Top 17 Apps Similar to World War 1

World War II 3.1
WWII has the aim to explain the World War II history sortedbyevents.
Gallipoli: the first day 1.0
Explore the events of the first day of the Gallipoli Landings.
Glorious Ottoman History 3.0.0
🇹🇷 Discover Ottoman history! Sultans, timeline & visuals
Osmanlı Sultanları 1.0
Uygulama hakkında;ÖnsözOsman GaziOrhan GaziBirinci Murad HanBirinci Bayezid Han (Yıldırım Bayezid)Çelebi Mehmed Han (Birinci Mehmed Han)İkinci Murad HanFatih Sultan Mehmed Hanİkinci Bayezid HanBirinci Selim Han (Yavuz)Birinci Süleyman Han (Kanuni)İkinci Selim HanÜçüncü Murad HanÜçüncü Mehmed HanBirinci Ahmed HanBirinci Mustafa Hanİkinci Osman Han (Genç Osman)Dördüncü Murad Hanİbrahim HanDördüncü Mehmed Hanİkinci Süleyman Hanİkinci Ahmed Hanİkinci Mustafa HanÜçüncü Ahmed HanBirinci Mahmud HanÜçüncü Osman HanÜçüncü Mustafa HanBirinci Abdülhamid HanÜçüncü Selim HanDördüncü Mustafa Hanİkinci Mahmud HanAbdülmecid HanAbdülaziz HanBeşinci Murad Hanİkinci Abdülhamid HanMehmed Reşad HanVahideddin Hanosmanlı padişahlarıHakkında, akıcı bir anlatımla güzel bir uygulasizleribekliyor,Uygulamamız fazla alan kaplamaz ve SD karta kopyalanabilir,Kolay arayüz sayesinde zorlanmadanaradığınızaulaşabileceksiniz,Uygulamamız sizlerin yorumları ile gelişecektir,faydalıolabilmesi dileğiyle :)About the application;Foreword Osman Gazi Orhan Gazi First Murad Khan The first Han (Yıldırım Bayezid) Çelebi Mehmed (Mehmed first) Second Murad Khan Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror Second Han First Selim Khan (Yavuz) First Suleiman (the Magnificent) Selim Khan Third Murad Khan Third Mehmed First Ahmed Khan First Mustafa Khan Second Osman Khan (Young Osman) Fourth Murad Khan Ibrahim Khan Fourth Mehmed The second Suleiman Second Ahmed Khan Second Mustafa Khan Third Ahmed Khan Mahmud Khan Third Osman Khan Third Khan Abdulhamid Han Third Selim Khan Fourth Khan Second Mahmud Khan Han reigns Abdulaziz Han Fifth Murad Khan Abdulhamid Han Mehmed Reshad Khan Khan 'Ottoman sultansAbout a fluent narrative is waiting for you with aniceapply,Our application does not occupy much space and can be copied toanSD card,With easy to use interface you're looking for withoutdifficultywill be found,With our reviews, you will develop applications, Wishing tobehelpful :)
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu 1.1.5
Osmanlı Padişahlarının hayatlarını anlatanbuuygulamada gelmiş geçmiş bütün Osmanlı Padişahlarınındoğumundanölümüne kadar olan süre boyunca bütün savaşlarını,fetihlerini vedestanlarını bulabilirsiniz. Padişahların doğduğu,öldüğü vedefnedildiği yerler, hüküm süreleri boyunca yaptığı savaşvekazandığı zaferler ile birlikte dönem dönem OsmanlıDevletiharitaları. Kısacası padişahlara ait aradığınız bilgiler tekbiruygulama toplandı.From birth untildeath,which in this application ever of all time throughout the warbydescribing the lives of Ottoman Sultans of the Ottoman Sultans,youcan find the conquests and legends. The birthplace of theSultan,where he died and was buried, his battles and won victoriesoverreigning Ottoman Empire period with maps. In short, the sultanofthe information it gathered in one application.
