofrezca un servicio. En Diversión encontrarasbares,discotecas, salas de eventos, cafeterías y todo negociodondepuedas pasar un rato divertido. En la sección deRestaurantespodrás buscar por el tipo de comida, geolocalizar asítendrás a lamano la mejor forma de llegar al lugar que buscas desdedonde teencuentres, toda la información del restaurante como sumenú,horarios, formas de pago, y que servicios te ofrece a parte.En lasección de Promociones y Eventos te podrás enterar yparticipar através de envíos de alertas y notificaciones en tiemporeal de lasofertas y eventos exclusivos, que tienen las plazas,restaurantes,comercios o negocios para ti.
English Plaza Pharm 4.00
With the official English PlazaPharmacyAndroidapp, you can order your refill prescriptions fromyourAndroidsmartphone. Simply enter your prescription number,firstand lastname, and phone number - then click the refillbutton. Andto saveyour personal information for easier use eachtime you wantto refilla prescription, you can create a userprofile using asecure login.There is no charge to download the app.
Plaza Bingo 1.399 Apps
Bingo is a fun and excitingformofentertainment. At Plaza Bingo, thousands of dollars inprizesaregiven away every day. We offer traditional paper bingo(markedwithdaubers), as well as computer bingo. Exciting pull-tabgamesandelectronic gaming machines are also available.Use our app to:- See our monthly specials- See upcoming events- Get updates via push notifications- Post on our fan wall- Send in a photo of you playing bingo- Connect through social media- and much more!
Ventura Plaza 1.2
Usa Apps
Nuestra App Ventura Plaza está diseñadaparaprestarles a todos nuestros clientes un mejor servicio ensuSmartphone con toda la información de interés acerca denuestroCentro Comercial.Encuentra la información de todas nuestras tiendas,almacenes,restaurantes y mantente al tanto de nuestros eventos,redessociales y cartelera de cine.Además ponemos en tu bolsillo nuevas alternativas para quenoscontactes.Our App Ventura Plazaisdesigned to lend to all our customers better service onyoursmartphone with all the information of interest about our Mall.Find information from all our stores, warehouses, restaurantsandstay tuned for our events, social networking and movielistings.We also put in your pocket you new alternatives for youcontactus.
La Terrasse du Plaza 1.9.4
La Noosphere
On mange quoi aujourd'hui ?L'application "La Terrasse du Plaza" est unepetiterévolutionpour votre confort au quotidien. En effet, recevezouconsulteztoutes les informations quotidiennes du restaurant situéàNice,avenue de Verdun.Contenu de l'application :- Les plats, formules et suggestions dujour(notificationsPush)- La carte, les menus- Les galeries photos & vidéos- La présentation du restaurant- Les événements (notifications Push) avec possibilitéd'ajouteràson agenda- La géolocalisation avec itinéraire- Les coordonnées (tél, mail...)- Le partage Facebook et Twitter- Le partage par sms et par mailLa Terrasse du Plaza...Un Restaurant avec vue panoramique sur la Baie des Angessituéausommet du Boscolo Hôtel Plaza qui bénéficie ainsid'unemplacementexceptionnel. Face au Vieux Nice et à la PromenadedesAnglais,proche des rues piétonnes aux boutiques de prestige.Un lieu unique pour se détendre…« La Terrasse du Plaza » avec sa vue panoramiquevousferontdécouvrir une cuisine fraîche et authentique àmi-cheminentrel’Italie et la Provence.Et pour vos soirées, le Plaz’Art Kafé est unloungebaralternatif, lieu de rencontre pour les amateurs d’art.Signes particuliers ? Soirées à thèmes, live musicetexpositionsartistiques, dans une ambiance enivrante,mystérieuseetchaleureuse…Habitué(e)s ou tout simplement de passage sur laCôted'Azur,l'application du restaurant "La Terrasse du Plaza"vousoffre mêmela possibilité de faire votre choix avant de vousyrendre...De quoi vous ouvrir l'appétit !What you eat today?The application "The Terrace Plaza" is a small revolutionforyoureveryday comfort. Indeed, receive or see all the dailynewsofrestaurant in Nice, avenue de Verdun.Contents of the application:- Dishes, formulas and suggestions of theday(pushnotifications)- The map, menus- Photo galleries and videos- The presentation of the restaurant- Events (push notifications) with the possibility to addtoitsagenda- Geolocation with itinerary- Contact details (phone, mail ...)- Sharing Facebook and Twitter- Sharing via SMS and emailThe Terrace Plaza ...Restaurant with a panoramic view over the Baie des Angesatthetop of the Boscolo Hotel Plaza, which benefits fromanexceptionallocation. Opposite the Old Nice and the PromenadedesAnglais, thepedestrian shopping for prestige.A unique place to relax ..."The Terrace Plaza" with its panoramic view you willdiscoverfreshcuisine and authentic midway between Italy andProvence.And for your evenings, Plaz'art Kafé is a loungebaralternativemeeting place for art lovers.Distinguishing features? Theme nights, live musicandartexhibitions in a heady atmosphere, mysterious and warm...Accustomed (s) or simply passing on the Côted'Azur,theapplication of the restaurant "La Terrasse du Plaza"offers youcaneven make your choice before you get there ...What whet your appetite!
