Top 21 Apps Similar to Guia Terapêutico Odontológico

Dental Dictionary 80.0
Dictionary free dentistry, dental learns terms from A to Z.
CID Odontologia Estomatologia 1.0
GAO-GuiaAnestésicoOdontológico 1.0
Contém informações, indicaçãoecontraindicação, cálculo de dose máxima e número de tubetesquepodem seradministrados conforme o peso do paciente.Aplicativo indispensável para o dia a dia doCirurgião-DentistaeEstudantes de Odontologia.Anestésicos nesta versão?ArticaínaBupivacaínaLidocaínaMepivacaínaPrilocaínaEste aplicativo foi desenvolvido como trabalho deconclusãodecurso do Curso de Odontologia da UniversidadePositivo-Curitiba-Pr em 2014 pelos alunos Ana Carolina Goes eLuanMoraessob orientação do Prof. Paulo TomazinhoO Aplicativo está em fase Beta Funcional, ou seja, continuaaserdesenvolvido e melhorado, apreciamos sua avaliação positivaaesteaplicativo e sugestão as mudanças ou funções que desejavernumapróxima versão.Containsinformation,indication and contraindications, and dosecalculationof maximumnumber of cores that can be administered asthe patient'sweight.Indispensable to the daily life of the Surgeon-DentistandDentalStudents application.Anesthetics in this version?ArticaineBupivacaineLidocaineMepivacainePrilocaineThis application was developed as a work ofcompletionofDentistry, Positivo University - Curitiba-Pr in 2014bystudentsand Ana Carolina Goes Luan Moraes under the guidanceofProf. PaulTomazinhoThe application is in Beta phase functional, ie, continuestobedeveloped and improved, appreciate your positive assessmentofthisapplication and suggest changes or features you want to seeinthenext version.
Classic GTO Guide 1.1.1
The classic Pontiac GTO is theoriginalmusclecar. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the complete mobileguide totheseiconic cars? That time has come!The Classic GTO Guide powered by infoGuide, is the funwaytolearn about your favorite classic Pontiac GTOs. This easytouseguide will let you:- Browse through all the model years of theclassicPontiacGTO- Enjoy lots of pictures and descriptions with every car- Tell the difference at a glance between model years of GTOs- Break down GTOs by year, and other defining characteristics.Get all the info about classic Pontiac GTOs atyourfingertips!Get the Classic GTO Guide powered byinfoGuidetoday!
Código de Ética Odontologico 1.0
Código de Ética Odontológico 2013APROVADO PELA RESOLUÇÃO CFO-118/2012Capítulo I - Disposições preliminaresCapítulo II - Dos direitos fundamentaisCapítulo III - Dos deveres fundamentaisCapítulo IV - Das auditorias e perícias odontológicasCapítulo V - Do relacionamentoSeção I - Com o pacienteSeção II - Com a equipe de saúdeCapítulo VI – Do sigilo profissionalCapítulo VII - Dos honorários profissionaisCapítulo VIII - Dos documentos odontológicosCapítulo IX - Das especialidadesCapítulo X - Da odontologia hospitalarCapítulo XI - Das entidades com atividades no âmbitodaOdontologiaCapítulo XII - Do responsável técnico e dosproprietáriosinscritosCapítulo XIII - Do magistérioCapítulo XIV - Da doação, do transplante e do banco deórgãos,tecidos e biomateriaisCapítulo XV - Das entidades da classeCapítulo XVI - Do anúncio, da propaganda e da publicidadeSeção I - Da entrevistaSeção II - Da publicação científicaCapítulo XVII - Da pesquisa científicaCapítulo XVIII - Das penas e suas aplicaçõesCapítulo XIX - Disposições finaisCONSELHO FEDERAL DE ODONTOLOGIACÓDIGO DE ÉTICA ODONTOLÓGICAAPROVADO PELA RESOLUÇÃO CFO-118/2012CONSELHO REGIONAL DE ODONTOLOGIACódigo de Ética OdontológicaResolução n°. 118 de 11 maio de 2012Rio de Janeiro, CFO, 2012 Aplicativo Android EduApps1. Cirurgiões-Dentistas - Ética Profissional2. ODONTOLOGIA LEGAL - I . TítuloEduApps Aplicativos EducacionaisCode of EthicsDental2013RESOLUTION APPROVED BY CFO-118/2012Chapter I - Preliminary ProvisionsChapter II - Of the fundamental rightsChapter III - Fundamental DutiesChapter IV - audits and expert dentalChapter V - relationshipSection I - With the patientSection II - With the health teamChapter VI - The professional secrecyChapter VII - Of the professional feesChapter VIII - Documents dentalChapter IX - specialtiesChapter X - hospital dentistryChapter XI - entities with activities in the fieldofDentistryChapter