Top 17 Games Similar to El Arca de Noe Musica Infantil

Musica Infantil 1.1
Musica Infantil is a compilation of videoswiththe most educational and fun songs for your children.I promise you will love and keep your children entertained.
Musica Infantil 2 2.0
Recopilación de vídeos con muchasmascancionesinfantiles, que te aseguro les encantara a tus hijos.Encontraras vídeos muy divertidos pero tambiéneducativosqueenseñaran a tus hijos cosas necesarias como bañarsesolos,vestirsey mucho mas mediante canciones.Collection ofvideoswithmany more children's songs, I assure you will loveyourchildren.You find fun but also educational videos to teachyourchildrenalone necessary things like bathing, dressing andmorethroughsongs.
Videos Para Bebe 1.0
Esta excelente recopilacióndecancionesinfantiles les encantará y mantendrá entretenidos atusniños ypodrás pasar los mejores momentos con tu niño oniñadisfrutando,bailando y cantando.ATENCIÓN:Videos Bebes no posee los derechos sobre las cancionesnielcontenido de esta aplicación.Todos los contenidos de esta app son públicos y estánalojadosenYouTube. No hay ninguna de las canciones para niñosgratisparadescargar.Todos los recursos empleados para esta app son de librederechoconlicencia Creative Commons.Thisexcellentcollectionof children's songs will love and will entertainyourchildren andyou can spend the best time with your childenjoying,dancing andsinging.ATTENTION:Videos Infants do not have the rights to the songs orthecontentof this application.All contents of this app are public and are hosted onYouTube.Thereare none of the free downloadable songs forchildren.All resources used for this app are free standingwithCreativeCommons.
Songs & music 2020 FREE
The best free songs and 2020 music selected for you.
la granja videos 1.1
Recopilación de videos con lasmejorescancionesde los animales de la granja, para que tus niñoscanten ,bailen yrían todo el tiempo.Si te gusta divertir a tus hijos con la mejor músicainfantil,descargarla te fascinara.Collection ofvideoswiththe best songs of farm animals for your kids sing, danceandlaughall the time.If you like to entertain your children with thebestchildren'smusic, download fascinate you.
Habia un Sapo Sapo Sapo 1.2
Habia un Sapo Sapo Sapo, Puedes verloFueradeLineaEste Video es Super entretenido, No se vana a Aburrir, yEchaunvistazo a mis Otros Videos, Estos Videos Yo los PrueboconmuchosPeques antes de publicarlos, te aseguro que lesencantaran,HayCuentos y Canciones muy Divertidas.Descarga Ya!! Habia un Sapo Sapo Sapo es Gratis,puedesdesconectarel internet y dejar que los PequesDisfruten.There was a toadToad,youcan view offlineThis Video is Super fun, is not vain to get bored, and checkoutmyother videos, these videos I will I taste with manyPequesbeforepublishing them, I assure you enchant them, stories andsongsarereally fun.Download Now !! There was a Toad Toad is free, you candisconnecttheinternet and let the Peques Enjoy.
