Top 22 Games Similar to Atrapa Un Pastón Trivial

¿Quieres ser Millonario? 5.0
Question and answer game with which you will have fun alone orwithfriends
"Memory" - Memory game
Berni Mobile
Are you ready to challenge your memorydailywith "Memory" ?A great game to exercise your memory !GAME FEATURES- Match pairs of cards- Different levels of difficulty- The grid adjusts automatically to your device- Colorful images of logos to be easily rememberedAll Logos & brands shown or represented in this gamearecopyright and or trademark of their respective corporations.Thistrivia game is for fun and knowledge.Please note company or event logos are protected by copyrightand/ortrademark registration .A free memory game for kids and adults .Brain trainer . Pairs game . Free matchup pro .Brain & Puzzle game . memory kids apps, matching game
Wordie: guess the word 8.0.1
Wordie: guess the common word among the four images
Master del Trivial 1.2
Bus Stop Game
El concurso de preguntas y respuestas enlaquepodrás demostrar si eres el MASTER Del TRIVIALSe te iran formulando preguntas de 6 temasdistintos(Ciencias,Geografía, Historia, Arte, Literatura, OcioyDeportes)Responde correctamente a todas, con la ayuda de loscomodines,parallegar a tu objetivo final: el MILLON DEPUNTOS!Cada acierto te lleva mas cerca de conseguir el TITULO DEMASTERDELTRIVIAL
Juego Trivial Sevilla Cofrade v1.1
Versión v1.1 del Juego de preguntasyrespuestasde la Semana Santa de Sevilla, desarrollado porBLUESOFTWARESOLUTIONS (Blues2) para ARTE CAÑETE, en el quetendremosque crearNuestra Hermandad y realizar la Estación dePenitencia alaCatedral.Elige tu Hermandad, tú Sede, el color de tú Hermandad yaciertalaspreguntas planteadas para completar el recorrido desdetúiglesiahasta la catedral y vuelta a tú Sede.Dependiendo la Sede que elijas tendrás un recorrido hastalaCatedralu otro, pero todas deben pasar por la Carrera Oficial(LaCampana,Plaza de San Francisco y Catedral)Encontraras preguntas de Historia, Curiosidades, Fotografíasymúsicaen la que escuchando la marcha tendrás que adivinarsunombre.Pero cuidado si fallas demasiadas veceslascondicionesmeteorológicas iran cambiando y llegará un momentoquepor lluviala Hermanda tendrá que suspender la EstacióndePenitencia.Cuando acabe tú partida, envía tu puntuación. Queremos premiaralquemás sabe de Semana Santa y para ello tendremos un rankingparasabersin esa persona eres tú. Podrás ganar un lote deproductoscofradesvalorado en cientos de Euros.Version v1.1 GameQ&Holy Week in Seville, developed by BLUE SOFTWARESOLUTIONS(blues2)for ART CANETE in which we have to create ourBrotherhoodandperform penance station to the Cathedral.Choose your Brotherhood, you See, the color of Brotherhoodandhityou the questions to complete the course from your churchtothecathedral and back to you See.Depending Headquarters you choose will have a tour totheCathedralor another, but all must pass through the Race Officer(LaCampana,Plaza de San Francisco and Cathedral)You will find questions History, Trivia, pictures andlisteningtomusic in which progress have to guess his name.But beware if you fail too many times will change withtheweatherbecoming a moment that the rain will have tosuspendHermandaStation Penance.When you finish game, submit your score. We want to rewardthemostknowledgeable Easter and for this we know without arankingforthat person is you. You can win a lot of brothersproductsworthhundreds of Euros.
