Top 14 Apps Similar to Маникюр-студия Юлии Бондаренко

Nail Art Ideas 3.0
You don’t need purchase the app since, it is free of cost. Inorderto have the access just download the app and start using it.Itshows different advertisements about nails that may be helpfulforyou and is user-friendly, as it has simple forward and backbuttonsfor comfortably navigating through galleries of nail artideas. Itcontains many images related to nail art ideas. You canseemultiple images with several designs in the gallery listacrylicnails, gel nails, shellac nails, stiletto nails, christmasnails,nails design, fake nails, cute nails, nails designs,halloweennails, pink nails, pretty nails. It contains latest trendsand manycreative ideas, about nail art that would benefit you.Although itis all about nail art ideas, but it doesn’t contain anyteachingmaterial (how to do stuff). There are no unrelated ads inthisapplication. Don’t forget to rate nail art ideas app after youhaveused it and we shall be pleased if you share and recommend ourappto your friends.
Nails manicure part 1 1.2
❤Dear girls, girls, women. Want to haveabeautiful and well-groomed nails - welcome to download ourappwhere you can find ideas manicure for all tastes and foralloccasions: everyday, for the office, for thecelebration...❤ You can share with your friends liked the ideas (Bluetooth,Email,Facebook, Messaging, Mesanger, Photos, Picasa,Viber,WhatsApp…)❤There are many ways to decorate your nails. This appcontainsimages of:*Accent Nails,*Adorable Christmas,*Amazing Ocean Nail,*Beautiful Nails With Bows,*Beautiful Striped Nail,*Coffin Nails,*Cute Caviar Nail Designs,*Easter Nail Designs,*Eye Catching Talon,*Eye-Catching Neon,*Fashionable Animal,*Flower Nails,*French Tips,*Halloween Nail,*Gorgeous Half-Moon,*Gradient Nail Designs,*Gradient Polka Dot Nail,*Happy Birthday Nail,*I Love Paris Nail,*Insanely Pretty Tribal,*Lace Nail Art Designs,*Let It Snow On Your Nails,*Lovely Nail With Birds.❤ There are 5000 designs in different galleries. With thisappyou will learn different styles to do a manicure, usingthesestyles you will have a best manicure ever!❤ Carefully chosen ideas❤ Latest trends❤ Totally free nail art app❤This app is easy to use❤ Do no forget to rate manicure app after downloading.❤ If manicure is an art, then only in this world top palace canyourealize your art dream.❤App that will leave you breathless and let you enjoy the nailartdesign.❤Download it right away and start realizing your nail artideas!
French Nails 4
This application is the best option if you are lookingforinspiration before you choose French Nails. Hundreds ofFrenchNails images for giving you best idea for your naildesign.Beautiful combinations of designs and colors, so you canchoose thenails that represent your personality in the best waypossible.With French Nails Application installed in your phone youcandiscuss the nail design and nail art better with your friendsoryour family. Features of the French Nails Application: ★Updatedmonthly with new Nail Ideas and Images. ★ Share Images thatyoulike using Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. ★ Zoomin,zoom out for all images. ★ Download images to your mobileorinternal SD card. ★ Quickly scroll through images. ★ Set anyimageas your mobile wallpaper. ★ Easy and user friendly Interface.Thisapplication also includes: french tip nails nails frenchfrenchacrylic nails french nails design french gel nails frenchtipsnails french tip acrylic nails french manicure nails frenchnailsdesigns ===================================== Disclaimer: Allthetrademarks and copyrights are reserved to the respectiveowners.Contents are compiled from various internet sources. If youhavethe feeling there is a copyright or trademark violation directthatdoes not follow Within the "fair use" guidelines , pleasekindlycontact us via the email below.
Summer manicure 1.0
If you dream of an elegant and beautiful nails, then this appisfor you. Drill this application and you will find a wide varietyofideas for akrillovyh manicure and gel nails! You'll findon-stepinstructions step by step and you can easily replicate anydesiredpattern. Marvel at all the workshops manicure andpedicureguarantee he will not leave anyone indifferent! Hurry up tobe themost vivid and compelling, will delight everyone! Now you donotneed to wait for a wild turn to the master, all this canberepeated at home!To do this you can help:- Gallery of patterns and photos for manicure and pedicure;- The ability to save any image;- User which will be interesting and helpful to both novicesandmasters salon level;- Bright and fresh ideas and tips.
