Top 23 Apps Similar to Anagram Story

Typeshift 1.2.3
From the creator of SpellTower, comes a new andcompletelyoriginalword game! Anagrams meets Word Search, with asprinkleofCrosswords. Typeshift is the modern anagrampuzzle;re-imaginedfrom the ground up, combining wordplay, moderngamedesign, and amobile-first approach. In most anagram games,yousearch for newcombinations within a single word, but inTypeshift,you searchwithin three to five words stacked &scrambled uptogether.Shift columns of letters up and down as youtry to spellwords inthe center row. Play continues until you haveused allletters in apuzzle at least once. Special Clue PuzzlescombineCrosswords withAnagrams as you match clever clues providedbyTypeshift's variouspuzzle authors. - Daily Word Game PlaywithGlobal Leaderboards -Typeshift features a free daily challengewithglobal leaderboards.The easiest challenge for the week appearsonMonday, andprogressively more challenging puzzles buildthroughoutthe week.Compare your fastest Typeshift daily solvingtimes withplayersaround the globe! ------WHAT CRITICS ARE SAYING"Addictiveandedifying, like popping a special kind of bubble wrapthatexpandsyour vocabulary.” - The Verge "Typeshift is aunmissableentry tothe [word] genre." Gold Award. - Pocket Gamer"Typeshiftisawesome" - Giant Bombcast ------WHATS IN THE “BOX”?Typeshiftcomeswith over a hundred free puzzles, with more comingsoon, plusnewfree daily puzzles every day. Additional puzzle packsmaybepurchased in-app. Purchasing any puzzle pack removesads,andunlocks themes & detailed statistics. ------A WORDFROMTHEDEVELOPER Typeshift continues my quest tore-imagineclassicnewspaper games in the digital era. WhereSpellTower tackledwordsearch and Really Bad Chess handled chesspuzzles,Typeshiftre-examines Anagrams and Crosswords. Typeshift hasbeen ajoy todevelop, and I hope you have as much fun playing it asI hadmakingit. As always, thanks so much for your support! -zach
Pressed For Words
An addictive jumble word game
Wordscapes 2.14.1
Relax your brain with this fun word puzzle game andbeautifullandscapes!
Anagrammes 1.1
Avec Anagrammes vous pouvez toutd'abordvousentraîner pour des jeux tels que le scrabble parexemple.Cherchez des anagrammes en choississant le nombre de lettresetladurée. Vos records sont enregistrés.Mais vous avez aussi la possibilité de jouer à trois jeux.Avec Mot Mystère, trouvez la réponse qui a un rapportavecunephrase proposée. Il s'agit d'une anagramme d'un motdecettephrase.Dans Qui Suis-je, vous devez découvrir unepersonnalité.Deuxaides par énigmes sont disponibles.Définitions propose une phrase qui est formée aveclesdéfinitionsde deux mots. Vous devez découvrir ces deux mots,pasobligatoirementdans le même ordre que les définitions. Chacunestbien sûrl'anagramme de l'autre.Chaque fois que vous résolvez une énigme, vous gagnez despoints:deux points dans Qui Suis-je et un point dans lesdeuxautresjeux.Si vous ne trouvez pas vous pouvez obtenir une lettredelasolution (avec la touche A bleue), mais cela vouscoûtera10points.Vous n'avez plus de points ? Pas de panique ! Desindicesvouspermettent de voir une ou plusieurs lettres delasolution.Et si vous êtes vraiment bloqué et n'avez plus assezdepoints?Alors faites une pose quelque temps. Lorsque vousreviendrezjouer,vous aurez peut-être la surprise de trouver unbouton grâceauquelvous pouvez obtenir 10 points.Bon amusement !With Anagramsyouinitiallytrain for games such as scrabble for example.Find anagrams by choosing the number of letters andduration.Yourrecords are saved.But you also have the opportunity to play three games.With Mystery Word, find the answer has to do withaproposedsentence. This is an anagram of a word inthissentence.In Who Am I, you need to find a personality. Twoassistsinriddles are available.Definitions offers a sentence which is formed withthedefinitionsof two words. You need to find these two words,notnecessarily inthe same order that definitions. Each course isananagram of theother.Whenever you solve a puzzle, you earn points: two points inWhoAmI and a point in the other two games.If you do not find you can get a letter of solution (withtheAkey blue), but it will cost you 10 points.You have more points? Do not panic ! Indices allow you toviewoneor more letters of the solution.And if you're really stuck and do not have enough points?While taking a break sometime. When you come back to play,youmighthave the surprise to find a button with which you canget10points.Good fun !
Super Word Search Puzzles 2.11
Locate words in a grid related to specified themes.
Anagram Quiz 1.0
Rearrange letters of given sentence to getaname of a celebrity.Solve anagrams and unlock new levels.