Hellas Greek Quiz Vs (Trivial) Cat
ΓΕΝΙΚΑΔωρεάν ελληνικό εγκυκλοπαιδικό παιχνίδι ερωτήσεων/γνώσεων.Για έναν και για δύο παίκτες!Κατάλληλο για τεστ Δεξιοτήτων του ΑΣΕΠ.8.500+ ερωτήσεις γνώσεων πολλών επιπέδων δυσκολίας σεθέματα:Ελληνική, Ευρωπαϊκή, Παγκόσμια Γεωγραφία, Ιστορία,Μουσική,Κινηματογράφο, Επιστήμες, Μαθηματικά, Τεχνολογία,Μυθολογία,Aστρονομία, Περιβάλλον, Φυτά, Ζώα, Οσκαρ, βραβεία Νόμπελ,Ιντερνετ,video games κ.ά.Για το σχολείο, την οικογένεια, τους φίλους και τιςκοινωνικέςσυγκεντρώσεις.Aν οι γνώσεις είναι πλούτος, τότε γίνε εκατομμυριούχος!Σχεδιασμένο από έλληνες στα ελληνικά!Ένα χρήσιμο και έξυπνο εκπαιδευτικό παιγνίδι, εμπλουτίζεταιδιαρκώςμε νέες ερωτήσεις & θεματικές ενότητες.ΠΩΣ ΠΑΙΖΕΤΑΙ:Το παιγνίδι των ερωτήσεων, πολλαπλής επιλογής μεαπλόσχεδιασμό.Το Quiz ξεκινάει από το πρώτο επίπεδο δυσκολίας καιανεβαίνειαυτόματα δηλαδή οι ερωτήσεις γίνονται δυσκολότερες και οιεπιλογέςπερισσότερες, έτσι ο παράγοντας τύχη μειώνεται.Ξεκινά με πέντε ζωές. Σε κάθε λάθος απάντηση χάνεται μία ζωή.Όσες περισσότερες κατηγορίες γνώσεων επιλέγετε συγχρόνως,τόσοπερισσότερους πόντους παίρνετε σε κάθε σωστή απάντηση.Το παιγνίδι παίζεται τόσο on line όσο και off line (δεναπαιτείταισύνδεση διαδικτύου - Internet).ΒΑΘΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ:Κάθε ερώτηση που απαντάς σου δίνει πόντους ανάλογα με το επίπεδοπουβρίσκεσε και το χρόνο που χρειάστηκες να απαντήσεις. Έναςπάικτηςπου δίνει γρήγορα τη σωστή απάντηση παίρνει περισσότερουςπόντουςαπό άλλο παίκτη που επίσης την απαντά σωστά αλλά πιόκαθυστερημένα.Πρέπει λοιπόν να είσαι σε εκρήγορση και να μηνμαντεύεις ή νααπαντάς στην τύχη.Αντίθετα, όσο τα πηγαίνεις καλά, σου δίνονται BONUS ερωτήσειςμεπολλαπλάσιους πόντους.HI SCOREsATΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΟ:Δες πόσα γνωρίζεiς για τον τόπο μας, την χώρα μας την Ελλάδα. Δεςτιθυμάσε για την ιδιαίτερη πατρίδα σου, την τοποθεσία πουέκανεςδιακοπές ή το χωριό που γεννήθηκες και μεγάλωσες.Νομοί, Περιφέρειες, Γεωγραφικά Διαμερίσματα, πόλεις,σύνορα,ποτάμια, λίμνες, βουνά, νησιά, πελάγη, ακρωτήρια, όλαμαζεμένα σεμια επικαιροποιημένη και ελεγμένη εφαρμογή.Οι ερωτήσεις είναι γεωγραφικές, Ιστορικές,πολιτισμικές,λαογραφικές.Διεθνής μουσική, δημιουργοί, συγκροτήματα, (μπάντες),συνθέτες,κινηματογράφος (σινεμά), βραβεία Όσκαρ, Επιστήμες, βραβείαΝόμπελ,εφευρέτες και εφευρέσεις, ανακαλύψεις, σταθμοί στηνπαγκόσμιαιστορία, ερωτήσεις της ελληνικής μυθολογίας κ.α.ΣΚΟΠΟΣ:Να μαζέψετε όσο μπορείτε περισσότερους πόντους, νασυμπληρώσετεμεγαλύτερη βαθμολογία και προαιρετικά να καταγράψετετον εαυτό σαςμε ένα ψευδώνυμο στην παγκόσμια λίστα τωνσκόρερ.Ανταγωνιστείτε παγκοσμίως με άλλους παίκτες καθώς μπορείτεναανεβάστε το σκορ σας στο Ιντερνετ.Είναι κατάλληλο για να μην πλήξετε στο ταξίδι σας, για ναφρεσκάρετετη γνώση σας, ή για να ελεξετε αν πράγματι γνωρίζουνόσοι τοισχυρίζονται...Παρατηρήσεις, υποδείξεις, σχόλια στο e-mail: [email protected] Greek encyclopedic game questions / knowledge.For one and for two players!Suitable for Skills test ASEP.8.500+ knowledge questions multiple difficulty levels insubjects:Greek, European, World Geography, History, Music, Cinema,Science,Mathematics, Engineering, Architecture, Astronomy,Environment,Plants, Animals, Oscar, Nobel prizes, Internet, videogames n.d.For school, family, friends and social gatherings.If knowledge is wealth, then become a millionaire!Designed by Greeks in Greek!A useful and clever educational game, constantly updated withnewquestions and topics.HOW TO PLAY:The game of questions, multiple choice with a simple design.The Quiz starts at the first level of difficulty risesautomaticallyie the questions become more difficult and moreoptions, so the luckfactor is reduced.It starts with five lives. In each wrong answer lost onelife.The more types of knowledge simultaneously select, the morepointsyou get in each correct answer.The game is played both on line and off line (not requiredinternetconnection - Internet).RANKING:Each question you answer gives you points depending on thelevelvriskese and the time required to answer. A player whoquicklygives the correct answer gets more points than the otherplayer whoalso answered correctly but more late. So we need to beinekrigorsi and not guess or answer at random.Instead, as