Top 2 Apps Similar to Surah Al Mai'dah MP3

Ayatul Kursi and Fatiha MP3 1.1
This is a combination of Surah Al Kursi and Al Fatiha. It isanOnline app
Ruqyah Shariah MP3 1.0
Ruqyah is a form of Islamic healing. Thebesttranslation I’ve heard for it so far is “incantation.” Ruqyawasperformed by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and many ofhiscompanions.We normally said Al Ruqya Al Shariyyah.Generally, ruqya involves reciting certain verses from theQuranand/or duas (supplications) taught to us by the Messenger ofAllah(pbuh). There are several duas one can make that can be usedforhealing.To perform Ruqya,some conditions need to be followed :1) Lecturing the patient and his family on the oneness ofAllah,so that their hearts are cleansed from any form of Shirkh2) Ask questions regarding the sick person,Once you are sureofthe type of Sihr used on the patient(s), you may go on withthetreatment afterwards.3. Taking unknown amulets(anything you take as a formofprotection) from the patient and never allow him/her use itagain.And ensuring that they all understand that Ruqya on its ownhas nouse/important,unless what Allah wishes for you.4) Perform ablution or bath(i.e purify youself), and informallthose around you or the patient to do the same.5) If the patient happen to be a female,you should not treatherunless when she cover herself and if she applied perfume tellherto remove the close.6) It should be recommended to tight her(in case offemale)garments well so that her body is not revealed during theprocessof treatment. And In case the raqi is a male,then he shouldnot dothe Ruqia if her muharram is not around.7) Ruqia must be in Arabic language, or what is known to betheright meaning of it in some other languages.This App includes Ruqyah Al Shariah by the following qaris :Sheikh Mishary Al AfasiSheikh yasser Al DosariSheikh Saad Al GhamidiSheikh Khaled Al QahtaniSheikh Nasser Al QatamiSheikh Nabil Al AwadiSheikh Mohamed Al JawaraniSheikh Ahmed Al BlehedSheikh Abo Alyahand many more to come in the future Insha AllahHowever, it is the beleive in Allaah that keeps the Evilawayfrom you and not the Ruqya itself as mentioned above.Hence one should try to follow the Sunnah as much as he canasfollowing the sunnah itself is a means of protection,blessingsandhealing from Allah.If you like this App, please consider leaving a positivereviewand/or rating and don't mind sharing it with yourfamily,freinds athome or outside.Here’s a hadith regarding using Ruqyah’s against theevileye:" The Prophet(SAW) ordered me or somebody else to do Ruqya(ifthere was danger) from an evil eye".Narrated By Aisha(ra).If you have any suggestion regarding this app please contactmevia my contact address.Thanks.