Top 23 Apps Similar to Full Ruqyah Sharia mp3 offline

Ruqyah Shariah Full MP3 3.4
Ruqyah Shariah to Combat Jinn Black Magic (Sihr), & TheEvilEye. Works Offline.
Ruqyah MP3 For Jinn & Evil Eye 1.0
Ruqyah MP3 for jinn and evil eye App is an Islamic way tohelpCombat Jinn, Black Magic (Sihr), and The Evil Eye. Nostreamingrequired. Manzil is a collection of Ayats and short Surahsfrom theQuran that are to be recited as a means of protection.Ruqya fromBlack Magic, Jinn,Witchcraft, Sihr, Sorcery and the EvilEye. AlRuqyah Al Shariah. Ruqya against Sihr & Evil Eye, RuqyaAgainstJinn & Magic For Spiritual Healing against Evil Eye,Sihr,Black Magic, defense against evil magicians, Sahir's, jinnsandshayateens With selected verses from Quran as prescribedinAuthentic Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUS). Ruqyah Shariah MP3 isanIslamic way to help Combat Jinn, Black Magic (Sihr), and TheEvilEye. No streaming required. Full Terapi Manzil Ruqyah MP3worksCompletely Offline. Manzil is a collection of Ayats andshortSurahs from the Quran that are to be recited as a meansofprotection. self-Ruqya Treatment, Ruqyah Shariah Full MP3fromBlack Magic, inn,Witchcraft, Sihr, Sorcery and the Evil Eye.AlRuqyah Al Shariah, Ruqyah in Islam is the recitation ofQur'an,seeking of refuge, remembrance and supplications that areused as ameans of treating sicknesses and other problems. Exorcismin Islamis called ruqya, and is thought to repair damage believedcaused bysihr, witchcraft or evil eye. Exorcisms today are part ofa widerbody of contemporary Islamic alternative medicine calledal-Tibbal-Nabawi (Medicine of the Prophet). Conditions of doingAyatRuqyah رقية آيات Ash Shar'eeyah: 1. It must be with the speechofAllah, His names and attributes, or the speech of HisMessenger(saws) 2. It must be in Arabic, or what is known to be itsmeaningin other languages. 3. To believe that verily Ruqyah has nobenefitby itself, but the cure is from Allah. 4. Not to performRuqyah ina state of major impurity (junub) or in a place that isnotpermissible to perform ibadah i.e. graveyard, bathroom, etcTheManzil comprises the following verses of the Quran:SurahAl-Fatihah (chapter 1): verses 1 to 7 Surah Al-Bakarah(chapter 2):verses 1 to 5, 163, 255 to 257, and 284 to 286 SurahAl-Imran(chapter 3): verses 18, 26 and 27 Surah Al-A'araf (chapter7):verses 54 to 56 Surah Al-Israa (chapter 17): verses 110 and111Surah Al-Muminoon (chapter 23): verses 115 to 118 SurahAl-Saaffaat(chapter 37): verses 1 to 11 Surah Al-Rehman (chapter55): verses33 to 40 Surah Al-Hashr (chapter 59): verses 21 to 24Surah Al-Jinn(chapter 72): verses 1 to 4 Surah Al-Kaafiroon(chapter 109):verses 1 to 6 Surah Al-Ikhlas (chapter 112): verses 1to 4 SurahAl-Falaq (chapter 113): verses 1 to 5 Surah Al-Naas(chapter 114):verses 1 to 6 This App is Completely FREE so Sharewith friends,family and love ones. If you like the Ruqyah for jinnand evil App,please consider leaving a positive review and/orrating for it inthe store. If you have any suggestion(s) oropinion(s) about thisApp, please use the developer email providedto send your feedback.I will be glad to hear from you. Thank youvery much!
Ruqya against Sihr & Evil Eye 3.4
Ruqya from the Qur'an as prescribed by the authentic Sunnah oftheProphet
Ruqya Healing Guide 1.1.0
Abu Nadeer
The Alruqya Healing app is designed under the guidance ofbothSheikh Khalid Al-Hibshi and Abu Nadeer, two highly recognisedandrespected Raaqi's in the field of Ruqya. The main purpose ofthisapplication is to Empower yourself with correct tools andandknowledge so that you can follow correct treatment planaccordingto your signs and symptoms and to be able to motivate yourself tocomplete your Ruqya plan on a daily basis. The aim of theapp is toequip you with the best tools and knowledge needed foryourtreatment plan I'm accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah.Weunderstand that many struggle to stay motivated, so we havemadethis app user friendly and helpful for people to be abletocomplete their program successfully. Our ethos at Alruqyaissimple: • Improving Health through Educating Society •RuqyaAccording to the Qur'an and Sunnah • Revival of thePropheticMedicine • Effective Support and Treatment for SpiritualAfflictionOne of our primary goals is to instil hope in you and toremind youthat you should not allow your affliction to overwhelmyou. We donot want you to feel disheartened by it and instead wehope to makeyou understand that it is simply a test from Allaahsubhanahu wata'ala which will in shaa Allaah strengthen yourrelationship withHim. We aspire to make you feel optimistic inseeking a cure. MAINFEATURES OF APP: • Ruqya Audio Library - Quranrecitation and Duatargeting different types of spiritualafflictions. • Quran Reading& Listening - Specially designed tohelp you recite the versesyou need for your Ruqya plan along with aproficient reciter tominimise any difficulties in reading. • Dua -A collection ofsupplications from the Quran & Sunnah that arehighlyrecommended in the daily life of a Muslim. • Detailedarticles withuseful knowledge in understanding differentafflictions. Topicsrange from Tawheed, dealing with spiritualafflictions, real lifecase studies and much more. • Emergency Ruqyaplan - A simple andeffective guide to be used in case ofemergencies such asfits/convulsions, falling unconscious etc • TheProphet's Medicine- A list of remedies mentioned in the Quran &Sunnah that canbe incorporated in your Ruqya treatment for optimalresults by thepermission of Allah. • Videos - Deliveringeducational andmotivational messages and more. • A Full Body HijamaDiagram -Displaying all the recommended points during Hijama fordifferentillnesses and general well being. • The Raqi Guide -Teaching youthe difference between a Raqi who is Islamically lawfuland thosewho are unlawful to visit for treatment. The Quran is theactualwords of Allah (swt) which has been revealed to theProphetMuhammad (SAW) as guidance and a cure for all of mankind, itisused for expelling demons, black magic and evil eye. Wemustunderstand that the Quran benefits us in every aspectsocially,economical, spiritually and physically. Understanding ofthe cure(Shifa) in general is a cure in it self and those whounderstandachieve the blessing. Allah (swt) has clearly told us inthe Quranthat the actual words of the creator is a healing for allthose whobelieve therefore when used with full conviction seekingthe Helpof Allah (swt) this form of treatment can bring greatmiraculouscures to all forms of illnesses. ‘Allah says in the quranAnd Wesend down of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy tothosewho believe’ (Al-Israa, 17:82)
Surah Benefits 0.0.5
Surah Benefits App is the collection of Ahadith of AimmaeMasumeen(a.s) regarding the importance and benefits of each andeverychapter of Quran. Since We shias firmly believeinHadith-e-Thaqalain and We are very firmly attached with wilayat,wemust also attach ourselves with holy quran as well. And thus,weneed to acquire recognition of Holy Quran at least to someextentand read it with its actual recognition what it is worthy of!!!Ahadith in this App will help users to know the reward of eachandevery surah, Practical applications of each chapter inonesdifficulties and remedies for many types of illness whichImams(as)has taught us.
Ayat Ruqyah MP3 Offline (Pengusir Jin,Ruqyah Bayi) 1.0.12
Ruqyah bukan pengobatan alternatif. Justru seharusnyamenjadipilihanpertama pengobatan tatkala seorang muslimtertimpapenyakit. Sebagaisarana penyembuhan, ruqyah tidak bolehdiremehkankeberadaannya.Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyahrahimahullahmengatakan: “Sesungguhnyameruqyah termasuk amalan yangutama.Meruqyah termasuk kebiasaan paranabi dan orang-orang shalih.Paranabi dan orang shalih senantiasamenangkis setan-setan darianakAdam dengan apa yang diperintahkanAllah dan RasulNya”. [1]Karenademikian pentingnya penyembuhandengan ruqyah ini, makasetiap kaumMuslimin semestinya mengetahuitata cara yang benar,agar saatmelakukan ruqyah tidak menyimpangdari kaidah syar’i.Aplikasi inimenyediakan ayat-ayat mp3 ruqyahsesuai syariah danjuga bacaanruqyah serta dilengkapi dengantatacara ruqyah, semuaitu bersifat100% offline sehingga anda bisamemutar app ini kapansaja dandimana saja ketika dibutuhkan, INSYAALLAH ayat ayat ruqyahinidapat di jadikan obat penangkal gangguanjin dan sihirdenganampuh, semoga menjadikan keberkahan dalam hidupkita danmenjadiamal jariyah amin, jangan lupa untuk memberikanratingterbaikmudan komentar yang positif untuk meningkatkan appmenjadiyang lebihbaik lagi.