XII - technical manager and owners registeredChapter XIII - teachingChapter XIV - The donation, transplantation and organ bank,tissuesand biomaterialsChapter XV - Of the entities classChapter XVI - The advert, advertising and publicitySection I - InterviewSection II - scientific publicationChapter XVII - The scientific researchChapter XVIII - Of feathers and their applicationsChapter XIX - Final ProvisionsFEDERAL COUNCIL OF DENTISTRYCODE OF ETHICS ODONTOLÓGICARESOLUTION APPROVED BY CFO-118/2012REGIONAL COUNCIL OF DENTISTRYCode of Dental EthicsResolution no. 118 of May 11, 2012Rio de Janeiro, CFO, 2012 Android Application EduApps1. Dentists - Professional Ethics2. FORENSIC DENTISTRY - I. TitleEduApps Educational Applications
Avulsão Dental para Dentistas 1.0
Centro de Trauma Dental do CursodeOdontologiada Universidade PositivoA avulsão dental é um dos traumas dentais maisfrequentes.Acometeprincipalmente crianças entre 8 e 12 anos deidade. OCentro deTrauma da Universidade Positivo desenvolveuesteaplicativo com aintenção de ajudar o cirurgião-dentista nacondutaclínica de casosde avulsão dental.Este aplicativo é fruto do Projeto de IniciaçãoCientíficaeTecnológica da Universidade Positivo - Curitiba2013-2014.O que você vai encontrar neste aplicativo:- Exames necessários- Tratamentos para avulsão dental- Acompanhamento do paciente- Prognóstico- Meios de ArmazenamentoEste aplicativo é destinado à Cirurgiões-Dentista eAcadêmicosdeOdontologia.______________________Change Log:Versão 1.0 Publicada em 22/06/2014 - EduApps______________________Como citar este aplicativo:Como citar este aplicativo: Reynard E, Tomazinho PH,TomazinhoFSF.Avulsão Dental para o dentista. AplicativoAndroiddesenvolvidopelo Centro de Trauma Dental do Curso deOdontologiadaUniversidade Positivo, 2014.Disponívelem TraumaCenterSchoolof Dentistry, Positivo UniversityDental avulsion is one of the most common dental trauma.Itmainlyaffects children between 8 and 12 years old. TheTraumaCenterPositivo University developed this app with theintention ofhelpingthe dentist in the clinical management of casesofdentalavulsion.This application is a result of the Project onScientificandTechnological Initiation of Positivo University-Curitiba2013-2014.What you will find in this app:- Required Exams- Treatments for dental avulsion- Monitoring the patient- Prognosis- Storage MediaThis app is intended for Surgeon Dentist and Dentalstudents.______________________Change Log:Version 1.0 Published on 06/22/2014 - EduApps______________________How to cite this app:How to cite this app: Reynard And Tomazinho PH, TomazinhoFSF.Dentalavulsion to the dentist. Android application developedbythe Centerfor Dental Trauma, School of Dentistry,PositivoUniversity, 2014.Availablein
Biossegurança para Odontologia 1.0
Protocolo de Biossegurança para Odontologiaéumaplicativo desenvolvido através do Programa deIniciaçãoCientífica eTecnológica da Universidade Positivo nociclo2013-2014 pelaacadêmica Shiffa Al Sayd orientada pelo Prof.PauloTomazinho.Objetivo: .O objetivo deste aplicativo é servir dereferênciaparaprofissionais e acadêmicos de odontologia nos temasinerentesaocontrole de infecção na prática clínicaodontológica.________________________Change Log:Versão 1,0 Poblicado em 22/06/2014 -EduAppsAplicativosEducacionais________________________Como citar este aplicativo:Al Sayd S, Tomazinho PH. Protocolo de BiossegurançaemOdontologia:Aplicativo Android. Curso de Odotologia daUniversidadePositivo,Curitiba, 2014.Disponívelem is an application developed through theProgramofScientific and Technological Initiation of PositivoUniversityinthe 2013-2014 academic cycle Shiffa guided by Prof. AlSayd.PaulTomazinho.. Objective: The objective of this application is to serveasareference for professionals and dental students inissuesrelatingto infection control in dental practice.________________________Change Log:Version 1.0 Poblicado on 06/22/2014 - EduApps Educational Apps________________________How to cite this app:Al Sayd S, Tomazinho PH. Android App: BiosafetyProtocolinDentistry. Course Odotologia Positivo University,Curitiba,2014.Availablein
Dental Study 1.0
Covers Prosthodontics and Preventive and InterceptiveOrthodonticstopics.
