Top 17 Apps Similar to Stop Smoking B Happy

QuitNow PRO: Stop smoking 6.63.3
The app to quit smoking recommended by the WHO
SmokeFree: Quit smoking slowly 5.2.0
Simple methods to help you quit
Get Rich or Die Smoking 2.6.7
Tobias Gruber
Helps you to stop smoking by showing what you can afford withthemoney saved!
Quit smoking - Smokerstop 1.6.0
This app individually motivates you to quit smoking.
Quit Smoking Now: Quit Buddy! 1.2.0
I’m a ex-smoker myself, I know how hard it is to quit smokingandtostay clean. After I quit smoking I started to use somequitsmokingapps. None of them did really helped me, what I neededwassomesupport during the difficult moments. I decided to spentmytime ondeveloping a app which would give ex-smokers thesupportthey needduring the difficult moments. I’m proud tointroduce youthe “Quitsmoking buddy” app. With our easy to usesetup walkthrough you canstart using the app in seconds. The “Quitsmokingbuddy” app willshow you how long it’s been since yourlastcigarette. The app willalso shows you how much cigarettesyoudidn’t smoked and how muchmoney you have saved! Quit smokingwillfeel like a game when youcomplete our health goals andaccomplishyour achievements! Whatmakes the “Quit smoking buddy” appreallyspecial is your personalquit coach! Choose the level ofsupportyou need and receive dailysupport from your personal quitsmokingcoach. A life withoutsmoking will become a realistic andreachablegoal! Quit smokingtoday and let the Quit smoking Buddycoach helpyou! ★ Check out theapp functions: ✓ Get daily supportfrom ourquit smoking coach. ✓Complete the health goals. ✓Accomplish yourachievements. ✓ Shareyour results with friends onFacebook. ✓Shows: How many days sinceyou’ve quit, how much moneyyou havesaved, the amount of cigarettesnot smoked. Our goal is tobecomethe number 1 quit smoking appworldwide and to support asmanyex-smokers as possible. ★ Are yousatisfied with our free app?Takea look at Quit smoking Buddy Pro.This app offers 100 days ofcoachsupport at different levels. ★What extra options does our paidAppoffer? ✓ Choose the level ofcoach support you need. ✓ Get upto100 days of support. ✓ Add yourown personal achievements. ✓Morehealth goals to accomplish. ✓ 100%Ad-free.
Stop Smoking Hypnosis 1.1.3
Get Help To Stop Smoking With Hypnotherapy!Hypnosis is a natural state in which everyone moves in and outofevery day. We experience hypnosis when day-dreaming or when wehaveour attention intensely focused on something of interest. Inthisaltered state of awareness, our unconscious mind is more openandreceptive to ideas and suggestion.By using hypnosis, we can present information to ourunconsciousmind to bring about the changes we desire. It may bethat theunconscious mind is viewing certain situations from aflawedperspective, which means that it is influencing ourbodies'responses in a negative way,e.g. we feel anxious and afraid of something which is really notallthat threatening (phobias and fears). In hypnosis, we cancorrectthose flawed perceptions which, in turn, will result intheunconscious mind changing the way it influences our feelingsandour physical responses. Wecan also present information to the unconscious mind aboutpositivethings we want to experience, e.g. feeling more confidentin acertain situation and performing better. Our unconsciousmindcannot distinguish between what is real and what is imaginary.Whenwe use the power of hypnosis to present information totheunconscious mind in our imagination, our unconscious canacceptthat as real and will then go on to respond to thatnewinformation. It is important to know that the more you believeinthe power of your mind to bring about what you want, and themoreyou commit to focusing your attention on what you want, thebetterthe results will be. One session of hypnotic suggestions willnotbring about much change at all. However, repeated suggestionsinline with your goals and a strong focus on the outcomes youreallywant will help you to make these a reality.
Drop It! Quit Smoking 2.01
Quitting smoking is the best decision you have made in your life!
Breathe Now -Stop Smoking Free
Breathe Now - Stop Smoking is an app to quit smoking and savemoney!