Sudais Full Quran Mp3 Offline 2.1
the application of Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz as-Sudais isthefullQuran mp3 recitation which will work Offline withouttheinternateand the app is compatible to all your mobile.Downloadtheapplication you will really enjoy it with good sound.Aboutthereciter. Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz as-Sudais born 1960inRiyadh,Saudi Arabia. He is the imam of the Grand mosque inMecca“Makkah”, Saudi Arabia, a renowned qāri, and he was theDubaiInternationalHoly Qur’an Award’s “Islamic Personality Of theYear”in 2005.Al-Sudais has preached Islam’s opposition to“explosionsandterrorism”, and has called for peaceful inter-faithdialogue,butalso been sharply criticized for vilifyingnon-Muslimsandespecially Jews in his sermons.Abdul Rahman Al-Sudaisisregardedas the second most beautiful and famous Quran reciterinthe world.Allah include this in her good deeds." Features ofthismp3 audioOffline no need internet. You can repeat suratmultipletime. Autoshuffle between tracks. Play audio surat withinternet.Pausing forincoming phone call. auto advance to the nextsurat. Youcan sharethis app with your friends and muslim ummah.Also you cancheck theothers reciters Mishary Rashid Alafasy AbdulRahmanAl-Sudais SaudAl-Shuraim Saad Al Ghamidi Sheikh Abu BakrShatriYasser Al DossariMaher Al Mueaqly Abdul Basit ‘Abd us-SamadQariWaheed Zafar QasmiI hope you like my app and the reciter sodesanddon't hasitate toask me if you have any question to improveit.Please send us yourcomment and feature requests and keep us inyourprayers. thanks.
RUQYA by Maulana Junaid 1.2
Ruqya by Maulana Junaid forSpiritualHealingagainst Evil Eye, Sihr, Black Magic, defenseagainstevilmagicians, Sahir's, jinns and shayateensWith selected verses from Quran as prescribed inAuthenticSunnahof the Prophet (PBUS).
Ayat Ruqyah آيات رقية 1.1.5
AYAT RUQYAH آيات رقية Benefits:Cure for illness & Cure forevileye.
Mishary Rashid - Full MP3 Quran (Ad Free)
Ninja Toolkit
Listen to Audio MP3 Quran offline by Mishary Rashid Alafasy
Ayatul Kursi MP3 1.0
Ayatul Kursi MP3 application is an application that containsthereading of Chairs in Arabic text, reading Latin verse Chair, andisequipped with an MP3 file from several Qari World. Ayatul kursihasa great position. In the hadeeth of the Prophet sallallaahu'alaihiwa sallam mentioned that it was the greatest revelationscontainedin the Koran. As there is on the question asked by theProphet toUbay ibn Ka'b, "where the greatest verse in the Book ofAllah?"Ubay answered: "Paragraph chair." Then he sallallaahu'alaihiwasallam chests Ubay and said, "O Abu Mundhir , may you beblessedwith the knowledge that you have. "(HR. Muslim) .. Thisapplicationcontains rebound murottal paragraph seat of variousrenowned Qaribeautiful voice. Here are - Muhammad Taha Al Junaid -AbdurrahmanAs Sudais - Saad Al Ghamidi - Mishary Rashid Al Afasy -Abdul BasitLots virtue of Ayatul Kursi. The author will explain afew of thevirtue of paragraph seats. Paragraph 1. The Most Great inthe QuranAs it existed in the questions asked by the Prophet toUbay ibnKa'b, "where the greatest verse in the Book of Allah?"Ubayanswered, "Verse chair." Then he sallallaahu 'alaihiwasallamchests Ubay then said, "O Abu Mundhir , may you be happywith theknowledge that you have. "(HR. Muslim). Ayat Kursiversecategorized as the most exalted as it includes the name ofAllahthe most exalted, namely Al Hayyu and Al Qayyum. Butscholarsdisagree Which God's greatest name. 2. Exceeded sublimityof Heavenand Earth Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Itis notGod created the heavens and the earth exceeds the regal AyatKursi(as in the verse has been covering Names and Attributes ofAllah)"Sufyan ats-Thawri said, "For a chair paragraph (a)kalamullah (wordof God), while kalamullah was greater than in theform of God'screation of heaven and earth" (HR. At-Tirmidhi) 3. OneDhikrReading Before Bed Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallamsaid,"When you go to bed (at night), read Ayat Kursi, Allah willalwaystake care of you and Satan will not approach you untilmorning"(HR. Al-Bukhari). Make the paragraph the seat as a regulardhikrthat is read when you go to sleep. In addition, the chairalsoincludes a paragraph reading dhikr morning and evening. 4. OneForGo to Heaven Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:"Whoeverreads Ayat Kursi after finished the prayer, then no onestop himenter Paradise except death" (HR. An Nasa-i, judgedauthentic byShaykh al-Albani). Download this app and listen toAyatul Kursifrom the Quran. You dont need to download mp3, justinstall theapp.
