Top 3 Games Similar to Angry Horse in Space

Angry Horses 1.0
¥-Sling shot your horses attheinvadingsoldiers who have come to saddle up your horses andtakethem offto war, well go ahead and start the war, the warbetweenhorses andmen! The horses have grown tired of beingcaptured,trained, andsaddled and have started an uprising! Thehorses willno longerstand or being treated like animals!-¥¥-Insane, yet unique gameplay!-¥¥-Stunning Graphics!-¥¥-High Quality Sound FX, and music!-¥¥-Addictive!-¥¥-Highscores!-¥
Horse Racing in Space 1.2
Descended from the white stallion of Mars and the rogue blackfillyAhaha, herds of wild mindsea horses roam a superfield thatenfoldsthe fields of spacetime where humans dwell. Because they canpassunharmed through phenomena deadly to humans, it is unsafe toridethem. However, the horses respond to signals flashed at them.Theycan be trained, and they love to race. No horse has yet beatenthewhite stallion of Mars in a race across the eight planets oftheSolar System. Can you find such a champion? There arecountlesshorses to choose from, and you can create still more witha carefulbreeding program. Training is the key to making yourchosen horse awinner. Many horses show blazing speed on someplanets, but you mayhave to explore many strategies before you getyour horse to revealits top speed on all of the planets. If yourhorse can win races onall eight planets without suffering a defeat,it will be ready forthe grueling match race with the white stallionof Mars. You willneed to master additional strategies, includingoptimal use of theentangling effect, in order to win this finalrace. If you shouldever sell one of your old champions to make roomfor a new one, youwill face your former horse in the match race aswell.
Galaxy Stables 2.3
Only one horse has ever won the Galaxy Crown—the white stallionofMars, now retired to stud. Can you produce the nextgalacticchampion? To achieve your goal, you must guide your horsetovictory on eight different worlds, ranging from comets tobrowndwarfs. Many horses excel at one or more types of terrain, buttomaster all of them is extremely difficult. Begin by lookingforhorses that show signs of speed. The performance of theaveragehorse will be mediocre no matter what the terrain orwhatinstructions you give it. But your instructions will make allthedifference to the best horses. Their speed will range fromveryslow—sluglike—to blazing, depending on the signals you send. Ifyoufind a horse with talent that cannot master all worldsdespitethorough training, try breeding it with another good horse.Theoffspring tend to be just a little better—or worse—thantheirparents. Watch out for the mischievous black filly Ahaha. Shemayhelp in your breeding and training efforts—or not.Galacticracehorses come from a deeper level of reality, the realmof themindseas. They roam across the galaxy's stars, moons,planets, andcomets with impunity. According to legend, their breedwas createdby the crossing of two mindsea horses—the white stallionof Marsand the black filly Ahah. All of their colors and patternscan bederived from the genes of those two progenitors.