Top 14 Apps Similar to すごく怖い話・都市伝説・心霊写真1

【閲覧注意】呪いの心霊写真集 2.0.0
【閲覧注意】心霊スポット大全集!激ヤバ体験と恐ろしい都市伝説 1.0.0
日本中を恐怖に陥れた“激ヤバ心霊スポット”を収録したアプリが完全無料で新登場!!Googleマップとの連動で、危険なエリアがすぐ分かる!!あなたは“呪われた地”へ足を踏み入れる自信がありますか?======================スポット総数300以上!全国47都道府県の有名スポットから地元民しか知らないマニアスポットまで、日常では決して目にする事ができない心霊スポットを余すところなくお届け!!-----【一部スポット紹介】-----■“立ったままの人骨”が発見された、北海道にある「常紋トンネル」■実際に調査へ行った者の中から死人も出たという、福岡県にある「犬鳴峠」■衝突事故の墜落現場となった、岩手県にある「雫石・慰霊の森」■“首つりの死体”が蠢く、大阪府にある「首つり廃墟」■“白い着物を着た女性の霊”が出没する、東京都にある「旧旧吹上トンネル」etc...-----【便利機能】-----■GoogleMap連動!心霊スポットが簡単に確認できます。■読みかけの記事をその場で保存できる「しおり機能」がご利用できます。■読んだ記事が分かる「既読・未読」機能をご利用できます。-----【注意事項】-----・私有地への無断侵入、放火、器物破損、またはその土地の価値を下げるような行為は、逮捕や告訴などされる可能性がございます。・近隣住民への騒音などの迷惑行為で、通報される可能性がございます。※当アプリは一切の責任を負いません。※上記の注意事項を必ず守り、自己責任でお願い申し上げます。completely free app "GekiYabaspiritspot" that terrorized all over Japan was recorded aisdebuts!!In conjunction Google Maps and,immediatelysees the dangerous area! !Do you have confidence to step into the "cursed land" to you?======================Spot total number 300ormore ! Mania spot that local peopleknownonlyfrom famous spot of 47 prefecturesto,Not to deliver very best haunted placesthatcannot be the eyesnevereveryday!!-----[Some]-----Spotswere found "human remains still standing" ■,inthe Hokkaido "normally crest tunnel"■ The dead also that came out from the person who went tostudyinfact, Fukuoka Prefecture "Inunaki Pass"■ "Forest of Shizukuishi-memorial" that became the crash siteofthecrash, in Iwate Prefecture■ "corpses hanging" is wriggling, in OsakaPrefecture"hangingruins"■ "spirit of a woman wearing a white kimono" infested, isinTokyo"old old racing tunnel"etc...----- [] ----- Useful features■ GoogleMap works! You can easily see the haunted places.■ You can use can be stored on the spot of half-readarticleis"bookmark function".■ You can use article I read is knownto"read-unread"function.----- NOTES -----· Unauthorized intrusion on someone's private property,arson,damageto property, or acts, such as lowering the value oftheland, thereis likely to be such as arrest andprosecution.• The abuse of such noise to local residents, there is likelytobereported.※ This application is not liable.※ I always protect the precautions listed above, I ask atyourownrisk.
GhostShot 2.0.1
Park Chan-il
You do not want tried to take Ghost photos?Let's shoot the ghosts are floating around you. It ispossibletoimplement the augmented reality, move in threedimensions, totakepictures.
Leyendas Urbanas 1.2
The best and most famous urban legends.
Historias y Leyendas de Terror 1.3
Leyendas de Terror Cortas y LeyendasUrbanascon mucho miedo de México, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina,Chile,Estados Unidos, España y de todo el mundo!Mas de 600 Historias que te mantendran en suspenso , sondiferenteshistorias sobre leyendas urbanas, miedo, terror,vampiros, relatosde terror, ovnis, espiritus, asesinos en serie,cine de miedo, cinede terror, esoterismo, casas encantadas,criptozoologia.- Las leyendas urbanas son relatos o historias cortas en lamayoríade casos que narran sucesos increíbles y misteriosos quesuceden ohan sucedido en épocas actuales en las grandes urbes comociudadeso pueblos urbanos, de esto se deriva su nombre.- Los creepypastas son historias o relatos de hechos ocriaturasparanormales enfocados en el genero del terror y elhorror, De laspalabras en Ingles Creepy (Tenebrosa) Y Pasta (Locual significa"Paste" de Pegar, debido a que antes se pegaban enforos 4chan) Elresultado final en español sería “Historia TenebrosaPegada”existen muchos creepypastas conocidos sobre todo en nuestraépocaactual que encontraras en esta aplicación de leyendas urbanasycuentos de terror.- Cuentos cortos de terror, es una de las principales categoríasdeesta aplicación de relatos ya que posee una cantidadactualizablede historias cortas que te erizaran la piel y teentretendrájugando con tus miedos.- Las Historias de misterios o hechos curiosos que han sucedidoentodo el mundo, misterios que van más allá de nuestroentendimientoy que hasta ahora no tienen ninguna explicación.Legends of HorrorShortand Urban Legends very afraid of Mexico, Ecuador,Colombia,Argentina, Chile, USA, Spain and around the world!More than 600 stories that will keep you in suspense, aredifferentstories about urban legends, fear, terror, vampire, horrorstories,UFOs, ghosts, murderers in series, movies scary, horrormovies,esotericism, haunted houses, cryptozoology.- Urban legends are stories or short stories in most cases thattellincredible and mysterious events that happen or have happenedincurrent times in big cities such as cities or urban villages,thisname is derived.- The CREEPYPASTA are stories or tales of facts orfocusedparanormal creatures in the genre of terror and horror, ofthewords in English Creepy (Dark) and Pasta (Which means"Paste"Paste, because before sticking in 4chan forums) The finalresult inSpanish would be "Dark History Pegada" there are manyknownCREEPYPASTA especially in our current era you will find inthisapplication of urban legends and horror stories.- Short stories of terror, is one of the main categories ofthisapplication stories because it has a number of shortstoriesupgradeable you skin stand on end and entertain you playingwithyour fears.- The Stories of mysteries and curious facts that havehappenedaround the world, mysteries beyond our understanding and sofarhave no explanation.
【閲覧注意】稲川淳二の怖い話〜2014夏(Vol.2)〜 1.0.0
怪談界の巨匠「稲川淳二(いながわじゅんじ)」が語る、“激ヤバ体験談”を完全無料でお届け!!夏本番に向けて、“こわい話シリーズ”待望の新作「第二弾」がついに登場!!あなたは人の命をも脅かす“心霊現象”に耐える自信がありますか?〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜「タクシーをまわした妻」「夜中に目を覚ますな」「放映されない映像」「死神の匂い」「夜窓人面浮遊考」など本当に起こった心霊現象の真相を余すところなくお届け!!あなたを“恐怖の霊界”へとご案内します...-->>>>【便利機能】<<<<--◆読みかけの記事をその場で保存できる「しおり機能」がご利用できます。◆読んだ記事が分かる「既読・未読」機能をご利用できます。-->>>>【注意事項】<<<<--本アプリは「ゆうが舎」発行『稲川淳二の最新・超怖い話-怪異-』『稲川淳二の最新・超怖い話-霊界-』『稲川淳二の最新・超怖い話2』との公式タイアップにてリリースしております。配信許諾を得て作品を提供しておりますので、著作権に違反しているアプリではございません。安心してお楽しみください。"InagawaJunji(InagawaJunji)" talks about masters ofghostworld, and"GekiYabaexperiences" thedeliver full free ! !Towards the summer production, "scarystoryseries"new work long-awaited "secondedition"FINALLY!!Do you have "psychic phenomena" thatthreatensthelife of human self-confidence to withstand theyou?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~"Mywife was turning the taxi" "Do not wake up in the middle of the night"The "video not aired""Smell of Death""Night window human face floating consider" such asNot deliver the very best the truth of psychic phenomenathatreallyhappened!!I will guide you through "thespiritworldof fear" toyou...->>>>[Usefulfeatures] <<<< -◆ It is available can be stored on the spot of half-readarticleis"bookmark function".◆ It is available article I read is knownto"read-unread"function.->>>>[Notes]<<<< -This application "elegant house" issue "story scary latestsuperofInagawa Junji - grotesque -""- The spirit world - latest scary story of super InagawaJunji"and"story two scary latest super of Inagawa Junji"I have been released on the official tie-up.You are able to provide work to give a distribution license,There is not an app you are in violation of copyright.Please enjoyitinpeace.
