Top 3 Apps Similar to LUX Turn Your Lights Down Low

Screen Brightness Control 2.0.6
Fix you screen brightness problems with F-Lux ScreenBrightnessControl
dS Dashboard 1.17
With the digitalSTROM Dashboard App you gain the comfortofcontrolling your home easily from your Anrodid smartphoneortablet. Store your frequently used activities as favourites inyourDashboard App. digitalSTROM turns every home into a smarthome.Turn off unnecessary lights using the ‘off-switcher’ button.Andalways have an eye on the power consumption of yourhome.Intelligent living is that easy: Relaxing on your couch andstartwatching TV? Simply call the scene “Watch TV” preset onyourdashboard and set your lights and blinds to the optimalpredefinedposition to have the best atmosphere. Do you want to turnoff thelights in other rooms? Do this easily from one button onyourAndroid device. Ever left your home and felt like you forgottopush the “Leave Home” button? No problem with the DashboardApp,with its predefined functions “Come Home” and “Leave Home”.Byusing your personal ‘my.digitalSTROM’ user account, it’s veryeasyto control your home from everywhere. Dashboard App keyfeatures:Favourites Define as many activities as you like asfavourites forfaster access on the Dashboard App. Define names foryourfavourites and add pictures or predefined graphics forbettervisual identification. Dim lights Call up a light scene, holditand tilt your device slightly to the left or right to dimyourlights. Adjusting the brightness of your lights is alsopossibleusing the plus/minus button. The actions described can beused foradjusting your blinds, shutters and awnings as well.Switching offthe lights With the ‘off-switcher’ button you caneasily turn offthe lights in your home: no matter if only in onesingle room, inall rooms or in all rooms except for one. Rooms thatshould not beswitched off, such as your outdoor lighting, can beadded to anignore list. Energy consumption transparency TheDashboard Appshows you at a glance how much energy the devices inyour homeactually consume. With a click on the total consumptionyou can seethe individual power consumption of each electriccircuit. Leavingand Coming Home The Dashboard App allows you toeasily call “LeaveHome” and “Come Home”. Leaving home will turn offall electricaldevices that don’t need to be on while you are away.You canprogram “Come Home” to turn selected devices on when you gethome.System status When the system detects an alarm (e.g. panic,wind orhail) you instantly get a notification on your DashboardApp. Pushnotifications Once the app is connected to yourmy.digitalSTROMaccount, you may receive push messages sent by thesystem. Hailwarning service If the hail warning service isavailable for yourregion, you’ll be notified once the hail warningwas raised by theweather service. Configuration Defining or editingyour favouritesis possible at any time. You can take your ownpictures to be usedas icons to remind you the functions behindevery favourite. Pleasenote that the Dashboard App will need thedigitalSTROM-ServerRelease 1.8.2 or later. In order to use themy.digitalSTROMconnection, the my.digitalSTROM app must beinstalled andconfigured on your server. digitalSTROM is the newstandard for allelectronic installations in a building. Those hightech productsturn individual electrical devices into a team ofhelpers that willmake your life as comfortable as possible.digitalSTROM lets yourelectrical appliances talk to each other.Everything works from theexisting 230 volt mains electricity supply– you do not need toinstall anything extra. You are not yet adigitalSTROM-user? Findout more about our smart home system atwww.digitalstrom.comCopyright: digitalSTROM AG
Dimmer 1.1.1
Never let your phone blind you in the night again. Dimmer isasimple tool that puts a black filter on top of all apps so thattheamount of light emitted by your display is even lower than itwouldbe with only lowest brightness settings. Dimmer alsoincludes"Timed mode" that allows you to set the times when you wantthefilter to be applied and removed so that you do not need tostartDimmer manually every night. If the filtering level seems toohighor too low, you can simply adjust it in your notificationswhereyou can also disable it completely.