Alafasy 1.005
Alafasy is the largest Audio Library app and it has everythingyouneed.
Mobi Quran - Audio Quran App 9.7.2
Mobi Quran app provides audio quran translation & tafseerinarabic english urdu
Zakir Naik - Audio Lectures
Zakir Naik, Islamic Audio Lectures integratedwith Download, stream or queue episodesandenjoy them the way you like with adjustable playback speeds andasleep timer. Save effort, battery power and mobile data usagewithpowerful automation controls for downloadingepisodes(specifytimes, intervals and WiFi networks) and deletingepisodes (basedyour favourites and delay settings). All features:ORGANIZE ANDPLAY • Manage playback from anywhere: homescreenwidget, systemnotification and earplug and bluetooth controls •Enjoy listeningyour way with adjustable playback speed, rememberedplaybackposition and an advanced sleep timer (shake to reset, lowervolumeand slow down playback) • No Ads or in-app Purchase Offerings•Background playback support • Offline playing episodes KEEPTRACK,SHARE & APPRECIATE • Keep track of the best of the bestbymarking episodes as favourites • Find that one episode throughtheplayback history or by searching (titles and shownotes) •Shareepisodes and feeds through advanced social media and emailoptions,and via OPML export CONTROL THE SYSTEM • Take controloverautomated downloading: exclude mobile networks, selectspecificWiFi networks, require the phone to be charging and settimes orintervals • Manage storage by setting the amount ofcachedepisodes, smart deletion (based on your favourites and playstatus)and selecting your preferred location • Use App in yourlanguage(EN, DE, CS, NL, NB, JA, PT, ES, SV, CA, UK, FR, KO, TR,ZH) •Adapt to your environment using the light and dark theme •Back-upyour subscriptions with the OPML export FOLLOW US:**** DONATE: Like our Apps?Helpus keep them 100% FREE with noAds BIOGRAPHY A medical doctorbyprofessional training, Dr Zakir Naik is renowned as adynamicinternational orator on Islam and Comparative Religion.Zakir Naikis the president of Islamic Research Foundation, Mumbai.Zakir Naikis 49 years old. Dr Zakir Naik clarifies Islamicviewpoints andclears misconceptions about Islam, using the Quran,authenticHadith and other religious Scriptures as a basis, inconjunctionwith reason, logic and scientific facts. Zakir Naik ispopular forhis critical analysis and convincing answers tochallengingquestions posed by audiences after his public talks.
