Top 18 Apps Similar to Gt IN+

手機資費 R2.20
有任何問題或建議請於下列討論串發表,會儘快為你解答。 要如何新增優惠 或是 修改 費率?A: 在我的資費畫面選擇“修改內容”,如要新增優惠可以按“新增”,會出現 ”新增優惠“ 畫面,填寫完畢後,按 ”新增畫面“的新增按鈕就完成。如要修改費率,像改成半價,按下方的“修改費率”,會出現所有的費率資訊,每一個欄位都可修改。例如網內免費,可以修改語音網內費率,就在語音網內那個欄位按下,就會出現修改的畫面,將費率改為0即可。最後修改完按 ”確定“ 返回即完成。2. 群組功能如何使用?A:裡面有內建的群組是無法修改的,但是可以查看。user可以按新增,自己新增群組。每個群組可以依據時間最多設定2種費率。完成群組新增後,可以點選群組新增對應的電話號碼。此電話號碼可用 * 表示一堆符合的號碼而不只是單一號碼。打勾的地方是自己新增的才能改動,此外只有打勾,此群組才會作用。此外符合在群組內的號碼,可以選擇抵用資費內的各項優惠或是不抵用。通常群組是用來設定 "熱線" "國際電話" "特殊號碼" 費率 。3. 識別電信? (update 2013/4/13)A:因為電信公司把查詢網址移除,目前所有電信公司已無法辨認可攜號碼。黃色表示依靠號碼辨別(無法百分百確定),紅色表示無法辨別的號碼,可能是國際電話,或是無法辨別的可攜號碼,或是很奇怪的網路電話號碼,都有可能。針對紅色部分,建議使用者到可攜或群組畫面,針對這些電話進行設定,如果沒有設定,程式預設當成網外計費。4. 小工具畫面上黃色和紅色三角形意義?A:如果小工具畫面上有出現黃色或紅色三角形,表示通話記錄中有無法百分百正確判斷的電信公司,其中黃色表示電信公司是用號碼判斷,紅色表示電信公司無法判別。主要是提醒使用者目前帳單的準確度。即時在桌面更新免費通話之剩餘時間,與優惠金額。可選擇顯示本月與前2月統計與明細。試算找出你的最佳資費方案。詳細分析網內外/市話分佈情況,及通話費用排名。可判斷可攜號碼電信公司功能(目前可判斷 中華電,威寶),需要網路連線。桌面顯示3G行動數據資料量統計,有效了解已傳輸量,控制預算。還有更多功能,趕快下載使用!
Voidify - 自動WIFI熱點登入 1.6.5
自動化無線網路認證最佳的App透過Voidify為您將以往繁雜的無線網路認證過程簡化。無需做更多,設定一次Voidify將自動偵測並且為您登入無線網路。主要特色:• 腳本式登入,眾多網路支援透過腳本的支援,Voidify可以支援無數的網頁認證型式的無線網路。任何人都可以為Voidify提供登入腳本,並且完全免費的共享所有登入腳本資訊。不在需要為每個無線網路都安裝獨立的登入程式,Voidify為您一手包辦!• 最少的打擾,做最多的事Voidify將會常駐在您的系統上面,默默地為您偵測無線網路狀況,只有在需要登入的時候才會跳出訊息提醒。不會任意地跳出訊息打擾原本的工作。Voidify僅會在啟動無線網路,並連上熱點時候才會啟動,完成登入動作後,會立刻關閉減少不必要的電量消耗。• 完全免費,沒有任何廣告Voidify是一個完全免費的APP,使用的過程中不會有任何的廣告打擾您• 絕對隱私,不做任何資料收集Voidify不會收集任何的帳號或密碼,所有資訊都保存在手機端不進行任何雲端資料備份。Voidify是一個開放原始碼計畫,任何人都可以檢視程式碼是否進行任何非法動作。當然您也可以為自行編譯使用的APP,更能確保資料的安全。目前支援的無線網路:◆校園網路:•台南應用科技大學校園網路 (TUTNet)•台灣首府大學校園網路 (TSU-WLAN)•正修科技大學校園網路 (WAVELAN_CSU)•東方設計學院校園網路 (TFCC)•長榮大學校園網路 (CJCU)•南臺科技大學校園網路 (stut、stust)•高苑科技大學校園網路 (KYU-Wireless)•高雄醫學大學校園網路 (iKMU、iKMUDorm)•國立中正大學校園網路 (ccu)•國立台灣大學校園網路 (NTU、ntu、ntu_peap)•國立台灣體育運動大學校園網路 (NTUPES, ntupes)•國立交通大學校園網路 (NCTU-Wireless、NCTU-Guest)•國立成功大學校園網路 (NCKU)•國立虎尾科技大學校園網路 (NFU)•國立金門大學校園網路 (NQU)•國立政治大學校園網路 (WIRELESS)•國立清華大學校園網路 (nthu、nthupeap)•國立陽明大學校園網路 (ymu)•國立臺中科技大學校園網路 (NUTCroaming)•國立臺北大學校園網路 (NTPU)•國立臺南大學無線網路 (NUTNWLAN、NUTN-Wifi)•國立臺灣科技大學校園網路 (NTUST-UAM)•國立臺灣師範大學校園網路 (ntnu)•國立臺灣藝術大學校園網路 (NTUA-Wireless)•康寧大學校園網路 (UKN)•逢甲大學校園網路 (FCU)•嘉南藥理科技大學校園網路 (chna)•興國管理學院校園網路 (HKU-TANetRoaming)•龍華科技大學校園網路 (LHU_NEW)◆公共網路:•iTaiwan無線上網 (iTaiwan、iTaichung)•台中市公務無線網路 (tc)•高雄市教育局無線網路 (KH-guest)•新北市政府無線上網 (NewTaipei)•新北市教育局無線網路 (NTPC)•臺北公眾區免費無線上網 (TPE-Free)•臺南市政府無線網路 (tainan)•臺南市教育局無線網路 (TN-Guest)◆商業網路:•中華電信Wi-Fi (CHT Wi-Fi(HiNet))•全球一動 (G1.Taiwan4G) (目前僅支援New Taipei帳號登入)•亞太電信Wi-Fi (APTG Wi-Fi)•WIFLY無線上網 (WIFLY)•7-WiFi無線上網 (7WiFi)•7-WiFi無線上網(每日免費)(如您是要使用每日免費上網,請增加此腳本,此腳本無法與"7-WiFi無線上網"共存,此腳本會自動選擇上網時段登入)•星巴克無線上網 (Starbucks_OTGFree)•新光三越免費無線上網 (SKM-Free)•遠傳電信Wi-Fi (FET Wi-Fi)◆公司網路•台北榮民總醫院無線網路 (visito、employee)•彰基院內員工無線網路服務 (CCH)◆大陸地區•華南理工大學校園網路 (scut)請給予我們評價鼓勵,《Voidify》會繼續努力大家提供更好的使用者體驗!若有改善建議或於使用上有任何想法,歡迎到《Facebook粉絲專頁》上與我們一起討論!關注 Facebook 粉絲專頁:※Voidify計畫目前由國立台南大學資訊工程學系資料系統實驗室(NUTN DSG)所維護,關於本團隊相關訊息請到查看關鍵字:Voidify、無線網路、自動登入、自動連線、WiFi熱點、快速登入
QR扣 ( QR Code 信用卡 行動支付 ) 1.4.38
QR扣新功能,智慧繳費,帳單輕鬆繳功能說明:是否厭倦了每次要帶著費用帳單至超商繳費的生活,即日起,智慧繳費提供您於手機上即可完成紙本帳單之費用繳納,拿起QR扣App,對準紙本帳單中的三段式條碼逐一掃描,即可以信用卡完成帳單支付。智慧繳費優先開放中國信託信用卡繳交「中華電信費」、「台灣電力公司電費」、「臺北自來水事業處水費」、「欣欣天然氣瓦斯費」、「學費」費用。QR扣行動支付服務※本服務為保障消費者交易安全,使用前須先註冊,經電信實名認證以防止冒名盜用、盜刷風險。本服務目前提供中華電信行動門號消費者(月租型)使用,其他電信用戶即將開放,敬請耐心等候,謝謝。※本服務使用需插入SIM卡,目前限使用個人身分證申請之SIM卡,身分證號需與申請信用卡之身分證號相同。※目前開放18間信用卡銀行進行註冊:• 玉山銀行• 中國信託銀行• 國泰世華銀行• 萬泰銀行• 元大銀行• 台新銀行• 第一銀行• 台灣中小企業銀行• 土地銀行• 合作金庫• 兆豐商銀• 新光銀行• 凱基銀行• 大眾銀行• 上海銀行• 澳盛銀行• 中華郵政Visa金融卡QR Code信用卡行動支付是中華電信首創的行動支付服務,只要簡單三步驟,即可輕鬆完成行動購物交易:1.【開】起搭配本服務的「QR 扣」APP。2.【拍】取支援本服務的商品QR Code,手機顯示商品資訊。3. 選擇信用卡【付款】完成商品購買。服務設定、交易過程經電信實名認證、銀行金融驗證,資料採加密傳輸及憑證保護儲存。每次交易不需再經過繁瑣資料輸入過程,讓您安心、輕鬆使用行動支付服務,趕快到下面的軟體商城下載吧!※ 您的行動電話或平板裝置需具備 3G連線行動上網能力,傳輸費依據您的上網費率而定。服務特色:1.避免盜用風險:服務註冊經電信實名認證、簡訊驗證、服務密碼設定、資料憑證保護,確保您的交易身份。2.避免交易過程資料洩漏:購物交易時資料經嚴格加密傳輸。3.避免金融資料外洩風險:信用卡資料經演算法拆解成多部份,分別由APP與系統儲存管理,APP不存放完整信用卡資料,配合服務密碼,可避免惡意程式入侵或手機遺失時的金融資料外洩風險。4. 30秒內輕鬆完成行動購物:交易時,直接點選當次要使用信用卡別並完成交易,不需每次交易輸入信用卡資料。5. 輕鬆選擇信用卡優惠方案:服務可設定管理多筆信用卡資料,商品交易時自動帶出各銀行優惠分期、紅利、行銷方案。6. 交易明細一目了然:可管理交易記錄,方便您掌握支付帳目。
GT-Flashlight 1.2
Gaurav Tayade
GT Power Flashlight enables aHighintensityFlash with low Battery ConsumptionIts Main Features are --Low Battery Consumption-High Intensity-Easy to use.-Simple user Interface .This App is ideal for the use in long dark hourswithminimumconsumption the Battery.
PhoneBillGates 2.18
Want to monitor your phone cost andcontrolyour budget as easy as possible? Try to use PhoneBillGatesand paynothing else.FREE:There is no extra charge. Even the advertisment within couldbehidden.PRIVATE:All calculations are done locally, none of so your call logswouldbe uploaded to Internet.EASY:PhoneBillGates displays your phone and message fee clearlyandinter-network/intra-network /fixed-line separately. You willfindit is very easy to view your phone usage/fee in merely1second.COMPLETE:In the Call Log page, you could see the duration, date,contactname, and fee of each call. Different background colors areusedfor inter-network/intra-network/fixed-line. Of course, you canhideyour call logs. Just try long pressing on your call logs!POWERFUL:1.Besides estimating bills, PhoneBillGates also provides somechartsfor your contact statistics. By the statistics you will seeyourmost contacted people and how much time/money you spend onthem.(Internet is required to draw these charts.)2.With two steps, you could find out which plan is the bestonefor you. (Based on your current or historical call logs.)3.With group settings, you can setup your own groupswithdifferent rates to make the estimation more precise.4.With carrier settings, you can adjust any contacts totheircorrect carrier.There are more good features in this free software waitingforyou. Just download and try it!
Galaxy Toolbox 1.22.121111 GA
Free unlock selected Galaxy phones less than a minute!
辨電所 1.06
每次要撥出電話前都會懷疑對方的門號是屬於網內或網外嗎?電信商提供了網內通話免費的優惠,卻總是浪費掉了嗎?辨電所可以很方便地判斷想要撥打的號碼是屬於網內或網外,讓你不會在毫無心理準備的情況下付出高額的通話費用囉!目前支援中華電信、台灣大哥大以及遠傳電信的”網內/網外”判定。台灣之星、亞太、統一超商以及全虹等電信商目前尚未支援,相關用戶請不要下載安裝!!有任何問題或建議請於Yarborough Facebook粉絲頁-辨電所FAQ討論串發表,將有專人為您處理。FAQ頁面:辨電所-faq/475791409118237**配合中華電信的查詢頁面之更動,新版本需登入emome帳號以利查詢辨識。簡潔快速:頁面清楚簡潔,以通訊錄清單為主顯示門號資訊。開啟軟體快速,常態性使用也不會覺得厭煩。即時偵測:可針對超過24小時未判定過的通訊錄門號重新偵測⼀次,以確定該門號目前的網內/外資訊;也可以直接輸入電話號碼來偵測不在通訊錄清單中的門號。直接撥號:不需在查詢門號資訊後,返回系統通話軟體撥號。可直接在本軟體內對於通訊錄中或手動輸入的號碼撥號。
讓網路保持在H狀態 1.2
可以減少瀏覽網頁在3G跳轉H中間的時間,直接保持H(H+)速度!!!!(需要在有H訊號的地方)注:不會增加傳輸速度,只會增加反應能力,不適用亞太及wifi,本APP會因為環境影響而有所影響。3G web browsing canbereduced in the middle of the time jump H directly to maintain H(H+) speed!!!!(Need to place the signal has H)Note: does not increase the transmission speed will onlyincreaseresponsiveness, NA Asia Pacific and wifi, the APP will beaffectedbecause of the environmental impact.
A+BOX 0.2014021401
亞太電信A+BOX提供雲端儲存服務,讓您可以隨時隨地存取您的檔案。任何電腦以及平板手機等只要使用了A+BOX服務,就可以在各種裝置間及時同步,並且可以輕鬆安全地分享檔案。功能:•同步:隨時隨地自動同步與存取不同平台(Windows,Mac,iOS,Android)與各種裝置(如手機、平板電腦、筆電...等)上的檔案。• 分享: 透過安全的內部帳號分享資料夾與外部連結密碼設定機制,輕鬆與同事、客戶、合作夥伴分享檔案。• 備份: 各種裝置皆可完善備份,同時輕鬆完成資料異地備份。• 控管: 中央掌控帳號權限並確保資料安全性。• 安全: 採用金鑰加密技術以及資料加密傳輸確保資料不外洩。產品網頁: A + BOX providescloudstorage service, so you can access your files anytime,anywhere. Anycomputers and mobile phones, as long as the use offlat A + BOXservice, you can sync between various devices in atimely manner,and can be easily and securely share files.Features:• Synchronization: Automatically synchronize with anytime,anywhereaccess to different platforms (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)with avariety of devices (such as mobile phones, tablet PCs,laptops ...etc.) on files.• Share: Share folders with password setting mechanismexternallinks easily share files with colleagues, customers,partnersthrough secure internal account.• Backup: Various devices can improve backup, offsite backupdataeasily.• Control: central control of user access and ensuredatasecurity.• Security: The key encryption technology to ensure thatdatatransfer and data encryption is not compromised.Product website:
通話紀錄++ 雙卡 1.010
雙卡機 電話帳單+通聯記錄參考手機通話,簡訊紀錄,計算電話費用,顯示免費通話之剩餘時間,與優惠金額自動儲存,每三小時(設定)查看 自動儲存資料(menu->起算日)打,接,未接電話,簡訊,MMS之統計及圖表排行統計設定->攜帶門號,設定網內外(適用於門號更換電信業者)支援自動儲存(天/8次),請於menu設定依據中華電信,台灣大,威寶,遠傳,全虹基本費率,計算電話費用每一頁面計算10筆資料,左右滑動螢幕,移動頁面確認未接電話是否回覆簡訊,MMS明細設定起算日於明細表,點選姓名可直撥電話支援自動儲存前三個月資料程式預設不儲存,按menu開啟儲存
中華電信 3.9.1
大大寬頻 行動客服 1.0.19
【輕鬆下載 服務帶著走!】-六大服務內容特色-1. 帳單查詢(barcode繳費) 利用手機查詢及條碼至超商繳費,環保又方便!2. 問題回報(障礙報修) 不必打電話,手機就能傳送收視或上網問題。3. 線上客服LINE 有任何問題,歡迎隨時反映給我們客服人員。4. 最新公告 (同步官網資訊) 隨時掌握我們的最新消息。5. 頻道節目表 數位頻道即時節目表,即刻點選查詢不錯過!6. 通知中心(推播訊息記錄)任何會員優惠通知記錄,隨時掌握!服務範圍:目前僅提供大大寬頻、大豐有線電視、台灣數位寬頻有線電視、新高雄有線電視客戶使用。