Top 15 Apps Similar to Android News

Notidroid - Noticias Android 3.1.18
Notidroid es Noticias Android 100% en Español!¡Ahora toda la actulidad Android en tus manos!Le ofrecemos en una sola aplicación gratuita las mejoresnoticiasprovenientes de los mejores blogs especializados delmundilloAndroid en una sola aplicación.Todas las noticias android, rumores, artículos deopinión,próximos lanzamientos, análisis de móviles android, juegosandroid,ROMS, y todo lo que tenga que ver con nuestro queridorobotverde.Foro:*HTC Mania ( con todas sus funciones )Android :* Andro4all* El Android Libre* Xatakandroid* Todo Android* Faqsandroid* Aplicaciones android* imovilizate* Rootear* Android ayuda* Android PitSmartphones:*Wayerless*Xakatamovil*MovilzonaSi consideras que hemos dejado fuera a algun Blog/Webimportantede noticias Android haznolos saber a nuestrocorreoelectrónico.- Actualización de noticias solo via Wifi- Nueva Seccion de Videos- Posibilidad elegir las noticias segun su fuente- Disponible en más de 1300 dispositivos android diferentes deformagratuita- Acceso a los artículos y Noticias de última hora delmundoAndroid- Sincronización programable- Lectura Offline de los artículos- Widget 4 x 1 con los tres últimos artículos- Marcar los artículos favoritos- Botón para compartir por redes sociales, mail, etc...- Customizable (Color,ordenación, notificaciones. Backup...)- Opción de búsqueda de artículos- Modo pantalla completa- Opción de limpieza de caché- Opción de copia de seguridadNota: La aplicación Notidroid no está afiliada y no tieneningúntipo de relación con los sitios mencionados. Además, sóloporactuar como un vehículo para mostrar información públicaobtenida através de Internet, no se hace responsable de ningunamanera de lasnoticias publicadas por estos.Android News Notidroidis100% in Spanish!Now all the Android actulidad in your hands!We offer one free application in the best news from thebestblogs specialized scene of Android in one application.All android news, rumors, opinion, upcoming releases, analysisofmobile android, android games, ROMS, and everything that has todowith our beloved green robot.Forum* HTC Mania (with full functionality)Android:* Andro4all* The Android Free* Xatakandroid* All Android* Faqsandroid* Applications android* Imovilizate* Rooting* Android aid* Android PitSmartphones:* Wayerless* Xakatamovil* MovilzonaIf you think we have left out some Blog / important newsWebAndroid haznolos know our email.- Update only via WiFi news- New video section- Possibility to choose the news by source- Available in over 1300 different Android devices for free- Access to articles and Breaking News World Android- Programmable Synchronization- Offline Reading Articles- Widget 4 x 1 with the last three items- Mark favorite items- Button to share on social networks, mail, etc ...- Customizable (color, arrangement, notification ... Backup.)- Option to search- Full screen mode- Option cache cleanup- Backup OptionNote: The application is not affiliated Notidroid not haveanyconnection with these sites. Moreover, only by acting as avehicleto show public information obtained through the Internet, itis notresponsible in any way from those published by this news.
Noticias Libres 1.30
Con Noticias Libres podras acceder alasnoticias de medios de ámbito español sin tener que recurriramedios pertenecientes a la AEDE. Incluímos lossiguientesmedios:- El Diario- La Información- 20 Minutos- Público- Periodista Digital- Infolibre- Europa Press- Periódico Diagonal- Revista La MareaEsta aplicación surge del descontento ciudadano nacido a raizdela nueva LPI que obliga a pagar un canon a CEDRO y los mediosdeAEDE por mencionar y enlazar sobre su contenido. Con lamismaqueremos demostrar que no es necesario acceder a estos mediosparaestar informados, y a la vez participar en el movimiento"BoicotAEDE".La aplicación está en evolución constante, por lo que siconocéisalgún medio más nacional NO adherido a AEDE y queréis queseincluya, dejadlo en los comentarios.La aplicación ha sido creada a través de la api de APPYET.Lainformación mostrada en la misma es propiedad de los propiosmediosque la proveen, accesible a través de sus RSS.With Free News you cangetnews Spanish media field without resorting to means belongingto theSAFE. We include the following means:- The diary- The information- 20 minutes- Public- Digital Journalist- Infolibre- Europa Press- Newspaper Diagonal- Magazine TideThis application comes from public discontent born in the wakeofthe new LPI forcing CEDRO pay royalties and media SAFE mentionandlink to its content. With it we want to show you do not needaccessto the media to be informed, and also participate in themovement"Boycott SAFE".The application is constantly evolving, so if you know anymorenational average NO SAFE adhered to and want to be included,Ileave it in the comments.The application created through the API APPYET. Theinformationshown therein is owned by the media itself that provideaccessiblethrough its RSS.
Aristegui Noticias 3.0.3 es un portal denoticiassobre México y el mundo con información, fotografías,vídeos,reportajes especiales y exposiciones multimedia con lostemas demayor impacto y relevancia noticiosa.Con la edición para Apps de Android ampliamos nuestros espaciosdecomunicación con una sociedad cada vez más demandante,crítica y exigente y nos permite refrendar nuestro compromisoprincipal con usted : ejercer "desdecualquier medio, periodismo enlibertad" isanews portal for Mexico and the world with information,photographs,videos, special reports and multimedia presentationswith topics ofgreater impact and relevance news.With the edition for Android Apps we expand our opportunitiesforcommunication with a demanding increasingly demanding society,andallows us to review and endorse our primary commitment toyou:exercise "from any media, journalism freedom."
Chile News (Noticias) 9.2
Chile News (Noticias) is a fast and easy way to read news onAndroid
Brasil Notícias 3.11.3
Daily updates with the latest news in Brasil!
Portuguese News and Media 7.04
In one place: news, sports, magazines, radios and useful websites!
Latest News 6.0.3
Get all News you want from many sources fast and easy
Noticias Telemundo 3.1.2
Noticias en vivo y de última hora por Noticias Telemundo
España Noticias 8.4.0
It's a fast and easy way to read Spain(España)News (Noticias) in Spanish (Español) on Android.España Noticias gives you easy access to read the mostpopularnews sources from Spain (España) on your Android device.Take thisapp with you and stay informed with access to the latestnews.FEATURES:√ News by site.√ News by category.√ Download news briefs automatically.√ Offline reading.√ News widget.√ Convert webpage to mobile format.√ Remove or sort news sources.√ Edit default news sources√ Subscribe more news sources via RSS√ Import more news sources via OPML√ Option to block images (reduce bandwidth).√ Share news via SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter...*NOTE*:If the application crashes after upgrading, please uninstallandreinstall it.
Mexico News (Noticias) 9.2
México News (Noticias) is a fast and easy way to read newsonAndroid
Inst News - Notícias do Brasil 0.3.7
InstNews Team
Notícias rápidas e do seu gosto!Inst News é um aplicativo de notícias inovador que lhepermiteacesso às últimas notícias do Brasil e do mundo em temporeal, deuma forma mais simples com apenas textos e imagens ( mododeInst Look). Selecionamos milhões das novidades de todaamídia confiável (UOL, Globo, Veja, MSN, iG, etc.) e lheoferecemosas melhores do seu gosto.★★★Principais Características★★★►Tópicos Personalizados:Siga os tópicos que lhe interessem — por exemplo o seu time,ascelebridades ou equipamentos favoritos. Analisamos suasnavegaçõeshistóricas e salvamos as notícias da sua preferência noInstNews.►Conteúdos Abrangentes:Se mantenha atualizado facilmente sobre as melhores fontesdasnotícias, selecionadas de UOL, Globo, Veja, Exame e muitomais.Explore as categorias Mundo, Brasil, Tecnologia,Entretenimento,Esportes, mulheres e muito mais.►Inst Look:Uma maneira mais fácil de ler noticias! Carrega na hora. Leiaasnoticias em segundos!►Notícias Sem Limite:Sempre temos notícias novas a qualquer momento quando renovarapágina.►Disponível Em Qualquer Lugar:Salvar as notícias automaticamente quando está no ambientedeWifi. Obter acesso rápido às notícias quando a Internetestáruim.►Navegação Fácil:Deslize para a esquerda ou a direita para ler o próximoartigo.Edite sua própria lista de tópicos, seja bem-vindo.***********************************************************************************************************************************★Acesso Inst News no web também está disponível:★Acompanhe o Inst News:Página do Facebook: no Facebook: Fórum do Inst News APP - [email protected] news andyourtaste!Inst News is an innovative news application that allows youtoaccess to the latest news from Brazil and the world in realtime, ina simpler form with just text and images (mode of InstLook ).Selected millions of news of all reliable media (UOL,Globo, Veja,MSN, iG, etc.) and offer you the best on yourtaste.