Top 4 Apps Similar to Koon Bee Aluminum Construction

Aluminium Window Design 1.1
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One important part of a minimalist homeisthewindow. Addition to working to enhance the minimalist designofthehouse, the windows are very instrumental in aircirculationandlighting in your minimalist home. Thus, the windowisindispensablein any room in the house is minimalist, so weshouldnot forget oneof these important objects.Various types of window design model is growing atthemoment,even the design was more complicated than the design ofthewindowsin antiquity. In addition to our need for windowstofunctionproperly, the value of the beauty in every inchofminimalistaluminum window design can bring a feeling ofcomfortandpleasing.FrontSo that the impression of the beauty of minimalist designcanbemaintained on any design, use a large window in yourlivingroom.During the day the sun will be a natural lighting inyourlivingroom and look more natural.Even with the use of window size will create aircirculationinyour bedroom even fresher and can create an atmosphereof restyoumore comfortable. Window design with such a large sizecan alsobeapplied to other windows of the room, like thelivingroomwindow.Window design with plain glass material which is fittedwithironbars on the back of the glass, into the design of thewindowsmostin demand today. The use of iron railings on thedesignminimalistwindow you will increasingly gives the impressionofluxury andelegance. Especially for your living room, chooseadesign windowwith 1 or 2 windows that are placed in front oftheliving room ornext to the living room.The following for your reference, we present variouskindsofwindow frame in terms of materials used.Aluminium windowsThis type of window with a kind of window in which frameorwindowsills are made of aluminum and glass window mounted onthebody.Aluminum windows are widely used in the design ofofficebuildings,shops, supermarkets and homes. In this type ofwindowthere are twokinds, namely window with the model open the lidbysliding to theright and to the left, or by means of slidingandswing.
Aluminium Window Design Idea 1.0
In planning for windows, you can use materials such as glass,wood,Pvc, composite or alumunium. Because aluminium windowsarelightweight, strong and easily formed into complex shapes, thuswepresent you this lightweight yet powerful applicationwhichprovides a fine selection of alumunium windows photographs inorderto help and inspire you in choosing your best windows foryourhouse. There are plenty of ideas you can acquire fromthisapplication. Windows make all the difference to the look andstyleof your home - not to mention the security of yourbiggestinvestment. You can consider the use of large glass areasnot onlyin the living room but in any room of the house that canbenefitfrom increased daylight, view, or heat gain from the sun. Ontheother hand, small window areas may serve several purposes well.Abedroom on a western exposure, for example, may employ a seriesofshort, high windows that supply daylight, provide privacy, andyetkeep the glass area on this exposure to a minimum so that theraysof the sun are not objectionable. As a popular and economicalframechoice, aluminium windows come in a wide variety of colourstomatch your home, but it's important to choose carefully aspowdercoated surfaces cannot be repainted. The biggest disadvantageofaluminium windows is its poor thermal performance. Itreadilyconducts heat, raising the U-value of the whole window unit.In hotclimates aluminium windows easily conduct unwanted heatthrough theframe. In addition, the bigger or bulkier the frame, themore heatit absorbs, retains and projects. In cold climates, theseframescan easily become cold enough to allow condensation or frosttoform on inside surfaces. This can mean having to wipe themeverycold morning to reduce the risk of mould and water damagetocurtains or blinds – or even paintwork in severe cases.Thermallyenhanced frames, where the interior and exterior framecomponentsare insulated from each other, can overcome theseproblems but theydo come at a cost. Another method for reducingheat conduction isto use a composite frame - aluminium outside andtimber inside.Both the building and automotive industries are usingmorealuminium in their most forward-looking product solutions.Inbuildings, aluminium is playing a vital role throughthermallyefficient windows, curtain wall and fenestrationsystems.Automotive has its zero-energy vehicles while the buildingindustryis working on zero-energy buildings. The latter are alreadybeingbuilt with off-the-shelf technology using aluminium..Aluminium’sunique combination of strength and lightness enablesframes, sashesand fittings to be neat and unobtrusive. Because theframes, railsand stiles can be finer than thoe made in wood, theyallow maximumentry of light and provide unobstructed views.Aluminium doesn’trequire painting while its dimensional stabilityensures years oftrouble free operation. Aluminium windows and doorscome powdercoated in a range of colours to match your home, butit’s importantto choose frame colors carefully as powder coatedsurfaces cannotbe repainted. If you really need to get theinspiration and pickalumunium as your material windows for yourbuilding, start todownload this application now. We will guaranteethat you will bedisappointed. Take a look and be amazed!