[Easily downloadservicewith go! ]- Six services Features -1. billing inquiries (barcode payment)Query and bar code using a mobile phone to pay PresidentChainStore, environmentally friendly and convenient!2. The issue of return (barrier repair)Do not have to call, the phone will be able to transfer viewingorInternet problems.Support LINE 3. OnlineHave any questions, please do not hesitate to reflect toourcustomer service staff.4. Announcement (synchronous official website News)We keep abreast of the latest news.5. channel lineupsInstant digital channel listings, click on the query immediatelytomiss!6. Notification Center (push message record)     Any member benefitsnotificationrecord, to keep!Services: currently provides only greatly broadband, cableTVDafeng, Taiwan digital broadband cable television, cabletelevisionKaohsiung new customers.
Genuine Galaxy - Phone Info 1.5.1
Please rate this app if you supportsuchproject.Better know your phone by -1. check the phone's detail hardware information;2. run performance test and compare with other phones intheworld.This is a tool for Samsung Galaxy S3/4/5 & Note 2/3/4 userstocheck if their phone isn't a cheap fake clone. It highlightsdeviceinformation that does not match Samsung Galaxy S3/S4/S5/Note2/Note3/Note 4 and helps users to tell if their phone isgenuine.Example of FAKE GALAXY S4 -cpuFreq: 1209MhzprocessorCount: 4cameraResolution: 1258.29deviceBrand: alpscpuName: ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)totalRom: 1008.29MBdeviceModel: N9500cpuHardware: MT6589screenResolution: 1280 * 720totalRam: 971.62MBSupport list of Galaxy S4 variants:GT-I9500, GT-I9502, GT-I9505, GT-I9506, GT-I9508,SCH-I959,SGH-I337, SPH-L720, SHV-E300S,SGH-M919, SHV-E300L/S/K, SCH-I545, SGH-M919, SCH-R970,SC-04E,SGH-I537, GT-SC04E,Galaxy S4 Mini, Galaxy S4 ActiveSupport list of Galaxy S3 variants:GT-I9300, GT-I9300T, SCH-I939, SGH-I748, SHV-E200K,SHV-E200S,SHW-M440S, SHV-E210K, SHV-E210L, SHV-E210S, GT-I9303T,SC-06D,SCH-I535, SCH-R530,SGH-I747, SGH-I747M, SGH-T999, SGH-T999V, SPH-L710,SCH-I747,GT-I9308Support list of Galaxy Note 2 variants:GT-N7100, GT-N7102, GT-N7105, GT-N7108, SCH-I605,SCH-R950,SGH-I317,SGH-I317M, SGH-T889, SGH-T889V, SPH-L900, SCH-N719,SGH-N025,SC-02E, SHV-E250K, SHV-E250L, SHV-E250SOffical website of this app:
台灣LTE 4G分布 2.0
01/02 資料庫誤砍事件!!目前搶救中.....不相信官方所公布的4G訊號範圍嗎?那就一起來做一份民間版的吧!集合鄉民的力量,顯示最實際的4G分佈速度(只會顯示4G訊號的分佈喔!)自己的4G訊號自己統計....01/02 databasemistakenlycut event! !Currently the rescue .....Do not believe the official announcement of the 4G signalrangeit? It together to do a folk version of it!Set force villagers to show the distribution of the mostpractical4G speed(Only show the distribution of 4G signals Oh!)4G signal their own statistics ....
Call Recorder (No Ads) 14.9
The real business level call recorder, recording is clear andloudin two sides.
遠傳Wi-Fi 1.3