Ноготки - 500 фото маникюра 3
Приложение Ноготки содержит более 500фотодизайна ногтей и по своей сути является оффлайн справочникомпомиру маникюра. Приложение ноготки состоит из нескольких разделоввкоторых вы узнаете все о дизайне ногтей, а именно видыманикюра,какие можно применять аксессуары в маникюре и конечно жеболее 500фото изображений на которых Вы найдете различный дизайнногтей.Маникюр и его разновидности – в этом разделе вы узнаете,чтотакое 3D моделирование ногтей (аквариумный дизайн),художественнаяроспись, стемпинг маникюр, фото дизайн ногтей(маникюр снаклейками) и дизайн ногтей с применениемаксессуаров.Маникюр с аксессуарами – в разделе Вы найдете красивыйманикюр(дизайн ногтей) с использованием аксессуаров. Вы узнаете,какукрасить Ваш маникюр с помощью страз, блёсток, конфетти, жемчугаимного другого.Ну и напоследок, самый популярный раздел приложения ноготки –этораздел с более чем 500 фото изображений на которых вы найдетесотнифотографий с красивым оригинальным маникюром и дизайномногтей! Весьманикюр в разделе поделен на разные подгруппы которыепомогут Вамбыстро сориентироваться и найти фото с маникюромподходящий под вашикритерии (например под нужный цвет лака илисложность исполнения).Вот только малая часть разделов которые Вынайдете вприложении:- Первый раздел простой маникюр (фото), но при этомоченькрасивый.- Фото с двухцветным маникюром.- Классический маникюр,- Французский (френч) маникюр,- Пастельный маникюр,- Яркий летний маникюр,- Лунный маникюр,- Уникальный газетный маникюр,- Дизайн ногтей с различными цветами лаков и многое другое.Девочки, девушки и женщины ухаживайте за Вашиминогтями,создавайте красивые оригинальный маникюр, а приложениеНоготкииспользуйте как неиссякаемый источник идей. Ведь настоящаякрасотакроется в мелочах, поэтому желаем Вам удачи, красоты,здоровья и незабывайте подчёркивать свой замечательный образшикарным ипотрясающим маникюром.Marigoldapplicationcontains more than 500 photos and nail design in natureis anoffline guide to the world of manicure. marigoldsapplicationconsists of several sections in which you will learn allabout thedesign of nails, namely nail types, which can be used inmanicureaccessories and of course, more than 500 still images onwhich youwill find different nail design.Manicures and its variants - in this section you will findoutwhat the 3D modeling of nails (aquarium design), artpainting,stamping manicure, nail design photo (manicure withlabels), andnail designs with accessories.Manicure with accessories - in the section you willfindbeautiful manicure (nail design) with the use of accessories.Youwill learn how to decorate your nail polish with the helpofrhinestones, sequins, confetti, pearls and much more.And finally, the most popular section of nails application -asection with more than 500 still images on which you willfindhundreds of pictures with a beautiful original manicure andnaildesign! All manicure section is divided into differentsub-groupsthat will help you quickly navigate and find the photowith nailpolish suitable for your requirements (for example, underthecorrect color of varnish or complexity of the execution). Herearejust a few of the sections you will find in theapplication: - The first section of a simple manicure (photo), butverybeautiful. - Photos with the two-color manicures. - Classic manicure, - French (french), manicure, - Pastel manicure, - Bright summer manicure - Moon manicure, - Unique newspaper manicure, - Nail design with different color paints, and more.Girls, girls and women look after your nails, createbeautifuloriginal manicure and Marigold application use it asaninexhaustible source of ideas. After all, the real beauty is inthedetails, so we wish you good luck, beauty, health, and donotforget to emphasize his remarkable way of chic andstunningmanicure.