doing well, you are given BONUS questions withmultiplepoints. HI SCOREsAT how many gnorizeis for our country, our country Greece. SeewhatRemember about your hometown, the site did vacation or villagewasborn and raised.County, region, Geographic Areas, cities, borders, rivers,lakes,mountains, islands, seas, capes, all gathered in an updatedandtested application.Questions are geographical, historical, cultural, folklore.International music, artists, bands, (bands), composers,cinema(cinema), Oscars, Sciences, Nobel prizes, inventors andinventions,discoveries, stations in world history, questions ofGreekmythology, etc.PURPOSE:To collect as many points as you can, fill rated andoptionallyrecord yourself with a username in the global listofscorers.Compete with other players worldwide as you can upload your scoreonthe Internet.It is suitable for not bore you on your journey, to refreshyourknowledge, or can check if you actually know those whoclaim...Comments, suggestions, comments to e-mail: [email protected]
Millionaire Quiz 2017 3.18
Millionaire Quiz 2017-one of the best kuisortrivia games based on the game show Who wants to be millionaire.Ifyou are the fan of the game Millionaire 2016 HD, you shouldnotignore this game Millionaire Quiz 2017 with manyspecialfeatures:-The huge bank of questions with the tens of thousands ofnewestupdated questions.-Free 100%.- Supports for 11 languages: English, Vietnamese, Arabic,Russian,French, German, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Romanian,andIndonesian.-The Online Ranking. You can show your talent with millionsofpeople in over the world.-The beautiful HD graphic and lively sound.-The simple and attractive Game Play.The game Millionaire Quiz 2017 will bring you the newestknowledgeabout all of fields as well as the greatentertainmentmoments.Can you become a Millionaire? Are you ready for challengewithMillionaire Quiz 2017? Try it right now for Free!!!
Preguntas Respuestas IngoKids 1.1
Ingo Devices
Pregunta, ¿Cuál es el número de lamalasuerte?,Respuesta….¿Quieres saber esta y todas las respuestas..?¿Quien será el que consiga contestar todas las preguntas bien?Leelapregunta atentamente y escríbela correctamente, perocompruebabiensu ortografía, no te vayas a equivocar.Vigila con la b y v, con las tildes, ¿llevará h?...¡Aprenderesmuy divertido!Question, Whatistheunlucky number?, Response ....Want to know this and all the answers ..?Who will be reached to answer all questions right? Readthequestioncarefully and write it correctly, but check yourspellingright, donot go wrong.Watch with BYV, with the accent marks? Take h? ...Learningisfun!
Hangman for Spanish learners
The classic hangman game specially created for thoselearningSpanish.
Hitman GO 1.13.276874
Get your daily fix of Agent 47 with this elegant,strategy-basedHitman game.
Doodle Creatures HD 2.3.30
Play God & Create an AmazingCreatureUniverse!From the creators of the award winning puzzler Doodle God,comesa newALL ages adventure!What happens if you combine an elephant with a flamingo?In Doodle Creatures you can find out as you create hundredsoffantastic and unique Creatures by combiningdifferentanimals.Play Doctor and scan hundreds of animals DNA which allows youtocombine different animal traits to create new Creatures.Take the speed of a cheetah and combine with flying ability ofaneagle.Awesomeness awaits!Along the way, build and upgrade your own genetic laboratorythatgives you the power to build an even more spectacularCreatureUniverse of your imagination!OVER 130,000,000 PLAYERS WORLDWIDE FOR THE DOODLE SERIES!GAME FEATURES* Puzzles for All ages and skill levels.* Create hundreds of different Creatures in cool sandboxgameplay.*Clever Quests designed to test your skill.
* Build and upgrade your own genetic laboratory.* Cool “Did You Know That” feature that tells you aboutyourcreations.*Intuitive one-click game play encourages thoughtful,creativeplay.* Hundreds of interesting, funny and thought-provoking quotesandsayings.* Kid-friendly and educational game play!Follow us to get early access to exclusive content, pricedropsand updates:

Train Crisis Plus 2.8.0
UPLAY Online
The best puzzle and addictive strategy game in full 3Denvironmen!Do you dare?