Tubinho Desenho Infantil Vídeo 1.2
Dê a seus filhos uma opção deentretenimentosegura com conteúdo voltado exclusivamente paracrianças. Sãocentenas de vídeos infantis, educativos e desenhosanimados parabaixar e assistir.Com Tubinho, são horas e horas de diversão garantida e seu sossegoetranquilidade, sabendo que os pequenos irão ver apenasconteúdovoltado para eles. Uma vez que estejam no aplicativopoderãoassistir, sozinhos ou sob a supervisão de um responsável,clips efilmes infantins, como musicais, aprender o alfabeto, osnúmeros eas cores, cantar com personagens de histórias infantis,contos defadas, explorar o mundo da fantasia com desenhosdivertidos eempolgantes.Inclui ainda opção para baixar vídeos para assistir depois,quandonão tiver conectividade com a Internet. Funcionatambémoff-line.Pais, professores, educadores e familiares, dê agora estepresentepara as crianças e leve o melhor da infância em seu celularoutablet. Aplicativo interativo!Vídeos em língua portuguesa, voltado para para criançasbrasileirasou não, que falam ou estão aprendendo o português.* Todo o conteúdo deste aplicativo é completamemte gratuítoeonline. Você precisará ter conexão com a Internet para assistiraosvídeos ou acessar as notícias neste aplicativo. Conteúdobaixadopela rede 3G podem ser tarifados, consulte sua operadoradetelefonia móvel para mais detalhes.Give your kids a choiceofsafe entertainment with content geared exclusively forchildren.Hundreds of children's videos, educational and excited todownloadand watch designs.With Tubinho are hours and hours of guaranteed fun and its peaceandtranquility, knowing that the little ones will only seecontentgeared for them. Once you are in the application may attendaloneor under the supervision of a responsible, infantins clipsandmovies, such as musical, learn the alphabet, numbers andcolors,sing along with characters from children's stories, fairytales,exploring the world Fantasy with fun and excitingdesigns.Includes option to download videos to watch later when youhaveInternet connectivity. Also works offline.Parents, teachers, educators and family, now give this gift tothechildren and take the best of childhood on your phone ortablet.Interactive application!Videos in English, aimed to Brazilian or not, children who speakorare learning Portuguese.* All content on this application is free and onlinecompletamemte.You need to have internet connection to watch videosor access thisnews application. Content downloaded by 3G networkcan be billed,see your mobile operator for details.
Videos Infantiles en español 5.0
Es una aplicación que contiene lasmasdivertidas canciones y vídeos de el reino infantil, lagranja,pollito pio y muchos mas, para que tus hijos se diviertantodo eldía.Contiene vídeos educativos para que tus niños aprendan de unaformamuy divertida , bailando y cantando.Los mejores videos infantiles para bebes y niños gratis.It is an applicationthatcontains the funniest songs and videos of child kingdom, farm,piochicken and many more, so that your children have funallday.It contains educational for your children to learn in a funway,dancing and singing videos.The best children's videos for babies and children free.
Videos Para Bebe 2 1.0
Esta excelente recopilación denuevascancionesinfantiles les encantará y mantendrá entretenidos atusniños ypodrás pasar los mejores momentos con tu niño oniñadisfrutando,bailando y cantando.ATENCIÓN:Videos Bebes no posee los derechos sobre las cancionesnielcontenido de esta aplicación.Todos los contenidos de esta app son públicos y estánalojadosenYouTube. No hay ninguna de las canciones para niñosgratisparadescargar.Todos los recursos empleados para esta app son de librederechoconlicencia Creative Commons.Thisexcellentcollectionof new children's songs will love and keepyourchildrenentertained and you can spend the best moments withyourchildenjoying dancing and singing.ATTENTION:Videos Babies do not have rights to the songs or thecontentofthis application.All contents of this app are public and are hosted onYouTube.Nosongs for free downloadable children.All resources used for this app are free CreativeCommonslicenselaw.
Musica cristiana de niños
Divertidas canciones cristianas para niñosparaaprender grandes verdades bíblicas, de forma entretenida...Gloria aDios!Fun Christian songsforchildren to learn great biblical truths so entertaining ...Gloryto God!
Vídeos Infantis
A Aplicação Vídeos Infantis, mostra àvocêumaseleção de vídeos indicados para o entretenimento dascrianças,comisso, evitando que os seus pequenos visualizem materialindevidodainternet, baixe e aproveite!TheChildren'sVideosapplication shows to you a selection of videossuitableforchildren's entertainment, thereby preventing theirsmallviewingimproper material from the internet, downloadandenjoy!