Crossword Solver King
With built-in thesaurus for cracking clues
Anagram Solver 4.17.01
Essential word finder for games such as Scrabble® and WordsWithFriends®
Seven Letter Press
Seven Letter Press is a variation ofPressedfor Words. It is an anagram game where you try to spell asmanywords with the 7 letters provided. See how many words you canfind.Bonus points for words entered earliest in the round.Enjoy Seven Letter Press!
Neogrammes 1.31
Nabil W. Akl
Néogrammes est une application derecherched'anagrammes basée sur l'ODS6 de 2012. C'est aussi uneapplicationd'aide aux mots-croisés.Elle utilise les mots de 2 a 9 ou 10 lettres de l'officielduScrabble version 2012 selon le modèle du téléphone ou delatablette.Sa fonction première permet de trouver tous les anagrammesd'unesérie de lettres pouvant contenir aussi des "jokers".Les jokers sont définis par un "?" équivalent dans le jeudeScrabble au BLANC.Vous pouvez aussi filtrer la recherche des anagrammesenutilisant un masque.La première région de saisie de texte sert a taper les lettresdel'anagramme, la seconde sert a taper le masque de filtrage.Par ex:Saisie des lettres : TESTW? (Ici le «?» représente un joker)Saisie du masque: S?T* (Le «?» replace une lettre quelconqueetl'«*» représente une série de lettres quelconques).Le masque «S?T*» équivaut a filtrer les mots générés de lafaçonsuivante:La première lettre doit être un S, «?» la seconde peutêtren'importe quelle lettre, la troisième un T, et «*» autantdelettres quelconques possible.Après avoir appuyé sur «Anagrammes» une liste de 4colonness'affichera.La première colonne représente les mots correspondant avotrerecherche, la seconde la taille des mots en lettres, latroisièmeleur valeur au Scrabble et la quatrième les jokersutilisés ayantremplacé les «?».Une fois la liste des mots affichée, vous pouvez cliquersur«Taille» pour trier les mots par leur taille ou sur «Val.» pourlestrier par leur valeur au Scrabble.La seconde fonction permet de compléter les grillesdesmots-croisés.Il suffit de taper dans la région de saisie du texte les lettresquevous avez déjà et remplacer les blancs par des «?», puisappuyer sur«mots-croisés» pour afficher la liste des motspossible.Attention! Cette application n'affiche pas lesnomspropres!!!.Cette application a été testée uniquement sur SE Xperia Arc etSEXperia X10, néanmoins elle devrait fonctionner sur la plupartdestéléphones et tablettes Androïd.Soyez indulgents dans vos commentaires … c'est mapremièreapplication Androïd.Des mises-à-jour devront suivre prochainement pour améliorerlesperformances et les fonctionnalités.Néogrammes is asearchapplication based on anagrams ODS6 2012. It is also ahelperapplication to crosswords.It uses words from 2 to 9 or 10 letters of the officialScrabbleversion 2012 on the model of your phone or tablet.Its primary function will find all the anagrams of a seriesofletters that can also contain "wildcards".Wildcards are defined by a "?" equivalent in the game of ScrabbleinWHITE.You can also refine your search anagrams using a mask.The first area is a text input type the letters of the anagram,thesecond is a type of filter mask.Eg:Entering letters TESTW? (Here the "?" Represents a wildcard)Input mask: S? T * (The "?" Replace any letter and "*"representsany series of letters).Mask "S? * T" is equivalent to filter words generatedasfollows:The first letter must be an S "?" The second can be any letter,thethird T, and "*" any many letters as possible.After pressing "Anagrams" a list of 4 columns willbedisplayed.The first column represents the words corresponding to yoursearch,the second word size in letters, the third value andfourthScrabble wildcards used replaced with "?".Once the list of words displayed, you can click on "Size" tosortwords by their size or "Val." To sort by value Scrabble.The second function is used to complete the crosswordgrid.Just type in the text input area the letters you already haveandreplace the blanks with "?", Then press "crossword" to displaythelist of possible words.Attention! This application does not display names!. This application has been tested only on SE and SE XperiaArcXperia X10, however it should work on most Android phonesandtablets.Be indulgent in your comments ... this is my firstAndroidApplication.Of up-to-day will soon follow to improve performanceandfunctionality.
Word Challenge - A wordgame
Link the letters and find words! Enjoy with this freewordpuzzletoday!
Word Mocha 1.3.2
Super smooth word searching for tremendous brain challenging fun!
Crossword Solver
David Webb
This Crossword Solver will search its builtindictionary of over 250,000 entries for words that matchpatternswith missing letters and for anagrams of given words andgiveinstant results.There are no ads and no in app purchases. This app iscompletelyfree for everyone.The built-in dictionary is extremely fast and requires nonetworkconnection which means your crossword will be complete innotime.