遠傳Wi-Fi是由遠傳電信提供之免費查詢軟體,透過此軟體可查詢FET Wi-Fi網路與WIFLY網路之全省熱點資訊。軟體特色:●本軟體提供用戶免費下載,讓用戶可依目前所在位置查詢附近熱點,另外也提供關鍵字/地址來搜尋熱點資訊。對於熱點資訊,使用者可儲存喜愛又常用的熱點,方便下次找熱點更容易。● 提供多樣化的查詢介面,包含列表模式、地圖模式及鏡頭(AR)模式,使用者可依自己喜好之方式搜尋熱點。● 結合Google map,提供熱點地圖瀏覽與熱點路徑導引。● 使用本軟體部份功能時需使用到網路連線,連線方式包含3G上網與Wi-Fi上網。● 本軟體最低支援Android版本:2.1(含)以上。● 有關適用FETWi-Fi網路與WIFLY網路之資費方案、Wi-Fi上網說明與常見問題,請參照遠傳電信FETnet網站遠傳FETWi-Fi產品說明網頁。*此版本熱點資訊更新至 2013 年 4 月底止,最新熱點資訊請參閱FETnet網站遠傳FETWi-Fi產品說明網頁: is free access software provided by Far EasTone,thissoftware can be found through the province's hot and FETWi-Finetwork and the network of WIFLY.Software features:● This software provides users a free download, allowing userstofollow the current location near the hot spot inquiry, whilealsoproviding the keyword / address to search for hot information.Forhot information, the user can store frequently used hotfavoriteagain next time to find hot spots easier.● offers a variety of query interface contains a list mode, mapmodeand lens (AR) mode, the user according to their own way ofsearchingfor a hot favorite.● combine Google map, map browsing and provide hot hotrouteguidance.● When using this software to use some functions require anetworkconnection, connection methods include 3G and Wi-FiInternetaccess.● The minimum software support Android version:2.1(inclusive).● For the applicable tariff plan FET Wi-Fi network and networkofWIFLY, Wi-Fi access instructions and FAQs, please refer tothewebsite FETnet EasTone remote FET Wi-Fi productdescriptionpage.* This version of Hot News updates expiring by the end ofApril2013, the latest hot spot information, please refer to thewebsiteFETnet remote FET Wi-Fi product description page:
DS Super App2SD Lite 7.5
(A paid version "Droidsail Super App2SD Pro"is released,whichremoved ads and add one key "Move System Update App" to SDcard(save even more space), and more batch operations. :)Move more apps to SD card!!! New version supportLink2SDnow!!!This is a super APP2SD tool for ROOTed user (Android 2.2andabove), which could force move/link more apps (even thoseappsmarked with internal only :) to SD card (or move/link backphone)and save more space than normal App2SD apps.You can also perform batch move apps, set defaultinstalllocation of apps, clear cache with this app.And this app have full functions (no limitation) with ads.Simpleis the best! :)System Requirement:1. A ROOTed phone;2. USB debugging enabled (Go toSystemSettings->Application->Developemnt->USBdebugging);3. Link2SD function requires external SD card supportedondevice;ATTENTION:(App2SD)Some app which has widget/alarm/wallpaper/InputMethodinusing is not recommanded to be moved to SD card, which maycauseproblem.(Link2SD)"Link2SD" feature requires your device supportsexternalSD card, and create dedicated partition for it. And werecommend touse EXT2, EXT3 format. In addition, once "Link2SD" isused, do notremove the SD card at run time, or reboot device afterpull out theSD card, and, do not modify or delete"/dsapps/dslink2sd" folder onthat partition, which may causeunexpect problem.Link2SD Initialization:(Please create the additional partition on SD card and formatitto EXT2 or EXT3 by self, e.g. on a PC.)User need to initialize the "Link2SD" feature. Launch theapp,click target app to be linked