Top 6 Apps Similar to Titanic Belfast App

Titanic in Belfast 1.03
*TITANIC IN BELFAST**The ultimate companion to Belfast City & the must seeTitanicQuarter!*… Culture Northern Ireland, April 2012 – “A slickdesign,user-friendly interface and easy-to-follow directions makethisapp-based guide to the Titanic a pleasure to use.”… Sync Northern Ireland April 2012 – “My Tour Talk has devisedtheperfect travel accompaniment for tourists planning a visit tothecity.”… Belfast Telegraph April 2012 – “My Tour Talk has devised an apptoallow ex-pats to enjoy the centenary Titanic celebrations fromthecomfort of their own home.”*STOP THE PRESS*INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE AND INTIMATE INTERVIEW WITH JOHNNYANDREWS,DIRECT DESCENDANT OF THOMAS ANDREWS, DESIGNER OF RMSTITANIC.DISCOUNT TOO – Get 10% off at the Titanic Pump House.FAMOUS POINTS ALONG AUDIO TOUR: Welcome to Titanic, DonegallQuay,The Odyssey and W5, The Titanic Quarter, SS Nomadic &TheHamilton Graving Dock, Titanic Belfast, The Slipways, TheDrawingoffices & Johnny Andrews, The Cranes and Shipyard, ThePainthall, The White Star Line, The Thompson Pump House &DryDock.UNIQUE FEATURES:>EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW – Listen to our exclusive interviewwithJohnny Andrews, a direct descendant of both Thomas Andrews,thechief designer of Titanic and Sir William Pirrie, the thenchairmanof Harland and Wolff.He shares his unique and intimate insight into the great menbehindone of the most ambitious feats of engineering everundertaken,before telling you what the legacy of Titanic meanstoday.>DESIGNED, WRITTEN & CONSTRUCTED IN NORTHERN IRELAND -MyTour Talk’s Titanic Belfast app is entirely produced by thosewhoknow Titanic best, the locals! Sample some of the famousIrish‘craic’ as you’re guided on your way by some of our legendarylocal‘characters’.>AWARD WINNING WALKING & DRIVING AUDIO TOURS – WithMyTour Talk you are in safe hands! We specialise in creatingaudiowalking and driving tours and have brought a wealth ofexperienceto this app.The quality of the tour will soon become apparent as willthepassion and effort that have gone into its construction, afactorwhich we believe led to our shortlisting for a major award inthe2011 Appy’s!>DIRECTORY – Our fully interactive directoryprovidescomprehensive listings in eight categories; Shopping,Attractions,Nightlife, Transport, Food & Drink, Events,Activities andAccommodation. Each location listed is provided withrelevantcontact details as well as your immediate proximity toit.>MAP FUNCTION – Your Titanic Belfast tour is fullyplotted,all of the points along your tour are geo-located. There isalso a‘find me’ feature which will highlight your exact locationshouldyou want to check out your location from anywhere.You can also tailor your map to geo-locate all of the outletslistedin the directory nearest to you and your itinerary. Yeah,well it’shandy to know where to grab the nearest taxi, bus orcappuccino!>PROMOTIONS – Look out for our 10 % discount on entry totheThompson Pump House. As well as valuable promotions with ournewpartners, The Hastings Hotel Group!So is it all just too good to be true? Why not check out whatthepress has to say about My Tour Talk?*MY TOUR TALK PRESS BITES*ABOUT BELFAST – “Check out Northern Ireland like a local.”BELFAST TELEGRAPH – “The content is expertly researched &isdelivered in well-known local voices.”PUBS OF ULSTER – “The Belfast My Tour Talk apps are uniqueandinnovative.”NORTHERN IRELAND HOTEL FEDERATION – “Excellent layout andusercontrols with quality audio”UTV Live Tonight – “It’s the Tourist Guide of the future anditshere today. The story of Titanic complete with maps downloadabletoyour smartphone …”WHAT ELSE?Search the app store for My Tour Talks’ other fantasticaudioguides!!!
