Top 3 Apps Similar to Welcome Colombia

Colombia Travel Guide 4.6.0
The Colombia travel guide contains complete and up to datecityguides for Cartagena, Bogotá, Medellín, Cali and many othertraveldestinations in Colombia. It works offline, you don't needaninternet connection. Each location contains a sightseeingsectionwith all the monuments. Pick your ideal restaurant in theeatingout section containing the best restaurants. Discover thenightlifeof Colombia! Bars, pubs & discos in Pereira, San Gil,Cúcuta,Popayan. Use the detailed offline maps to simply find outwhere youare and see what's around. The complete backgroundinformation canbe an interesting read at home or on the road toyour nextadventure. Useful when you are there: - Currencyconverter. -Phrasebook for Spanish. - Weather forecast (updatedwhen online). -Directions on how to get to a place by publictransport. - Bookhotels and tours in Colombia directly from the app(when online).About Triposo Founded by and for travelers, Triposodeliversup-to-date information, detailed maps andintelligentrecommendations for more than 40,000 destinations in 200countriesaround the world. To make our guides we use the contentthat isfreely available. Open content sites like Wikivoyage,Wikipedia,World66 and OpenStreetMap are among the best resourcesfor anytraveler. Whether you are a planner or prefer to go with theflow,Triposo helps you discover the unexpected and experiencetravel ina new way. If you see any problem with the app, pleasewrite us anemail at [email protected] so we can figure outwhat's wrong andfix it. Thanks!
Colombia Travel 1.19
Bienvenido a la aplicació es un país de increíble diversidadyencanto. Su variadageografía, su historia llena de misteriosyaventuras, sus gentes yculturas han fascinado al mundodurantesiglos. Famosa por su cafésuave de alta calidad y la purezade susesmeraldas, Colombia estambién la tierra de la leyenda de ElDoradoy el universo mágicode Macondo. Si todavía no conocesColombia, teinvitamos a recorrernuestra aplicación móvil paraAndroid y teinspires para tu próximoviaje. Venir a Colombia esdescubrir unmundo nuevo entre la magiay la realidad.En esta aplicación puedes encontrar informaciónsobrelosdiferentes productos turísticos que ofrece el país(TurismodeNaturaleza, Turismo de Historia y Cultura, Turismo de SolyPlaya,Turismo de Bienestar, Turismo de Aventura, TurismodeReuniones,Turismo Náutico y de Cruceros) en 17 de nuestrosmásimportantesdestinos turísticos (Bogotá, Cartagena deIndias,Medellín -Antioquia, Cali - Valle del Cauca, Barranquilla,SanAndrés Islas,Santa Marta y Tayrona, el Paisaje CulturalCafetero,Amazonas,Santander, Boyacá, el Pacífico, Cauca, Guajira,Huila,Nariño, yNorte de Santander). Descubre la diversidad deatractivosyactividades turísticas que Colombia te ofrece paratuspróximasvacaciones.Descarga la aplicación y recorre el calendariodefestividades,eventos y celebraciones en Colombia; explora enelmapa nuestroscoloridos destinos, recibe información práctica delosdiferentesatractivos turísticos, y consulta informaciónsobrehoteles yrestaurantes en múltiples localidades del país.Disfrutalasimágenes de Colombia en una impactante galeríadefotografías,añade atractivos a tu itinerario de viaje, yconsultadatos deutilidad para tu visita. Con esta aplicacióntambiénpuedesconectarte con las redes sociales y los y Proexport Colombia para que siemprevivasestemágico país de exuberante belleza natural.Proexport Colombia es la entidad oficial encargada delapromocióninternacional de Colombia adscrita al MinisteriodeComercioIndustria y Turismo del Gobierno de Colombia.Estamos en versión inicial de pruebas. GraciasWelcometoColombia.travelapplication. Colombia is a country ofincrediblediversity andcharm. Its varied geography, its historyfull ofmystery andadventure, its people and cultures havefascinated theworld forcenturies. Famous for its high quality softcoffee andpurity of itsemeralds, Colombia is also the land of thelegend ofEl Dorado andthe magical world of Macondo. If you do notknowColombia, we inviteyou to tour our mobile app for Androidandinspire you for your nexttrip. Coming to Colombia is to discoveranew world between magicand reality.In this application you can find information ondifferenttourismproducts offered by the country (Nature Tourism,TourismHistory andCulture, Sun and Beach Tourism, WellnessTourism,Adventure Tourism,Business Tourism, Nautical Tourism andCruise)in 17 of our mostimportant tourist destinations(Bogotá,Cartagena, Medellín -Antioquia, Cali - Valle delCauca,Barranquilla, San Andres Island,Santa Marta and TayronaCoffeeCultural Landscape, Amazonas,Santander, Boyacá, PacificCauca,Guajira, Huila, Nariño and Nortede Santander). Discoverthediversity of attractions and touristactivities thatColombiaoffers for your next vacation.Download the application and runs the calendaroffestivals,events and celebrations in Colombia; exploresourcolorful mapdestinations, get practical information fromdifferenttouristattractions, and query information about hotelsandrestaurants inmany parts of the country. Enjoy the sightsofColombia in astunning photo gallery, added attractions toyouritinerary, andquery data useful for your visit. Withthisapplication you canalso connect with social networks andvirtualchannels andProexport Colombia to alwayslive thismagicalcountry of lush natural beauty.Proexport Colombia is the government agency responsiblefortheinternational promotion of Colombia under the MinistryofCommerce,Industry and Tourism of the Government of Colombia.We are in initial trial version. Thanks
Diving Colombia 1.0.3
Get ready for a journey fullofuniqueexperiences as you plan your trip using the mobile guidetodive inColombia.