Top 2 Games Similar to True Or False quiz free

Fashion Quiz 1.1
Girls love to dress up and this TrueorFalseFashion game will help you know more factsaboutfashion.Get to know the true facts about hair, skin, make-up and manymore.Answer some true or false questions about fashion.If you don't know much about fashion and beauty, tryourgame:True or False Fashion. Answer few questions and don't worryifyouare wrong. There are facts to correct you.True or false Fashion is a great game to discover newtrends.Test your knowledge about popular fashion categorieslikeHair,Skin, Brand, Make-up, Shoes and Fabrics. Become anfashionexpertand fashion inspiration with our True or False Fashionquiz.Thisis a perfect fashion game for anyone who likes playingtriviaquizgames.Hurry! Download True or False Fashion quiz app nowandstartanswering the questions.
True or False is always fun to play anywhere anytime. DownloaditforFREE!!True or False Fashion is the best game for girls ongoogleplaystore. Show your erudition and find answers to allquestionsaboutfashion.❖❖❖❖ True or False Fashion Features❖❖❖❖✔✔ Designed for both Tablet and Phone
✔✔ 6 different True or False Fashion categoriestochoosefrom
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Download True or False Fashion for your phone andtabletstodayand have endless hours of fun.For any kind of True or False Fashion Support, mail us!Please don't forget to Rate and Review True or FalseFashion!YourReviews Matter!
Le jeu du Vrai ou Faux 1.1
Yas Ak Pro
Evaluez votre culture générale etcombattezcertaines idées reçues sur des sujets d'actualités etdesthématiques variées.VRAI FAUX votre application de culture générale gratuite. Unjeude quiz exceptionnel sur android.Retrouvez dans ce jeu plus de 500 questions de culturegénéralequi mettront vos neurones à rude épreuve.Battez votre score sur les séries de 10,20 ou 30 questionsoutentez de faire un sans faute. Les questions sont répértoriés en3niveaux: Facile, moyen et difficile.Autant vous dire que le challenge sera à la hauteur. Vouspourrezvoir votre classement mondiale et par apport à vos amis. Ily aaussi le monde 2 joueurs ou vous pouvez défier vos proches pourplusde fun et de compétition.Quiz vrai ou faux, info ou intox, oui ou non, le jeu triviadeculture générale cérébral avec plein de casses têteetd'énigmes.A vous de jouer et testez votre culture générale. True orFalsein French. Test your knowledge.Evaluate yourgeneralknowledge and fight some ideas on topics of news andvariousthemes.TRUE FALSE your application free general education. A setofexceptional quiz android.Find in this game more than 500 general knowledge questionsthatwill strain your neurons.Beat your score on the series of 10,20 or 30 questions or trytoflawless. The questions are listed in 3 levels: easy, mediumanddifficult.Both say that the challenge will be up. You can viewyourworldwide ranking and contribution to your friends. There isalsothe world 2 players or you can challenge your friends andfamilyfor more fun and competition.Quiz true or false, info ou intox or not, the trivia gameofgeneral knowledge brain with lots of breakages headandpuzzles.Have fun and test your general knowledge. True or FalseinFrench. Test your knowledge.