Top 6 Apps Similar to HTM

Local HTML Viewer 2.1.0
Lightweight Local HTML Viewer apps. Please use forverificationofHTML and JAVA script file that you created forsmartphones.Youinstall a text editor, you can start with a tap orlong tap,fromthe file selection screen. The developer of thisappisauthenticated to the official developer of andro Idahasadeveloper of a safe andsecureapplication. file viewing. - Support the Java script.(Switchableenabled ordisabled from the Options menu.) - Pageupdates can beperformed fromthe Options menu. - Viewing the filesin the ZIPfile. - Scaling ofthe browser. - Available in thelandscape inportrait orientation. -Support the CSS file. -Install the "TextViewer" application, youcan view the HTML filein a text format.2.File Explorer in SD card.- Ability to launchanother applicationwith support for notificationintent. - Thedefault path is"/mnt/sdcard". - Can move up / back keyis pressed.- You can set anoption to terminate the applicationdirectory backkey is pressed. -Display a directory higher in theback key ispressed. - Whenbooting from the other apps you want todisplayonly files. -Display all the files - Display the updateddate offile - Extensionsupport is as follows. ( .htm .html .xml .js.css.json )3.Introduction App "Text Viewer" - It is anapplicationthat refersto the text file. - The Long tap the CSVfile, can alsobe viewed asa text file. "CSV Viewer" - It is anapplication toview CSV file.
HTML Reader/ Viewer 2.5.0
Read Html files and saved web pages.
CSV Viewer 3.3.0
Lightweight CSV Viewer apps. The developer of thisappisauthenticated to the official developer of andro Idahasadeveloper of a safe andsecureapplication. viewing. - Supports multiple data delimiter.(Comma,Semicolon,Space, Tab) - Display function of the linenumber. - Thedefaultsetting screen.(You can be set from theOptions menu of thefileselection screen.) - Viewing the files inthe ZIP file. - Sortofdata display function.    Operation : Tapon the header totoggle(Disabled, Enable)    Supplement : Byturning on the checkbatchsetting, the same settings are appliedto all columns. -Ability toselect the format in the per-columnsort. (OFF, STRING,NUMBER,DATE) - Scaling of the browser. -Available in the landscapeinportrait orientation. - Setting theCSV Header. (Present, Absent)-Specify the location of the header.- Setting thechar-encode.(UTF-8, Shift-JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-16,EUC-CN, EUC-KR,EUC-TW, Big5,ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-CN,ISO-2022-KR, ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-2,ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4,ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6,ISO-8859-7,ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-9, KOI8-R,KOI8-U, UTF-16BE,UTF-16LE,Big5-HKSCS, BOCU-1E, CESU-8, cp864,GB18030, GBK,HZ-GB-2312,ISO-2022-CN-EXT, ISO-8859-10,ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-14,ISO-8859-15,ISO-8859-16, macintosh,SCSU, TIS-620, US-ASCII, UTF-32,UTF-32BE,UTF-7, windows-1250,windows-1251, windows-1252,windows-1253,windows-1254,windows-1255, windows-1256,windows-1257,windows-1258,x-docomo-shift_jis-2007,x-gsm-03.38-2000,x-ibm-1383_P110-1999,x-IMAP-mailbox-name,x-iscii-be, x-iscii-gu,x-iscii-ka,x-iscii-ma, x-iscii-or,x-iscii-pa, x-iscii-ta,x-iscii-te,x-ISCII91, x-ISO-2022-CN-CNS,x-iso-8859-11,x-JavaUnicode,x-kddi-shift_jis-2007,x-mac-cyrillic,x-softbank-shift_jis-2007,x-UnicodeBig,x-UTF-16LE-BOM,x-UTF16_OppositeEndian,x-UTF16_PlatformEndian,x-UTF32_OppositeEndian,x-UTF32_PlatformEndian)- Setting the filter(Disabled, SelectItem, Input Text) - Reflectthe attributes ofpreviously viewed. -To view the progress ofloading documents2.File Explorer in SDcard. - Can move up / backkey is pressed. -You can set an optionto terminate the applicationdirectory backkey is pressed. -Display a directory higher in theback key ispressed. - Whenbooting from the other apps you want todisplay onlyfiles. -Display all the files, or only CSV files. (Youcan switchthedefault settings.) - Display the updated date of file-Extensionsupport is as follows. ( .csv .txt .c .conf .cpp .log .prop .rc .sh .xml .js .css ) 3.NotificationThereisalso a paid version of this app. The difference betweenthefreeversion is as follows. 1. No ad delivery. 2. needsnospecialpermissions. 4.Question & Answer Q: Garbled eachtimefileopen. Be able to fixed the settings? A: You can beimmobilizedbythe following procedure. 1.Boot the fileselectionscreen.2.[Options Menu]-->[Preferences]-->[Encode]Selectthecharacter encoding to use well. Q: Do you can not fixedheaderlikeExcel? A: It was supported by Rev.3.3.0(2015-11-18)