Sunshine Plaza Riverwalk 2.5.1
The Sunshine Plaza Riverwalk Rewardsapp.Riverwalk Rewards is the exciting new way to be rewarded atSunshinePlaza. It's so easy to earn points and get rewards - andbest ofall, it's FREE!THE SUNSHINE PLAZA RIVERWALK REWARDS APP FEATURES- Special offers & promotions- Upcoming news & events- Facebook check in, integration & sharing- Restaurants' information and menus- Photo sharing- Cinema listingsThe Sunshine Plaza Riverwalk Rewards app is brought to youbyVenueApp. We welcome feedback and ideas, [email protected].
A must-have, dual language(Spanish/English)smartphone APP for the thousands of visitors thatshop at PLAZA DELCARIBE on a daily basis. There's no better way tomaximize yourshopping experience, whether at home or in the mall.Download thePLAZA DEL CARIBE APP today and start navigating theshoppingcenter. Check out the latest deals, news and events; findstores,dining and entertainment options including movie shows;connectwith the mall on Facebook, or simply set yourself a reminderofwhere you parked. With the APP take PLAZA DEL CARIBE withyouwherever you go.
Plaza 100 1.0
En nuestra App encontrarás laúltimainformación de nuestro centro comercial en la palma de tumano. Entodo momento y en todo lugar. Aprovecha las promocionesespecialesque te ofreceremos, entérate de nuestros eventos, showsde moda,entretenimiento y más. Conoce nuestra tiendas,ubicación,restaurantes, noticias y últimas novedades. Descarga estaútil Appy distínguete.In our app you willfindthe latest information on our mall in the palm of your hand. Atalltimes and in all places. Take advantage of special promotionsthatyou offer, learn about our events, fashion shows, entertainmentandmore. Meet our stores, location, restaurants, news andlatestdevelopments. Download this useful app and yourselfapart.
Plaza Mayor 5.0
Welcome to Plaza Mayor.Plaza Mayor makes available to its visitors, the largest andmostcomplete offer in entertainment and fashion.Plaza Mayor has at its disposal a large number of shopsandrestaurants, 20 cinemas, family areas and events, making itthebest destination to shop, dine and enjoy the ProvinceofMálaga.This free app has a striking design and a variety of sectionstohelp you visit Plaza Mayor in an easy and simple way. ThisAppgives you information about your favorite stores and restaurantsaswell as a dynamic map where you can find them.Discover and enjoy its shops and restaurants. Have fun witheventsthroughout the year are held.We hope your visit.Developed by: Research & Design
Sun Plaza Shopping Center 1.0.2
Pentru că timpul tău e prețios, pentru căîțidorești nu doar cumpărături, ci o aventură de lifestyle completășiinedită, Sun Plaza a creat pentru tine aplicația de mobilcaretransformă shopping-ul într-o experiență personală de senzație.Maimult, Sun Plaza îți va recompensa fiecare cumpărătură cedepășește50 de lei din zona restaurantelor și 100 de leipentrucumpărăturile din celălalte magazine cu puncte de fidelizareceulterior vor putea fi transformate în vouchere decumpărături,utilizând cardul virtual MySun ce este incorporat înaplicație.Instalează-ți aplicația și descoperă, zi de zi, ce surprizeșioferte speciale ți-au pregătit cele 130 de magazine din SunPlaza,află ce delicii poți savura în fiecare dintrerestauranteledisponibile în zona de food & fun, consultăprogramul filmelorce rulează zilnic în cele 15 săli de cinema șirezervă-ți directbiletul la pelicula preferată.Mai mult, pentru că vrem să fii relaxat, uită de grijamașinii,pentru că, prin opțiunea Car Finder, aplicația te va ajutasăidentifici ușor locul unde ai parcat-o.Because your timeisprecious, because you want not only shopping but acompletelifestyle and unique adventure, Sun Plaza created for youmobileapplication that turns shopping into a personal experienceoffeeling. Moreover, Sun Plaza will reward each purchase exceeding50lei area restaurants and 100 lei for shopping the otherstorespoints of loyalty which can later be converted intoshoppingvouchers using virtual card MySun which is incorporatedinapplication.Install your application and discover, every day, surprisesandspecial offers you have prepared 130 stores in Sun Plaza, iswhatdelights can be enjoyed in each of the restaurants available inthearea of ​​food & fun, consult the program of filmsrunningdaily in the 15 cinemas and book your ticket directly fromyourfavorite film.Moreover, because we want to be relaxed, forget about carcare,because the Car Finder option, the application will help youeasilyidentify where you parked it.
