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Dominate The Bar 1.2
Dominate The Bar is a study aid forthemulti-state portion of the Bar Exam, covering ConstitutionalLaw,Contracts & Sales, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure,Evidence,Real Property, and Torts. Dominate The Bar consists ofmore than900 carefully crafted flash cards that go through eachsubject inan organized and thoughtful manner. It is the perfectsupplement toa commercial lecture course or any other study regimenyou arefollowing to prepare for the Bar Exam. Hundreds of studentshavealready used Dominate The Bar with great success - there isnobetter way to memorize the material tested on themulti-stateportion of the Bar Exam.THE METHODThe best way to memorize something is not to read it overandover, but rather to have to answer the same questions overandover. The difference is proactive learning: answering questionsonflash cards forces you to recall the information,enforcingmemorization of the topic. Dominate The Bar flash cardswork youthrough the most important legal material for the BarExam,teaching you the black letter law in each subject andthenhighlighting the most important exceptions to those rules-everything that you need to know to Dominate The Bar.