Top 16 Games Similar to 大冒険!モンスターワールド!!

The Adventures of Pinocchio 1.1.0
Outline and features▼ "The Adventures of Pinocchio"· Strange story of heartwarming- Some free time feel free to play "Petit adventure game"- Fairy tale wonder system was subject to "The AdventuresofPinocchio" Yurufuwa story-Crowded elements plenty of picture book features and adoptedthetopic multi ending!- Cute characters speak out !! voice also features!- Until the end cute whip fairy tale game play for free.-Operation very simple! Anyone you can feel free to fun to play.How to play▼ "The Adventures of Pinocchio"· Let's collect the toys that come together at regulartimeintervalsLet's reservoir of experience value is given, the collected toystoPinocchio• When the experience value is greater than or equal to acertain...▼ "The Adventures of Pinocchio" is recommended for suchaperson.• The loosely to those who like cute game- Alice in Wonderland and fairy tales such as Little Red RidingHood"fairy tale" system apps like you likeThose who like reading system such as, picture booksandnovelsCute If you want to try playing in the game that the charactercomesout· Chobitto If you like dark atmosphere▼ character voice (CV)- 佐倉浅希(Sakura Asagi)▼ Sound offer・時の迷い人・ポケットサウンド・Hagall・音楽の卵・効果音ラボ・魔王魂・くらげ工匠
女主人「冒険者ってちょろいわね」 酒場経営シュミレーション 1.3.0
Mistress' Make sure to go "♪ Adventurer "I'll do my best!Wait!"Mistress "... Adventurers are easy to work if they give alittle ♪It's fun ♪"
フレンドラ ~竜とつながりの島~ 1.7.7
----------------------------------------------建てて、育てて、つなげて、旅立つシミュレーション×ファーム×ジョイント×ファンタジー、『フレンドラ』の世界へようこそ!魔法のチカラで世界中を移動するフシギな島、「ジョイン島」。畑を耕したり、パンを焼いたり、宝物を探しに冒険に出かけたり……島に暮らすドラゴン&ドラコといっしょに、自分だけの島を作りましょう!素敵な島になれば、ウワサを聞きつけたさまざな大陸と“ジョイント”できるように。新しい大陸には、まだ見ぬドラゴン&新たな冒険が待っている!?----------------------------------------------【建てて】ドラゴンのコドモ、ドラコたちと野菜や動物を育てる農園ライフ。マイショップでゴールドを稼いで、色んなタテモノを建てましょう。ミルクマシーンやカマド、すべり台やトランポリンに、大きなお城まで!おしごともあそびも大好きなドラコと協力して、自分だけの島をつくりましょう。【育てて】ドラタマから生まれるちょっと変わった姿の“レアドラコ”。冒険が得意なレアドラコは、経験を積むと様々なチカラを持ったドラゴンに進化します。どこでどんな冒険をさせるかで、どんなドラゴンに育つかお楽しみ!育て方次第で、レアなドラゴンに出会えるかもしれません。【つなげて】魔法のチカラで世界中の様々な大陸と“ジョイント”!新たな大陸にジョイントすることで、マイショップに来るお客さんが変わったり、冒険で行ける場所が増えたり……世界がどんどん広がります!【旅立つ】珍しいタテモノの設計図やフシギな鉱石、世界中に眠るお宝を求めて、ドラゴンたちと冒険に旅立ちましょう。火に強いドラゴン、水が得意なドラゴン…それぞれの得意技を見極めてお宝を守るマモノに負けないパーティを結成すべし!----------------------------------------------Erected, raised, by connecting, departSimulation × × farm joint × fantasy, Welcome to the worldof"Furendora"!Mysterious island to move around the world in the magic ofthepower, "join the island".Or plow fields, or bake bread, or go on an adventure in searchoftreasure ......Together with the Dragon & Draco to live on the island,Let'smake the island of your own!Once a nice island, to be able to "joint" and various setscontinentthat heard the rumors.The new continent, still unseen Dragon & a newadventurewaiting! ?----------------------------------------------[Erected]Dragon of children, farm life grow Draco us and the vegetablesandanimals.Earn Gold in My shop, let's built a lot of buildings.Milk machine and stove, to slide and trampoline, to alargecastle!Your job is also in cooperation with also love Draco play,Let'smake the island of your own.[Brought up]"Readorako" of unusual figure born from Doratama.Adventure is good at Readorako is, will evolve into a dragon withavariety of Chikara and gain experience.In Where to any adventure, enjoy or grow to any dragon!In upbringing soon, you might meet a rare dragon.[Connected with]The magic of the various continents around the world in the powerof"joint"!By joint to a new continent, or customers who come to my shophaschanged,...... Take more place to go in the adventureThe world will spread more and more![Journey]Unusual building design drawings and mysterious ore,In search of treasure to sleep all over the world, let's journeytothe dragons and adventure.Strong dragon to fire, water is good at Dragon ...Shalt be formed a party that does not lose to Mamono to protectthetreasure to identify each of the good technique!
