Top 21 Apps Similar to Asistente Online

Asistente Personal Cal 4.0.4
Cal is the most advanced personal assistant Google Play
OK Phone ( Asistente por voz ) 1.0
No queremos competir con asistentesvirtualestipo Siri, queremos crear una app MUY SENCILLA Y ÚTIL.Haz tus llamadas, manda y recibe correos, SMS, chatea,buscainformación, localizaciones, vídeos, etc... sin necesidad detocarla pantalla. Este asistente es totalmente manos-libres graciasalsistema PocketSphinx de reconocimiento de voz continuo.Creemos que puede ser útil en el coche, en la bici,practicandorunning o cualquier otro deporte, en la cocina, o encualquiersituación en la que mirar la pantalla o tocarla supongaunproblema! También por simple pereza o curiosidad.Todo 100% gratis y sin ninguna utilización de tus datos. Esunproyecto 100% indie fruto de unas cuantas mentes locas poraprendery por hacer las cosas lo más sencillas posibles.Si gusta, seguiremos ampliando sus funciones y mejorandosuestabilidad y añadiremos otros idiomas. Todas vuestras críticasysugerencias son imprescindibles para nosotros!We do not want tocompetewith Siri virtual assistant type, we create a very simpleanduseful app.Make your calls, send and receive email, SMS, chat, searchforinformation, locations, videos, etc ... without touchingthescreen. This wizard is totally hands-free system thankstoPocketSphinx continuous speech recognition.We believe it can be useful in the car, on the bike, runningorpracticing any other sport, in the kitchen, or in anysituationwhere you look at the screen or touch be a problem! Alsofor simplelaziness or curiosity.All 100% free and with no use of your data. It is a 100%indieproject fruit of a few crazy minds to learn and do things assimpleas possible.If you like, we continue to expand their functions andimprovingstability and add other languages. All your criticismsandsuggestions are essential for us!
Mark - Virtual Assistant 0.79.5
Draft Builds
The Mark Virtual Assistant isavirtualassistant made for your Android device that usesthetechnology ofvoice commands to answer questions, performtasks,findinformation, play music and videos, schedule events,setalarms,take notes, send messages and connect you with variouswebservicessuch as search, social networking and everythingelseyouask.Designed to be small and reach the biggest amountofdevicespossible, he's the smallest app in the market, with1,5Mbonly.During the first use of the Mark will ask a fewthingstoaccomplish the tasks and better understandyourusagepreferences.
MobyPlanner Personal Assistant 1.0.3
MobyPlanner is a new personal assistant helping you schedulingyourday.
Shanna: Asistente personal 7.1
Descubre este asistente personal ayudadoporvoztotalmente personalizable y completamente en castellano.Tepermitiráacceder a gran parte de los contenidos quenecesitasdesde una solaaplicación. Descubre este novedoso sistemaconfuncionesconversacionales.Discoverthisvoicepersonal assistant helped fully customizable andcompletelyinCastilian. We provide access to much of the contentthey needfroma single application. Discover this new systemwithconversationalfunctions.
Asistente Empleo 1.10
Una aplicación que ayudará a todas laspersonasque estén buscando empleo o quieran estar informadas ypreparadaspara buscar.Inforín este pequeño amigo te acompañara durante todo elprocesoayudante en todo lo que pueda.Se ofrecen diferentes herramientas al usuario abarcando unagrancantidad de opciones para poder ayudarle en todoso los pasos delabúsqueda de empleo.Secciones:Curriculum Vitae: El usuario podrá entrar con su usuariodeInfojobs y ver los contenidos más importantes de sucurriculum:Datos personales, estudios, experiencia profesional y elcurriculumen texto. En los tres primeros apartados puede editar sucontenidoy agregar nuevo contenido, asi podrá tener siempre al diasusestudios,experiencia y su información personal que son lospuntosmás importantes de un curriculum. El curriculum en texto lopuedecompartir con una opcíon del menú y enviarlo como texto porlasdiferentes posibilidades de su teléfono.Consejos: Lo que toda persona debe saber para poder aprovecharalmáximo sus posibilidades, mostrando diferentes tipos deconsejos,desde como prepararse las entrevistas y como actuar hastacomovestir y que cosas no hacer. También contara con uan guíarápidapara de una lectura rápida conocer los puntos másimportantes de uncurriculum y de una entrevista de trabajo que sonlas puertas a unfuturo empleo. Tambien se han incorporado ayudasdestinadas al mejoraprovechamiento del portal de infojobs conconsejos sobre como teneractualizado el curriculum y con acceso alos diferentes videos enyoutube publicados por el portal parateneros a mano y que todos losusuarios que los desconocian lospuedan ver.Contactos: Una sección donde se podrá almacenar las tarjetasdevisita de otras personas almacenando así una red de contactosconlos que poder comunicarse, recibir y enviar posibles ofertasdeempleo o cualquier otra cosa que se necesite.Tablón de Anuncios: El tablón de "anuncios" tipico de loscentroscomerciales donde se ponen anuncios con el telefono pegadoparapoder encontrar una trabajillo y llegar a fin de mes, peroesta vezconectado a la red donde los usuarios podrán búscar ypublicar tantoofertas como demandas, ponerse en contacto con losanunciates y asillegar a un acuerdo. Cuenta con filtros porpalabra, ciudad y si esoferta o demanda de empleo.Repartir Curriculums: Una de las partes más tediosas delabúsqueda de empleo es repartir curriculums y a veces estar aldíade dónde y cuando los entregastes puede ser algo tedioso ypuedesperder opotunidades de empleo. En