Odontologia do Esporte 1.0
Aplicativo WEB do Site Odontologia do Esporte.ATENÇÃO: Este aplicativo é um WEB APP só funcionaconectadonainternet.Application WEBSiteSportsDentistry.WARNING: This application is a WEB APP only works connectedtotheinternet.
Conhecimentos Específicos 1.4
Versão de demonstração de nossosaplicativos!Conheça os aplicativos completos!Cansado de procurar pelas provas espalhadas em diversos sites?Aqui,oferecemos as questões apenas para sua área! Estude direto emseucelular e sem propagandas!O aplicativo contém as mais recentes provas de concursos públicosdetodo o Brasil. O banco de questões online éatualizadoconstantemente. Estude para as provas de conhecimentoespecífico egaranta a sua vaga!Os simulados contém 5 questões sorteadas aleatoriamente a cadavez.Ao final, você poderá visualizar a correção da prova eduração.Confira ainda um relatório com seu aproveitamento._______________________________________________________Atenção: este aplicativo é um serviço que reúne as questõesdasbancas específicas das provas de concursos de acesso público.Asquestões são referenciadas e podem ser consultadas nasfontesoriginais.applications of ourdemoversion! Know complete applications!Tired of looking for evidence scattered in various sites? Here,weoffer the only issues for your area! Direct study on your phoneandno ads!The application contains the latest evidence of publicprocurementthroughout Brazil. The online question bank isconstantly updated.Study for tests of specific knowledge andguarantee yourplace!Simulated contains 5 questions randomly drawn each time. At theend,you can view the correction of proof and duration. Also checkout areport with its use._______________________________________________________Please note: this application is a service that brings togethertheissues of specific stalls of evidence of public accesstocompetitions. The questions are referenced and can be found intheoriginal sources.
StudyBlue Flashcards & Quizzes 5.63
Online Flashcards, Class Notes, Homework Help, and Study Guide App
Oro Dental Lesions 1.0
Simple qualitative learning of common oral and dental lesions
Switch mode power Conversion 5.4
The app is a complete free handbook of Power ElectronicsorSwitchMode Power Conversion which covers importanttopics,notes,materials, news & blogs on the course. Downloadthe Appas areference material & digital book forElectricalengineering,energy, power electronics programs &degreecourses. Thisuseful App lists 72 topics with detailednotes,diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, thetopics arelisted in5 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app providesquickrevision andreference to the important topics like a detailedflashcard notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student oraprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly before an examsorinterview forjobs. Track your learning, set reminders, editthestudy material,add favorite topics, share the topics onsocialmedia. You can alsoblog about engineering technology,innovation,engineeringstartups, college research work, instituteupdates,Informativelinks on course materials & educationprograms fromyoursmartphone or tablet or at useful engineering app asyour tutorial, digital book,areference guide for syllabus, coursematerial, projectwork,sharing your views on the blog. Some of thetopics Covered intheapp are: 1. Introduction of PowerSwitchingDevices-Characteristics2. Ideal Switches 3. Real Switches4.Practical Power SwitchingDevices 5. Diodes 6. Thyristor orSiliconControlled Rectier (SCR)7. Switching Characteristics of theSCR 8.Bipolar JunctionTransistor (BJT) 9. Switching Characteristicsofthe Transistor 10.MOS Field Effect Transistor(MOSFET) 11.GateTurn-off Thyristor(GTO) 12. Insulated Gate BipolarTransistor(IGBT) 13. SwitchingCharacteristics of the IGBT 14.Integrated GateCommutatedThyristor (IGCT) 15. Thermal Design ofPower SwitchingDevices 16.Intelligent Power Modules (IPM) 17.Introduction toReactiveElements in Power Electronic Systems 18.Electromagnetics19.Design of Inductor 20. Design of Transformer 21.CapacitorsforPower Electronic Application 22. Types of Capacitors23. BaseDriveCircuits for BJT 24. Snubber Circuits for PowerSwitchingDevices25. Introduction to DC-TO-DC Converter 26. SimpleDC toDCConverter 27. Switched Mode Power Converters 28.MoreVersatilePower Converters 