Driving School 3D Parking 1.11
Driving School 3D Parking everything you look for in a 3Dparkingcars game!
Monster Life -City Sim Game 1.4.14
The attempt to develop a monster Island!""Monster Life"" carried out the development of theisland'sdevelopment and monsters,Simulation game that she can also monsters and adventure.Let Uchikato to rivals by nurturing the monsters of yourown!◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ game introduction ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆★ growth method is new! ★Level and will grow by allowing performed separately fromtrainingmonsters.Status of direction by further selected the training on yourowninfinity!★ full-scale city building game! ★And that to develop the island in various game contentisreleased!Fishing, cave, blacksmith workshop, Academy, etc.professionalSHOP!★ lot of How to play ★Let's nurture the unique monstersThe attempt to develop the city by increasing the levelofbuildingLet's decorated like a miniature garden game DecorationAim the vertices of PVP in the raised monsterLet collection monsters and collect a variety of pieces intheadventure★ Recommended for Travellers ★Human monster or dragon likesPeople who like urban development gameWho like to cultivate to their likingWho likes farm games and miniature garden gamePeople like to enjoy the game at your own paceRPG and fighting battle favorite person
VoxelMonster 1.0.8
Monster bringing-up simulation
WorkerBee Inc.
配信開始記念セール実施中通常価格より50%オフにて提供中---☆---☆---☆---☆---☆---☆---☆---☆---☆■『オレたち愉快な盗賊団』概要舞台は西部開拓時代のアメリカ――開拓者たちはゴールドラッシュに沸く西部を目指していた。あなたはガンマンや山賊などの荒くれ者、ネイティブアメリカンを仲間にし、開拓者たちに襲いかかる。略奪と暴虐を繰り返し、アメリカきっての賞金首として、その悪名を全土に轟かせていくのだ。■ 特長1) ならず者たちを雇って開拓者たちを迎え撃て! ステージ内で眠っている味方のユニットたちはお金を払わないと働いてくれない。開拓者を倒してお金をゲットし、ならず者たちを仲間に加えよう!2) 攻撃しやすい位置に仲間を移動させよう! 仲間は自由に移動させることができる。射程範囲を確認して、最も良い位置まで仲間を移動させて開拓者を迎え撃とう!予想外のところから開拓者はやってくるぞ!従来のタワーディフェンスと一線を画するシステムで新しい戦略性が実現!3) 魅力的なキャラクターが登場! ガンマン、ダイナマイト、花火職人、ネイティブアメリカンなど、個性豊かな「ならず者」が多数登場。それぞれに独特な攻撃方法を持っているので、組み合わせて開拓者を襲撃しよう!4) 敵との相性を考えて攻撃しよう!幌馬車にはネイティブアメリカンの火矢が効果的など、それぞれのユニットには相性があります。個性豊かなユニット達を使いこなす事ができるか!?5) ユニットのレベルアップ獲得した$を支払うことで、ユニットをレベルアップさせる事が可能です。どのユニットをどのタイミングでレベルアップさせるかが戦局を左右することも!?(C) GmbH / Worker Bee Inc.※本アプリ『オレたち愉快な盗賊団【西部劇タワーディフェンス】』はデベロッパー:HandyGamesの『Guns’n’Glory』の日本向けバージョンとなります。日本向けに一部仕様を変更しております。※本アプリ『オレたち愉快な盗賊団【西部劇タワーディフェンス】』はデベロッパー:HandyGamesからライセンスを許諾され、配信をしております。※This application “オレたち愉快な盗賊団【西部劇タワーディフェンス】” is a specialversionfor the Japanese market of the “Guns’n’Glory” originallydevelopedby “HandyGames”.Some specifications have been modified especially forthemarket.※This application “オレたち愉快な盗賊団【西部劇タワーディフェンス】” is beingdistributedunder the proper license from the originaldeveloper“HandyGames”.【ヘルプ・お問い合わせはこちら】課金が反映されないなど問題がありましたら、FAQ(もご覧下さい。動作確認機種(もサイトにてご確認いただけます。ご質問、不具合等のご報告は下記のメールアドレスにお問い合わせください。[email protected](【提供会社】株式会社ワーカービー【無料ゲームアプリ、シミュレーションからRPG、パズルなど「おすすめ」「楽しい」ゲームアプリの情報も満載】▼ゲームアプリ紹介サイト▼フェイスブックページ sale in implementationAnd it is provided at 50% off thanusualprice--- ☆ --- ☆ --- ☆ --- ☆ --- ☆ --- ☆ --- ☆ --- ☆ --- ☆■ "We pleasant bandits" OverviewThe stage of the Wild West era America -Pioneers had been aimed at western boil in Gold Rush.You are to fellow Arakuremono, the Native American, such asgunmenand bandits, attacked the pioneers.Repeated looting and violence, as a bounty of America stamp, itisgoing to resound its notoriety throughout the country.