都市伝説 陰謀・恐怖・心霊・・この世の中をサバイバルする! 3.0
この世の中にはあなたの知らない世界がまだまだ存在します。国家・グローバル企業から孤独な村での出来事。陰謀・呪い・風習・不可解な事件。ネットを通じて表の世界に出てきた氷山の一角を一年かけて収集しました。その話数・・600話からの→1021話!2chやネットで集めた未踏の話ばかり!残りのお話も随時アップデートによりもちろん無料にて追加して参ります。EYE-PUTTIが贈る待望の最新作です。機能は更に洗練!高速・低電力を追求!定評のある使いやすさで今までどおりご満足いただけますよ!★機能一覧★・更に洗練された低電力・お気に入り登録機能・都市伝説のアプリにふわさしいデザイン・電波の届かない場所でも閲覧可能・カテゴリ分け・あかさたな分け・ウェブにての人気度分け・Android4.4 KitKatデザインに準拠World that do notknowyouexist still in this world.Events in a lonely village from nationalandglobalcompanies.A conspiracy-curse-customs-mysterious incident.Was collected over one year the tip of the iceberg, which cameoutinthe world of table through the net.Of 600 episodes from the story number ·· → 1021 episode!Just talk of unexplored collected on the net and 2ch!I will continue to add free of charge of course at anytimebyupdating the story of the rest.This is the latest installment of the long-awaitedEYE-PUTTIisgive.Feature more sophisticated!The pursuit of high-speed, low-power! You you satisfied asbeforeatease with a reputation!★ Feature List ★And low power it is more sophisticated· Favorites registration functionDesign has pointed discord app urban legend• The viewable even at locations where radio waves donotreach-Categorization• The divided Na was revealed• The popularity of classification in web· Complies with Android4.4 KitKat design
Urban Legends 1.0
An urban legend, popular legend,urbanmyth,urban tale or contemporary legend is a form ofmodernfolkloreconsisting of fictional stories with macabreelementsdeeply rootedin local popular culture. These legends can beusedforentertainment purposes, as well as forsemi-seriousexplanationsfor random events such as disappearancesand strangeobjects.Despite its name, an urban legend does notnecessarilyoriginatein an urban area. Rather, the term is usedtodifferentiate modernlegend from traditional folkloreofpre-industrial times. For thisreason, sociologists andfolkloristsprefer the term "contemporarylegend". Because peoplefrequentlyallege that such tales happenedto a "friend of a friend"(FOAF),the phrase has become a commonlyused term when recountingthis typeof story.Enjoy this app about horror stories and urban legendsfreeandoffline.
怖い話 1.0.0
身の毛もよだつ程の怖い話が好きな人のために、怖い話を紹介しているアプリです。恐怖で眠れなくなる事間違いなし。随時更新していきます。For people who likealsois scary story of the extent that gruesome, it is an appthatintroduces the scary story.No doubt that it is no longer sleep in fear.We will continue to update at any time.
Scary story of mystery 1.1.2
For those who like, scary story andmysteryriddle, and suspense system is an application that can beviewedwith commentary summarizes the scary story and it makessense.Scary story will continue to be added from time to time anditmakes sense.In order to survive the long summer, Allow me to suggest thatalittle chilly around here?It is good just to kill time if the environment that leadtonetwork, so you can read the story scary anywhere at anytime.[Function]And historyRanking- Favorites- Read, unread management-Sticky, bookmark・・・V2.0.0Automatic scroll・・・V2.0.0Remarks of scary stories each, and we have been publishedbasedon the interpretation of its own.Now, reasoning power of you has been tried.
怖い話 謎編  人力選りすぐりの怖い話を1988話収録!! 2.30
その数なんと全1988話の選りすぐった不可解な怖い話を提供します!!このアプリは世に流れる約15000の怖い話の中から、謎な話・不可解な話を中心に、人力で選りすぐった1988話の怖い話を収録!使いやすさにこだわり、機能も豊富です。・未読既読機能一度読んだ話は色が変わるのでわかりやすい。・お気に入り機能目のアイコンをタップすることで、お気に入りに簡単追加!・おすすめ機能MEZASHIがおすすめする話です。・オフライン機能電波がないところでも読むことが出来ます。・話追加機能自動的に怖い話が追加されていきます。・超省電力電池を消耗する処理を限りなく少なくしました。・カテゴリ分けすべての話をカテゴリに分けて、読みたい怖い話がすぐに探せます。エラーが発生した場合は申し訳ございません。対処いたしますので、レポートにてご報告いただけますと幸いです。コメント欄に書かれてもどのようなエラーかこちらではわかりません。最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます。沢山の方に使っていただけると嬉しいです。気に入っていただけましたら、☆5の評価をお願いいたします。キーワード怖い話、怖い、恐怖、心霊、おばけ、UFO、UMA、エニグマ、奇妙、謎、不可解、幻覚、ドッペルゲンガーI will offer you thebestselection of arcane horror story all 1988 story how thatnumber! !From about 15,000 in the scary story that flows into theworld,especially in the mysterious story, a mystery story, thisapprecorded scary story of 1988 was the best selection in thehumanstory!Stick to the ease of use, rich functionality.Function and read unreadI've read the story easy to understand once the colorwillchange.Functions and FavoritesBy tapping on the icon of the eye, easy to add your favorites!Functions and RecommendedIt is a story that recommend MEZASHI.Functions and offlineYou can read even where there is no radio.Additional functions and storyScary story will be added automatically.Power-efficient and ultra-I was infinitely less processing to deplete the battery power.-CategorizationScary story to categorize all the talk, I find that I want toreadsoon.Sorry if an error occurs.We will deal with, I would appreciate is reported inthereport.Here I do not know any error or written in the comments.Thanks for reading to the end.I am glad when I used to a lot of people.Hope you like it, thank you for evaluation of ☆ 5.KeywordScary story, scary, horror, psychic, ghost, UFO, UMA,Enigma,strange, mysterious, weird, hallucinations, doppelganger
怪談・都市伝説・怖い話 1.0
本当にあった怖い話スペシャル 1.0.0
effect horror HyakuMonoGatari 1.2
this is sensor effect horrorapplication.thank you