Audio Quran (No-Ads) - Mp3 Quran Offline / Online 1.0.9
This Mp3 Audio Quran application provides the facility tolistentheHoly Quran free of cost and with no Ads in the voiceoffamousPakistani Reciters including Qari Sohaib Meer Muhammadi.Italsohas few other reciters from all over the world such asSheikhAbdulRehman Al-Sudais, Bandar Balilah, Abdullah Awad AlJuhany,RaadMuhammad Al-Kurdi, Mishary Bin Rashid, Mishary binRashidAlafasywith urdu translation, Yasser Al-Dosari and SheikhIdreesAbkaretc. This Mp3 Quran application has a flexible anduserfriendlyinterface so that anyone can easily operate and listentheHolyQuran. You listen the Surahs in a dedicated Quran playerwhereyoucan pause at any part of recitation and can resumetherecitationwhenever you again open the application. In thisMp3Audio Quranapplication, You can listen the Recitations OnlineorOffline aswell. To listen surah offline (without Internet),clickon Downloadbutton on right bottom of screen OR for multiplesurahs,just longpress on any Surah name and select the surahs youwant tolistenoffline and click on download. Surahs will bedownloadedinbackground so you can use the application whilesurahsaredownloading. The progress of downloads can be seeninNotificationbar. (Make sure Notification setting ofDownloadManager isenabled) This Mp3 Quran application hasfollowingfeatures: -Flexible and Easy to use interface. - FamousPakistanireciters areavailable and the recitations of many otherrecitersare comingsoon in next updates In sha Allah. - Few OtherRecitersfrom allover the world including Arab & Kuwait arealsoavailable andalot more reciters will be available soon innextupdates In shaAllah. - Listen surahs online with Wifi orMobileData. - ListenQuran without internet after just downloadingthesurahs. - Easilyidentify the downloaded Surahs by tick iconsasshown in abovescreenshot. - Continue the recitation from whereyouleft when youre-open the application. - Favourite the surahsthatyou want tolisten daily. - Notification bar toplay/pause/changesurahs. -Repeat Mode to loop same surah. - 'ShowFavourites'enables you tosee only surahs that you have favourited.- 'Lock thescreen'enables you to lock the screen so it doesn't stopor changesurahsif you click on the screen unintentionally. - 'SharetheApp'enables you to share the application with friends andfamilywithjust one click. - With 'Contact us' option, you cancontactthedeveloper by filling a google form to suggest newfeatures,newreciters Or to report a bug you face. - Clear, BestQualityandLoud Audio. - Holy Quran with Urdu Translation.PakistaniRecitersavailable in this Mp3 Audio Quran application:Qari SohaibMeerMuhammadi Qari Salman Mahmood Qari Hamza Madni QariDawoodMinshawiQari Salman Saleem Qari Azhar Nazeer *And manymorereciters arecoming soon In sha Allah* Other recitersinapplication: AbdulRahman Al-Sudais Abdullah Awad Al Juhany AbuBakrAl Shatri BandarBalilah Idrees Abkar Maher Al MuaiqlyMisharyRashid AlafasyMishary Rashid Alafasy (With Urdu Translation)RaadMuhammadAl-Kurdi Saad Al Ghamdi Saud Al-Shuraim YasserAl-Dosari*And manyother reciters are coming soon In sha Allah* Justdownloadthis Mp3Quran application and listen the Heart Touchingrecitationsof HolyQuran. And remember me in your prayers.JazakAllah Developerofthis Mp3 Quran application: -> Qari Sohaib Qari Sohaib Ahmed MeerMuhammadiQari SalmanQari Salman Mahmood Budhemalvi Qari SalmanMehmoodBudhemalvi QariHamza Madni Qari Salman Saleem Qari AzharNazeerQari Azhar NazirQari Dawood Qari Dawood Minshawi Imam kabaquranSudais shuraim quranAbdul Rehman sudais Abdul RahmanAl-Sudais Raadal kurdi raad kurdimishary mishary bin rashidmishary rashidalafasy idris abkarAbdullah juhany bandar baleelah
Ayatul Kursi with Tajweed 3.7
Quran Reading
Learn Ayatul Kursi with Tajweed & Test Your RecitationInstantlywith Live Tutor
Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais - Full 3.7
App Anchor
Full Audio MP3 Quran Offline by Abdul Rahman Al Sudais inhighquality
Al Quran Offline 110
Holy Quran audio offline with library to read hadith and tafsiralquran books
Minshawi With Children Full Qu 3.1
Al Minshawi With Student MP3 Mushaf Al Muallim - MinshawiWithChildren Full
Taha Al Junayd Full Quran MP3 1.0.2
Murottal Muhammad Taha Al Junayd Full Quran MP3 100% Offline
Al Sudais Full Quran Offline 3.2
High quality Complete Quran Abdul Rahman Al Sudais. ListenFullQuran Sudais now