Maratón Clásico 1.2
Grupo Maratón
¡El juego de mesa favorito de México ahoraenAndroid!Tiene un repertorio de más de 1,000 preguntas yrespuestasactualizables periódicamente.El juego consta de 42 km (o medio Maratón de 21 km), endosmodalidades, ambas para 1 a 4 jugadores:SupervivenciaCada jugador cuenta con 5 vidas para llegar a la meta, concadaerror pierde una vida y con cada 3 aciertos seguidos larecupera.Gana el primero en llegar a la meta.Reto a la IgnoranciaEl principal oponente: ¡la Ignorancia!, que avanza cuandotodosfallan.En todas las modalidades puedes suspender el juego encualquiermomento y reanudarlo después.The favorite boardgamenow on Android Mexico!It has a repertoire of more than 1,000 questions andanswersregularly updatable.The game consists of 42 km (half marathon or 21 km) in twoways,both for 1-4 players:SurvivalEach player has 5 lives to reach the goal, with each mistakeandlose a life every 3 hits followed the recovery. Win the firsttoreach the finish.Challenge to IgnoranceThe main opponent: Ignorance!, You go when all fail.In all modes you can suspend the game at any time and resumeitlater.
Find the Difference 150 levels 1.0.6
Krypton Games
Find 10 differences between 2 pictures. Free classic puzzle game.
Pirate Treasures
You are a young corsair, your aim is tobecomea pirate. To make your dream come true, you must findrealtreasures using old maps.The game consists of different episodes. In each episode you haveatreasure map. Follow it to the end and you will find thepirate'streasure.The principle of this game is "three in a row", which means youhaveto switch two elements next to each other in order to get 3 ormoresimilar gems in a row. At each level, you have a specific listofgoals that need to be completed.If you have any difficulties passing a level you can use coinstobuy a helpful bonus. The coins are also used to restore livesandbuy rum for the sailors in order to open new episodes.Collect treasures, compete with your friends and become arealpirate!
Tic Tac Toe 1.80
Download Free Tic Tac Toe with manyinterestingfeatures now!This game provides few interesting features than classic TicTacToe game.* Changeable paper style* Changeable sign color* Playing vs Tic Tac Toe Droid* Playing vs other playerPaper styles:* Cloud (NEW)* Android* Pinky* Old HQ Papirus* Cubed White* Retro Yellow* Classic WhiteSupported screens:* 240 x 320* 320 x 480* 480 x 800* 480 x 854Note:* Choosing new sheet during playing counts as loosing* for Easy level - choose X-sign* for Hard level - choose O-sign* Win 5 times in row for megawinThanks for downloading this Tic Tac Toe g6Solutions - Android Games and Applications
Cut the Rope: Experiments 1.15.0
Cut the ropes, deliver candy to Om Nom, collect stars, andunlocknew levels.
Inside Out Thought Bubbles 1.39.1
A bubble shooter game based on Disney Pixar’s Inside Out
Where's My Water? 2 1.9.15
The sequel to the most addicting physics-based puzzler fromDisneyis here!
Bubble Genius - Popping Game! 1.56.1
Play the best bubble popping game with Bubble Genius. Cleartheboard and win!
Cut the Rope 3.57.0
Cut the Rope, catch a star, and feed Om Nom candy inthisaward-winning game!
Caillou House of Puzzles 1.6
Budge Studios
Budge Studios presents: Caillou House of Puzzles! JoinCaillouandhis friends as you explore different rooms in his bigbluehouse!Each room has 3 missing objects that players need torevealbysolving fun jigsaw puzzles, once completed they transformintofunanimations! FEATURES • 3 fun jigsaw puzzles in each room •3levelsof difficulty so kids of all ages can play • Caillou’svoicehelpskids learn about household objects • Interactive itemsandcreativeartwork in every scene • Fun animations when puzzlesarecompleted• Puzzles always change formation – play over andoveragain •Share your completed puzzles with friends and family•Tabletcompatible EXPLORE ROOMS • Caillou’s Room • Rosie’s Room•Mom& Dad’s Room • Bathroom • Kitchen • LivingRoomACHIEVEMENTS& RECOGNITION • Selected as "Best Apps forSummerFamily Fun"by Amber Mac in "Today's Parent" Magazine PUZZLESHAVENEVER BEENSO MUCH FUN! Caillou is a proven and trusted hitaimed atkids aged2-5 which airs worldwide in over 100 countriesincludingin the US(PBS and Sprout), Canada, UK, Germany and Turkey.HAVEQUESTIONS?We always welcome your questions, suggestionsandcomments. Contactus 24/7 at [email protected]. Visitusat: Likeusat: Followusat: Watch our apptrailersat: End User LicenseAgreement: