Top 16 Games Similar to Волшебные сказки для детей

Интерактивные сказки для детей 1.0.0
Как привить малышу любовь к чтению? Начните с интерактивных книжексяркими картинками, анимациями и увлекательными играми, вкоторыхдети будут рады помочь любимым героям.Скачайте наши «Интерактивные сказки для детей»: популярныйсборниксказок для детей от 3 до 8 лет, теперь на Android!В сборнике с картинками и звуками представлены популярные русскиеизарубежные сказки, которые можно почитать или послушать на ночь.В«Интерактивных сказках для детей» целых 8 чудо-книжек,которыеможно приобрести:1. Три поросенка - бесплатно2. Теремок3. Госпожа Метелица4. Волк и семеро козлят5. Золушка6. Принцесса на горошине7. Репка8. Три медведяСказки можно не только читать, но и слушать. В книжке всеперсонажипрофессионально озвучены, а ключевые моменты сказокпредставлены ввиде интерактивных сцен с 3D эффектом. Малыш сможетигратьсамостоятельно: построить теремок вместе с героями сказкиилиположить горошину на кровать принцессы – благодаря живымсценкамему не придется читать сухой текст без картинок.Удобные для малышей, большие кнопки управления созданыспециальнодля детских пальчиков и позволят детям обойтись безпомощиродителей.В нашем сборнике сказок можно даже играть! В подарок мыпредлагаем“Звездную игру”: решайте несложные задачи и собирайтемонетки,открывайте сказки за успешное прохождение уровней!Приложение «Интерактивные сказки для детей» станет отличнымподаркомдля малышей! Увлекательные, интерактивные и сделанные сдушой,сказки принесут немало радости вашим детям.Особенности:• 2 режима выбора чтения “Почитай мне” и “Прочту сам”• Автоматическое листание страниц• Большие кнопки управления делают интерфейс простым и легким• Интерактивные 3D сказки со сценками и говорящими персонажами–можно поиграть и снова вернуться к книжке• Профессиональное озвучивание книжек – мягкий и приятныйголосдиктора почитает сказки вслух• Насыщенное меню с интерактивными элементами• Игра “Звездная Ночь” - тренирует воображение ипространственноемышление• Ежедневные бонусыПревратите чтение в веселое и полезное развлечение,поспешитескачать «Интерактивные сказки для детей» на вашиустройства!-- Приложение создано в редакторе MyBookTools --Howtoinstill in your child a love of reading? Start withinteractivebooks with bright pictures, animations and excitinggames in whichthe children will be happy to help your favoritecharacters.Download our "Interactive tales for children": a popularcollectionof fairy tales for children from 3 to 8 years, is nowonAndroid! The book with pictures and sounds presented popular Russianandforeign stories that you can read or listen to at night.The"interactive tales for children" as much as 8 wonderful booksthatyou can purchase: 1. The Three Little Pigs - Free2. Teremok3. Mother Hulda4. The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids5. Cinderella6. The Princess and the Pea7. Repka8. Three Bears Fairy tales can be not only read, but also to listen. In thebookprofessionally voiced all the characters, and the key pointsoffairy tales presented in the form of interactive scenes with a3Deffect. The kid can play alone: ​​with the build chamber'sheroestales or put on a pea princess bed - thanks to a live scenehe didnot have to read dry text without pictures. Convenient for kids, large buttons designed specificallyforchildren's fingers, and allow children to do without the helpofparents. In our collection of fairy tales, you can even play! As a gift,weoffer "Star Game": solve simple tasks and collect coins,discovertales of the successful completion of levels! The application "Interactive tales for children" will be agreatgift for kids! Exciting, interactive, and made with a soul, afairytale will bring a lot of joy to your children. Features:• 2 mode selection read "Read to Me" and "I'll read itmyself"• Automatic turning pages• Large buttons make the interface simple and easy• Interactive 3D scenes from fairy tales and talking characters-you can play and go back to the book• Professional sound books - soft and pleasant voicenarrationhonors tales aloud• Rich menu with interactive elements• Game "Starry Night" - trains the imagination andspatialthinking• Daily bonuses Turn reading into a fun and wholesome entertainment, hurrydownload"Interactive tales for children" on your device!- The application created in the editor MyBookTools -
Народные аудио сказки 1.5
Абсолютно каждый человек, каждый изнаснаходясьв раннем детстве, слушал сказки. Их чащевсегорассказывали детям.Долгие века народные сказки играли вжизничеловека такую же роль,как в наше время книги, журналы,газеты,телевидение, радио, интернети другие распространенныеисточникиинформации. Надеемся, чтопрослушивание народных русскихсказокпринесет Вам новые, добрыезнания и доставит многоположительныхэмоций.Мы отобрали самые интересные и запоминающиеся аудио сказки.Absolutelyeveryone,eachof us being in early childhood, listening to fairytales. Theyareoften told to children. For centuries folk tales playin humanlifethe same role as in our time, books, magazines,newspapers,TV,radio, Internet and other popular sources ofinformation. Wehopethat listening to Russian folk tales will bringyou new,goodknowledge and bring a lot of positive emotions.We have selected the most interesting andmemorableaudiostories.