Gel Nails 3
Gel Nails Application
Маникюр и педикюр 2016 0.1
Современная женщина заинтересованавкрасивомманикюре. Она хочет, чтобы ее ногти выглядели красивои,хотя быоднажды посещала салон, чтобы сделать модный маникюрногтейикрасивый педикюр. Такие посещения отнимают многовремени,хотяможно сделать маникюр в домашних условиях. Всегдаестьдругойспособ обладать красивыми ногтями и узнать модныеманикюр идеи с меньшими затратами.В нашем приложении представлены видео и фото маникюраиобучениеманикюрному искусству. Приложение поможетжелающимобучитьсяманикюру в домашних условиях, даже маникюру длякороткихногтей.Посмотрев уроки маникюра, вы сможетесамостоятельноповторитьмодный маникюр дома.Если вы не хотите отдавать баснословные деньгизапрофессиональныйдизайн маникюра, вас выручит нашебесплатноеприложение модныхманикюрных идей. Здесь вы абсолютнобесплатно и невыходя из своейкомнаты получите обучение маникюру дляначинающих,научитесьвыполнять модные рисунки и создавать дизайн,которыйбудетвыглядеть не хуже, чем у специалиста. Не стоитрасстраиваться,еслис первого раза получится не совсем так, как ввидео или нафото, вовторой раз обязательно вы добьетесь результатаикрасивогоманикюра!Скачивайте наше бесплатное приложение, чтобы всегда бытьвкурсепоследних новостей, смотреть видео и фотоманикюра,учитьсяискусству модного маникюра и совершенствоватьумениявиспользовании лака и геля. И в любой ситуацииоставайтесьмоднымии красивыми! Наше приложение содержит видеои фотообученияманикюра для коротких ногтей и длинных ногтей.Наше приложение создано для тех, кто хочет:- Увидеть видео и фото маникюр дизайна - Обучится маникюру в домашних условиях- Виртуозно пользоваться лаком и гелем для ногтей - Научиться делать маникюр для коротких ногтей - Почерпнуть идеи маникюра в домашних условиях.The modernwomanisinterested in a nice manicure. She wants her nailslookbeautifuland, at least once visited the salon to make a trendyandbeautifulnail manicure pedicure. Such visits aretime-consuming,but you cando manicure at home. There is alwaysanother way to havebeautifulnails and learn fashion manicure ideasat a lower cost.In our application contains videos and photos ofmanicureandtraining manicure art. The app will help who want tolearn howtomanicure at home, even for short nails manicure.Lookingmanicurelessons, you will be able to repeat at hometrendymanicure.If you do not want to give money for the fabulousprofessionalnaildesign, you will gain our free app trendy manicureideas. Hereyouget a manicure training absolutely free and from thecomfortoftheir room for beginners, learn how to perform fashiondrawingsandcreate a design that will not look worse than aspecialist. Donotbe discouraged if the first time it may not workas videoorphotos, the second time you are sure to achieveresultsandbeautiful manicure!Download our free app to keep abreast of the latestnews,watchvideos and photo manicure, learn the art of fashionmanicureandimprove skills in the use of varnish and gel. And inanysituationto remain fashionable and beautiful! Our appcontainsvideos andphotos for training manicure nails short andlongnails.Our app is designed for those who want to:- See video and photo design manicure- Educate manicure at home- Masterly use of varnish and gel nails- Learn how to do a manicure for short nails- Get ideas manicure at home.
Manicure 1.0
Choose a manicure and show your master ordoityourself. For you we have prepared a lot of ideasandlessons.Experiment and be irresistible.
Мой Профи - маникюр, прически
My Pro - online account on manicures, eyelash extensions,hairremoval and hair styles
Cute Nail Designs App 1.0
❤Get this top trending “nail makeover”game,enter your manicure salon and get down to work. Try outvariouscute nail styles, and have tremendous fun in one of the bestbeautysalon games. Learn how to be creative with nail art in yournewfashion diva salon and make perfect glitter nails which willgetthousands of likes on social networks. Our pretty girl gameswithlots of kawaii stickers, rhinestones and nail design patternswillhelp you find fresh inspiration for decorating yourfingernails.Install ❤ Cute Nail Designs App❤ on your tablet ormobile phone andhave the time of your life telling your nail salonstory!❤Choose the skin color you prefer;❤Pick a background for your perfect nail salon;❤Different types of nail art brushes: flat, round, angled,dottingpen, airbrush;❤More than ten different nail shapes to choose from;❤The largest glitter “nail polish” collection;❤A lot of predefined nail designs to apply toyourfingernails;❤All kinds of nail decorations and accessories: gemstones,fruit,sparkling rhinestones, and other cute stickers andnailstamps;❤Decorate your fingers with dazzling rings;❤Choose a hand pose and take a photo;❤Share all your pics of diva nails on Facebook, TwitterandInstagram using this nail picture app;❤Unlimited gameplay with infinite combinations;❤Unleash your creativity in one of the best “manicure games”;.❤ Cute Nail Designs App❤ FREE;.