Crossword Solver II 1.0.32
Mike Kroger
Search an online database that contains over 347 000words.SupportsAmerican, British and Canadian English. Search forwordswithmissing letters. Search for anagrams. Useful forbothcrosswords andscrabble. Look up definitions on Google. Addmissingwords to thedatabase. Newly added words are verified, andonceverified, willbecome available to all app users. Forobviousreasons, only wordsthat don't contain missing letters, canbeadded to the database.
Classic Words Solo
Lulo Apps
Classic Words Solo is the number one wordgameto play against your smartphone or tablet (solitairemode).Enrich your vocabulary thanks to the built-inworddefinitions!6 difficulty levels and many languages are supported:English,Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch and Polish.Tired of stumbling across cheaters or waiting hours for youronlineopponent to play on Scrabble, Words with friends orWordfeud?Try out Classic Words Solo for instant fun, no matter if you areabeginner in crossword games or a Scrabble tournament player!☆ Buy Classic Words Plus for exclusive features ☆• Pass-and-Play mode for 2 players• Ad-free experience• Teacher• Preview your score before validating a moveChoose the skill level of the computer (from beginner toexpert),pick a word list (English word lists include TWL andSOWPODSofficial lexicons), and use your strategy skills andvocabulary totry and defeat the Droid.Classic Words gameplay is classical to crosswords boardgames:create and place words on the board and boost your score byplacingletters on the high scoring Double Letter, Double Word,TripleLetter and Triple Word squares.Use all 7 letters from your rack to play a Bingo and get a 50pointsbonus.This game is a great time killer for all fans of board gamesandstrategy games. It is also an educational game that will allowkids(and adults) to improve their spelling and vocabulary.Thanks to the fast reactivity and variable skill of the computerandquality word lists, Classic Words can is used by manyScrabbleenthusiasts to play quick training matches and learn newwords fromthe computer's moves.Unlike with multiplayer board games where some dishonest playersuseanagram solvers, there is no cheating possible whenplayingsolitaire... Letters and blanks are always picked randomly,and thecomputer's artificial intelligence does not have moreinformationthan you do.Only your tactics and creativity can make the difference...Will you play strategically enough to outwit the computer anditsextensive vocabulary?☆ Features ☆• 6 levels of difficulty• Display the definition of words by swiping them• Quit and resume game whenever you want• Shake to shuffle• Languages and dictionaries supported:- English- SOWPODS 2015 (Official English tournament list)- TWL 2014 (Official list)- German (with support of Umlauts, and Ezset to be replaced bytwo'S')- French (Official list used in Scrabble tournaments)- Italian- Spanish- Dutch- Polish• Distribution of letters and points is adapted tothelanguage• Supports offline play
Wordscapes Uncrossed 1.3.1
Wordscapes Uncrossed is the sequel to word game played by over10million people
Jumble : Anagram Word Puzzle 6.2
JUMBLE is one of the oldest word puzzles. Rearrange the anagramtoform a word.
Word Master
Challenge yourself with a customizable version of thetraditionalcrossword game
WordRash 1.1
Time is running out! Beat the clock andspellasmany words as you can in just 90 secs with thisaddictiveanagramgame.Challenge your friends in the 2 player mode with theFirstEverBLUETOOTH Word Game of its kind.Easy to start, but increasingly difficult.Features:- Simplified gameplay & clear user interface- 50 levels of mind boggling fun- Find more than 1,00,000 words
Jumble Solver 1.8
Javid Pack
Solve anagrams and jumble puzzles by typinginletters. Useful for Scrabble, Words with Friends,WordSmith,Literati, WordWise, Crosswords, Word Mix, Wordfeud,Jumbles, orother scrambled word games. Cheat at any word game andimpress yourfriends! Solves for partial solutions and multiple wordsolutionsas well. Wildcard letters can also be used. Very fast, nointernetconnection needed. Perfect for cheating at Scrabble orwords withfriends.Support me in college by buying the Paid version of thisapp!For example, typing in "etra" will tell you that thewords"rate", "tare", and "tear" are all solutions. Words that use ajusta portion of the letters can also be found by selecting the"shortwords" option.-Does not require internet access to solve.-Select from widely used word lists: SOWPODS, TWL, 2of12,andSpanish.-Any number of letters! (provided you have patience. 10lettersstill goes fast.)Next update will add the most wanted feature. Vote withyourcomments.This is my first Android App, so anything you notice thatdoesn'twork or could be improved would be much appreciated.
WordMix - living crosswords 2.4.2
Get WordMix, a fun word game like a living crossword puzzle.
CrossCraze 3.50-FREE
ORT Software
The classic word game. Play offline, solo or with a friend.
Crossword Clue Solver 2.6
Diecke Apps
With this Crossword helper you can search for words based on aClueor Pattern!