雙寶生活館 1.2
Eczanem Mobil 1.6
ECZANEM OTOMASYON PROGRAMI MOBİLE UYGULAMASI EczanemMobileUygulaması, Eczanem Programındaki verilerinizi takipedebileceğinizve raporlarınızı görebileceğiniz bir uygulamadır. Buuygulamamızile, sade ve şık tasarımı, kolay kullanımı ve yüksekperformans ileverilerinize anlık olarak en hızlı şekildeulaşabilirsiniz. Buuygulamadan sadece lisanslı Eczanem Programıkullanıcılarıyararlanabileceklerdir. Eczanem Otomasyon Programıdemokullanıcıları da, demo kullanım süreleri boyunca buuygulamayıkullanabileceklerdir. Bu süre de 7 gün ile sınırlıdır.Buuygulamada rapor bilgilerine erişim amaçlanmıştır.EczanemProgramında kullandığınız raporlara bu uygulamadanerişebilirsiniz.Rapor bilgilerinize eczanenizdeki verilerinbulunduğu bilgisayarınve modeminizin açık olması şartı iledilediğiniz yerden anlıkolarak bilgilerinize ulaşabilirsiniz.Kurulum Bilgileri: EczanemMobil Raporlama yazılımı için aktifEczanem kullanıcısı olmanızgerekmektedir. Mobil kullanım içingerekli olan kullanıcıhesaplarını aşağıda bulabileceğiniz kurulumkılavuzundagörübileceğiniz şekildeoluşturabilirsiniz.
Text Viewer 2.1.0
Lightweight Text Viewer apps. The developer of thisappisauthenticated to the official developer of andro Idahasadeveloper of a safe andsecureapplication. viewing. - The default setting screen.(You canbe setfrom theOptions menu of the file selection screen.) -Extensionsupport is asfollows. ( .txt .csv .c .conf .cpp .h .htm.html .java.log .prop .xml .js .css .properties .classpath.project.json ) - Viewingthe files in the ZIP file. - Setting theTextEncode. Some are notaddressed by the terminal. (UTF-8,Shift-JIS,EUC-JP, UTF-16, EUC-CN,EUC-KR, EUC-TW, Big5,ISO-2022-JP,ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-KR,ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2,ISO-8859-3,ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5,ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7,ISO-8859-8,ISO-8859-9, KOI8-R, KOI8-U,UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE,Big5-HKSCS, BOCU-1E,CESU-8, cp864, GB18030, GBK,HZ-GB-2312,ISO-2022-CN-EXT,ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-13,ISO-8859-14,ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-16,macintosh, SCSU, TIS-620,US-ASCII,UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-7,windows-1250, windows-1251,windows-1252,windows-1253,windows-1254, windows-1255,windows-1256,windows-1257,windows-1258,x-docomo-shift_jis-2007,x-gsm-03.38-2000,x-ibm-1383_P110-1999,x-IMAP-mailbox-name,x-iscii-be, x-iscii-gu,x-iscii-ka, x-iscii-ma,x-iscii-or,x-iscii-pa, x-iscii-ta,x-iscii-te, x-ISCII91,x-ISO-2022-CN-CNS,x-iso-8859-11,x-JavaUnicode,x-kddi-shift_jis-2007,x-mac-cyrillic,x-softbank-shift_jis-2007,x-UnicodeBig,x-UTF-16LE-BOM,x-UTF16_OppositeEndian,x-UTF16_PlatformEndian,x-UTF32_OppositeEndian,x-UTF32_PlatformEndian)- Setting the ShowLine Numbers. (Disabled,Enable) - Setting theLine Wrapping.(Disabled, Enable) - Display ofthe total number ofrows. 2.FileExplorer in SD card. - The defaultpath is"/mnt/sdcard". - Canmove up / back key is pressed. - Youcan set anoption to terminatethe application directory back key ispressed. -Display adirectory higher in the back key is pressed. -When bootingfromthe other apps you want to display only files. -Display allthefiles - Display the updated date of file - Extensionsupport isasfollows. ( .txt .csv .c .conf .cpp .h .htm .html .java.log.prop.rc .sh .xml .js .css .properties .classpath .project.json )