Top 22 Apps Similar to HCG Premium Puerto Rico APP

hCG Diet 2.3
Features such as calorie counting (ineachphase), reformatted interface, vegetarian meal options, firstandonly app to have hCG Cloud syncing between devices/online,mealplanning in Phase 3, 4 and life. The ability to do multipleroundsand print your shopping list.The hCG app's purpose is to easily allow you to keep track ofeverystep of your protocol.Check out our website for screenshots and a videodemonstrationat www.hcgapp.comhCG app features:- Daily tracking on Home Screen- hCG reminders set for sublingual, injection or drops (up to5times a day as set in preferences)- Notes with checkboxes to quickly find where and why you lostorgained weight.- Real–time start and end date tracking. Includes manual overrideondays- Ability to store photos in all stages- Tag and email photos from each stage- Progressive weight loss graph, editable- Progressive measurements graph, editable- Easy to follow reminders about each stage of the protocol++ Notification Reminders even when phone in sleep mode- Dr. Simeon's Pounds and Inches as a reference guide &AUDIOBOOK.- Ability to create custom meals every day from allowedfoods.- Menu Page; that list your daily proteins and fruits along withanhCG reminder box.- Ability to plan each weeks meals ahead of time- Automatic shopping list created from what meals you haveplannedorganized by week- A current and extensive food database created by people whohavebeen on the protocol.- includes vegetarian food allowances.- Password ProtectionThe hCG App will not only save you time but allows you tostayabreast with your status each day you are doing the protocol.Itserves as a support mechanism.The creators of this app believe highly in the protocolandestablished hCG app in order to help others reach their weightlossgoals.
hCG Diet Life 5.1
hCG Life is accurately based onSimeon’shCGweight-loss Diet where many have lost over 20 lbs. in 21Daysandmaintained their weight .hCG Life is amazing because it takes advantage of simpledraganddrop touch technology.Included in hCG Diet Life Pro:FEATURES:+ Phases 1 to 4 and Lifetime Meal Planning and TrackingSlideDaysRight to Left+ Setup the Recommend Protocol or Customization ofMultipleRoundswith Auto Calculation+ Phase duration customization+ Track multiple rounds without Reseting your app data (greatifyouare taking breaks in-between or holidays)+ Weight (chart with % to reach goal pie graph)+ Measurements Graph+ Calorie tracking: Burned, Eaten & Daily Total+ Blood Glucose (No daily limit) & Blood Pressure&HeartRate (no daily limit)+ Activities log/tracker+ Monthly Journal Calendar shows when you've lost,gainedormaintained. Allows Daily Notes+ Drag and Drop image Meal Planning w/ daily menu andTimerstoRemind you when to eat+ Massive Food Database that tells you what you can eatineachphase- updated weekly+ Grocery list created as you plan your meals- easy slidetocartcheckoff+ Create Personal Challenges and the app monitorsyoursuccess.+ The entire Dr. Simeons Oringinal Pounds & Inchesbookinchapters+ Audio book in chapters+ Automatic Notification Reminders activated by Phase+ How-to video guides explain everything 1 step at a time+ Water consumption calculated daily based on yourweight-autoupdates+ Vitamin/Supplement Tracking with Notifications+ Large variety of approved Phase 2 optional food items+ Photo Journal w/ Slide show+ Phase 3 Slide to Meal Planning and Favorites witheasytoggleamounts+ Tech FAQs and Tech Support in app
Ultimate HCG Coach 1.2
Lose weight and feel great with theUltimateHCG Coach! This application helps you to monitor yourweights andmeasurements, see your progress along the way, and trackyour mealsso that you can better determine what works for you whileon theHCG Diet. Use this application to discuss dietary changeswith yourphysician or to open up the Acceptable Foods list whilegroceryshopping. That's not all! You can read about the HCG Dietfor arefresher or learn more about the diet. Why pay a personalcoachhundreds of dollars to keep your food and measurement logswhen youcan keep it all at your fingertips with Ultimate HCG Coach?In yourdaily log you can even track the water you have drank andthe HCGDoses you have taken. Monitor your weight and inches lostfor eachround or the entire diet. Don't worry about trying tofigure aboutwhat phase you are on and the foods you can eat.Ultimate HCG Coachwill visually tell you what phase you are on andgive you quickaccess to your acceptable foods. Let Ultimate HCGCoach be yourdieting companion to help you reach for your weightloss goal.NOTE: All weights and measurements are in pounds andinches. Thisapplication is not supported on Tablets.
