Top 10 Apps Similar to HOLY QURAN - القرآن الكريم

Bilal Apps
A transliteration of Arabic Qur'an with Ethiopian nativelanguageAmharicthis app will help you to understand the meaning of Qur'an anditwill help you to memorize Al Qur'an
Amharic Quran 1.1
Harar Tech
As we promised earlier,Alhamdullilah we are able toproducenewamharic quran application.We believe this applicationwillbenefitour Amharic speaking Ethiopian Muslims. The translationofQuranwas done by Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq and SheikhMuhammadSaniHabib,the content is generated from We havetriedourlevel best to make the interface user friendly andeasiertoread,all your comments and suggestions are mostwelcomed.ForSuggestion and improvement pleasecontactthrough: Badu'achu atrsun.
Bilal Apps
ALL SIX Pillars of IMAN withAmharictranslational for Ethiopian Muslim
Bilal Apps
Amharic Azkar with Video For Ethiopian Muslim
apps bilal
Hisnul Muslim Amharic which compile dua & zikr from thequranand sunnah.
Quran (in Arabic) 2.0
Quran (Koran, Koran Sharif) (Arabic: القرآن al-Quran) - andthemostimportant book of the sacred religion of Islam. Islam,theKoran,Allah's words, through the angel of the Prophet.Eyləyibrevealed toMuhammad. Surah and verse of 6236 is 114, whichis aunique name ofthe Koran. The longest chapter of the Qur'anQur'an(verse 286),while the shortest Surah al-Kawthar (verse 3).Baqarahverse 282,the longest in the revelation of the Qur'an. Themaindifferencebetween it and other heavenly books during hislongperiod of time -23 have been partially revealed. Angel fromGod,not from the Koran- was transported by Gabriel. Read themeaningof the words of theKoran, is meant to be read. The wording,whichrefers to therevelation of the Quran and its meanings,Gabriel(AS) through thelast prophet HzMəhəmmədə (s) down,qiraətiylə ofworship, whichfeatures its own, starting with SurahFatiha SurahAl Nas endingwith a heavenly book. muslim quran karimquranrecitation qurantranslation the holy quran
El fiqh ilustrado de la tahara 1.0
La aplicación del fiqh de laadoraciónconimágenes se considera la primera aplicación paraenseñaralmusulmán el modo de la adoración representada enlapurificación,la oración, el ayuno y el zakat según el Corán ylaSunna ymediante múltiples y diversos medios que incluyen el texto,lasimágenes fijas y móviles , y el vídeo; lo que ayuda aaceleraryfacilitar el aprendizaje y la práctica; porque el textosólo noessuficiente para enseñar el fiqh correctayíntegramente.Elaprendizaje diliginte se requiere la visión juntoaltexo ; ya queesto se afirmó en el dicho del profeta, la paz seaconél,: “Yhaced la oración como me habéis visto hacerla a mí.”www.fiqhspanish.comLa aplicación del fiqh de la adoración con imágenesincluyelosiguiente:1-Más de 55 vídeos educativos.2-Casi 57 lecciones textuales.3-Cientos de imágenes ilustrativas y educacionales.Esta aplicación se caracteriza por muchos opciones como:1-La posibilidad de buscar cualquier texto además delosversículoscoránicos y los hadices proféticos.2-La opción de herramientas de formato de texto.2-El control en la iluminación de la pantalla durante leer.4-El marcador en el cual puedes archivar las leccionesyvídeosfavoritos y con eso están de fácil acceso.5-La posibilidad de enviar lo que te gusta a los amigos atravésdelcorreo electrónico.6-compartir los materiales que te gusta en los sitiossocialescomoFacebook,twitter,etc.Además la aplicación se ha traducido a quince idiomasqueson:(inglés- francés- chino- indonesio- bengalés- persa-ruso-tayikistán- urdu- hausa- suajili-español-portugués-aléman-amárico);algunos de ellas son disponibles y lasotras seemitiránsucesivamente si Allah quiere.El fiqh de la adoración con imágenes..unaaplicaciónIndispensablepara cada casa musulmana.The application ofthefiqhof worship with images is considered the first applicationtoteachthe Muslim mode of worship displayed in thepurification,prayer,fasting and zakat according to the Qur'an andSunnah and bymany andvarious means including text, still andmoving images, andvideo;helping to accelerate and facilitate thelearning andpractice;because the text is just not enough to teachthe correctlearningfiqh and íntegramente.El diliginte visionrequired by thetexo; asthis is said in the saying of the prophet,peace be uponhim ,: "Andmake prayer as you have seen me do it tome."www.fiqhspanish.comThe application of the fiqh of worship withimagesincludes:1-More than 55 educational videos.2-Nearly 57 lessons textual.3-Hundreds of illustrative and educational images.This application is characterized by many features including:1-The ability to search for any text in addition toQuranicversesand prophetic hadiths.2- The choice of text formatting tools.2- The control screen lighting for reading.4- The marker which can archive and favorite video lessonsandthatare easily accessible.5-The ability to send what you like to friends via e-mail.6-sharing of material you like on social siteslikeFacebook,twitter, etc.Also, the application has been translated intofifteenlanguages​​that are: (English- French- indonesio- Persianbengalés-Sino -Russian-Tajikistan urdu- Hausa Swahili-English-German-Portuguese-Amharic), some of them are available the otherwill beissued onAllah willing.The fiqh of worship with imágenes..unaIndispensableapplicationfor every Muslim house.
Surah As Sajdah 1.1
With this app you can read Surat AsSajdah,surah no 32 of the holy Quran.Hazrat Jabir radiyallahu anhu narrates that the HolyProphetsallallahu alaihe wasallam would not retire to bed until hehadread Alif Laam Tanzeel and Surah Tabaarak.(Tirmizi)
Fiqh Ibadah Bergamba - Bersuci 1.0
Program Aplikasi ThaharahBergambar:adalahbagian dari program “Fiqh Ibadah Bergambar”Aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi orang-oranguntukmengenalsegala sesuatunya tentang Thaharah. Dan Thaharahituterbagi kepadadua jenis, hissiyyah dan maknawiyyah. Defenisinajisdanjenis-jenisnya. Mengenal hukum seputar peralatandapur,hukum,kewajiban, sunnah dan hal-hal yang makruh dalam buanghajatsertatata cara beristinja’ dan beristijmar.Mengenalsunnah-sunnahfitrah satu persatu dilengkapi denganpenjelasan.Pembaca dapatmemahami hukum, cara, keutamaan, kewajiban,sunnah,hal-hal yangmembatalkan wudhu’, dan hal terkait mengusapkhuf, kaoskaki,perban, plaster, dan juga hukum seputar mandi dantayamum.Terakhirhukum-hukum Thaharah khusus wanita, sepertihaidh,Istihadhah, dannifas dengan penjelasa yang gamblang.www.fiqhindonesia.comProgram Aplikasi ini mencakup;1. 55 video pembelajaran2. 57 buku pembelajaran3. Ratusan gambar pembelajaran aplikatifKelebihan program fiqh ibadah bergambar, antara lain;1. Pencarian teks yang efisien dan praktis,dilengkapidenganpencarian ayat Al-Qur’an dan Hadits2. Berbagai pilihan alat pengaturan3. Pengaturan cahaya monitor4. Anda bisa memberikan tanda favorit pada buku atauvideoyanganda sukai. Anda juga bisa dengan mudah kembali padahalamanbukusebelumnya atau memutar ulang video kajian.5. Mengirim file yang anda sukai kepada teman, melalui email6. Anda bisa Mengikutsertakan teman-teman andaterhadaptema-temakajian dalam situs jejaring sosial, seperti;facebook,twiter, danlainya.Program aplikasi ini juga disajikan dalam berbagaibahasayangberbeda, seperti; Inggris, Prancis, China,Indonesia,Bangladesh,Persia, Rusia, Tajikistan, Urdu, Hausa,Swahili,Spanyol, Portugal,Jerman, Amharic. Sebagiannya sudahdiaktifkan,dan sisanya menunggudilauncing insya AllahFiqh Ibadah Bergambar....Aplikasi yang sangatdibutuhkansetiapmuslimIllustratedThaharahApplication Program: is part of the program"Fiqh ofWorshipIllustrated"        This application aims to facilitate people to get toknoweverythingabout Thaharah. And Thaharah was divided to twotypes,hissiyyah andmaknawiyyah. Definition unclean and the types.Knowthe lawsregarding kitchen utensils, legal, liability, sunnahandthingsMakruh in defecating and ordinances beristinja'andberistijmar.Sunnah-Sunnah to know the nature of each oneequippedwith anexplanation. The reader can understand the law,how,virtue,liabilities, sunnah, things are canceling wudu ',andrelatedmatters wiped khuf, socks, bandages, plaster, and alsolawsaboutbath and tayamum. Last Thaharah laws for women,suchasmenstruation, Istihadhah, and puerperal with penjelasaexplicit.www.fiqhindonesia.comThis application program includes;1. 55 video lessons2. 57 instructional books3. Hundreds of learning image applicativeExcess fiqh of worship pictorial program, among others; 1. Search Text efficient and practical, equipped withsearchversesof the Qur'an and Hadith2. A wide choice of instrument settings3. Setting the monitor light4. You can mark favorite book or video that you like. Youcanalsoeasily go back to the previous page of a book or avideoreplayreview.5. Send the file you like to friends, via email6. You can Involve your friends to the themes in thestudyofsocial networking sites, such as; facebook, twiter,andothers.This application is also presented in a varietyofdifferentlanguages, such as; Britain, France, China,Indonesia,Bangladesh,Persia, Russia, Tajikistan, Urdu, Hausa,Swahili,Spanish,Portuguese, German, Amharic. Some of these areactivated,and therest is waiting dilauncing inshallahFiqh of Worship Picture .... The applications thatareneededevery Muslim
Fiqh Ibadah Bergamba - Salat 1