★★★ Main Features ★★★► Custom Topics:Follow the topics that interest you - eg yourteam,celebrities or favorite outfits. We analyze their historicvoyagesand save the news of your preference on Inst News.► Comprehensive Contents:Remains easily updated on the best sources of news,selectedUOL, Globo, Veja, Exame and more. Explore the categoriesWorld,Brazil, Technology, Entertainment, Sports, women andmore.► Inst Look:An easier way to read news! Carries on time. Read the newsinseconds!► News No Limit:We always have new news anytime when renewingthepage.► Available Anywhere:Save the news automatically when the Wifi environment.Getquick access to news when the Internet is bad.► Easy navigation:Slide left or right to read the next article. Edit yourownlist of topics is welcome.***********************************************************************************************************************************★ Access Inst News is also available on the web:★ Follow Inst News:Facebook page: group: the Inst News APP Forum - [email protected]
Noticias, el tiempo y más 202300001.0
Press Spain, weather, radio, film, television, calendar and more
Argentina News (Noticias) 5.0
Argentina News (Noticias) is a fast andeasyway to read news on Android. It gives you easy access to readthemost popular newspapers from Argentina.Newspapers available: Clarín, TN, Página12, Infobae, La Gaceta,LaVoz, Perfil, El Intransigente, La Tercera, Ciudad, Ámbito,Télam,La Razón, La Capital de Rosario, Minutouno, Cronista, Diariode LaPrensa, The Argentina Independent, CNETFeatures:* Favorites* Remove or sort news sources* Edit default news sources* Subscribe more news sources via RSS* Option to block images (reduce bandwidth).* Share news via SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter...
Extra Notícias
Jornal Extra
O aplicativo do Jornal Extra, com asúltimasnotícias do Brasil e do mundo, sempre tratadas de formaclara eobjetiva! Extra Notícias, o aplicativo de um dos jornal maislidosdo país! Baixe aqui e fique ligado!Informações úteis e interessantes sobre famosos, esportes,empregos,economia, casos de polícia, TV, novelas, política,universo femininoe muito mais. Serviços no seu smartphone, napalma da sua mão comatualizações em tempo real e fotos dequalidade dos principaisassuntos do momento.O aplicativo tem uma navegação simples e direta, que se adapta àsuatela, e reproduz a estrutura do site ao qual vocêestáacostumado.As diferentes editorias são:Notícias (Brasil, Mundo, Economia, Educação, Carros)PolíciaEmprego (Capacitação, Concursos, Servidor Público)FamososMulher (Beleza, Corpo, Decoração, Moda)TV e Lazer (Novelas, Música, BBB)Esporte (Brasileirão, Copa 2014)FotosTodas elas permitindo o acesso rápido à notícia que você quer lerea possibilidade de compartilhar no Facebook, Twitter oupore-mail.Outras funcionalidades do aplicativo são a possibilidade deaumentare diminuir o tamanho da fonte, de avaliar o aplicativo efalar com opessoal do Jornal Extra.Extra Notícias é um produto Infoglobo.The application ofExtraNewspaper, with the latest news from Brazil and the world,alwaystreated in a clear and objective manner! Extra News,theapplication of one of the most widely read newspaper inthecountry! Download here and stay tuned!Useful and interesting information about famous, sports,jobs,economy, police cases, TV, novels, politics, and morefeminineuniverse. Services on your smartphone, in the palm of yourhandwith real-time updates and quality photos of the main issues ofthemoment.The application has a simple and straightforward navigationthatfits your screen, and reproduces the structure of the site towhichyou are accustomed.The various editors are:News (Brazil, World, Economy, Education, Cars)PoliceEmployment (Training, Contests, Public Servant)FamousWomen (Beauty, Body Decoration, Fashion)TV Goods (Novels, Music, BBB)Sport (Brasileirão, Copa 2014)PhotosAll of them allowing quick access to the news you want to readandthe ability to share on Facebook, Twitter or by email.Other features of the application include the ability toincreaseand decrease the font size, to evaluate the application andtalkwith the staff of Extra Journal.Extra News is a Infoglobo product.