29. Discontinuous Mode of Operationin dcto dcConverters 30. Isolated dc to dc Converters 31.IntroductionofDC-TO-DC Converter: Dynamics 32. Pulse WidthModulatedConverter33. Pulse Width Modulated Converter-Example 34.AveragedModel ofthe Converter 35. Circuit Averaged Model of theConverters36.Generalised State Space Model of the Converter 37.Dynamic ModelofConverters Operating in DCM 38. Closed Loop Control39. ClosedLoopPerformance Functions 40. Effect of Input Filter ontheConverterPerformance 41. Design Criteria For Selection ofInputFilter 42.Introduction to Current Programmed Control of DC toDCConverters43. Sub-harmonic Instability in CurrentProgrammedControl 44.Compensation to Overcome Sub-harmonicInstability 45.Determinationof Duty Ratio for Current ProgrammedControl 46.Transfer Functions47. Introduction of Soft SwitchingConverters 48.Resonant LoadConverters 49. Steady State Modeling ofResonant SMPS50. ResonantSwitch Converters 51. Boost Converter withZero VoltageSwitching52. Resonant Transition Phase ModulatedConverters 53.ResonantSwitching Converters with Active Clamp 54.Unity PowerFactorRectifiers 55. Power Circuit of UPF Rectiers 56.AverageCurrentMode Control Each topic is complete with diagrams,equationsandother forms of graphical representations for betterlearningandquick understanding. Power Electronics is partofElectricalengineering, energy, electronics engineeringeducationcourses andtechnology degree programs of variousuniversities.
Dentistry Exam Review LT 1.0
Get this app to become a dentist expert & succeed yourexamssmoothly
SSB GTO Free 1.0
Manoj Basnal
This application target the Serviceselectionboard GTO, and provide a detail account of- GD- GP- Lecturette- Snake Race- Individual task- PGT- HGT- FGT
First Time Pregnancy 2.8
First time pregnant, what happens now? Find out more...
Maus Tratos Infantis 1.0
Anualmente, aproximadamente 10milhõesdecrianças e adolescentes sofrem maus-tratosnoBrasil,independentemente de classe social, religiãoouescolaridadefamiliar.O art. 4º do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA,Leinº8069/90), assegurado pelo art. 227 da Constituição Federalde1988,aponta que é dever da família, da sociedade e doEstadoassegurar àcriança e ao adolescente, com absoluta prioridade,osdireitos: àvida, à saúde, à alimentação, à educação, aolazer,àprofissionalização, à cultura, à dignidade, aorespeito,àliberdade e à convivência familiar e comunitária.O documento ainda garante que crianças e adolescentesdevemserprotegidos de toda forma de negligência,discriminação,exploração,violência, crueldade e opressão.Este aplicativo pretende ajudar as pessoasaIdentificar,Suspeitar e Denunciar os maus tratos infantis.CONTEÚDOIntroduçãoComo identificarComo suspeitarAspectos LegaisComo denunciarReferênciasCréditosOrganização: Prof. Estela LossoUniversidade Positivo_______Versão 1.0 Abril/2015Desenvolvimento EduAppsEach year,approximately10million children and adolescents suffer abuse inBrazil,regardlessof social class, religion or family education.The art. 4 of the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECALawNo.8069/90), provided by art. 227 of the Federal Constitutionof1988,points out that it is the duty of the family, society andtheStateto ensure children and adolescents, with absolutepriority,therights: to life, health, food, education,leisure,professionaltraining , culture, dignity, respect, freedomandfamily andcommunity life.The document also ensures that children and teenagersshouldbeprotected from all forms ofnegligence,discrimination,exploitation, violence, cruelty andoppression.This application aims to help people to identify,andReportsuspect child abuse.CONTENTIntroductionHow to identifyAs suspectLegal AspectsHow to ReportReferencesCreditsOrganization: Prof. Estela LossoPositivo University_______Version 1.0 April / 2015EduApps Development
App Oficial da IntegratoEnsinoEspecializado,escola que oferece cursos ministrados porgrandesnomes daOdontologia Brasileira e Mundial. Nossasatualizações tempor baseconhecimentos técnico-científicos, práticaslaboratoriaisedemonstrações interativas de casos clínicos em temporeal.Official appofIntegratoSpecialised Education, school offering courses taughtbygreatnames of Brazilian Dentistry and Worldwide. Our updatesisbased ontechnical and scientific knowledge, laboratorypracticeandinteractive demonstrations of clinical cases in realtime.
