Top 7 Apps Similar to Bedtime Story - Courage

Courage Builder 1.0
Inspirational and motivational quotestohelpstrengthen your courage and determination. Over 100quotationswillhelp keep your resolve strong.
Bedtime Story - Try the Food 1.1
Have you ever tried reading an APP andyourchildren just wanted to play with the buttons? Have you everwantedto read a book that allows your children to interact withthecharacters? Are you fed up with random cuddly stories that aresosoft it makes marshmallows jealous?LITTLE APP OF BIG QUESTIONS--------------------------------------------Imagine a world of possibilities… back when you were young!Aworld that had no bounds, a world of colour, new sounds andsmells,a world of excitement and imagination.A world that allowed you to construct questionswithoutpretense.. a world that would allow us to ask questionsabout newpossibilities…These books have been designed with the following concept inmind- “In life if we ask better questions we get betterresults”.This incredible 12 page story allows you to read to yourchildwhile the child interacts with the elements of each page.“USE THE POWER OF QUESTIONS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE” -TonyRobbinsABOUT THE STORY>Jessie does not like eating her vegetables and rather thanjustTRYING them, she deliberately gets out of eating them bydoingthings that result in consequences for her and herfamily.>This witty short story teaches children to think abouttheconsequences of their actions before doing them and posesaquestion of trying..POWERFUL QUESTIONS>How can I take this experience and use it to contributetoothers?>What is preventing me from achieving this goal?>What am I most proud about in my life now?IDEAL FOR> Kids between 2 and 6 years> Preschool> Parents who want to read to their kids, and kids who wanttoplay with the APP> Parents that understand the importance of'PersonalDevelopment'INTERACTIVE KIDS FLIP BOOK>Drag and Drop the characters and elements of the story>Simple navigation allowing the child to control the book>Music, Sounds and AnimationWHAT WILL MY CHILDREN LEARN>You will find the game inviting and distraction-free.Yourchildren build and practice cognitive skills, shaperecognition,visual spatial skills.REMARKABLE CUSTOMER SUPPORT>If you have any new book ideas please email [email protected]> questions create a quality life! Asking thoughtfulquestionsis more important than having quick answers.These amazing childrens books are focused around funeducationalstories that both the parent and the kids can relateto.‘We are human’… if you can provide feedback once youhavedownloaded this APP as to how your kid was able to interact andhowyou found the story, that would be really helpful!All the
Courage on Bataan and Beyond 4.0
Aggie Chick
“Courage on Bataan and Beyond”isacomprehensive story about Abel F. Ortega’s life duringtheBataanDeath March and Japanese imprisonment written by hisson.Abel willtake the reader with him from his childhood days whenhewould sitin a rocking chair and dream about the Far Easttodefending theBataan Peninsula in a last ditch effort to keeptheJapanese fromtaking the Philippines. Abel narrates how hisfamily’sprayers andhis faith in God helped him to survive theinfamousBataan DeathMarch, three-and-a-half years as a POW and twoHellShip Voyages.This book will evoke both laughter and tears asonefollows Abelfrom captivity to liberation. In histhree-and-a-halfyears as aPOW, he endured near starvation, hardlabor, torture andtheindescribable and inhumane cruelty from hiscaptors beforebeingset free August 15th, 1945. There were very fewPOW’s whosurvivedthe Japanese brutality of Bataan and theirfollowingcaptivity, andof these, not many are still with us. Todayat 85,Abel feels hisstory needs to be told so that the bravesoldiers ofBataan willnot be forgotten once again.
غير حياتك ابراهيم الفقي 1.1
يحتوى هذا الكتاب على العديد من المقولاتتتضمنقصصاً من الواقع وكيفية تنفيذها والعمل بها من أمثلة هذهالمقولات : -نرى ما لا نريد و نريد مالا نرى فنفقد قيمة ما نرى و نضيعفي سراب مالا نرى كن حريصا ألا تفقد قيمة ما ترى. -لولا وجود عكسالمعنى لما كانللمعنى معنى. -هناك أشياء و أشخاص و حتى أجزاء منا تسيرمعنا في رحلةحياتنا لغرض محدد و لفترة محددة و ليس لمصاحبتنا طوالالرحلة لذلك حانالوقت أن تدعهم و شأنهم. -هناك أوقات نشعر فيها أنهاالنهاية ثم نكتشفأنها البداية و هناك أبواب نشعر بأنها مغلقة ثم نكتشفأنها المدخلالحقيقي. -عندما لا تعرف ماذا تفعل يبدأ عملك الحقيقي وعندما لا تعرفأي طريق تسلك تبدأ رحلتك الحقيقية. ******* وكان يكرر فينهاية شرح كلمقولة شعاره الذى عاش به فيقول "تذكّر عش كل لحظة وكأنهااخر لحظة فىحياتك، عش بحبك لله- سبحانه وتعالى- وبالتطبيع بأخلاقالرسول صلى اللهعليه وسلم وبأخلاق الرسل والأنبياء والصحابة والأولياءالصالحين عشبالعلم والكفاح،عش بالفعل والالتزام عش بالصبروالمرونة،وعش بالحبوقدّر قيمة الحياة"This book contains manyofthe categories include stories from reality and how toimplementthem and work out examples of these statements: - see whatwe donot want and we want money see Vnfkd the value of what we seeandwaste in the mirage of what we do not see Be careful not tolosethe value of what you see. -lola The presence of theoppositemeaning of what was the meaning of meaning. -there Thingsandpeople and even parts of us are going with us in the journey ofourlives for the specific purpose and for a specific period and nottoMassahptna throughout the trip so it's time to let them andtheirbusiness. -there Are times where they eventually discover thattheythen start there and we feel closed doors and then theydiscoverthe real entrance. -andma Do not know what to do and thereal startyour business when they do not know which way to walk tostart thereal trip. ******* The repeats at the end of explainingall theargument motto who lived it says "Remember nest every momentlikethe last moment in your life, nest love to Lh- AlmightyAlmightyand normalization morality of the Prophet Muhammad, peacebe uponhim and the morality of the apostles and prophets andcompanionsand saints Nest science and struggle, already nest nestpatienceand commitment, flexibility, and live and love as much asthe valueof life. "