HCG Diet Simplified 1.0
Welcome to the HCG Diet Simplified!Withthisprogram, you can find the key data to be successful on theHGCDiet- even when you are on the go - without wading throughtonsofextra information you don't need. Why do it the hard waywhenyoucan have the data you need right at your fingertips nomatterwhereyou are?Features:Have all of the key HGC Diet information right atyourfingertipsEasily plan your phases through the HGC Diet and see whatiscomingupSolve situations that arise while on the dietMakes the diet fun and easy instead of complicatedDistinguishes the concepts of the original HGC Dietfromthosecreated by othersExamples:What to buy before you startWhat to eat for lunch at workWhat to do if you stallAnd more...
HCG Diet Guide 2.0.0
The HCG Diet can help you lose weight as well as fat inunwantedareas.
HCG 2.0- A Smarter HCG Diet 1.17.0402
The official app of HCG 2.0 – A SmarterHCGDiet. Medicine is called a practice for a reason. As newtechnologyand research becomes available, treatment protocolsevolve.Shouldn't the HCG diet be the same. HCG 2.0 uses advancedresearchinto low-carb, ketosis dieting; caloric ratios and basicfoodchemistry to create a smarter and more sustainable HCG protocolforthe average working adult. Lose 20-30 pounds in just 30 to40days.Features-BMR Calculator to determine the amount of protein calories onYOURdiet-Easy Access to protein and veggie charts-Discounts on HCG diet products-Rewards so you can earn cash by sharing your success
This app is about the HCG Diet, directions, food ideas,trackingdiet progress
HCG Diet 1.1
Syed Wasty
HCG Diet Strategy App can assist youtolearnabout HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) Diet programandguidebookrelating to this weight loss programAbout hCG Diet regime :By now you have likely heard over it: the HCG Eatingplan,anserious eating plan that consists of injections ofHCG(humanchorionic gonadotropin). HCG is the hormone women of allagesmakewhen they are pregnant. Previously, the HCG Eatingplanwasoutlined by a 500-calorie eating plan paired witheachdayinjections of HCG.This HCG Diet plan is involved with remarkable bodyweightloss,nearly a pound daily. However the problem, up untilfinallynow,was that no medical professional could clarify how itworked,andcritics claimed the caloric constraints are liable totheexcessweight reduction and never the HCG hormone. Critics onthedietregime have also maintained that the fat dropped justcan'tberetained off. The HCG Diet program has also experiencedsomeoddprocedures. As an example, it expected the consumption ofjustonevegetable for every food, prohibited using oil,overallbodylotions and hygiene items, and constrained usage of theHCGhormoneto odd cycles of 23 and 46 days. The Diet regime alsodidn'tenableexercising. Moreover, there experienced been norevealedrules onhow to dose the HCG hormone; as a result, mostsuppliers ofthefood plan are generally employing random dosingfromtheprescription hormone. This was called the SimeonsProtocol,and,for my part, it was improper.The HCG Diet app's objective will be to effortlessly allowforyouto continue to keep keep track of every stage ofyourrespectiveprotocol.HCG Diet application functions:- Every day monitoring on Home Monitor- hCG reminders set for sublingual, injection ordrops(approximatelyfive occasions daily as set inpreferences)- Notes with checkboxes to promptly obtain where and whyyoudroppedor acquired bodyweight.- Real-time start out and finish day monitoring.Includesguideoverride on times- Ability to retail outlet images in all phases- Tag and electronic mail photographs from every stage- Progressive pounds decline graph, editable- Progressive measurements graph, editable- Straightforward to comply with reminders about each phaseontheprotocol- Ability to create custom meals each day fromallowedfooditems.- Menu Page; that list your every day proteins and fruitsalongwithan hCG reminder box.- Power to approach just about every weeks meals ahead oftime- Automatic shopping list created from what meals youhaveplannedorganized by week- A current and extensive meals database created by peoplewhohavebeen on the protocol.- involves vegetarian foods allowances.- Password ProtectionThe HCG Diet Application will not only save you timebutallowsyou to stay abreast with your status each and every dayyouaredoing the protocol. It serves for a support mechanism.The creators of the application believe highly in theprotocolandestablished hCG app in order to assist others reachtheirweightloss goals.The HCG Diet program App has become a “Must Have” foranyoneonthis diet regime.
