Top 4 Apps Similar to Depression Eval Questionnaire

Depression 1.0.1
Learn skills to reduce your depression! All material was writtenbyalicensed psychotherapist (LCSW) with twenty-five yearsofcounselingexperience. You first rate the intensity ofyourdepressive symptomson a color coded scale from 1 (slightlyupset)to 10 (extremelydepressed). If you rate your depression as a8 orbelow, the app willproceed to the Change Thoughts Menu. FromtheChange Thoughts Menu,select one or more of the strategiesforchanging your thoughts.Changing your feelings by changingyourthoughts is the basis ofcognitive behavioral psychotherapy(CBT),the most widely practicedevidence based method of treatment.Whenready, proceed to Step 2. Ifyou rate your depression as a 9 or10(very or extremely depressed),you will be brought to theSafetyScreen that will assist you withsuggestions formaintainingsafety. After that screen, you canproceed to the ChangeThoughtsmenu to choose additional exercises.When you havecompleted thethought changing strategies of yourchoice, proceed toStep 2. InStep 2 select methods for makingLifestyle Changes thatwill reducedepression. After following theinstructions for theLifestyleChanges, you then move to the thirdset of skills in Step3 StressManagement, where you will select oneof ten differentrelaxationstrategies for managing stress. Afterimplementing thoseskills,you rate the level of depression again inStep 4 todetermine ifthe skills you chose were effective for you.If thelevel of thedepression has not reduced sufficiently, you willbegiven theopportunity to try again, selecting a different skillset.Thecontent presented is for your information only. It isnotasubstitute for professional advice, and it should not beusedtotreat a psychiatric or medical condition. If you havethoughtsofharming yourself or others, get immediate interventionfromaprofessional. Please consult your healthcare provideroracounselor if you have any questions or concerns. ***TestedonaNexus One phone.
Breethe - Meditation & Sleep 5.6.7
Sleep, relax, breathe and meditate with meditations, stories,musicand sounds
Test de Depresión 1.3
Fede Garay
Este test está basado en la ESCALA DE HAMILTON (HamiltonDepresionRating Scale), la cual es la más utilizado por la mayoríade lospsicólogos y psiquiatras alrededor del mundo para valorar elnivelde depresión en pacientes clínicos. La escala se basa en17preguntas que abarcan los diferentes aspectos del estado anímicoysus consecuencias en la vida cotidiana. Al responder todaslaspreguntas en base a las opciones ofrecidas, el test devolveráelresultado concreto de la evaluación, indicando el niveldedepresión acorde al puntaje obtenido. ADVERTENCIA: La EscaladeHamilton es una escala validada internacionalmente yeldesarrollador de esta aplicación es Psicólogo Clínicomatriculado(MP 3839 - CPPC). De todos modos al ser unaaplicaciónautoadministrada, el resultado obtenido debe serconsideradoorientativo, y ante cualquier duda o necesidad deampliación serecomienda reaizar una consulta con un profesionalcalificado.
STOP Depression 1.02
STOP Depression by measuring it and taking steps to reorganizeyourlife