Program Aplikasi Salat Bergambar:adalahbagiandari program “Fiqh Ibadah Bergambar”Program aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan sifatsalatnabi,yang dimulai dari takbir hingga salam. Seolah-olahkitabelajarlangsung dari beliau shallallahu ‘alaihiwasallam.Pembelajar dapatmengenal hukum, keutamaan rukun,kewajiban, sunnah,hal-hal yangdibolehkan, hal-hal yang makruh, danhal-hal yangmembatalkansalat, serta kepada siapa salat tersebutdiwajibkan.Mengetahuisemua muqaddimah salat seperti adzan daniqamah, sertahukum,keutamaan, syarat dan sunnah-sunnahnya. Jugadapatmengetahuisyarat sahnya salat yang dibahas satu persatusecaradetail.Program ini juga menyajikan hukum seputar sujudsahwi,sujudsyukur, sujud tilawah, salat jama’ah dan hal-halyangberhubungandengan Imam dan makmum. Serta dilengkapidenganpembahasan khusustentang hukum seputar salat jum’at. Danterakhirterdapatpenjelasan dan pembahasan seputar salat-salatsunnah,salatistisqa’, dua gerhana, salat Id dan salat jenazah.www.fiqhindonesia.comProgram Aplikasi ini mencakup;1. 55 video pembelajaran2. 57 buku pembelajaran3. Ratusan gambar pembelajaran aplikatifKelebihan program fiqh ibadah bergambar, antara lain;1. Pencarian teks yang efisien dan praktis,dilengkapidenganpencarian ayat Al-Qur’an dan Hadits2. Berbagai pilihan alat pengaturan3. Pengaturan cahaya monitor4. Anda bisa memberikan tanda favorit pada buku atauvideoyanganda sukai. Anda juga bisa dengan mudah kembali padahalamanbukusebelumnya atau memutar ulang video kajian.5. Mengirim file yang anda sukai kepada teman, melalui email6. Anda bisa Mengikutsertakan teman-teman andaterhadaptema-temakajian dalam situs jejaring sosial, seperti;facebook,twiter, danlainya.Program aplikasi ini juga disajikan dalam berbagaibahasayangberbeda, seperti; Inggris, Prancis, China,Indonesia,Bangladesh,Persia, Rusia, Tajikistan, Urdu, Hausa,Swahili,Spanyol, Portugal,Jerman, Amharic. Sebagiannya sudahdiaktifkan,dan sisanya menunggudilauncing insya AllahFiqh Ibadah Bergambar....Aplikasi yang sangatdibutuhkansetiapmuslimProgramApplicationSalatPicture: is part of the program "Fiqh ofWorshipIllustrated"        The application program is intended to introduce the natureofprayerprophet, which starts from the takbir until greetings. Asifwe learndirectly from him sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam.Learnerscan get toknow the law, the primacy of the pillars,obligations,sunnah, thingsare permissible, makruh things, andthings cancelingprayers, and towhom the prayers are required.Knowing allMuqaddimah prayer as acall to prayer and iqamah, aswell as thelaw, the primacy, the termsand sunnah-Sunnah. Also candeterminethe validity of prayer termsdiscussed one by one indetail. Theprogram also presents thesurrounding law prostrationforforgetfulness, prostration ofgratitude, prostrationrecitations,prayers congregation and mattersrelating to the Imamandcongregation. And equipped with a specialdiscussion about thelawsurrounding the Friday prayers. And lastlythere is anexplanationand discussion around the sunnahprayer-prayer, salatistisqa ',two eclipses, Id prayers and funeralprayers.www.fiqhindonesia.comThis application program includes;1. 55 video lessons2. 57 instructional books3. Hundreds of learning image applicativeExcess fiqh of worship pictorial program, among others; 1. Search Text efficient and practical, equipped withsearchversesof the Qur'an and Hadith2. A wide choice of instrument settings3. Setting the monitor light4. You can mark favorite book or video that you like. Youcanalsoeasily go back to the previous page of a book or avideoreplayreview.5. Send the file you like to friends, via email6. You can Involve your friends to the themes in thestudyofsocial networking sites, such as; facebook, twiter,andothers.This application is also presented in a varietyofdifferentlanguages, such as; Britain, France, China,Indonesia,Bangladesh,Persia, Russia, Tajikistan, Urdu, Hausa,Swahili,Spanish,Portuguese, German, Amharic. Some of these areactivated,and therest is waiting dilauncing inshallahFiqh of Worship Picture .... The applications thatareneededevery Muslim