Kid's Songs Video offline V2 1.1
★ singing along to favorite songs ofchildrenwith SONGS FOR CHILDREN WITH Video baby ★★ FEATURES ★♬ not stop playing for over 30 minutes. With each video♬ Most popular songs for kids 0-5.♬ Easy to learn song lyrics♬ Beautiful graphics and adorable charactersKid-friendly interface ♬♬ Download applications 1 times, you can enjoy the programanytime,anywhere without the internet! even on the plane!♬ Includes favorite songs than 100 children 'Humpty Dumpty |♬Nursery Rhymes Popular Collection | Nursery Rhymes |KidsSongs- Alphabet Song (New Version)- ABC Song (Rock Version)- Phonics Song- ABC Song- Five Little Speckled Frogs- Humpty Dumpty- Incy Wincy Spider- Wheels On The Bus- Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly's- Yankee Doodle- I Love My Little Kitty- I'm a Little Snowman & I'm a Little Teapot Medley- Miss Molly Had A Dolly- Oranges & Lemons- Little Peter Rabbit- One Two Buckle My Shoe- Five Little Ducks- Five Little Monkeys- Old MacDonald had a farm- Baa Baa Black Sheep- Miss Molly Dolly had a ..........--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* This application supports both the mobile phone andtabletmode.
Videos Infantiles 1.0
Excelente recopilación de vídeosinfantilesqueles encantará y mantendrá entretenidos a tus niños ypodráspasarlos mejores momentosmdisfrutando, bailando y cantando.ATENCIÓN:Videos Bebes no posee los derechos sobre las cancionesnielcontenido de esta aplicación.Todos los contenidos de esta app son públicos y estánalojadosenYouTube. No hay ninguna de las canciones gratisparadescargar.Excellentcollectionofchildren's videos that will love and keep yourchildrenentertainedand you can spend the best momentosmdisfrutando,dancingandsinging.ATTENTION:Videos Babies do not have rights to the songs or thecontentofthis application.All contents of this app are public and are hosted on YouTube.Nooffree songs to download.
El Ratón Vaquero Infantil 1.3
El Ratón Vaquero, Canciones Infantiles,Puedesverla fuera de Linea a los Peques les encantara, Puedesdesconectarel internet y no saldrán los anuncios!! Descarga Ya "ElRatónVaquero Infantil" es Gratis.Echa un vistazo a mis Otros Videos, Estos Videos Yo losPruebocon muchos Peques antes de publicarlos, te aseguro quelesencantaran, Hay Cuentos y Canciones muy Divertidas.Mouse Cowboy,Children'sSongs, you see it offline to Peques will love, youdisconnect theinternet and will no ads !! Download Ya "Cowboy MouseChildren" isfree.Check out my other videos, these videos I will I taste withmanyPeques before publishing them, I assure you enchant them,storiesand songs are really fun.
Señora Vaca Infantil 1.5
Señora Vaca Infantil, Puedes verloFueradeLineaEste Video es Super entretenido, No se vana a Aburrir, yEchaunvistazo a mis Otros Videos, Estos Videos Yo los PrueboconmuchosPeques antes de publicarlos, te aseguro que lesencantaran,HayCuentos y Canciones muy Divertidas.Descarga Ya!! Señora Vaca Infantil es Gratis, puedesdesconectarelinternet y dejar que los Peques Disfruten.Mrs. Child Vaca,canviewofflineThis Video is Super fun, is not vain to get bored, and checkoutmyother videos, these videos I will I taste with manyPequesbeforepublishing them, I assure you enchant them, stories andsongsarereally fun.Download Now !! Mrs. Cow Child is free, you candisconnecttheinternet and let the Peques Enjoy.
iMusic Tube 1.9.5
You can easy to browser ,listen top iTumessongand any songs of top aritstTop popular latest songs of iTunesYou can browser songs in 28 genres of 40 countriesTop song of 250 artirstEasy search Songs, Playlist and Channel on YoutubeNote: this app need wifi or 3,4G connection to work
Paw Toys Nursery Rhymes Patrol 1.0
This aplication was inspired bywatchingourchlidren browse online can watch nursery rhymes paw patrol character baby songsandkidsvideos. Kids rhymes videos and nursery song for childreninonlinemode with song along text for kids rhymes and songsanytimeanyplace.disclaimervideos presented in this aplication hosted in publicdomain.Thisaplication have no relation with Paw patrol cartoon, weare notthemakers of the cartoon and we don't claim anyrelationwiththem.