Quit smoking 1.8.22
Want to quit smoking but can not? Not enough willpower? Afraidoflosing something valuable? Throwing a lot of time andstartedagain? How it all familiar... "Quit Smoking" applicationwascreated for people who understand the benefits of smoking, butatthe same time want to be free from addiction to cigarettestoimprove the health, saving money and time. What you will likethisapp? 1. Establish stable relationship unconscious aversiontosmoking, and that smoking, in fact, it is not necessary foraperson. 2. Set persistent unconscious link, that ahealthylifestyle - this is correct, it's nice, this should strivefor. 3.Find ways of substitution of smoking. The app contains morethan100 motivational images, 5 actions for substitution of smoking.Allyou have to do - is to choose the time and repetitions. Everydayincrease your motivation to be free from smoking. Onthe"achievements" page you can track your progress - improvedhealth,saved money, etc. In the full version you will be availablefor+100 motivational images and more than 20 actions forsubstitutionof smoking. Also you can set the exact time ofrepetitions. Thetime required for establishing a new habit(rejection of oldhabits) is 21 days or 3 weeks. If you can bewithout a cigaretteall the time, consider that you have won. Thetotal time toestablish a new habit - 3 months. After 3 monthswithout acigarette you will become a completely different person.You wantthis? Finally, be honest with yourself.
Tobano stop smoking cigarette 3.0.4
Nicolas Lett
Have you recently quit smoking, or beenwantingto quit? Tobano is exactly what you need!Tobano uses game design techniques, game thinking and gamemechanicsto encourage people to quit smoking.You reach higher and higher levels and rankings as you try toreachthe Ultimate Tobano rank.You'll have access to useful statistics such as the timepassedsince you've stopped smoking, the money you've saved and thenumberof cigarettes you haven't smoked. You can monitor thesestatisticslive.There are also 60 achievements for you to unlock. When youreachsome of them you'll even get info about the benefits ofstoppingsmoking for your body and your life.Finally, you'll be able to share your progress with your friendsonFacebook, Twitter and by email.Shake your mobile to draw a motivational card (40 differentcardsavailable) when you feel craving for a cigarette coming on.You'llget a tip on how to avoid lighting up and feel better.Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself.Getstarted now and have some fun doing it!
SmokeAware - Quit Smoking 1.0.39
Callum Hyland
SmokeAware is an intelligent monitor. Itlearnshow you smoke & teaches you how to resist your cravings.MONITOR YOUR RECOVERY...automatically, just by having your phone in your pocket.INTUITIVELY DESIGNED...for simplistic, powerful control over your lifestyle.SHARE YOUR SUCCESS...across all major social networks. Let them be proud of you! get excited about. Visualize the benefits ofyourcommitment!BEAT YOUR RECORD• Power through your cravings to achieve milestone awards!FULFILL YOUR GOAL• Log cigarettes and view your progress throughout the day.• SmokeAware provides support to help you resist cravings.COMPREHENSIVE MONITORING• Smoking risk.• Daily cigarettes remaining.• Duration smoke free.• Duration of extended life.• Number of cigarettes you have rejected.• Money saved.HIGH FIDELITY ANALYSIS• Financial savings.• Temporal patterns.• Spatial patterns.ALREADY QUIT?• SmokeAware can help you track your achievement!
Smoke FREE Finally Non Smoking 1.9
Smoke FREE can help you finally quit smoking. Since I'vebeensmoking for many years myself, I looked for an app that helpsme,finally get rid of the addiction. During my smokingcessationphase, I developed this app and I hope it will help youalso. Thisapp shows you, among other things, how high your currentaddictionis, how regenerates your heart blood circulation and yourlungs andhow high the carbon monoxide levels in your blood. Thisinformationis updated every second. In addition, you can see howmuch moneyyou have saved in the time of quitting smoking and howyour lifeexpectancy has increased. Your successes you can alwayspost onFacebook and on Twitter or send to your friends via email.Get thisuseful app and change your life!