in list and select "Link to SD".Ifnot initialized, the app will automatically guide the usertoinitialize.The first step is to choose the SD card partition. The appwilllist all available SD cards and partitions, for example, thesecondpartition on the first external SD card will be called SDcard 1,Partition 2. Please select additional partition, do notselect thedefault FAT32 partition.The second step is to select the partition format. (Wealsoprovide an "AUTO" option, user can try AUTO if otherspecifiedformat does not work.)The third step is to apply settings, and the app will prompttheuser to reboot to take effect. After reboot, if theinitializationis successful, click target app and select "Link toSD" again, youwill see linking dialog. But if failed, the app willshowinitialization dialog again, please check the partition andformatand try above steps again.Features:1. List all movable apps;2. Move apps to SD card (even marked with internal only);3. Move apps back phone;4. Link apps to SD card;5. Unlink apps from SD card;6. Batch move apps (silent mode, user free);7. Set default install location ofapps(Auto/Internal/SDCard);8. Show total/used/left space of phone or SD card;9. 1 tap to clear all app cache;10. Sort apps by name, size, install date;11. Run installed apps;12. Uninstall apps;13. View app on market;
O GT Fila é um aplicativo gerenciador detempoem filas comerciais. Ele vai controlar a posição da senhadousuário, através do celular, ajudando-o no melhor aproveitamentodoseu tempo. A Solução vai ao encontro das necessidades deempresaspúblicas e privadas que atendem o público diariamente,evitando asenormes filas e reduzindo o tempo de espera.O GT Fila tem como ponto forte a segurança, agilidadeemobilidade.Após um cadastro rápido feito pelo cliente, ele faz login eleiturado QR Code e com essas informações o aplicativo começa agerenciaro tempo de espera. Quando a sua vez de ser atendidoestiver próximalhe será enviado uma notificação.O cliente fica liberado para resolver outros assuntos e oslocaisficam livres das indesejáveis filas.O GT Fila nasce com o propósito de se tornar especialistaereferência em gerenciamento de filas para váriosseguimentos.The GT Line is atimemanager application in commercial lines. He will controlthepassword of the user's position, through the cell, helping itthebest use of your time. The solution meets the needs of publicandprivate companies that serve the public every day, avoidingthelong lines and reducing waiting time.The GT Line has the strength of the security, agilityandmobility.After a quick registration made by the customer, you log in andreadthe QR Code and with this information the application beginstomanage the waiting time. When their turn to be served is nearyouwill be sent a notification.The customer is free to address other subjects and places arefreeof unwanted lines.The GT Line born with the purpose of becoming a specialist andareference in queue management for various segments.