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US Navy SEAL Fitness Guide 6.0
The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide************** A Message from the Producers **************Hi Folks,The elves who produce our apps came to me and saidthey need new shoes this winter.So here's the deal - we're going sell this app as"donate" ware. If we get at least 2K downloads inthe next 3 months at $.99, the elves said it wouldbe OK to give this app away for free! If we don'tthe elves are going to make another plan...PLEASE HELP OUR ELVES FROM GOING BAREFOOT ANOTHER WINTERAND HELP OTHER PEOPLE ENJOY THE SAME APP!- Thank from the producers at!**********************************************************IntroductionThe Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide has been prepared fortheSEAL community with several goals in mind. Our objective istoprovide you, the operator, with information to help:Enhance the physical abilities required to performSpecialOperations mission-related physical tasks;Promote long-term cardiovascular health and physical fitness;Prevent injuries and accelerate return to duty;Maintain physical readiness under deployed orembarkedenvironments.An Introduction byRADM Raymond C. SmithIf this guide is able to achieve those goals, it will be amajorsuccess. Being a SEAL is a tough job and requires enormousphysicalstrength and stamina. Injuries, both chronic and acuteareoccupational hazards, but there are training measuresandprecautions that can be used to decrease the incidence oftheseinjuries. Understanding the basics of physical fitness can goalong way to achieving these goals.Membership in the Naval Special Warfare (NSW) communityrequiresan extraordinarily high level of total body physicalfitness. Acombination of muscular strength, flexibility andcardiovascularfitness is essential to carry out assignedmissions.To train most effectively for these physically demandingtasks,SEALs and others within the NSW community need clear,concise, andauthoritative guidance on physical fitness trainingregimens. Thismanual, The Naval Special Warfare Physical FitnessGuide, has beenwritten to meet this need.The authors of this comprehensive guide, physiciansandphysiologists, were chosen because of their specialqualificationsin the area of physical fitness and their knowledgeof the NSW andSEAL community. Their expertise ensured the guidewould be writtenwith the unique requirements of the NSW communityin mind, and thatour goal of expanding the individual Navy SEAL'sknowledge ofattaining and retaining a high level of fitness wouldbeachieved.I commend The Naval Special Warfare Physical Fitness Guide asasuperb source of information. Following the advice in thisguidewill enable SEALs and other members of the NSW community topreparefor the physically demanding missions to which they areassigned inthe future.Chapter 1Overview of Physical FitnessChapter 2SEAL Mission-Related Physical ActivitiesMission-Specific ActivitiesChapter 3Cardiorespiratory ConditioningChapter 4Running for FitnessChapter 5Swimming for FitnessChapter 6Strength TrainingChapter 7FlexibilityChapter 8CalisthenicsChapter 9PlyometricsChapter 10Load-BearingChapter 11Training for Specific EnvironmentsChapter 12Training and Sports Related InjuriesChapter 13Harmful Substances that Affect PerformanceChapter 14Other Training- Related IssuesChapter 15Physical Fitness and Training RecommendationsThe SEAL Physical Fitness ProgramAppendix AWeight Lifting TechniquesAppendix BCommon Anatomical Terms and DiagramsAppendix CFoot Care for Load-Bearing