Aluminum Windows 3.0
It is a bright, beautiful morning, andthesunshone down right into your house through your largewindows.Asensational experience, you want to relish it for as along timeaspossible. But soon, it becomes way too bright, andextremelyhot,and you start looking for some respite. What do you dothen?Youutilize window awnings to get the perfect balance ofsunlightwiththe appropriate amount of warmth (not unbearable heat).Afterall,you deserve the right kind of summer experience, don'tyou?One of the common varieties of window awnings are thosemadeoffabric. However, these don't last long enough, anditbecomesdifficult to maintain them. They also tend to fadebecauseof theharsh sunlight they are exposed to. A wonderfulalternativeto thetraditional fabric awnings are now aluminum windowawnings.Theseoffer many more benefits in comparison to theformer,therebyproviding you excellent reasons to invest inthese.The Benefits of Aluminum AwningsWhy should you choose to install this variety ofawningsinsteadof the traditional ones? Here's why:Increased Durability: Made from aluminum, these awningsarehighlydurable in that they are termite proof, and will notrust,crack,or burn. They are covered with baked on enamel finish sothattheircolor does not fade. This means you install them once andthensitback and relax to enjoy all the benefits they have to offerforalong time period.Protects your Home from the Elements: The exposure of yourhometothe heat, the rain, and strong winds is suitably reducedbecauseofthese strong and sturdy window awnings. As such, yourhomeremainsthe relaxing comfort zone you want it to be.Reduces Summer Cooling Costs: Sick of the huge bills you havetopaybecause you just can get enough of your AC in thesummers?Wellthen, these window awnings are just the right choiceforyou.Protection from harsh sunlight means you can have yourenergybillsreduced by a certain amount in your home in thelongrun.Increased Aesthetic Appeal and Space Value: These are availableinavariety of colors so that they can add to the beauty ofyourhouse.Further, houses designed on modern or contemporarylineswill alwayssport these awnings beautifully. These also add tothecurb appealand increase the value of the space you usethemin.Easy to Maintain: Most brands of these aluminumwindowawningsrequire only mild soap water to clean them. You don'thaveto spendtoo much time maintaining these, another reason whyyoushoulddefinitely consider having them installed in yourhome.Some companies offer window awning kits that youcaninstallyourself. They can be customized based on the size ofyourwindowalong with the choice of colors you wish. As such, allyouhave todo is put them in place with the simpleinstructionsprovidedalongside. The projection of each awning variesbasedonpreference, so you can choose what size you require basedonwhatyou want protection from. Remember, these awnings alsoenhancetheprivacy levels of your home to a certain extent.There is just one thing you should keep in mindwhenpurchasingthese. If you live in an area where there is heavysnowload, youmay not be able to use these awnings. They aredurable,but somearen't durable enough to handle heavy snow loads.As such,it isimperative that you speak to the manufacturer ordealer oftheawnings to understand whether or not these will last insuchanenvironment. Of course, they are excellent for protectionfromtheother elements of nature.
Gazebo Design Ideas 1.0
Gazebos Design IdeasDesign ideas for creating a structure where you can sitandappreciate your landscapeA gazebo is an eight-sided shade structure with a solideight-sidedroof. It usually has a built-in bench running along theinside, andsides that are open to the air so you can enjoy thesurroundinggarden views.Gazebo placement A gazebo is where you sit to appreciateyourlandscape, so placement is key. “It all comes down tofunction,”says Dan Berger of LandPlan's Landscaping, Inc. inPleasanton, CA.“If it’s not integrated into the surroundings, thegazebo can feellike a disjointed element in the landscape.” Keepthese aspects inmind when designing:there are many gazebo design ideas, such as wedding gazebodesignideas, balinese gazebo design ideas, modern gazebo designideas,wooden gazebo design ideas, natural gazebo designideas.• Access.The first point to remember is that your gazebo is meant to beused,so it should be easy to get to with a clearly-defined,comfortablepath. If you would like to enjoy the sunset or anevening glass ofwine in the gazebo, then landscape lighting alongthe pathway is agood idea.• View from the home.A life of leisure is not in the cards for most of us, so agreatdeal of your enjoyment may come from looking at the gazebofrominside the house. “Even when you’re not using it, you can haveanappreciation for how it makes you feel to look out at it,”saysAlison Terry, a landscape architect in Fullerton, CA. Thinkabouthow it will appear from each of your windows, and considerplacinga small tree nearby to soften the appearance and make itlook likean integral part of the landscaping.• View from the gazebo.The view from the gazebo itself will play a part in how likelyyouare to make time to enjoy it. Even in a small space, you candesignvignettes nearby that are a pleasure to look at, such as astatueor fountain nestled among the shrubs..Outdoor gazebos on the market today are made from aluminum,coatedsteel and iron, wood, vinyl, and resin. They come in avariety ofsizes, from quite large (room size) to small trellislikestructures big enough only for two. Aluminum gazebos arecommonlyerected for special occasions or seasonal use, and thereare modelslight and compact enough to take to the beach or use as avendingbooth. Aluminum and other metal gazebos are easy tocustomize andcan be a terrific way to create privacy for smallurban rooftop orcourtyard gardens. The "roofs" of aluminum gazebosare sloped andideally made of waterproof canvas coated with UVprotection.