Top 13 Apps Similar to Dent Tips

Real Tooth Morphology Free 3.2
This groundbreaking app uses high resolution micro-CT scan dataofreal teeth.
Dentist - Dental clinic appointment manager 2.0.6
Dentist application is designed for dentists to use daily intheirprofessional activities. Dental ofiice appointment managerwillhelp you to keep information on patient visit : rootcanaltreatment, teeth whitening, braces, tmj, tooth extraction.Dentalchart and x-rays of patients will be always near at hand.
Inno dent 3.0.5
We're launcing our official application!!Keepin touch with all things Inno DENT and stay up to date on allofour latest offers, services and promotions.【 It's possible 】● up-to-date information (news) you will receive the app fromtheshop.● Collect a stamp that I get in the shop, it might help you getthebest deals of benefits.● we will deliver deals coupon of coupons and applicationuserlimited delivery to reach the month of birthday.● From the menu, you can check the service (product) content!【Notes】● those birthday coupon above to be delivered to the birth SunMoon,will not be issued at the time of application installation.(Inorder to receive a coupon, any birthday input is required ontheuser side)● This app displays the latest information using theInternetcommunication.Some OS and may not be available, because there are times whenyoudo not work properly in some models, please understandinadvance.
Стоматология 2.2
Stomatological aid - professional, fast and painless
Сестринское дело Стоматология 1.13
Приложение предназначено для получениязнанийпо специальности "Сестринское дело". Приложение позволяетизучатьматериал в данной области и так же проверять свои знания врежимесвободного просмотра и в режиме тестирования. Естьвозможностьнастраивать режим тестирования. Ведется статистикаправильных инеправильных ответов.The applicationisdesigned to provide knowledge in the specialty "Nursing". Theappallows you to learn the material in this area and also tochecktheir knowledge in the mode of free viewing and in test mode.It ispossible to customize the test mode. Statistics are keptcorrectand incorrect answers.
Мир Стоматологии 4.5.0
Сеть клиник «Мир Стоматологии»предлагаетвесьспектр стоматологических услуг.Наши цены вас порадуют!К примеру, наши специальные акции на брекет-системысамыевыгодныеи без скрытых условий.Наши высококвалифицированные специалисты имеют большойопытврешении сложных задач, смогут найти нужный подход кдетямивзрослым. Вам у нас понравится.Скачайте приложение и будьте всегда впереди!С нашим приложением вы сможете задать вопросы онлайн24/7,записатьсяонлайн на приём, быть в курсе всехспециальныхпредложений и акций,посмотреть на наши работы, и узнатьсамыйкороткий путь к нам.Ждем Вас в наших клиниках!The networkofclinics"World Dentistry" offers a full range of dental services.Our prices will please you!For example, our special promotions on the braces andthemostfavorable conditions with no hidden.Our specialists have extensive experience insolvingcomplexproblems, can find the right approach to childrenandadults. Doyou enjoy your visit.Download the app and always be ahead! With our app you can ask questions online 24/7, makeanappointmentonline, be aware of any special offers andpromotions,to look atour work, and find the shortest way to us.We are waiting for you in our clinic!
App to prepare for the accreditation of medical specialists
Cux-Dent 2.3
Cux Dent, T.Kober. Whitening, prophylaxis, pediatricdentist,dentist, dentures.
Anatomy of the Mouth 1.0
Anatomy of the Mouth is an reference,andeducation tool. This app’s primary use is as a learning toolbutcan also be used for any professional who needs theoccasionalreminder. You can see and learn the locations of theparts of humanmouth anatomy system which is illustrated on thediagrams.Additionally, this app is ideal for dental science,physicians,educators or professionals, allowing them to visuallyshow detailedareas to their patients or students - helping toeducate or explainconditions. This app is the pocket-sized versionof anatomy of themouth - Dental app. It is helpful as well as userfriendly. Educateyourself with Anatomy of the Mouth App.This app includes:• Introduction Dental Anatomy• Tooth Numbering Systems• Formulae Mammalian Teeth• Teeth: Notation, Definition and Orientation• Surfaces and Ridges• The Crown and Root• Tooth Drawing and Carving• Teeth Division into Thirds, Line Angles, and Point Angles• Other Landmarks
Cabinet smile (Dent immature)
This is a course on the treatment of necrotic immature teeth.
Dr. med. dent. Rainer Fangmann 1.8
Now there's Dr. med. Dent. Rainer Fangmann as official app!
Dent Atacity 16061312
Ağız ve diş sağlığı merkezi olarakhizmetverenkurumumuzun siz değerli hastalarınasunduğuhizmetlerdenyararlanabilmeniz için hazırlanmışbiruygulamadır.Oral anddentalhealthcenter which serves as our institution is anapplicationyouprepared to take advantage of the services offered toourvaluedpatients.
Стоматологическая клиника«СтоминвестиКомпания» на рынке стоматологических услуг с 1996года.Кадровый состав: всего врачей-стоматологов 25, из них:1доктормедицинских наук, профессор, 2 кандидатамедицинскихнаук,врачей-стоматологов высшей категории – 12.Наши специалисты регулярно проходят повышениеквалификацииистажировку в ведущих стоматологических центрахГермании,Италии,США, России.Клиника оснащена самыми современными оборудованиямиитехнологиямивсемирно известных производителей.Для Вашего удобства мы создали мобильное приложение, вкоторомВыможете не только записаться на прием в удобное для Васвремя, ноипредварительно изучить, предлагаемые нами услуги.Мы оказываем весь спектр современных стоматологическихуслуготгигиенических процедур до имплантации.DentalClinic"Stominvestand Company" in the market of dental servicessince1996.Personnel structure: only 25 dentists, of whom: 1 DoctorofMedicalSciences, professor, 2 PhD, dentists of the highestcategory-12.Our specialists undergo regular professional developmentandtrainingin the leading dental centers in Germany, Italy,USA,Russia.The clinic is equipped with the most modernequipmentsandworld-renowned manufacturers of technologies.For your convenience we have created a mobile applicationwhereyoucan not only make an appointment at a convenient time foryou,butalso the first study, the services we offer.We provide a full range of modern dental services fromhygienetoimplantation.