Top 15 Apps Similar to Ramalan Jodoh Anyar

Primbon Ramalan Jodoh 2.3.4
Trusted dating horoscope forecast
Ramalan Cinta 1.1
Ramalan Cinta, Love Calculator, Ramalan Bintang, RamalanJodohLengkap
Mega Love Test Calculator - Pr 1.0
Combines 5 advanced Love Tests, which may* reveal your true love!
Ramalan Primbon 1.0.0
Aplikasi kami memiliki 3 fitur, yaituramalantanggal lahir, ramalan jodoh, dan bola kristal. Padaramalantanggal lahirakan mencoba menerawang karakteristik pribadi kamu atau oranglain,tujuannya agar kamu bisa lebih mengenal diri sendiri atauorangyang ingin kamu ramal. Ramalan jodoh akan menghitung seberapabesarjodoh hubungan kamu dan pasangan kamu, dalam ramalan jodoh inijugadisertai tips cinta agar hubungan kamu dengan pasanganmu jauhlebihbaik. Dan bola kristal akan menjawab semua pertanyaan yangkamuajukan.Our application hasthreefeatures, namely the forecast date of birth, forecast a mate,and acrystal ball. On the forecast date of birthwill try dreamy personal characteristics you or others, thegoalthat you can know yourself or the person you want totellers.Forecasts mate will calculate how much dating relationshipyou andyour partner, the mate forecasts as well as tips love thatyourrelationship with your partner is much better. And the crystalballwill answer all the questions you ask.
Love Calculator 2.0
Are you sure of your love compatibilitywithyour partner? Or maybe, This Love Calculator only tells you,Howmuch your Love Truth and what is possible with your partner.This Love Calculator is develop by Advanced Algorithm whichwilltake care of all scientific reason and Zodiac and give you abestresult of your Love.Do you have feelings for one of your friends but don\'t knowhowto tell them?It\'s all about communication and negotiation: areas of harmonyinthe relationship, fusion of energies and potential areasoffrictions.Just try it out now with Love Calculator!How to Use:Just Enter your name and your partner will get Result, How much your Love Truth.Share this Result with your partner or friends on socialnetworklike Facebook, Google+, twitter etc.Best of Luck for you Love Test. we will wish, you get 100%TrueLove and share with us your love Percentage.This app is Best option for Love Calculator , Love Prediction,Lovemeter, Love, Find Love Percentage
Primbon & Tarot 2.0
Primbon & Tarot adalah aplikasi ramalan berdasarkan Tarot(SoulCard) dan Primbon. Soul Card adalah teknik yang digunakanuntukmengetahui karakter dasar seseorang dengan cara menghitungtanggallahir orang tersebut secara numerology hingga menjadi satudigituntuk mendefinisikan karakter seseorang berdasarkan majorarcanadari kartu Tarot. Sedangkan Primbon adalah sebuahmetodetradisional Jawa yang digunakan untuk menghitung berbagaiaspekkehidupan, seperti arti dari tanggal lahir, nama, artikedutan,hari baik, hari pernikahan dan lain-lain. Fitur : *Menghitung SoulCard anda berdasarkan tanggal lahir dan mendapatkanpenjelasankarakter anda berdasarkan kartu Tarot. * MenghitungWetonan andaberdasarkan tanggal lahir dan nama anda. * Memberikanpenjelasankarakter berdasarkan wetonan anda. * Penjelasan tentangkejadiansehari-hari seperti kedutan, bersin dan kuping berdengingmenurutPrimbon. * Update mingguan ramalan anda berdasarkan SoulCard(seperti horoskop mingguan). * Share Soul Card dan ramalanmingguananda ke aplikasi lain yang diinginkan.
Kalkulator Ramalan Cinta 1.2
Buat kamu yang masih jomblo dan lagi mencari jodoh.Downloaddaninstall aplikasi Kalkulator Ramalan Cinta di HpKamu.Denganaplikasi ini kamu bisa mengukur kecocokan kamu danpasangankamudengan menyenangkan. Cara menggunakan aplikasiKalkulatorRamalanCinta sangat mudah. Masukkan nama kamu danPasangan kamukemudianaplikasi Kalkulator Ramalan Cinta akanmemberikan RamalanCintakamu dalam bentuk angka persentase kecocokankamu.Keunggulanaplikasi ini : - Tampilan 3D yang realistik -MudahDigunakan -Animasi menarik - Gratis Aplikasi KalkulatorRamalanCinta 3D cocokuntuk kamu sebagai bahan pembicaraan yangmenariksehingga membuatkamu dan teman teman kamu senang. Sejenisdenganaplikasi RamalanJodoh, Ramalan Bintang, Ramalan Zodiak,aplikasiini sangat menarikuntuk bersenang-senang dengan teman-temankamu.Download danselamat bergembira...
Primbon Jodoh Lengkap 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi primbonjodohdanramalan-ramalan tentang jodoh berdasar primbon jawa.Downloaddanbuka tabir misteri kamuThisapplicationcontainshoroscope predictions mate and mate based onJavahoroscope.Download and open the veil of mystery you
Free Wifi Hacker Prank 1.1
WiFi Password Hacker is a simulatorappthatpretends to hack any WiFi network. It can pretendhackingintosecured wifi network using WEP, WPA2 or AES encryptionand soon.It just presents an animations that you are hackingandnothingelse. So it is not harmful to any of the network. it isnota reallife hacker app.Why it is awesome:Wifi Hacker Prank is the best way to prank your friendsbypretendingthat you are a genius in hacking and show off as ifyouhave hackpassword. Wifi Prank has very good UI and you appeartobe a veryprofessional techie to your friends. Easy to foolandPrank yourfriends with this prank application.How to prank:You can use it to trick your friends that you can hackintotheirwifi network. Just run this tool in their house, thewifiscannerwill detect all the wifi connections no matter whetherthesignalis good or not. And then select their wireless wifi.Arandompassword will be generated, but they will think that youhavejusthacked their network! Watch the reaction on their scaredfaceandhave a lot of fun.Please remember that this app is made only for fun and itwillNOTdo a real hacking. It is only a simulation, so allpasswordsarerandomly generated and fake!
Gun sounds 1.1
One of the most realistic simulatorforweapons/guns shots. This gun simulator app has a largecollectionshots sounds from different types of weapons.This application contains many types of weapons, such asmachineguns, pistols, as well as sniper rifles andshotguns. This collection of sounds of guns will suit everyonewhois interested in using different types of weapons. Each weaponusedin this app has a brief description and anunlimited amount of ammo for shots checking. So if you want toplaywar with your friends or just want to scare someone thenthiscollection of gun sounds is best one for your need!For the gun to fire you just need to click on the gun.Chooseyour favorite gun and struck terror in the neighborhood, allthepeople andanimals will be wary of you.
Novel Cinta Jodoh dan Takdir 3.4
[SINOPSIS]Siapa sangka dengan datang ke resepsi pernikahan mantan pacar,akanmembuat Suci Ayuningtias bertemu dengan seseorang yang(mungkin)adalah jodohnya.Berjodoh dengan keponakan dari istri si mantan pacar? No way!Itunamanya turun kasta, batin Suci mentah-mentah.Tapi bagaimana kalau mereka dijodohkan?Pengarang :I. S. Kasman[TERM OF SERVICE]Novel yang ada didalam Aplikasi ini adalah resmi dariBukuOryzaeesebagai Pengunggah dan Penyebar langsung dari PengarangNovel.Mengambil, memperbanyak atau mengubah isi konten novel inidilarangtanpa seizin kami.Dapatkan novel-novel menarik dan seru karya penulis-penulisberbakatdi Indonesia hanya di BukuOryzaee on Google Play!Sampaikan SARAN, KRITIK, REQUEST APPLIKASI dan DapatkanUPDATEAPPLIKASI TERBARU DARI KAMI dengan follow fanspage kami:
Girl Voice Changer 1.0.0
This Girl voice changer isanawesomeentertainer app which converts your recorded sound togirlssoundsof different ages.Record sounds and have fun hearing to thesesounds.Convertsfriendsvoice to girls voice and have fun onthem.More you can record your own voice and listen your soundindifferentgirls voice tone which will show how your voice soundsingirls tone.The Recorded sounds are available to check itlater.Also you cansave the girls voices into SD card. Furthermorethegirl voicechanger application can list them in your own. Youcansee the listof the saved girls voices.Features:ï Single Touch to record and stop record your own voice.ï Play the recorded sound in various type of girls voicesï Save the converted into SD card with different filesnameandformatï You can manually check the saved voices in you app.
FansClub - Tweet Ramalan 2.1
Setelah download Tweet Ramalan ini, kamuakanselalu dapat mengecek ramalan berdasarkan zodiak, shio,dangolongan darah kamu. Mau tau juga arti mimpi kamu semalam? Adajugadisini. Dan bukan hanya itu, doa dan kata-kata mutiara akanselalumenyemangati hari-harimu setiap hari. Download aplikasiini,ralaman dan penyemangat harimu tidak akan pernahterlewatkan.After the downloadTweetthis forecast, you will always be able to check the forecastisbased on the zodiac, zodiac, and your blood type. Want to knowwellthe meaning of your dream last night? There is also here. Andnotonly that, prayers and words of wisdom will always cheer yourdayevery day. Download this app, ralaman and encouraging your daywillnever be missed.
Pink Love Keyboard Theme 7.3.0_0421
Personalize your keyboard with Pink Love theme for enjoyingdeeplove!
Zodiak Hari ini 1.0
Aplikasi zodiak hari ini merupakanaplikasiRamalan bintang sesuai dengan Bulan dan Tahun Kelhirananda,Aplikasi ini di update setiap harinya bisa dijadikan referensiandauntuk bertindak sesuai dengan bintang anda. Ramalan hanyasebuahramalan yang terkadang bisa meleset dari perkiraan, tapi inihanyauntuk gambaran untuk kita semua. Tapi ingat jangan ditekankandalam hati bahwa ramalan ini nyata. Mudah-mudahan denganaplikasiini menjadi penambah wawasan sahabat semua.Applications zodiactodayis an application in accordance with the star Forecast MonthandYear Kelhiran you, this app is updated every day can be used asareference you to act according to your star. Forecast is onlyaforecast which can sometimes be missed estimates, but this isjustfor the picture for us all. But remember not emphasized in myheartthat this prediction is real. Hopefully with this applicationtoadd the insight companions all.