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Finance & Inv.Banking Jobjuice
The Jobjuice Finance & Inv. Banking Appisa complete finance review and investment banking guide!The App emphasizes extreme practicality and efficiency asaninterview preparation and reference tool providing vast amountsoffinance information at your fingertips!The App is intuitively laid out and cross-referenced betweentheAccounting, Valuation, Capital Markets, LBOs, M&A andOptionssections. The App contains over 80 cards and includes asection oninterview strategies and a practice section that willhelp youprepare for the most demanding job interviews.Features/Benefits:Over 80 cards filled with accounting, fin. and valuationconceptsand examplesA complete Interview Framework section with greatinterviewtipsCreate your own groups of cards by topic or interviewquestionUse the practice section and flip through random cardsUse the Q&A section to practice typical financeinterviewquestionsUse easy links within cards to take you torelatedinformation/cardsFind topics using the deck’s search engineJobjuice was founded by Wharton MBAs, who while atbusinessschool provided their fellow students with powerfulinterview andreference tools for Finance, I-Banking, Strategy,Consulting andMarketing."There are a lot of details to consider in tackling aninvestmentbanking problem, and I found this tool to be an idealway ofcementing a mental 'checklist' of relevant points in mymind."Arik Prawer - Summer Associate, Donaldson Lufkin Jenrette"Jobjuice cards have effectively summarized many of theconceptsI have learned at school in order to prepare me forinterviews andas a quick reference to maintain the knowledge I havegained. Inshort, they have been an exceptional investment."Geoffrey Hart –Wharton MBAFor more information on our products visit Statement OverviewIncome StatementBalance SheetCash Flow StatementFin. Stmts. - How They RelateFin. Stmts. - Interaction ChartIncome Statement AdjustmentsInventory Accounting MethodsLiquidity RatiosLeverage RatiosActivity RatiosProfitability RatiosGrowth RatiosCoverage RatiosMeasuring Returns RatiosFinancial Ratios: Quick ViewDeferred Tax AccountingAccounting for DepreciationValuation OverviewTotal Enterprise ValueMarket Value of Equity3 Valuation MethodsKey Factors Influencing ValuationHierarchy of ValuesDiscounted Cash Flow ValuationCash Flows for DCFCalculating Discount RatesDCF ExamplePublic Market Comparables ValuationPublic Market Valuation ExamplePrecedent Transactions ValuationPrecedent Transactions ExampleValuation MultiplesValuation Multiples Cont.Triangulation of ValuePros and Cons of Valuation MethodsAPV ValuationInternal Rate of Return (IRR)Debt and Equity InstrumentsDebt Ratings and PricingDebt RatingsOptimal Capital StructureOptimal Capital Structure Graph A&BInitial Public OfferingsFederal Reserve RoleDerivativesDerivatives and the Great RecessionCDO StructurePrivate Equity OverviewPrivate Equity WaterfallPrivate Equity Waterfall ExampleLeveraged BuyoutsLBO Model ComponentsLeveraged Buyout TrendsLeveraged Buyouts ExampleM & A StrategyEPS Accretion/DilutionM&A ModelingM&A Modeling ExampleAcquisition StructuringAcquisition CurrencyAcquisitions: Purchase MethodsLBOs and M&A QuestionsFinancial Options ValuationOption Strategies 1Option Strategies 2Option Strategies 3Option Strategies 4Real Options ValuationHow to get an InterviewBefore the InterviewThe Interview FrameworkYou’re in the Driver’s SeatWho are you?Do you want to work here?Interest in FinanceKnowledge of Investment BankingInvestment Banking GroupsTypes of I-BanksKnowledge of the FirmWill you succeed in this environment?Are you analytical?How to approach difficult questionsImpress me one more time