Top 5 Apps Similar to Blue tooth LE GATT list

Smart Home v0.5.1
1. Turns smart lighting on/off. 2. Create new group forsmartlighting. 3. Phone and alarm alert notification. 4. Remotechanginglighting color. 5. Smart plug kWh data real view 6. Smartpluglatest 60-min line cart 7. Smart plug one week history datalinechart 8. Smart plug two days history data comparison. 9.Resetandrestore smart plug data. 10. Smart plug timer setting.
GATT-IP - Bluetooth LE Proxy 1.7.3
Vensi, Inc.
GATT-IP is the reference application usingtheOpen Source Bluetooth Proxy Protocol. GATT-IP protocolhelpstransfer data from Bluetooth Smart devices to the cloud orremotesystems. Bluetooth LE devices are designed to work withlocalconnection. With the new release of the GATT-IP protocol,thisenables connecting Bluetooth LE devices to remote devices viatheIP network.The core essence of Bluetooth LE is Generic AttributeProfile(GATT), which is built on top of the Attribute Protocol(ATT) andestablishes common operations and a framework for thedatatransported and stored by the Attribute Protocol. GATT definestworoles: Server and Client. With the release of GATT-IP, thetworoles are now extended from local near range access toremoteaccess from anywhere. The protocol is simple with the abilitytocontrol any Bluetooth LE /Smart device remotely from anyInternetconnected browser. GATT-IP is based on JSON-RPC to allowaccessingremote Bluetooth devices via a series of procedure callsto controlthe devices just like you would when connectedlocally.GATT-IP bridges the gap between smaller embedded devices tonetworkconnected systems, including data collection systems tocollect andmonitor. This helps Internet Of Things platforms to stayconnectedto Bluetooth LE devices with simple extensions.For more information on GATT-IP go to
SenseView BT Smart HR Sensor 1.1_14072
SenseView is replaced with morecapableIoTool( Check first if your sensor isstillsupported(! !!! This isanextension tothe SenseView application and it can not belaunchedstandalone orused without main SenseView application !!! Touse,please downloadSenseView application. Service for Zephyr HxMBTSmart and othersupported Bluetooth 4.0 GATT based profileheartrate sensors!SERVICE WORKS ONLY WITH BLUETOOTH LOW ENERGY 4.0(BTSMART)COMPATIBLE EQUIPMENT, ANDROID 4.3 AND UP! WARNING!Sometimesittakes up to 2 minutes for connect / reconnect or it isevenneededto restart a phone . There are several reported problemswithmainBT / BT Smart implementation on Android 4.3, 4.4, but it isnotinour power to solve them. Please do not publish negativereviewsforthings not in our domain. Hopefully Android 4.5 willsolvethatproblems. Supported sensors (tested): - AlatechTechnologyCS010,CS009 - BeetsBlu BBHRM1 - Polar H7 (with someissueswhenreconnecting) - UnderArmour Armour39 (HR, HRV) - ZephyrHxMSmartSupported sensors (not tested) - Please send as afeedbackaboutsensors tested and possible problems! - Alutech Int'lLtd.W183 -Beurer GmbH PM250 - BiiFit HRM01 - Blue Leza BLSFHR01-Dayton HRM- EB Brands Sportline SYNC 3015, 3016 - EBBrandsSportline SYNCGPS 3010, 3011, 3012 - Echowell BH20 - Geonaute-GpulseBLE-HRM-100 - IDT Technology Limited SZ999 -LatitudeLimitedMapMyRun 3015 - Latitude Limited Runtastic TD00290 -MioAlpha -Mobile Action Technology HRM-10 - Mobile Minds Pebble-MobilityHoldings, Ltd BioLogic Heart rate monitor -NationalElectronicsBluetooth 4.0 Chest Strap - Pafers Tech Co.,Ltd. HR-KIT- PanobikeHeart rate monitor - Pear Sports Pear Mobiler- SalutronHRM ChestStrap - Scosche BLCS - Sports Beat, Inc. BodyFit-Techsport Ltd.SHR-01 - Wahoo Blue HR - Weartech Gow Trainer-60beat BLUE - otherHRMs and treadmills supported GATT basedprofileInstall onlywithSenseViewapplication( supportedsensors:
BLE OTA update v1.0.3
1. Merged secure and non-secureappsintoone.2. Support Android OS version from 4.4.4 to 6.0.1
Mpression Odyssey 2.0
The Mpression Odyssey app isdesignedcontrolthe Mpression Odyssey Max10 FPGA Evaluation Kit ortheMpressionOdyssey Bluetooth SMART Sensor Kit. The app connectstothe kit viaBluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (also known as BluetoothSmart,BLE, orBluetooth Light). Ideal for quick proof-of-conceptBluetoothSmartdesigns or initial design development.The app allows you to:- View BLE devices in range- Select and connect to an Odyssey device- List and select from a list of “personalities” orreferencedesignsloaded on the device- Control the loaded personality (functions likecontrollingtheFPGA, reading temperature/humidity, measuringpulserate,etc.)- In conjunction with the web utility, users can alsocreatetheirown “personalities” and create and modify the controlpageswithoutwriting a line of codeIn conjunction with the web utility, users cancreatenew“personalities” that can be uploaded to their Odysseydevice.Thisincludes a control page that can be edited with:- Custom description, instructions, and even link to anexternalwebpage for more details- Customized control buttons that run a series ofserial(I2Ccompatible) commands to read and write data from thephone totheapp, or control special functions such as heartratemonitor- Create custom entry and return fields for sensor orcontroldata,with custom units, etc.- Run background commands to periodically returndata(sensorreadings, etc.)- Display indicators that light when data falls into acertainwindow(e.g. temperature exceeds programmed value)Advanced users can also customize their Odyssey device andstillusethe app to control it. This allows device developmentwithouthavingto write a custom app, but provides more functionalitythanrelyingon some of the development apps that just let you readandwriteGATT values. Sensors can be added, a custom FPGA canbeprogrammed(and controlled), and even the code running intheBluetooth modulecan be customized.To purchase or get more information on the Odyssey kits thatthisapppairs withgoto: web utility associated with this app can befoundhere: