Top 6 Apps Similar to PhotoIsMe - Photo Editor Free

AfterFocus Pro
With AfterFocus, you can createDSLR-stylebackground blurred photo by simply selecting focus area.Also,various filter effects offer you to create the most naturalandrealistic photo.Selecting a focus area more precisely, you can achieve morenaturaland professional image.Just mark the areas you want, AfterFocus automaticallyrecognizesthe focus area precisely even for an object withcomplexshapes.This auto function allows you to work faster on smart phoneswithsmall screen.Also, background blur effect of AfterFocus gives a phototherealistic look between the edge of the background and thefocusarea.With our realistic filter effects, you will enjoy photographingandphoto editing even more, and share them on SNS easily.1. Smart focus area selectionSimply draw some lines inside a focus area and the background,thenAfterFocus will automatically recognize the focus area. Youcanalso select the area with traditional finger painting.2. Background Blur effectYou can create the most realistic blur effect with variousaperturestyles just like DSLR camera.To emphasize that certain things move, Motion blur and Zoomblureffects are also available.3. Filter effectAfterFocus offers from basic effects to professional effectslikeCross Process without looking artificial.Also, you can emphasize the spot light on the background usingBokeheffect.4. Easy shareYou can share through e-mails and SNS easily and simply.
PhotoSoft-Camera Photo Editor 2.0.10
** Featured by "Digital Camera Review" in the Best AndroidPhotoAppssection ** Photosoft is the best place to capture andedityourphotos. As creativity is much more than filters we haveaddedverynew concepts of photography and editing and much more areontheway.So download it today and give your photos adifference.MerryChristmas & Happy New Year [ New Features ]CreativeeffectsEffects specially made to add creativity to yourphotosGalaxy : Takeyourself to neverland, by adding galacticshapeoverlays add some.Explore more to find the magic inside. IO:Every fantasy becomescreativity with our Inside/Out effectsaddingcolor splash to yourphotos with different shapes and text.USERREVIEWS “ Peaks PhotoEditing App ... That's what I callawell-developed application, withmany possibilities ofimageediting.” “ Splendid! Everything is soeye appealing andbeautiful!The selections are outstanding. 5/5” “Excellent One of,if not"The Best" photo editor ever made, so manyeffects yetveryintuitive and easily used. 10/10” “ Great appCreative,andfun..lots of options for making photos lookamazing..."FEATUREHIGHLIGHTS [Real Time Camera Effects] Selfie CamNow withjust atap capture beautiful selfie or selfies with our widerangeoffilters, designed specifically for selfies for all typeofskintones. Smooth skin Cam Real time filters specificallydesignedtocapture your beautiful skin.It optimizes your skin tonesandgivesyour skin a perfect look.Use smooth skin cam forbeautifulmilkyglow on your skin. Mirror Cam If you love mirroreffects, thenthiscam is for you.Contains 8 mirror effects with6left-rightreflections and 2 up-down reflectionshavingdifferenteffects.(More mirror effects are coming soon)ArtisticSketch CamRekindle the artist in you by using over 10+sketcheffects withdifferent pen, pencil, paper styles. Explore formorecam featureslike overlay,frame etc. [ONE-TAP NOISE REMOVER] Nowyoudon't haveto delete your photos taken in low light conditionsoftenresultingin grainy pictures having High ISO noise. With onetapnoiseremover you can remove the noise or grains from thepicturewhilepreserving the detail. [POWERFUL PHOTO EDITOR] Now youdon’thaveto be a Photoshop expert to enhance your images! Ourphotoeditorconsists of image enhancers,filters,overlays and textwithallfunctionality integrated in a simple, beautiful UI. EditAwholeset of powerful editing tools, from one tap imageenhancerstoadvance editing options.You don’t need to be photoshopexperttoenhance your images just a few slides and you are done.FiltersNowshoot some magic into your ordinary photos taken frommobileandmake it look stunning with best collection of over 100+filterstoenhance your image in an instant.Filters are made andcuratedinpacks by professional photographers and can be usedforwedding,travel photography etc. Overlays Over 100+ overlaysmadebyprofessional designers separated into different categoriestosuityour needs.To enhance your creativity level you cannowblendpictures with overlays from over 7+ blendmodeslikemultiply,screen,overlay etc. Frames Over 100 +frameshandcraftedby professional designers around the world tocaptureand frameyour lovely pictures.Get more creative with blendmodes byblendingthe it with your pictures. Stickers A huge setofstickersincluding cute emoticon stickers, love stickers etcQuotesA hugeset of quotes including love quotes,inspirationalquotes etcTextFont Handpicked text fonts with wide range ofcolorstochose,change the opacity, blur the photo for besttextartworkphotography. For suggestions or criticisms plz contactus at:[email protected] We would love to see your photography,youcan Share your photos with hashtag : #photosoftapp FollowusonInstagram :
Photo Editor 2.14.3