❤ Download now and let the nail mania begin!❤ All fashionistas out there, prepare yourselves for themostspectacular virtual “nail salon” game that you’ve everplayed.Realize your artistic potential while experimenting withdifferent“nail art” designs and nail colors. Play around with tonsof naildecorations such as hearts, flowers , gemstones, stars,decals andother accessories that this crazy nail maker has up itssleeve.❤Cute Nail Designs App❤ will keep you busy for hours andwill helpyou get fancy nail art ideas for your natural fingernails.Minxnails, French manicure or Christmas nail art? Summernails,Valentine nail design or rhinestone nail art – the choice isallyours. One thing is certain – whichever you choose yourbeautifulnails are going to dazzle all your insta followers andFacebookfriends.❤Best 3D “nail games” for girls FREE! Open your new nail artkitand practice creating various nail designs step by step thatwillknock out everyone in your environment. This way you’ll becomeaprofessional nail artist and will be able to manage your owna-listgirl nail salon. Instead of engaging in hair, makeup anddress upgames, try one of the best nail fashion apps for teensfordecorating and painting nails. Fashion mania is here andwhatbetter way to be characterized as a stylish girl than to showanenviable level of nail care. Download ❤ Cute Nail Designs App❤andset a new trend in nail manicure.❤Ever wondered how to make cute designs on your nails forfree?This will no longer be an issue thanks to your new princessnailspa games for girls. Doing nails has never been easier. Juststepinto your new virtual nail studio, mess around with dozens ofcoolstickers and airbrushed patterns that this nail bar has tooffer.Don’t hesitate to get this free amazing nail game and getready foryour prom night or wedding countdown in time. All fans oftoe nailsalon games and pets nail salon games for kids will derivegreatpleasure from our new nail apps for AndroidTM. Just image youarein a pro nail lounge and have fun creating beautiful manicureandpedicure designs.
Gel Manicure 3.0
This app contains many images related to gel manicure. You canseemultiple images with several designs in the gallery list.Itcontains latest trends and many creative ideas, about gelmanicurethat would be benefit you. Although it is all about gelmanicure,but it doesn’t contain any teaching material (how to dostuff) nailart designs, cute nail designs, easy nail designs,acrylic naildesigns, simple nail designs, toe nail designs, coolnail designs,gel nail designs, nail designs for short nails, nailpolishdesigns, summer nail designs. You don’t need purchase theappsince, it is free of cost. In order to have the accessjustdownload the app and start using it. It showsdifferentadvertisements about nails that may be helpful for you andisuser-friendly, as it has simple forward and back buttonsforcomfortably navigating through gel manicure designsgalleries.There are no unrelated ads in this application. Don’tforget torate gel manicure app after you have used it and we shallbepleased if you share and recommend our app to your friends.
Extraordinary manicure 1.2
In this application you can find step by step tutorials tocreateextraordinary video manicure. Collect itself manicure wayand maketheir own hands. Get inspired selection of manicure andinvent newideas, which will look great on your toes. Actual typesofmaterials, colors and simply beautiful views of manicureeveryone.Become an extraordinary manicure and become the mostfashionable,and our application will helpmake the right decision.The unconventional manicure with hands:- A large number of species of special manicure;- Find exactly what you need;- A video compilation of interesting examples ofextraordinarymanicure;-. You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,Skype, Viber
Nail Polish 3.0
Containing numerous images of nail polish designs, this app isfreeof cost and very easy to navigate. It provides you withdifferentimages with several designs in the gallery. It containslatesttrends and many creative ideas, about nail polish designsthatwould be attractive and helpful for you. The app is all aboutnailpolish designs, but unfortunately it doesn’t have anyteachingmaterial (tutorials) star nails, happy nails, diamondnails, blacknails, hollywood nails, red nails, white spots onnails, lovelynails, long nails, perfect nails, beautiful nails. Itis absolutelyfree of cost, thus you don’t need to buy it -- justdownload theapp and start using it. It features differentadvertisementsrelated with nails that may benefit you and is veryuser-friendly-- having simple forward and back buttons for acomfortablenavigating experience throughout the nail polish designsgalleries.There are no unrelated advertisements in this applicationthat maydisturb you and hinder your experience. Please don’t forgetto ratenail polish designs app after you have downloaded it and weshallbe grateful to you if you recommend our app to your friendsandfamily.