Belfast International Airport: 8.0.301
Flight and airport information for Belfast InternationalAirport(BFS)
PL: National Geographic 1.0.1
Pobierz multimedialne wydanieNationalGeographic Polska i zyskaj więcej treści niż wwydaniupapierowym!W kwietniowym numerze National Geographic Polska piszemyonajlepszym podróżniku świata Aleksanderze Dobie.Pobierz multimedialne wydanie i posłuchaj wywiadu „Jakwyglądałatlantycki jadłospis Olka Doby”Specjalnie dla Was przygotowaliśmy artykuły niedostępne wwersjipapierowej magazynu.Kupując subskrypcję magazynu otrzymujesz dodatkowo:- unikatowe zdjęcia oraz materiały wideo,- animacje tematyczne, multimedialne schematy, wykresy imapy- linki do stron pogłębiających wiedzę z danego tematuNational Geographic Magazine dostępny jest jakopojedynczewydanie tabletowe oraz w prenumeracie.Opłata za pojedyncze wydanie wynosi 2,99 EUR.Prenumerata dostępna jest w 2 opcjach czasowych:- prenumerata półroczna: 14,99 EUR- prenumerata roczna: 29,99 EURMagazyn skierowany jest dla ludzi owszechstronnychzainteresowaniach, poszukujących rzetelnych iaktualnychinformacji, ceniących wybitną fotografię i dbających oochronęśrodowiskaNational Geographic to legenda wśród magazynów, z historiąsięgającąponad 125 lat wstecz za którym stoi największetowarzystwo naukowena świecie. To dzięki National Geographicodkryto między innymilegendarne miasto Inków Machu Picchu, wrakTitanica czy szkieletsuper krokodyla w piaskach Nigru.National Geographic Polska to polska edycjapopularnonaukowegomiesięcznika, wydawanego przez NationalGeographic Society. Na jegołamach można znaleźć artykuły onajnowszych odkryciacharcheologicznych i paleontologicznych,niezwykłych kulturach,przyrodzie, historii, medycynie. Poruszatakże tematy społeczne ipolityczne, opisuje konflikty, problemyekologiczne i efekty zmianklimatycznych. National Geographic słyniez doskonałej jakościpublikowanych na jego łamach fotografii.Zasady korzystania z prenumeraty:– Opłata za prenumeratę jest pobierana w momenciepotwierdzeniazakupu prenumeraty–Potwierdzenie zakupu prenumeraty zostanie potwierdzonedrogąelektroniczną przez iTunes– Prenumerata wydania cyfrowego odnawiana jest automatycznie– Użytkownik może zarządzać prenumeratą (może np. zrezygnowaćzdalszej prenumeraty) poprzez swoje konto w iTunes– Z prenumeraty można zrezygnować najpóźniej na 24 godzinyprzedupływem bieżącego okresu trwającej prenumeraty– Opłata za przedłużenie prenumeraty zostanie pobrana w ciągu24godzin przed zakończeniem bieżącego okresu prenumeraty ibędziezgodna z aktualnym cennikiem– Nie można zrezygnować z prenumeraty, za którą zostałapobranaopłata”Downloadmultimediaedition of National Geographic Poland and get morecontent than inthe paper edition!In the April issue of National Geographic Poland write aboutthebest adventurer Dobie Aleksanderze world.Download the media release and listen to the interview, "Whatwasthe menu Atlantic Olek Nights"Especially for you we have articles available in hardcopymagazine. When buying a magazine subscription you get further:- Unique photographs and videos,- Themed animation, multimedia, graphs, diagrams and maps- Links to deepening understanding of the topicNational Geographic Magazine is available as a singleeditiontools pharmaceutical and subscription.The fee for a single release is 2.99 EUR.Subscriptions are available in 2 options time:- Semi-Annual subscription: EUR 14.99- Annual subscription: EUR 29.99 A magazine for people with versatile interests, seeking accurateandtimely information, valuing outstanding photo andenvironmentallyconsciousNational Geographic is a legend among warehouses, with ahistorydating back more than 125 years ago behind which is thelargestscientific society in the world. It is thanks toNationalGeographic, among others discovered the legendary Inca cityofMachu Picchu, the wreck of the Titanic or the super skeleton ofacrocodile in the sands of Niger.National Geographic Poland is the Polish edition of thepopularscience magazine, published by the National GeographicSociety. Onits pages you can find articles on the latestarchaeological andpaleontological discoveries, unusual cultures,nature, history,medicine. Also raises social and political issues,describes theconflicts, environmental problems and the effects ofclimatechange. National Geographic is known for its excellentqualitypublished in its pages of photographs.Terms of use subscription:- Fee for the subscription is charged at confirmation ofpurchasesubscriptions-Potwierdzenie Purchase subscriptions will be confirmed bye-mailvia iTunes- Subscribe to the digital edition is automatically renewed- You can manage your subscriptions (eg can. Dispense withfurthersubscription) through your account in iTunes- With a subscription, you can cancel at least 24 hours beforetheexpiration of the current subscription period lasting- Fee for the renewal of subscriptions will be taken within 24hoursbefore the end of the current subscription period and willbeconsistent with the current price list- You can not cancel your subscription, for which he wascharged"
fonaCAB 33.5.80014
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NI Metro 2.73
I developed this app for my own personaluseand released it for friends who might find it useful. I don'tmakeany money from this app, so don't expect a high level ofservice. Idon't mind if people who don't know me wish to use it.This app has bus times for parts of Belfast. It works out whichbusstops are close to you and when then next buses are fromthosestops. No fancy bells and whistles, just a list of thenextbuses.**IMPORTANT*** If you want me to add a bus or train route inyourarea then please press "Suggest a Route" button. Give me thenameof the company, the route number and where it is. I'll do therest.Please don't give me a bad rating if your route is not onthesystem yet. I add routes on request and have made it easy foryouto request them.DISCLAIMER: The developer of this application is in nowayaffiliated with any transport company, nor is he responsibleifthings are late or cancelled. I do my best to keep it up todateand add new routes when requested, but don't be expectingacommerical quality product.
Le Mont Saint Michel 1.0
Vous ne viendrez plus auMont-Saint-Michelcommeavant !Après 10 ans de travaux titanesques le Mont est redevenueuneîle.Plongez au cœur de 1 300 ans d’histoire et partez àlarencontre deceux qui vivent sur le Mont.Découvrez des images inédites du Mont pris d’un droneetd’unhélicoptère.Pratique, un mode d’emploi vous aidera à vous repérer dansleMontet à l’extérieur.You do notcometoMont-Saint-Michel as before!After 10 years of titanic works Mount is again an island.Diveintothe heart of 1300 years of history and the delights ofthoselivingon the Mount.Discover new images of Mount took a drone and a helicopter.Practice, a manual will help you locate yourself in theMontandoutside.