Masal Diyari 2 2.6.1
Masallar, çocuklar içinvazgeçilmezdir."Anne/Baba, bana bir masal okur musun" cümlesinigünde en az birdefa işitirsiniz.Evet, masallar çocuğun hoş vakit geçirmesinde önemli biraraçtır;ama daha da önemlisi masallar, çocukların gelişimleriüzerindepozitif yönde etkiler yaratır. Çocuk eğitiminde masal;hayalgücünün gelişmesine, düşünce ufkunun açılmasına yardımcıolur.Kelime dağarcığını zenginleştirir ve kavram öğreniminihızlandırır.Bunlarla birlikte masallar, çocuğun merak duygusunuuyandırır,yaratılığını hatta neden-sonuç ilişkisi kurma becerisiniarttırır.Çocuğun korkularını giderir, özlemlerini dile getirir.Çözümbulmasına yardım eder, onlara güven verir ve geleceğeolanumutlarını arttırır.İşte; hazırlamış olduğumuz Masal Diyarı programıyla,çocuğunuzaister kendi sesinizle isterseniz de sesli masalözelliğiyledilediğiniz masalı dinlettirebilirsiniz. Elinizinaltındaki buprogramla; masal kitaplarına ihtiyaç duymadançocuğunuzun masaldinleme arzularını zahmetsiz yerine getirmişolursunuz. Masalkahramanlarının resimleriyle desteklenmiş olanMasal Diyarı'ylaçocuğunuz için masal dinlemek artık benzersiz birkeyif olacak.Masal Diyarı uygulamasını daha da zenginleştirmekiçin, öneri veyorumlarınızı bekliyoruz.Uygulamayı indirdiğiniz zaman ilk 6 masal yüklü gelmektedir.Diğermasalları indir bölümünden indirebilirsiniz.Masal Diyarı Uygulaması bu uygulamanın yeni tasarımı olupbuuygulama bir önceki tasarımdır.masal, hikaye, eğlence, sesli masal, sesli hikaye, masal oku,masaldinleTales for childrenisindispensable. "Mom / Dad, Do you read me a bedtime story" youwillhear the phrase at least once a day.Yes, the tale of a child is an important tool in having a nicetime,but more importantly, fairy tales, positive impact onchildren'sdevelopment creates. Children's education fairy tale tothedevelopment of the imagination, opening the horizon ofthoughthelps. Enriches the vocabulary and concepts accelerateslearning.Along with these tales, children's curiosity is aroused,or evencause-and-effect relationship-building skills yaratılıgincreases.The child's fears, longings is expressed. Help findsolutions tothem, which gives confidence and hope in thefutureincreases.Here, we have prepared fairytale land with the program, youwantyour child if you want to use your own voice with the voicefeaturesorry tale can dinlettir the tale. These programs at hand,withoutthe need to book your child's fairy tale fables effortlessdesirescan be fulfilled. Supplemented with pictures of fairy-taleFairyTale Diyarı'yl your child will be a unique pleasure to listentostories now. To further enhance the implementation of the LandofFairy Tales, suggestions and comments are welcome.When you first download the app comes loaded six tales. Othertalescan download it from Download section.Tales of the Land Application of this application andthatapplication of the new design is a previous design.fairy tales, stories, entertainment, fairy tale voice,audiostories, read fairy tales, fairy tales listening
Русские народные сказки 1.1