Easy to enhance your photos with photo editor, poster andcollagemaker
Photo Feel 1.0
Cuando buscamos editar yutilizarnuestraimaginación y talento para crear las mejores fotossin queelloconsuma demasiado tiempo, hasta hoy, no teníamos unaopcióntandúctil, fácil de descargar y simple de utilizar.Ideado para equipos que posean el sistema operativo Android2.3oversiones superiores, al descargar de manera fácil ysinsorpresasde ningún tipo, la aplicación Photo Feel en tudispositivotendrásen tu poder las dotes del mejor fotógrafo yartista a lavez.Esta aplicación es un editor fotográfico que hasidodesarrolladobasado en las necesidades actuales de realizarnuestrostrabajos yasean profesionales, personales o simplementecomo hobby,de formarápida y sencilla. Descargando la aplicación dePhoto Feelpodráseditar vuestras fotos mientras realizas cualquiertipo tarea(en tutrabajo, mientras conduces o te desplazas por laciudad, enunaclase aburrida de esas que si eres estudiantedesearías huirdepoderlo hacer inmediatamente, etc.).Al tenerlo ya instalado o instalándolo en el preciso instante,yaquesu descarga es rápida y simple, podrás comenzar a utilizarloyhacerde esos momentos “muertos” o “aburridos” laoportunidaddeconvertirte en el mejor productor de efectos en cuantoa edicióndefotos. Ya no tendrá límites tu creatividad, con solocomenzarautilizar el sistema de edición comenzarás adescubrirnuevasalternativas para concretar las ideas que tuimaginacióndetermine.Si no sabes que efecto específico deseas, elpropiosistema te vadando alternativas innovadoras y originales queteasombrarán a tial crearlas y a quienes las disfruten cuandolascomparta.La aplicación no ha dejado hueco alguno en lo queofrece,incluyetodas las herramientas que puedes llegar a necesitar,enunainterfaz súper intuitiva, editar fotos será totalmentefácilysimple, podrás editar directamente las fotos que deseesdelamanera más sencilla y divertida.Dentro de sus características particulares puedesencontrarlassiguientes:✮ Auto realce, que te permitirá efectos mágicos conunsolotoque✮ 12 efectos únicos, sofisticados ydivertidosTOTALMENTEGRATIS✮Los adhesivos más divertidos y locos que puedas imaginar✮ Balance de color, podrás realzar u opacar a gustocualquierimagenque desees✮ Recortar y rotar toda o parte de la foto, lo que tepermitirátenerun sinfín de variantes de una sola fotografía✮ Ajuste de brillo, contraste, temperatura de color ysaturacióntanimportantes a la hora de realzar o corregir errorescometidos alahora de sacar la fotografía✮ Define y difumina contornos, logrando efectos sofisticadosyúnicosque harán que quien vea la foto se pregunte cuanto tiempotehallevado en lograrlo ¡ solo tú sabrás con qué rapidezlohashecho!✮ Dibuja y añade texto, puedes hacer una bellísima composiciónconunmix de técnicas en un solo paso✮ Podrás crear tus propios memes y sorprender a todoscontucapacidad de observación, tu carácter incisivo y divertidoalavez, convertirá tus imágenes en virales con solo aplicar tuhumorysentido crítico de observación✮ Herramientas cosméticas: te permitirá la corrección deojosrojos,borrar enrojecimientos y blanquear dientes, esdecir,cualquierpersona que fotografíes te amará cuando vean cómopuedeslograr queaparezcan en las fotos como verdaderas estrellasdelcine.En resumen, esta nueva aplicación de Google permitiráquienesladescarguen, una multiplicidad de variantes a la horadeeditarfotos, de manera simple, rápida y ultra fácil, que enpocotiempose convertirá en el editor de fotos más solicitado.When we looked editanduseour imagination and talent to create the bestpictureswithoutconsuming too much time, until today, had not asductile,easyoption to download and easy to use.Designed for computers that have the Android 2.3 operatingsystemorlater, to download easily and without any surprises, PhotoFeeltheapplication on your device will have in your possessionthebestqualities of photographer and artist at once.This application is a photo editor that has been developedbasedonthe current needs of performing our workwhetherprofessional,personal or just as a hobby, quickly andeasily.Downloading theapplication of Photo Feel you can edit yourphotoswhile performingany task type (at work, while driving or youmovearound the city,in a boring class such that if you are astudentwish escape ableto do it immediately, etc.).To have it already installed or installing it in the moment,asyourdownload is quick and simple, you can start to use it andmakethose"dead" or "boring" the opportunity to become thebestproducer ofeffects in terms of editing Photo. No more limitsyourcreativity,just start using the editing system will begintodiscover new waysto realize the ideas determine yourimagination.If you do not wantto know what specific effect, thesystem itselfis giving youinnovative and original alternatives thatwill amazeyou to createthem and those who enjoy them whenshared.The application has not left any gap in what it offers,includesallthe tools you may need, in a super