Osmanli Tarihi 1.1
Osmanlı Tarihi ile ilgili arayıpdabulamayacağız eşsiz bir kaynak!13. yüzyıl sonlarından 20. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğine değinvarlığınısürdürenTürk devleti.Anadolu’da kurulmuş, sınırları tarihi boyuncaçokdeğişmekle birlikte en genişdöneminde bugünkü Arnavutluk,Yunanistan,Bulgaristan,Yugoslavya,Romanya ye Akdeniz’indoğusundakiadaları,Macaristan ve Rusya’nın bazı kesimlerini,Kafkasya,Irak,Suriye, Filistin ve Mısır’ı,Cezayir’ekadar tüm Kuzey Afrika’yı ve Arabistan’ın bir bölümünükapsamıştır.Hanedana da adını veren Osman Beydevletin kurucusu olarak kabul edilir. Osmanlı Devleti biraskeridirlikler sistemi aracılığıyla küçükköylü tarımından artı ürün aktarımının çok düzenli birörneğiniverdiği gibi, bu tür toprak dağıtımlarındazamanla açığa çıkan ademimerkezileşme eğilimini frenleyerek İslamveTürk-İslam devletlerinin en güçlüsü,en uzun sürelisi olmuştur. Çin ve İran ile birlikte, 19.yüzyıldasiyasal bağımsızlığını yitirmeden günümüzüneşiğine dayanan üç büyük kapitalizm öncesi toplum arasındayeralmış, modern Türkiye’ nin öncelini oluşturmuştur.Bu uygulama ile her merak ettiğinizde, her aklınızatakıldığındaveya boş zamanlarınızda Osmanlı Tarihi cebinizde!Tarihe ilgi duyan herkesin cebinde mutlaka bulunması gerekenbiruygulama...İçindekiler;• Dönemler• Savaşlar• Padişahlar• Antlaşmalar• Kronoloji• Önemli Kişiler• Önemli Olaylar• Devlet TeşkilatlarıOsmanlı Devleti,Osmanlı tarihi,Osmanlı Savaşları,OsmanlıDevletiHakkında,Osmanlı Devleti Kuruluşu, Osmanlı Devleti Hakkında,ŞanlıOsmanlı devleti.A unique source ofOttomanhistory will not find a call!13th century in existence until the end of the first quarter ofthe20th century        Turkey wasfoundedin devleti.anadolu widest Although much has changed alongthehistorical borders        Duringtoday'sAlbania, Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania had in theeast ofthe Mediterranean        islands, Hungaryandsome parts of Russia, the Caucasus, Iraq, Syria, PalestineandEgypt, Algeria        much covered allofNorth Africa and a part of Arabia. Dynasty who gave his nameasOsman Bey        It is consideredthestate's founder. The Ottoman Empire through a small militaryfiefsystem of        as it gave averyorderly transfer of surplus items such as the peasantagriculture,such land distribution        Once releasedbybraking the ademimerkezileş most powerful trend of Islam andtheTurkish-Islamic state,        It has beenthelongest. along with China and Iran today without losingitspolitical independence in the 19th century        It was amongthethree major threshold based on pre-capitalist society hascreatedthe predecessor of modern Turkey's.If you have any curiosity with this application, wheninstalledon your mind or your Ottoman history every pocket in yoursparetime!An application must be included in everyone's pocket interestedinhistory ...Contents;• Periods• Battles• The Sultans• Treaties• Chronology• Important People• Significant Events• Government OrganizationsThe Ottoman Empire, Ottoman history, Ottoman Wars, abouttheOttoman Empire, the Ottoman Empire Establishment, on theOttomanEmpire, the glorious Ottoman Empire.
Ottoman Empire History 2.9
Explore The Great Ottoman Empire.