Данное предложение представляет из себясборникрусских народных сказок с иллюстрациями.+++ В этом приложении вы найдете такие сказки как:- Баба Яга и ягоды- Финист-Ясный Сокол- Три медведя- Колобок- Петушок и бобовое зернышко- Каша из топора- Василиса Прекрасная- Илья Муромец и Соловей Разбойник- Репка- Царевна Несмеяна+++ С красочным и причудливым миром русской народнойсказкикаждый встречается еще в детстве и не расстается с нимникогда. Втечение многих столетий сказка учила премудростямнелегкой жизни«Как мужик гусей делил» , наставляла к добру исправедливости«Мороз Иванович», мужеству и героизму «Иванкрестьянский сын и чудо– юдо», любви и долгу. Сказка скрашиваладолгие, зимние вечера,заставляла притихнуть даже самых неугомонныхнепосед, окружившихседобородого старика-сказочника, который зналсказок невероятноеколичество.+++ Мы так никогда и не узнаем имена многих сказочныхделмастеров, в чьих устах звучало живое слово, которое бережнохранилии донесли до наших дней. Правда, сегодня искусстворассказыватьсказки уходит от нас, словно обиженное на наше к сказкенеуважение,теснимое разными «страшилками» и анекдотами.+++ Сказки слушать не только интересно, но и поучительно.Встарые времена крестьянин не мог дать своим детямшкольногообразования, поэтому на помощь приходили сказки,которыерассказывали об окружающем мире, давали начала знаний,воспитывалинравственно.+++ Детям рекомендовано читать русские народные сказкидажепотому, что они осуждают такие свойства человеческогохарактера,как лень «Старуха, дверь закрой», жадность «Морозко»,упрямство,трусость, зависть и напротив одобрять трудолюбие«Хаврошечка»,верность, смелость. Малыши учатся осмысливать поступкисказочныхгероев, определять, где хорошо, где плохо.+++ Другая причина, по которой надо читать детям русскиенародныесказки – это нравственная. Сказки учат детей любить иуважать своихродителей. Данное приложение поможет вам всегда иметьпод рукой"электронную" книжку русских сказок. Приятного прочтениявам и вашимдетям!The proposal consists ofacollection of Russian folk tales with illustrations.+++ In this app you will find such tales as:- Baba Yaga and berries- Finist, the Brave Falcon- Three Bears- Gingerbread Man- Cockerel and the Beanstalk- Porridge ax- Vasilisa the Beautiful- Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber- Turnip- Princess Nesmeyana+++ With the colorful and quirky world of Russian folk taleseachoccurs in childhood and never parted with him. For centuriestaletaught wisdom hard life "As a man of geese shared," admonishedtogoodness and justice "Moroz Ivanovich," courage and heroism"Ivanthe peasant's son and the miracle - Judaic" love and duty.Talebrightened long, winter evenings, forced to quiet down eventhe mostrestless fidgets surrounding the white-bearded old man,storyteller,who knew an incredible amount of fairy tales.+++ We never know the names of many fabulous craftsmen,whoselips sounded the living word, which carefully preserved andtold tothis day. However, today the art of telling tales out fromus, asif offended at our disrespect for the fairy tale, pressedbydifferent "horror stories" and anecdotes.+++ Tales listen not only interesting but also instructive.Inthe old days the farmer could not give their childrenschooleducation, so come to the aid of the stories that were toldaboutthe world, gave rise to knowledge, educated morally.+++ Babies recommended read Russian folk tales, even becausetheycondemn those properties of human nature, as laziness "Theoldwoman, shut the door," greed "Frost", stubbornness,cowardice,envy, and contrary to approve diligence "Havroshechka",loyalty,courage, . Kids learn to interpret the actions of fairytalecharacters, determine where the well where the bad.+++ Another reason why children need to read Russian folk tales-a moral. Fairy tales teach children to love and respecttheirparents. This application will help you to always have onhand"electronic" book of Russian fairy tales. Enjoy your readingyouand your children!
