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Palacio de la Aljafería
The Aljaferia palace is an architectonicjewelof Mudejar art and we want to help you get to know it betterwiththis mobile application, which will guide you through itsrooms,giving you details about what you can see there. Discover theapp:- Visit / Itinerary.- The palace- Cultural agenda.- Information.- Picture gallery.-- Introduction --Ten centuries on, that palace of joy that the Moslemmonarch,Al-Muqtadir, dreamt of, is still one of the artistic jewelsofMoslem presence in southern Europe, together with theGranadaAlhambra and the Cordoba Mosque. In 2001, the UNESCOincludedAragonese Mudejar art in the World Heritage list,highlighting thatthe Aljaferia palace is one of the mostrepresentative monuments ofMudejar art. It has become a symbol ofAragonese civil architectureand is probably one of the compulsoryreferences of Spanish historyand culture, evidenced by the morethan three million visitors ithas received since it was opened inthe middle of the eighties ofthe last century.When our visitors enter the monument, they not only encounterthebeautiful archways of the Islamic palace, which contrast withtheimpressive presence of the Troubadour tower, a space whereGiuseppeVerdi developed part of his romantic action in theoperetta, IlTrovatore, but they can also visit the mediaevalpalace of themonarchs of Aragon, with its alfarjes (flat carvedand decoratedwooden ceiling with visible beams) that cover itsrooms, or the partthat was built over the northern wing of theIslamic enclosure bythe Catholic Monarchs. Here, its amazingThrone Room with itsspectacular coffered ceiling, made of carved,gilt and polychromewood, can be seen.The Aljaferia has experienced different phases, changesandstages. Many Aragonese people still remember it asmilitarybarracks in the 20th century. But today, the final phase ofthemonument’s restoration work has ended and it is now a live andopenbuilding, a cultural benchmark, which shows its long historyandhouses, within its walls, the institution that represents alltheAragonese people: The Cortes (parliament) of Aragon.