Top 1 Apps Similar to London Calling 2015

StarT-High quality calling 1.1.3
■ The Absolute Low Cost■We provide a epoch-making low rates for international phonecall,nomatter where you call.For example, if you make an international call to China, KoreaortheUnited States, it will only cost you 2.5P*/minute. EveninJapan, itwill only cost 3.5P/minute for a call to a fixedphone,and15P/minute for a call to a mobile phone. *1P=1 yen■You can use the points you get from [ Lucky System ]tomakecalls!For first-time customers, you can try playing "gacha"forfree.Please try high-quality international calling sevice.■Phone number registrationYou can change to number of dispatch display■Convenient operationWe are always seeking for simple!Automatic synchronizing to phone’s contact, pleaseenjoymanyoperations.■ You can use StarT all around the world ■Not only in Japan, but also in China or United States, youcanuseStarT anywhere in the world, whether you are on yourtriporstudying aboard. Moreover, we will provide you fullsupportinJapanese, Chinese, English and many other languages.We - StarT will connect the world in a cheaper, wiserandconvenienceway. So why don't you come and join us?Notice: Using application will not spend you any applyfee,usingfee or any other extra fee, in case of using 3G or LTE,itmay spendyou extra calling fee. We suggest you to use afixedamount ofpacket