KIDOZ: Discover the Best
Parents, discover the best new apps,games& videos for your kidsin a completely safe mode, including a powerfulparentalcontrolKIDOZ is a must-have Android launcher for families.★ Parental control over content and device functions.★ Handpicked videos for babies & preschoolers,updateddaily.★ Cool online games - no install needed, just click and play.★ Learning & educational apps for kids (Up to 12)★ Safe Browser for kids★ Child lock★ Child-friendly camera and photo gallery★ Multiple child accounts★ Ad blockerPro Features★ No sponsored content. EVER.★ Password protected child lock★ Set time limit for each kid★ Full parental control over video channels, gamesandwebsites★ NEW: Create dedicated video channels for your kid:::::::::::::::::: Disclaimer::::::::::::::::::The videos presented in this application are hosted by YouTubeorother public domains. We try to provide access only topublicdomain videos uploaded by the official channels themselvesand doour best to prevent access to videos submitted byunauthorizedusers. We have no control over the advertisements thatmay appearon some of the videos. These are added by YouTube and areoutsideour domain.Copyright violations can be reportedhere:
Kids Place - Parental Control 3.8.63
An app launcher with parental controls&child lock that protects your personal data and restricts kidstoapps you have approved. Kids Place Parental Control appalsoprevents children from downloading new apps, making phonecalls,texting or performing other actions that can cost you money.Inkids mode, children gets fun time and parents can get somemuchneeded peace and free time.Trusted by millions of families.No internet connection; no email;noaccount creation and no payment required for app to work.Parental Control Features:★ Only allow access to parents approved apps and blocks rest oftheapps and settings.★ Custom home screen displays only apps that parentshaveauthorized★ Can prevent children from buying or downloading new apps★ Time Lock - Timer feature to lock apps after specified amountoftime.★ Support Multiple User Profiles.★ Capable of blocking incoming calls when Kids Placeisrunning★ Capable of disabling all wireless signals while Kids Placeisrunning★ Toddler Lock - Auto restarts apps accidentally stopped bysmallchildren, allowing parents to stay focused on theirowntasks.★ Add custom wallpaper to customize your child’s experience★ Appropriate for children of all ages - babies, toddlers&teenagers★ Plugins - Kids Place provides additional parental controlsforWebsite content filtering; Videos and Pictures via plug-inbaseddesign. Please go to setting > plug ins to accessthesefeatures.★ Converts any Phone or Tablet into Kids Mode.Premium Features (requires In-App purchase):★ Advance timer to control screen time for kids. This is designedtobe used as a permanent schedule based timer.User can select daily limits for using tablet or phone orspecificKids Place categories or individual approved appsinside Kids Place Parental Control app. Parents can alsospecifyduring what time slots in a day the apps will notbe allowed to use. For example parents can set that device canbeonly used for 2 hours a day and only during3:00 PM to 9:00 PM time range on weekdays and 8:00 AM to 10:00PMduring weekends.★ Run in background mode. Kids Place will not be used as alauncheror home screen. Suitable for older kids or onemployees device to be used with stock launcher or as Kiosk Modeforbusinesses.★ Added option to always start on reboot.★ Ability to block app uninstall.★ Customize App Title★ Brute Force PIN Entry protection.Home; Back; Search and Call buttons are locked so that kidcannotget out of the Kids Place or make phone calls.***************************************************Permission Explanations:★ Internet Access/ Network State: Used only for GoogleAnalyticslibrary. Very minimal data transferred.★ Phone Call – Only to detect incoming phone calls. We do notmakeany calls form the app or read any phone data.★ Global System/Tools Settings - For wirelesscommunicationsdisablement, if selected in setting; enforcing applocking; lockingon restart (currently disabled)★ Kill Background Process – Used to stop apps on exit.★ Google Billing Service – For in-app purchase to buypremiumfeatures.***************************************************Other Notes:★ You will have to set a “pin” when you first use the app and itisrequired to exit out of the app★ This Kids Place app is only allowed for personal use.Pleasecontact us for licensing options at [email protected] use (Kiosk, employee device security,educationalinstitutes, pre-installs) of this app.★ Please note that no parental control app or software can replaceawatchful eye. This app can not 100% protect your kid but canserveas one of many tools and practices to help your family usethedevice more safely.Kids Place UserGuide:***************************************************
Сказки страны гномов. Книга 2 1.0
