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Jawed Habib Salon Locator 1.0
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Locate all the salons of JHThe affiliation of this ‘Third Generation’ walking hairstylingencyclopedia to hair profession actually dates back to thelate1940s. His grandfather used to be working at the President’shouseduring those days. He was the appointee official barber tothePresident. Through his father Jawed came to know thathisgrandfather used to cut hair of Lord Mount Batten as well.Duringthe post independent era, he also used to be the officialbarber toPandit Nehru and other dignitaries. Later, Jawed’s fathertook overhis profession and would also visit the dignitaries likehisgrandfather used to do. Jawed was the keen observer whilehisfather used to work on customer’s hair.Jawed Habib went to a famous hair dressing school in Londonfromwhere he picked up the art of systematic approach to thehairprofession. And there was no looking back from there. Over thelast25 years, Jawed Habib has made his mark in the field ofhairstyling and as of today he is the Signature hair icon of India.Hehas set up numerous salons and academies in India andabroadbesides setting up prime brands in hair and beauty industry.Hisbrand value is constantly growing with new brands and ideasgettingadded and implemented at regular intervals. He has managedsuchexplosive growth with keen attention to customer satisfactionandassured quality.We’re not officially connected with jawed habib brand andlogo,this app is for information purposeFor more email us.