اعرف نفسك بنفسك 1.1
اختبارات لتحليل شخصيتك وغيرها .. من رائد التنميةالبشريةالدكتوروالمحاضر العالمي ابراهيم الفقي - رحمه الله - اختباراتمتعددةمنها :التعرف على الشخصية, اختبار العاطفة, الاكتئاب, ملامحالشخصية,نوعالخجل .. وغيرها ~ اختبارات أثق في صحتها لأنها من شخص صعباننستطيعان نتكلم عنه في سطر او سطرين .. التطبيق لا يحتاجللاتصالبالانترنتوبخط واضح وتستطيع تكبير وتصغير الخط. متوافق لجميعاحجامالشاشاتللجوالات والتابلت التي تعمل بنظام اندرويد. للمزيدبزيارتنا
Bring Out Courage 1.0
How many dreams and goals have you evadedasyou were frightened of failing? How many times have you lookedbackon your life, looked upon mistakes you've made, and kickedyourselfover them? So many people allow dread of making mistakes toholdthem back!If you fail at something it touches you in a deeplyemotionalway. While it feels detrimental at the time, it teachesyouimperative lessons. You learn what doesn't work, which mighttrulybring you closer to success. Because it's so disturbing tofail,you'll try harder the following time.Even if you try and fail, you'll never be the person youwerebefore you started the project. You've forced yourself to afreshlevel, moved away from your comfort zone, and are muchmoresensible for having tried the task. If you constantlyavoidpursuing goals and ambitions because you're frightened ofmakingmistakes you'll never realize what you can accomplish. Tryingandflunking is better than never having tried at all.If you put your efforts into trying something and you fallshortyou build bravery to try again. It's commonly dread of theunknownthat truly holds people back, however when you've made itthrough afailure, taken a risk and lost, it won't feel as chillingthe nexttime you try. Bravery doesn't truly come from winning,however fromthe quest of goals-whether you win or not. By takingmore gamblesyou'll build bravery to continue trying till youencountersuccess.They state that everything happens for a reason, and failureisno exception. Maybe you interviewed for an occupation anddidn'tget it, all the same a different one gets through that paysmoreand proposes room for growth.
Christmas Story 1.1
You're looking around the Google Storetryingto find a ‘Remarkable’ book to read to your child… Youunderstandthat most of these story books are well.. “Created forkids”. Nowimagine sitting down with your child to read a personaldevelopmentbook that your children may understand.A series of books that is ‘thought provoking’ while easy toread.Stories that sometimes don’t have a happy ending and storiesthatcall a spade a spade.May we introduce you to a series of books thatquestioneverything!The concept of these books are based around the followingideafrom a gentleman called Tony Robbins - “In life if we askbetterquestions we get better results”.These books tackle real world situations that we are allfacedwith everyday but with an emphasis on asking a‘qualityquestion’.Download this Story Now==================Little Matthew is excited about Christmas coming and hefindshimself in situations leading up to Christmas Day that testshispatience.This fun and engaging special edition Christmas story is adelightto read to your child leading up to Christmas and it alsoteachesthem an important life lesson of patience.Download the book now to find out how Matthew learned how tobepatient.P.P.S- What should the next question be? It takes us overthreeweeks with four staff to establish each book - Please writebackand tell us your thoughts. I am also human “Woof”.The Mission===========Get 100 celebrities (movers and shakers) around the world tosendus their ‘Quality Question’ that changed their life. Thank youOperaWinfrey.What is a ‘Quality Question’===================A ‘Quality Question’ can give us a new direction orperspectivein life. Let’s just say a person wanted to loseweight.What are some of the questions they would ask themselves?“Howcould I lose weight?” or “Where is the closest Gym” or maybe“Howcould I bring the Gym into my house?” - every one ofthesequestions produces thoughts that may turn into actions.How about “How could I lose weight and enjoy the process?”Thatone sentence opened up a whole new world of possible actions.Justthink about it. Imagine losing weight and enjoying the process.Itall came out of taking the time to imagining a new‘QualityQuestion to ask oneself”.Money: “Am I worthy to have this money?” How about “Is thismoneyworthy of me?”. Or Achievement: “Why can I never reach thatgoal?”How about “What don’t I know yet that is preventing mefromachieving the goal?”. The list goes on.Once you have read the book you may have some qualityquestionsthat you would like us to turn into a book - pleasecontact us.“Why Me” --- “Why not you?”