Представляю ВашемувниманиюинтерактивнуюРусскую народную сказку "Волк и Коза".Дорогой наш читатель листай страницы нашей интерактивнойкнигиислушай аудио сказку.Без написанного текста и печатных букв –для«Самыхмаленьких»!!!Сказка для Вашего ребенка станет добрым и вернымдругом:развеселит,расскажет ему сказку на ночь, составит компаниювдороге. Теперьдаже не умея читать, ребенок сможет безвзрослыхчитать интересныеему книги, а у родителей появитсябольшесвободного времени.Особенность нашей интерактивной аудио сказки:●Оригинальные и красивые иллюстрации на 11 страницах;●Оригинальное прочтение — текст, наших сказокозвученартистамитеатра;P/S Если у вас произошел сбой приложения, необходимо:включите интернет, или почистите кэш для освобождения памятиI present youtheonlineRussian folk tale "The Wolf and the Goat."Our dear reader turning the pages of our online and listentoanaudio book story.Without written text or printed characters - for"Thesmallest"!!!A fairy tale for your child will be a good andfaithfulfriend:cheer, to tell him a bedtime story, will keep thecompany ontheroad. Now, not even knowing how to read, a childwithout anadultcan read interesting books to him, and the parentswill havemorefree time.The peculiarity of our interactive audio fairy tale:● Unique and beautiful illustrations on 11 pages;● original reading - text of our stories voiced theaterartists;P / S If you failed application, you must:including the Internet, or clean the cache to free up memory
Сказки страны гномов. Книга 1 1.0
Представляю Вашемувниманиюинтерактивнуювосточную сказку "Алибаба и 40разбойников".Дорогой наш читатель листай страницы нашей интерактивнойкнигиислушай аудио сказку.Без написанного текста и печатных букв –для«Самыхмаленьких»!!!Сказка для Вашего ребенка станет добрым и вернымдругом:развеселит,расскажет ему сказку на ночь, составит компаниювдороге. Теперьдаже не умея читать, ребенок сможет безвзрослыхчитать интересныеему книги, а у родителей появитсябольшесвободного времени.Особенность нашей интерактивной аудио сказки:●Оригинальные и красивые иллюстрации на 53 страницах;●Оригинальное прочтение — текст, наших сказокозвученартистамитеатра;P/S Если у вас произошел сбой приложения, необходимо:включите интернет, или почистите кэш для освобождения памятиI presentyoutheinteractive eastern tale "Alibaba and 40 thieves".Our dear reader turning the pages of our online and listentoanaudio book story.Without written text or printed characters - for"Thesmallest"!!!A fairy tale for your child will be a good andfaithfulfriend:cheer, to tell him a bedtime story, will keep thecompany ontheroad. Now, not even knowing how to read, a childwithout anadultcan read interesting books to him, and the parentswill havemorefree time.The peculiarity of our interactive audio fairy tale:● Original and beautiful illustrations 53 pages;● original reading - text of our stories voiced theaterartists;P / S If you failed application, you must:including the Internet, or clean the cache to free up memory
Paulie and Fiona Movie App 4.1
An all-in-one, safe and fun children's application. This isaperfectapp for children 2-6 year. The app includes more thansixhours ofentertaining movies and ten exciting games! The contentisfullyadapted to the target audience and is based on thepopulartelevisionseries Paulie and Fiona. Features: More than sixhoursofentertaining movies! Ten exciting games! Air Play functionforyourApple TV! Collect trophies to unlock your own secretsurprise!2 fullmovie episodes, 4 games and a music video forfree.Language: Giveyour children their first contact with anewlanguage; it is possibleto switch between multiple languages.Theapp includes English,Spanish (Latin American), German,Portuguese,Turkish, Swedish,Russian, Polish, Thai, Korean, Dutch,Italian,Czech, Hungarian andFinnish languages.
Colorful Fishing 1.4
A colorful board game for kids aged 4yearsandup and their parents.Two or three players can “fish” at once!The rules are simple: each player spins the drum andcatchesfishin their lake according to the color of thedrop-downbox.The aim of the game is to catch all the fish from yourlakefasterthan the other players.Players can’t rely on luck in this game!The purpose of the game is to catch all the fish fromyourlakefaster than your opponents.There is even a strategic element: for example,successfullygatherfour fish of the same color in your lake, andthey jump intothebucket.For parents, the game is not just a pleasant activitytheycanenjoy with their kids – it will also banish fidgetingonlongjourneys.For kids, Color Fishing teaches colors, as well ashelpingthedevelopment of strategic thinking.Features:1. 2-3 players;2. tips for each activity;3. simple rules;4. colorful graphics;5. fun sounds effects;6. develops thinking;7. helps kids recognize colors.
愛動漫v5 1.0
測試動漫卡通播放工具我們FB: PlayersWe FB:
Песни для детей 2.46.20168
Songs for Children of Soviet cartoons.
Draw Cartoons 2 FULL
A perfect storytelling tool and ananimationapp in your pocket. If you want to learn how to drawcartoons andbecome a filmmaker but have no time for professionaltools, trythis animation creator that is simple enough to be usedeven bykids.Draw Cartoons is an animation editor that allows you to createyourown movies. You don't need to draw every frame to getsmoothmotion. Instead, you draw keyframes only and intermediateframesare built automatically. Assign faces of your friendstocharacters, add voices, upload the movie on YouTube or Facebookandattain fame as an animation maker and a creativestoryteller!FEATURES* Skeletal animation - characters are moved like dolls* Every frame smoothly transforms to the next one* Numerous built-in models* Exporting animations as video and sharing* Sound recording* Items editor - a constructor for making your own characterusingdrawing tools or importing existing drawings. How to drawacharacter? Just make a skeleton and paint each of its bone.Another way to use the application is making comics aboutstickmansand famous people. Comic makers, this is a tool foryou.