كلمات من صميم الواقع 3.6
يحتوي تطبيق حكم تحير العقول على صور حكم وكلمات وأقوال وخواطر ويحتويعلى حكم وكلمات عن الحياة و الحب و العلاقات وكذلك الصداقةمختارةبعناية شديدة ومقدمة في شكل صور منوعة جميلة بدون نت. هذاالتطبيق يضمأيضا في طياته أجمل المواعظ و الخواطر و جمل العتاب وأيضاأحلى الحكموالنصائح والمقولات المصورة. كل هذا نقدمه لكم بشكل حصريللاستمتاع بهوليساعدكم على فهم الحياة وتحسين علاقاتكم مع الناسوتحصيل الحكمةنصائح وأقوال عظماء،أ مثال في النجاح وكيفيه تخطيالصعوبات والمشاكلالتي تواجهك وكيفيه الانطلاق نحو تحقيق اهدافك.الان نضع بين يديكتطبيق "كلام ينفعك في حياتك" الذي سوف يحفزك لتحقيقاهدافك والمضي نحومستقبل افضل وحياه رائعه وذلك عبر مقولات من اشخاصعظماء تحدو الفشلوحققو اهدافهم ونجحوا في الحياه.هذه المقولات والحكمستساعدك علىمواجهه المشاكل والصعوبات وتخطيها والمضي نحو الامام خطوهبخطوه.عبارات بسيطه ولكنها مفيدة وحكيمه كلمات مفيده في الحياة يتضمنمجموعةمن الحكم و الأقوال التي اخدت من الحياة كعبرة للانسان تساعدهعلىالمضي في حياته و كيف التعايش مع الناس , كيف التعرف عليهمفقطبأخلاقهم و تصرفاتهم اليومية , كما يتضمن حكم عن الحب و الحزنوالدراسة و التقدم في الحياة, حكم عن الخيانة , حكم عن الفراق ,حكممنواقع الحياه وتجارب الاخرين تحتوى على خلاصه تجارب الاخرين منخلالمواقفهم الحياتيه اليوميه لتستفيد منها و تفيد الاخر بها
Quit Pro: stop smoking now 3.0.2
With Quit Pro, quitting suddenly becomesfun.You have no excuses not to try it !!Do you feel like quitting smoking is just too difficult ?Have you tried about every single approach that you could thinkof?Acupuncture, medication, patches, hypnosis, etc... simply didnotwork for you?Quit Pro is a brand new approach to help you quit smoking.QuitPro helps you monitor your progress, understand when, why andwhereyou smoke, as well as read motivation quotes to help youquitsmoking.MAIN FEATURES:A. Track every cigarette you smoke or resist:● Quit Pro helps you track all your cigarettes as well asyourcravings● Identify the moments of a day or week when the temptation isatits peak● Identify the triggers (more than 20 moods and situations)whichmake you want to smoke the most● Identify the places where you smoke the mostB. Monitor your progress and share it with your friends:● how long you've been a non-smoker● how much money you have saved● how many cigarettes you have smoked or resisted since youdecidedto quit or cut down your smoking● check the benefits on your health and your life expectancy.C. Read up to 170 motivation quotes from varioushealthorganizations
Breathe Now - Stop smoking 2.6
Breathe Now - Stop Smoking is an app to quit smoking and save money
Stop Smoking 2.15s
Stop smoking. Choose your Goal and reach it. Notification willhelpyou
Quit For Treats - Stop Smoking 2.06
The perfect companion to help you stop smoking: -Helps you findoutthe best way to stop: progressively or immediately -Monitorsyourprogress and keeps you organised when you are quitting.-Canconnect to your friends to reach for support or get one ofyourfriends to stop smoking at the same time as you. -Gives youhealthupdates to keep you informed of what happens to your bodywhen youstop smoking -Keeps track of your progress towards a treatyou wantto make to yourself using the money you save: Decide onwhat youwant to treat yourself to or select one of our suggestions.-Givesyou many tips to fight the cravings (you can customize andorganizethem) Download the app now and stop smoking!