Electronics Switching 7
Electronics Switching free App covers most important topicsinsimpleEnglish and diagrams for a quick study and revisions atthetime ofExams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is themostusefulApp for last minute preparations. Electronics Switchingbestapp forschool, college and work. If you are a student It willhelpto learna lot. Electronics Switching useful App lists 72topics in5chapters, totally based on practical as well as a strongbaseoftheoretical knowledge with notes written in verysimpleandunderstandable English. Consider this App as a quicknoteguidewhich professors use in a classroom. The App will helpinfasterlearning and quick revisions of all the topics. Some ofthetopicsCovered in the app are: 1. Normalised Models of SwitchedModePowerConverters 2. Dynamic Equations in pu 3. VisualisationofFunctions4. Some Common Functions as Dierential Equations 5.Strongand WeakFunctions 6. Unity Power Factor Rectifiers 7. PowerCircuitof UPFRectifiers 8. Average Current Mode Control 9.VoltageFeedforwardController 10. Resistor Emulator UPF Rectifiers11.Non-linearCarrier Control 12. Single Phase and PolyphaseRectifier13. Reviewof Control Theory 14. A Simple Linear DynamicSystem 15.LaplaceTransformation 16. Transfer Function 17.PhysicalInterpretation ofthe Transfer Function 18. Bode Plots 19.Conceptof DoubleInjection and Extra Element Theorem 20.Introduction toDC-TO-DCConverter 21. Simple DC to DC Converter 22.Switched ModePowerConverters 23. More Versatile Power Converters24.DiscontinuousMode of Operation in dc to dc Converters 25.Isolateddc to dcConverters 26. Introduction of DC-TO-DC Converter:Dynamics27.Pulse Width Modulated Converter 28. PulseWidthModulatedConverter-Example 29. Averaged Model of the Converter30.CircuitAveraged Model of the Converters 31. Generalised StateSpaceModelof the Converter 32. Dynamic Model of ConvertersOperating inDCM33. Closed Loop Control 34. Closed Loop PerformanceFunctions35.Effect of Input Filter on the Converter Performance36.DesignCriteria For Selection of Input Filter 37. IntroductiontoCurrentProgrammed Control of DC to DC Converters38.Sub-harmonicInstability in Current Programmed Control39.Compensation toOvercome Sub-harmonic Instability 40.Determinationof Duty Ratiofor Current Programmed Control 41.Transfer Functions- ElectronicsSwitching 42. Introduction of SoftSwitchingConverters 43.Resonant Load Converters 44. Steady StateModeling ofResonant SMPS45. Resonant Switch Converters 46. BoostConverterwith ZeroVoltage Switching 47. Resonant TransitionPhaseModulatedConverters 48. Resonant Switching Converters withActiveClamp 49.Introduction of Power SwitchingDevices-Characteristics50. IdealSwitches 51. Real Switches 52.Practical Power SwitchingDevices53. Diodes - Electronics Switching54. Thyristor orSiliconControlled Rectifier (SCR) 55. SwitchingCharacteristics ofthe SCR56. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) 57.SwitchingCharacteristicsof the Transistor 58. MOS FieldEffectTransistor(MOSFET) 59. GateTurn-off Thyristor (GTO) 60.InsulatedGate Bipolar Transistor(IGBT) 61. SwitchingCharacteristics of theIGBT 62. IntegratedGate Commutated Thyristor(IGCT) 63. ThermalDesign of PowerSwitching Devices 64. IntelligentPower Modules(IPM) 65.Introduction to Reactive Elements in PowerElectronicSystems 66.Electromagnetics 67. Design of Inductor 68.Design ofTransformer69. Capacitors for Power Electronic Application70.Types ofCapacitors 71. Base Drive Circuits for BJT 72.SnubberCircuits forPower Switching Devices
School monitoring system mobile Guanajuato
All Things Dentistry 1.4
Ever wish there was a place online tolearnabout those unwritten, word of mouth tips/hints in dentistry?Thereis now. This is the mobile