The Three Pigs 2 StoryChimes 1.5
Enjoy the FULL VERSION of The ThreeLittlePigs2: The Wolf and The Hound for FREE! (This is adsupported, soif youdon't want to have Ads, the ad free version isavailableforpurchase.)THREE LITTLE PIGS 2ABOUT THREE LITTLE PIGS 2: WOLF AND THE HOUNDCome join our favorite pigs on their secondfun-filledadventureas they try to playfully get back at that peskywolf! Onlythistime, the little wolf has brought some help.Featuring the same blend of kid and adult humor, this isthesequelto our most downloaded title of 2010!More three little pigs stories to come throughout 2011.Watchforthem!StoryChimes Application Description 
StoryChimes are an affordable diverse collectionofchildren’sstories designed to immerse your child in the sightsandsounds ofinteractive tales while keeping the “feel” of turningthepages ofa real book.As we like to say, “When you hear the chime, turnthepage!”StoryChimes’ stream of new titles will keep you comingbackformore fun, adventure and education again and again.Theease-of-usemakes it a snap for even the youngest kids to enjoyaStoryChimetoday.Mom or Dad need a good distraction? No matter how youtravelorwhere you are, StoryChimes are never more than a touchaway.Anentire collection of books in the palm of your hand,providingagreat assortment of entertainment. StoryChimes aretheperfectalternative to movies, tv shows and video games.With StoryChimes you can entertain and educate at thesametime.Grab one today!FEATURES:- Now includes a match game!- Karaoke like text scroll (highlights red as you read)- Page indexing to access your favorite parts- Bookmarking to pick up where you left off- Read at your own pace without audio and scroll text- Facebook integration- E-mail a friend about the App- Help menu- Larger page turn area- 3D page turn provides a tactile “feel”- Beautiful illustrations- Great music accompanies each story- Enhanced with sound FXPlease visit us on the web at formoregreatstories!Have a story suggestion or comment? We’d love to hear it.Dropusa line at [email protected].
Сказки Римуса: 1 1.2
Trombo Games
Помните веселого Братца Кролика?АхитрогоБратца Лиса? Познакомьте своего ребенка сзабавнымиприключениямигероев сказок дядюшки Римуса. Эти сказкинаполненыюмором,фантазией и мудростью. Братец Кролик и Братец Лисдавно ужесталилюбимыми героями детей всего мира.«Сказки дядюшки Римуса» - это интерактивныедетскиекнижки.Повествование сказки дополняется объемными сценамиимини-играми.Трехмерные комиксы позволят ребенку почувствоватьсебязрителемволшебного театра. Ведь каждый объект на сценеможнопотрогать, асаму сцену - разглядеть с разных сторон.Сказкаозвученапрофессиональным актером, но что может быть лучшедлямалыша, чемсказка прочитанная родителями? Отключите голос актераисамиозвучьте героев сказки.«Братец Кролик и Братец Лис» - первая глава изкниги«Сказкидядюшки Римуса». В ней Ваш ребенок познакомится сглавнымигероями,поможет Братцу Кролику собрать овощи с грядки,найдет гдеспряталсяБратец Лис и узнает какой хвост у БратцаОпоссума.Remember thefunBrerRabbit? A wily Brer Fox? Introduce your child to thefunadventuresof heroes tales of Uncle Remus. These stories arefilledwithhumor, imagination and wisdom. Brer Rabbit and Brer Foxhavelongbeen favorite characters of children around the world."Tales of Uncle Remus" - is an interactive children'sbooks.Thenarrative is complemented by lengthy tale scenesandmini-games.Three-dimensional comic strips enable the child tofeelthe magicof the theater audience. After all, every object inthescene canbe touched, and the scene itself - see from everyangle.Fairy talesounded a professional actor, but what could bebetterfor the babythan a fairy tale read by parents? Turn off thevoiceactor and thecharacters themselves ozvuchte tale."Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox" - the first chapter of thebook"Talesof Uncle Remus." It your child get acquainted withthemaincharacters, Brer Rabbit will gather vegetables fromthegarden,find where the hidden Brer Fox and find out whatBrerPossum'stail.