Mein Gewicht und ich 1.2.0
The perfect app as a companion to the hCG diet.
HCG Diet Miracle Plan 1.1
Metatron Inc
This is the ultimate guide to the diet everyone is talkingabout:Lose weight fast and in a healthy natural way... The HCGDietMiracle. Why? Because it actually works! HCG or HumanChorionicGonadotropin is a natural hormone/protein substance thatwhen usedfor weight loss can burn off all excess stored fat in thehumanbody. Its the one celebrities have been using for years buthavetried to keep it under wraps, now its available to everyone.Youlose weight easily and effortlessly and you keep it off! Thisappcontains a 50% discount coupon! Lose 1 to 2lbs a day up to40lbsper Phase. A true alternative to surgery. This app haveeverythingyou need to succeed at HCG and is the most comprehensiveresourceavailable today. Including: The origins and history of HCGHow andWhy it works. Dr. Seimens Full Protocal Research Paper onHCG RealWorld Testimonials. Frequently asked Questions RecipesTipsTracking Sheets Where to get real HCG at a discount. And muchmore!
Diet HCG - Weight loss tips 1.1
Diet Plan - Weight loss tips HCG : HCGstandsfor Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone naturallyproduced bythe placenta in pregnant women and almost completelycontrols themetabolic function through the hypothalamus throughoutthepregnancy. The hCG used in the Hcg diet protocols is a variationofthe hCG form used for fertility treatments, and in muchsmaller,minute doses. All hCG used for medical purposes issynthetic,created in laboratories from sterile cells. It is NOTextractedfrom women or animal urine which has been a knownmisconception.Most hCG dieters report an average loss of 1 to 2 lbs perday.However, everyone is different and results may vary. A poll onthehCG Diet Info Blog included over 7000 individuals and showedanaverage of 1 pound per day lost by over 50% of hCG Dieters.Seecurrent hCG Diet average Weight loss tips results here.
HCG Diet Meal Plan 1.3
Siva Kris
HCG Diet Meal Plan Application shouldhelpyouto definitely learn about HCG (human chorionicgonadotropin)Foodplan and guideline concerning this bodyweight lossstrategyAttribute:- Learn the checklist of food which don't harm your HCGDietprogramStrategy.- HCG for Excess weight Reduction.- The 10 Greatest Weight-Loss Recommendations At any time- The hCG Diet plan.- Calorie Counter of Authorized Food items.About HCG Diet Meal Plan: By now you’ve in allprobabilityheardabout this: the HCG Food plan, a serious eatingplan thatentailsinjections of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).HCG willbe thehormone girls make when they are expecting.Previously, theHCGFood plan was defined by a 500-calorie dietprogram pairedwitheveryday injections of HCG.HCG Diet Meal Plan is related with remarkable pounds loss,asmuchas a pound daily. But the challenge, up right up untilnow,was thatno health care provider could explain how it labored,andcriticsclaimed the caloric limits are liable to the bodyweightreductionrather than the HCG hormone. Critics with the dietplanhave alsotaken care of the excess weight lost simply cannotbekept off. TheHCG Eating plan has also had some odd policies.Byway of example, itessential the intake of just one vegetableforevery meal, prohibitedthe use of oil, body lotions andcleanlinessitems, and constraineduse of the HCG hormone to oddcycles of 23and 46 times. The Dietalso did not make it possiblefor workout.On top of that, there wereno published tips regardinghow to dosethe HCG hormone; therefore,most vendors of the diet arenormallyusing random dosing on theprescription hormone. This wasnamed theSimeons Protocol, and, in myopinion, it was wrong.Download HCG Diet Meal Plan Android App Absolutely free!