■ Features1) Mukaeute the pioneers to hire a rogue us!Unit our allies sleeping in the stage it is not willing to workanddo not pay the money. To get the money to defeat the pioneer,andattempt to make rogue us fellow!2) try to move a fellow to attackeasyposition!Fellow can be moved freely. Check the range range, it willMukaeutothe settlers to move the companion to the best position!Settlersfrom the place of unexpected come!New strategic realization in the traditional tower defense anddrawa line system!3) charming character appeared!Gunman, dynamite, fireworks craftsmen, such as NativeAmerican,personality rich "rogue" appeared many. Because it has auniquemethod of attack in each, and trying to attack the settlersincombination!4) trying to attack thinking thecompatibilitywith the enemy!Native American flaming arrow is effective, such as thecoveredwagon, each unit there is compatibility. Can you master thequirkyunit us! ?5) Level up of unitBy pay earned $, it is possible to level up the unit. Alsobewhether to level up to the left and right of the war situationatany timing which unit! ?(C) GmbH / WorkerBeeInc.※ This application "We pleasantbandits[western tower defense]" is Developer: will a Japanesemarketversion of "Guns'n'Glory" of HandyGames. We have to changesomespecifications for Japan.※ This application "We pleasant bandits [western tower defense]"isDeveloper: is licensed from HandyGames, we haveadelivery.※ This application "We're funnybandits[western tower defense]" is a special version for theJapanesemarket of the "Guns'n'Glory" originally developedby"HandyGames".Some specifications have been modified especially forthemarket.※ This application "We're funny bandits [western tower defense]"isbeing distributed under the proper license from theoriginaldeveloper "HandyGames".[Help Center here]If you have a problem such as accounting is not reflected,FAQ( check model ( canconfirm at the site.Questions, please contact your report of trouble such ase-mailaddress [email protected](Http://[Providers]Co. worker BeeFree game app, from the simulation RPG, puzzles suchas"recommended," "fun" is also full of information about thegameapp]▼ game app introduction site▼ Face book page
Paradise City: Building Sim 2.6.3
Build a city on a Tropical Island Bay. Tropic beach resortsvillagesim
Ultimate Sea Monster 2016 1.5
Uncover the secrets from the deepest reaches of the sea!!
ワールドネバーランド  エルネア王国の日々 2.6.5
althi Inc.
Enjoy a free life in the vast kingdom of Hakodate.Exploration,matches, harvesting, love, marriage, parenting ... Youcan relaxand play leisurely. It's a game that will surely make youhappy.
成金大作戦決定版 2.6
This is the definitive version of the Great Money Strategy,whichallows you to acquire additional maps and play against others.
The Trail 10202
The Trail will lead you to adventure and fortune!
ダービーインパクト[競馬ゲーム] 3.10.5
Both that famous horse and that jockey appeared under theirrealnames! Let's train the strongest horse in the 3D horse racinggame[Derby Impact] that you can play for free on your smartphone!
ねこねこアイランド 1.1
ねこねこアイランドを開拓しながら迫り来る敵を倒そう! 街を発展させながら資金を回収しよう!どんどん強くなる可愛いねこキャラクター達!爽快なタップバトル! 全国のユーザーとのランキングバトル! ①資金の回収タップするだけのお手軽回収!ねこねこアイランドを開拓して建設した施設から売上などを回収しよう! ②ねこキャラを強化回収したゴールドを使ってねこ達を強化しよう!レベルが上がれば上がるほど、 指数的に能力UP^^ ③爽快大合戦バトル仲間にしたねこ達がそれぞれの特徴を活かして戦う大合戦は必見!爽快バトルに参戦しよう! あなたのタップがねこたちの力に!!④全国のユーザーと勝負 ランキングバトルシステム搭載!全国のライバルと競争だ!! ランキング上位入賞者には豪華特典も★
キングダム セブンフラッグス 9.2.1
Kingdom Seven Flags is a game where you can land on thebattlefieldwhere an army of up to 10,000 vs. 10,000 can run, andcommand yourown army to win.
ホシビト -惑星づくり*タップ&放置- 1.0.4
Let's develop your planet little by little with the nice,addictiveUchujin