intuitiveinterface,editingphotos will be totally easy and simple, you candirectlyedit thephotos you want in the most simple and fun way.Among its special features you can find the following:✮ Auto enhancement, which enables you to magical effectswithasingle touch✮ 12 unique, sophisticated and fun effects TOTALLY FREE✮Los most fun and crazy adhesives can imagine✮ Color balance, you'll be able to enhance or dull like anyimageyouwant✮ Crop and all or part of the picture rotate, allowing youtohaveendless variations of a single photo✮ Adjust brightness, contrast, color temperature andsaturationsoimportant when it comes to enhance or correct errorsmadewhentaking the picture✮ Defines and contours blurred, making sophisticatedanduniqueeffects that make one see photo wonder how long it tookyouto doso only you know how fast you did!✮ Draw and add text, you can make a beautiful composition withamixof techniques in one step✮ You can create your own memes and surprise everyonewithyourpowers of observation, your incisive and funny character atatime,turn your images into viral with just apply yourcriticalsense ofhumor and observation✮ Cosmetic tools: lets you correct red eyes, clear rednessandwhitenteeth, that is, anyone you Photoblog love you when theyseehow youcan make the pictures appear like real moviestars.In short, this new application from Google allows thosewhodownloada multiplicity of variants when edit photos, simple,fastand ultraeasy, that soon will become the most requestedphotoeditor.
Enlight Photo Editor 1.0
Enlight Editor is a powerful photoeditorwhichwe created because we wanted a quick and easy way toedit ourphotoson the go with no fuss.We’ve included all the tools you need, in asuperintuitiveinterface so you can get right to editing.Features:+ One-tap auto enhance+ Gorgeous photo effects and frames+ Fun stickers+ Color balance+ Crop, rotate, and straighten your photo+ Adjust brightness, contrast, colortemperature,andsaturation+ Sharpen and blur+ Color temperature ("Warmth")+ Color Splash+ Focus (Tilt Shift)+ Draw and add text+ Create your own memes+ Cosmetic tools: fix redeye, remove blemishes and whiten teethFaded Editor is a powerful photo editor with manyamazingeffectsand filters !A very comprehensive photo editor and pretty mucheverythingyoucould ever want to do on your phone!There are so many effects, stickers and features to applytoyourphotos!Faded Editor is a fun and powerful photo editor that letsyouquicklybe pro, even if you’ve never edited a photo beforeBuild in photo collage feature, Faded Editor will give youthelookyou want in seconds.You can edit your MSQRD or Face Swap Live photos
Photo Editor Pro - Effect Pro 2
Do you love trick photography? Do you lovetoadd photo editing tricks on your favorite snaps for making itmoreattractive? Are you passionate about learning photo editing?Ifanswer to any of these questions is yes, then the free androidappPhoto editor Pro will be a pure entertainment on yourandroiddevice.How to use the app?Using the app Photo editor Pro is extremely simple. Oncedownloaded,users will have two options. They can take a fresh snapand edit itaccording to personal discretion using its photoediting features.Otherwise they can select a photo from thephone’s photo gallery.Once a snap is chosen either from photogallery or fresh taken bythe mobile camera, users can start addingimmaculate andpersonalized pic effect on it…make every targetphoto you have takena masterpiece with the help of Photo editorPro app.The app Photo editor Pro offers all commonly used imageprocessingfunctionalities and photo effects with matchlesssmartgraphics.Apps Features:Take a look at the comprehensive features of the app PhotoeditorPro and get a detail idea how this immaculate pictureperfecteditor app can help you in photo editing:Simple and user friendly interface,Once you select a target photo, you can start using the photoeffectfeatures like, you can add different pic effect, you can addphotoframes, photo sticker, etc.,There are photo editing features like enhancing, facility tocrop,focus, orientation, etc. in orientation mode you can rotateandflip the photo,You can adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, warmth,sharpnessby using one-touch control: add excellent clarity on thetargetpic,The photo editor app offers immaculate facility for addingtext,drawing something on the target photo, or to addsplasheffect,You can add special effect like a professional photographer onyourtarget snap like red eyes, can remove blemish spot, and canaddwhiten effect on target photo to make the snap picture perfectfromall visual aspects!Download the app Photo editor Pro and start using its handybutquality photo editing features. It is extremely easy to use anditsimage edit effects are stunning in its cool effect which willgiveyou photo editing skill like a pro. Create your portablephotoediting studio at your fingertips.You can post your feedback of Photo editor Pro: Let othersknowabout your delight of using this photo editor app. You canshareyour edited photos in your social networks too!