HCG 2.0 BMR Calculator 1.0.0
HCG 2.0 uses food chemistry and aBMRcalculatorto determine exactly how much food you can have perday.So based onYOU, you get a set amount of calories you can eatperday. It’s anamount that will keep you in ketosis(fat-meltingmode), but alsokeep you satisfied.Complete the BMR Calculation to find your dailycalorieconsumptionon your individualized HCG 2.0 diet protocol.
HCG Diet Grocery List 1.0
Rector Apps
HCG stands for Human ChorionicGonadotropin.HCG is made by the placenta during women's pregnancy.HCG Diet is here to reset the metabolism your body contains soasa result you can lose your weight as much as you wish withoutevenfeel hungry or weak.HCG is not approved for over-the-counteruse,nor has it been proved to work for weight loss.Henceforth we are here to stabilize your weight and keep youfitlaunching the well organised HCG Diet App to the AppStore. Sokeepyour worries about the increasing weight aside and start usingthisapp. App provide you easily accesible and helpful plan forthediet.
The Blood Type Diet® 1.6.8
The Official Blood Type Diet® App - know your categorizedfoodsanytime.
HCG Diet Shopping List 2.0
Confused on which groceries to buy for yourHCGDiet?Worry no more, these 2 shopping lists provide everything youwillneed to make your selection at the market a snap.These simple, easy to use, and customizable check lists willtakethe guessing out of which beverages, foods and spices areallowedfor both the weight-loss and maintenance phases of yourHCGdiet.Tip: to modify the list, just do a 'long press' on anycategoryor food item.
Rebalance your Metabolism 1.2.7
This is a guideline that will accompany you through the 21DaysMetabolic Diet
Ultimate Diet Shopping List 2.2
Ever wonder what is on the list of foodstoeaton all the most popular diets?Make your grocery shopping trip a breeze with thishandyandcustomizable shopping list app.You can check out all the foods allowed on each ofthefollowingdiet plans, including a break down of all the phasesineachdiet:- HCG- Atkins- Miami Beach ( aka South Beach )- Duchess ( aka. Royal Wedding )- Zone- DASH- Mediterranean- Paleolithic ( aka. Caveman / Paleo )- Glycemic Index- Macrobiotic- Detox- Simple Carb ( aka. Specific Carb )- 17x Days ( aka. 17 Day )- Wheat Tummy ( aka. Wheat Belly )- TLC ( aka. Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes )- Mayo Clinic- China Study- Cabbage Soup- Raw Food- Flat Belly- 4-Hour Body- Core Balance- Shred- Virgin- DigestTip: to modify a list, just do a 'long press' on anycategoryorfood item.
hCG Video Recipes 1.0
Phase 2 of the hCG diet can be a challengewithlimited foods and amounts. The hCG Recipes app includes 50amazinglydelicious under 500 calorie meals with 30 How to Videos.The bestpart of this app is watching a video which shows you stepby stephow to prepare and cook these delicious low calorie meals,saladsand refreshments. A perfect fit with your hCG DietApp!
HCG Diet For Your Blood Type 1.1
Metatron Inc
This is the ultimate guide to the diet everyone is talkingabout:Lose weight fast in a healthy and natural way... The HCGDietMiracle. Why? Because it actually works! Now tailored toyourspecific blood type for maximum results. HCG or HumanChorionicGonadotropin is a natural hormone/protein substance thatwhen usedfor weight loss can burn off all excess stored fat in thehumanbody. Now with Weight Loss Hypnosis plus bonus tracks! Its theonecelebrities have been using for years but have tried to keepitunder wraps, now its available to everyone. You lose weighteasilyand effortlessly and you keep it off! Lose 1 to 2lbs a day upto40lbs per Phase. A true alternative to surgery. This apphaveeverything you need to succeed at HCG and is the mostcomprehensiveresource available today. Including: The origins andhistory of HCGHow and Why it works. Dr. Seimens Full ProtocalResearch Paper onHCG Real World Testimonials. Frequently askedQuestions RecipesTips Tracking Sheets Where to get real HCG at adiscount. And muchmore! Be sure to consult your doctor beforetrying any diet.
Food For Your Blood Type Diet 2.2.0
What are the recommended foods based on your blood type?