KPSS Tarih 1.2
Evde, işte, yolda, cafede her yerdetarihçalışabilmenizi sağlayacak bir uygulama.Gayet açık,net ve kolay anlaşılacak şekilde hazırlanmıştır.İçindekiler- İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi- Türk-İslam Tarihi- Osmanlı Devleti Kuruluş ve Yükselme- Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık- Osmanlı Yenilik Hareketleri- Duraklama Dönemi- Gerileme Dönemi- Dağılma Dönemi- 20. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Devleti- Kurtuluş Savaşı Hazırlık Dönemi- TBMM'nin Açılması ve Düzenli Ordu- Muharebeler Dönemi- Cumhuriyet Dönemi Devrimleri- Atatürk İlkeleri- Atatürk Dönemi Dış Politika- Atatürk Sonrası DönemAt home, at work, ontheroad, an application that allows you to work anywhere in thecafeat the time.It is clear, is intended to clearly and easily understood.Contents- Pre-Islamic Turkish History- Turkish-Islamic History- Ottoman Empire Organization and Promotion- Ottoman Culture and Civilization- Ottoman Empire Innovation Activities        -StandstillPeriod        - PeriodofDecline        -DispersionPeriod- Ottoman Empire in the 20th Century- Period of the War of Independence;- Opening of Parliament and Regular Army- Battles Period- The Republican Revolution- Principles of Atatürk- Atatürk Period Foreign Policy- Ataturk Aftermath
Mobil Dershane 1.29
Yergok Apps
Frontpage your pocket! All Courses Subject Anlatımlı Moreover,theInternet Independent ...
WW2 German medals guide Full 2.0
Complete WW2 German awards and medalsguidewithphotos and descriptions. Full Version!Application does not require access to the Internet, so itistheideal tool for use in the field.The military badges of the Third Reich provide one ofthemostinteresting aspects of military collecting.At the same time it presents one of the biggestchallengesbecausethese items are heavily reproduced.The purpose of this guide is to provide the collectorwithreferenceinformation about the badges and awards.
Ottoman Empire History Plus 2.5
Welcome to explore the Ottoman Empire History.This application gives you information about the OttomanEmpire.Explore sultans of Ottoman Empire. Learn everything abouttheOttoman Empire.Now you can purchase and use with a clean interfacewithoutads.The Ottoman Empire was founded by Osman I. As sultan MehmedIIconquered Constantinople (today named Istanbul) in 1453, thestategrew into a mighty empire. The Empire reached its apexunderSuleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century when it stretchedfromthe Persian Gulf in the east to Hungary in the northwest; andfromEgypt in the south to the Caucasus in the north. After itsdefeatat the Battle of Vienna in 1683, however, the empire began aslowdecline, culminating in the defeat of the empire by the AlliesinWorld War I. The empire was dismantled by the Allies after thewarended in 1918.List of sultans of the Ottoman Empire:Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, members of the Ottoman Dynasty,ruledover that vast transcontinental empire from 1299 to 1922. Atitsheight, it spanned from Hungary in the north to Somalia inthesouth, and from Algeria in the west to Iran in theeast.Administered at first from the city of Bursa in Anatolia,theempire's capital was moved to Edirne in 1366 and thentoConstantinople (currently known as Istanbul) in 1453 followingitscapture from the Byzantine Empire.The Ottoman Empire's early years have been the subject ofvaryingnarratives due to the difficulty of discerning fact fromlegend;nevertheless, most modern scholars agree that the empirecame intoexistence around 1299 and that its first ruler was OsmanI Khan(leader) of the Kayı tribe of the Oghuz Turks.The Ottoman Dynasty he founded was to endure for sixcenturiesthrough the reigns of 36 sultans. The Ottoman Empiredisappeared asa result of the defeat of the Central Powers withwhom it hadallied itself during World War I.The partitioning of the empire by the victorious Allies andtheensuing Turkish War of Independence led to the birth of themodernRepublic of Turkey.With best regards.
