Top 3 Games Similar to Ahead Sport Mind Training

Hockey Canada Network 1.10.0
Hockey Canada
HCN offers coaches and players thousands of videos, drills,articlesand more.
BC Hockey 3.1
Create your own hockey cards with the Photobooth function of theBCHockey app!
Admirals Hockey Club Tracker 1.0
Gen3 Software
The Activity Tracker is a devicedesignedforthe parents of the Admirals Hockey Club in order totracktheirchild’s on-ice activities.The Admirals Hockey Club is the first and onlyModelHockeyAssociation in Illinois and one of only 17 ModelAssociationsinthe nation.In order to attain this status, the Admirals haveadoptedUSAHockey’s American Development Model (ADM) across allageandability levels.The Admirals believe that every minute of ice-time isvaluableandimportant for the development of young hockey players.To thatend,the Admirals Hockey Club has provided this applicationsothatparents can track their child’s activity during apracticeorgame.There are two types of features with this application:• Stop watch features• CountersStop watch features are designed to track the amount ofsecondsorminutes spent on a given activity. For these, hit the“start”buttonwhen an activity begins to occur, and the “end”button whentheactivity is complete. Starts and stops can occurduring thecourse ofa game or practice, and the app will track thetotal timedevoted toan activity.Counter features are designed to tally the number oftimesanactivity or action occurs. For these, hit the “+” key whenanitemoccurs. If you make an error in counting, simply tap the“-“key toerase the count.This application includes:• A stop watch to track the amount of time acoachspendsexplaining drills and concepts.• A stop watch to track the amount of time a childisskating(moving).• A counter to track the number of pass attempts, or a passinwhichthe child activity tries to get the puck toanotherplayer,regardless of whether or not the pass wassuccessful.‘Dumping thepuck’ or blind passes should not beconsidered passattempts.• A counter to track the number of passes received.• A counter to track the number of shots taken on goal.• A stop watch to track the amount of time the child hascontrolofthe puck.• A counter to track the number of times a coachprovidesdirectfeedback to a child.Parents can use this app to track activity at a practiceoragame. In addition, parents can use the app to trackactivityatanother team’s practice or games. Though the app isdesignedforhockey, it can be used to track activity at othersports(eitherpractices or games).Information gathered in the tracking app is saved andcanberetrieved within the app, so that parents can comparetheresultsof a practice versus a game, or compared the resultsoftheirteam’s practice versus the practice of anotherhockeyclub.