Ramada Plaza Southport 1.0
To book accommodation in Southport'sRamadaPlaza or to find out more about the hotel, this is where tovisit.From tourists to golf enthusiasts and from corporate meetingstoweddings, the Ramada Plaza on the Marine Lake in Southport isapopular destination for many visitors. This app helps youtoquickly and easily book your next stay at the hotel and alsotofind the hotel if you are new to us.What you can get from this free app:- online bookings for the hotel - with an even morestreamlinedbooking process on the way!-find out about the hotel- contact us and view the location on a map
La Gran Plaza 1.1
La Gran Plaza Fashion Mall eselcentrocomercial preferido por los tapatíos y por los clientes delazonaoccidente del país, por su excelente ubicación, sucomodidad,superfecta distribución interna, su seguridad yservicios, ya queseha mantenido en constante evolución ycrecimiento para estar alavanguardia de los centros comerciales dela ciudad. La GranPlazaFashion Mall está ubicada entre lasprincipales avenidasdeGuadalajara que son: Av. Vallarta y Av.Lázaro Cárdenas.Para que tu visita sea más placentera, creamos unaaplicaciónenla que conocerás las marcas, eventos, promociones ydescuentosquetenemos en el centro comercial.Dentro de nuestro directorio contamos con localizaciónrápidayexacta de cada local.Además, podrás buscar la ubicación de tu vehículodentrodelestacionamiento, siempre y cuando registres tuubicaciónalllegar.¡Bienvenido y disfruta de la aplicación!La Gran PlazaFashionMallis the preferred tapatíos mall and customers in thewesternpart ofthe country, for its excellent location, comfort,perfectinternaldistribution, safety and services as it has beeninconstantevolution and growth to be at the forefront ofthecommercialcenters of the city. La Gran Plaza Fashion Mallislocated betweenthe main streets of Guadalajara are: Av AvVallartaand LazaroCardenas...To make your visit a pleasant one, we create anapplicationthatknow the brands, events, promotions and discounts wehave inthemall.Within our directory we have fast and accurate locationofeachlocal.And you can find the location of your vehicle in theparkingprovidedwhen registering your location upon arrival.Welcome and enjoy the app!
Plaza Guayama 1.399
Download our application to stay connectedwithour events, sales, offers, rewards, store directory,restaurants,movies and much more.- Latest events- Store directory- Location map and GPS directions- Accumulate reward points- Get notifications of sale events
The Plaza At Frisco Square 2.0
Native Mobile Apps Apartment Mobile Apps LLC The Plaza AtFriscoSquare Apartments free app provides residents, theapartmentshopper as well as the community management team with theabilityto communicate with each other anytime - anywhere off line,whetherit’s a maintenance request or a reminder of a community orlocalcity event. Unlike a web based app, The Plaza At FriscoSquareApartments provides Push Notifications which allowscurrentresidents and prospects access to real time events as wellasavailability and current rates in locating your new home. Thisisjust the tip of what Apartment Mobile Apps can do for you. Weputyou on the fast track to an extensive array of galleries ofwhichinclude photos, floor plans, videos and direct access tothecommunity’s social experience which includes severalsocialnetworks as well as the community’s personal Blog and Portal.WithApartment Mobile Apps you can share your lifestyle with afriendand at the same time express yourself with the managementstaff,while having lunch or on the golf course. Download yourcommunityapp, and keep a close look out for exclusive discountsfrom localretailers in your area, close to home… REWARDS, comingsoon!