Biography of Adolf Hitler 1.0
Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April1945)was an Austrian-born German politician who was the leader oftheNazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische DeutscheArbeiterpartei(NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Party). HewasChancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and Führer ("leader")ofNazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. As effective dictator ofNaziGermany, Hitler was at the centre of World War II in Europe andtheHolocaust.Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I. He joinedtheprecursor of the NSDAP, the German Workers' Party, in 1919andbecame leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923 he attempted a coupinMunich to seize power. The failed coup resulted inHitler'simprisonment, during which time he wrote his autobiographyandpolitical manifesto Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"). After hisreleasein 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking theTreaty ofVersailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism,andanti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda.Hitlerfrequently denounced international capitalism and communismasbeing part of a Jewish conspiracy.Hitler's Nazi Party became the largest elected party intheGerman Reichstag, leading to his appointment as chancellor in1933.Following fresh elections won by his coalition, theReichstagpassed the Enabling Act, which began the process oftransformingthe Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, asingle-partydictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocraticideology ofNational Socialism. Hitler aimed to eliminate Jews fromGermany andestablish a New Order to counter what he saw as theinjustice ofthe post-World War I international order dominated byBritain andFrance. His first six years in power resulted in rapideconomicrecovery from the Great Depression, the denunciationofrestrictions imposed on Germany after World War I, andtheannexation of territories that were home to millions ofethnicGermans—actions which gave him significant popularsupport.Hitler sought Lebensraum ("living space") for the Germanpeople.His aggressive foreign policy is considered to be theprimary causeof the outbreak of World War II in Europe. He directedlarge-scalerearmament and on 1 September 1939 invaded Poland,resulting inBritish and French declarations of war on Germany. InJune 1941,Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union. By theend of 1941German forces and the European Axis powers occupied mostof Europeand North Africa. Failure to defeat the Soviets and theentry ofthe United States into the war forced Germany onto thedefensiveand it suffered a series of escalating defeats. In thefinal daysof the war, during the Battle of Berlin in 1945, Hitlermarried hislong-time lover, Eva Braun. On 30 April 1945, less thantwo dayslater, the two committed suicide to avoid capture by theRed Army,and their corpses were burned.Under Hitler's leadership and racially motivated ideology,theNazi regime was responsible for the genocide of at least5.5million Jews and millions of other victims whom he andhisfollowers deemed Untermenschen ("sub-humans") andsociallyundesirable. Hitler and the Nazi regime were alsoresponsible forthe killing of an estimated 19.3 million civiliansand prisoners ofwar. In addition, 29 million soldiers and civiliansdied as aresult of military action in the European Theatre of WorldWar II.The number of civilians killed during the Second World Warwasunprecedented in warfare, and constitutes the deadliest conflictinhuman history.
Tanks of the Second World War 2.3.9
Radu Savutiu
A list of the best tanks of the Second World War,featuringsoviet,german, allied, japanese and other factions 'tanks.Contains fullsized images as well as a detailed descriptionof eachtank. Anytank can be set as an Android homescreenwallpaper(scrollshorizontally with each page-launcher permitted).
Spirit of ANZAC Centenary 360 0.4.1
THE OFFICIAL SPIRIT OFANZACCENTENARYEXPERIENCE 360 EXPLORERAs the flagship community event of the AnzacCentenarynationalprogramme, the Spirit of Anzac CentenaryExperience tellsthe storyof Australia’s involvement in the FirstWorld War andensuingCentury of Service.The Experience begins in pre-war Australia,beforetransportingyou to recreated scenes of Gallipoli, theWesternFront, Sinai andPalestine. Towards the end of the tour is anareafor remembranceof the sailors, soldiers, airmen and nurseswhoserved, includingthose who lost their lives.- Take a 360-degree interactive virtual tour of theSpiritofAnzac Centenary Experience.- Walk through recreated First World War environments- View genuine artefacts normally housed at theAustralianWarMemorial- Listen to sound effects and music to enhance the journeyineachgallery- Access information about the history on displayThe Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience is presentedbytheAustralian Government, the Australian War MemorialandtheAustralian Defence Force and is proudly supportedbytheCommonwealth Bank and Telstra.
World Leaders History in Tamil 28
உலக சரித்திரத்தில் தங்கள் முத்திரையை பதித்த முத்தானதலைவர்களின்வாழ்க்கை வரலாறு
LGfL WW1 ActiveLens 6
The ActiveLens: WW1 app is designed to work with the1914-1918FirstWorld War ActiveWorksheet Pack which you can accesson theLondonGrid for Learning's content portal. This app willbringyourworksheet pack to life with 3D models, video, animationsandaudio.