esta sección se mostrará unmapaal usuario cuando este salga a entregar curriculums dando laopciónal usuario de marcar en el mapa el sitio donde haya entregadouncurriculum, almacenando la fecha y la hora un titulo yunadescripción que el usario ponga para reconocer y saberquecurriculum entregó. En otra ventana, podrá ver un listadodecurriculums entregados, seleccionando uno podrá visualizarlo enelmapa para localizarlo rápidamente.Compartir: Botón situado en la esquina superior derecha delmenúprincipal. . Se podrá publicar el perfil público de infojobsenfacebook, twitter con un simple botón, o compartirlo por emalocualquier otro medio disponible por el movil, también segenerarancodigos QR tanto de tu tarjeta de visita como de tu perfilpúblico,permitiendote enviar esta imagen por cualquier medio ypoderdistribuir "virtualmente" tu información de una manera comodaysencilla. También te permitira escanear los codigos QRgeneradospor esta app permitiendote agregar las tarjetas de visitade tusamigos o de otras personas simplemente hechandole una foto alaimagen y no tener que escribir nada, incluso visitar superfilprofesional.También podrás compartir con tus contactos una oferta de empleoqueencuentres por ejemplo andando por la calla,simplementeseleccionas la opción "Compartir una oferta encontrada"yautomaticamente podrás hecharle una foto y compartila...asidesencillo.An application thatwillhelp all persons seeking employment or wanting to be informedandprepared to search.Inforín this little friend will accompany you throughout theprocessAssistant all you can.Different tools encompassing offers the user a lot of optionstohelp todoso the steps in the job search.Sections:Curriculum Vitae: The user can log in with your user Infojobsandsee the most important content of your resume: Personaldata,studies, professional experience and curriculum text. In thefirstthree paragraphs can edit the content and add new content, soyoucan always keep up to date education, experience andpersonalinformation are the most important points of a curriculum.Thecurriculum text can share with a menu option and send as textbythe different possibilities of your phone.Tips: What everyone should know to maximize theirpotential,showing different types of advice, from how to preparetheinterviews and how to act and dress up as things do. It willalsofeature uan quick guide to quickly learn the most importantpointsof a curriculum and a job interview are the doors tofutureemployment reading. Have also been incorporated aid tomaximizinginfojobs portal with tips on how to have updated thecurriculum andaccess to various videos on youtube published by theportal forcalves by hand and that all users that desconocian tosee.Contacts: A section where you can store cards from othersandstoring a network with which to communicate, receive and sendanyjobs or anything else you need.Bulletin Board: The board tipico "Ads" malls where adsstickingto find a little job and making ends meet are put phone,but thistime connected to the network where users can search andpublishboth Offers and demands, contact the Advertisers and soagree. Hasfilters for word, city and whether supply or demandforemployment.Curriculums Deal: One of the most tedious parts of the jobsearchis to distribute resumes and sometimes keep abreast of whereandwhen entregastes can be tedious and missed opotunidadesemployment.This section provides a map is displayed to the userwhen it comesto delivering curriculums giving the user the optionto mark on themap the place has delivered a resume, storing thedate and time atitle and a description that the user put torecognize and know thatthe curriculum delivered. In anotherwindow, you can see a list ofcurriculums delivered, selecting onecan view it on the map tolocate quickly.Share: button in the upper right corner of the main menu. .Itmay publish infojobs public profile on facebook, twitter withasingle button, or share it via emal or any other meansavailablefor mobile, QR codes also generate much of your businesscard asyour public profile, allowing you to send this image by anymeansand to distribute "virtually" your information in acomfortable andeasy. We also allow scan the QR code generated bythis app allowingyou to add cards to your friends or other peoplejust hechandole aphoto to the image and not have to write anything,even visit theirprofessional profile.Also you can share with your contacts a job that you find egwalkingalong the silent, you simply select the "Share Offer Found"andyou'll automatically hechar a photo and compartila ...sosimple.
Asistente Comercial 2.0.8
Your Virtual Assistant Business
Minsky - Assistente Virtual 0.5.6
Minsky é um assistente virtual parasmartphonese tablets Android desenvolvido com a intenção defacilitar a vida dousuário. Para isso o aplicativo oferece umainterface simples quedispensa configurações e tenta fazer uso datecnologia dereconhecimento de voz e inteligência artificial(A.I.) para trazerrespostas e realizar tarefas diversas sem o usodas mãos à exemplodo famoso assistente Siri, do iPhone.O desenvolvimento do aplicativo ainda está em estágio inicial,ouseja, em fase Alpha. Isso significa que, apesar de funcional,eleainda tem bugs e ainda há muito o que fazer para torná-loumassistente realmente inteligente.No entanto o app já é capaz de reconhecer uma série decomandosde voz e realizar várias tarefas como discar para númerosna agendade contatos, abrir aplicativos, pesquisar na internet eobterinformações sobre letras de músicas, sinopses de filmesesignificados de palavras.IMPORTANTE!!!O aplicativo requer TRÊS componentes para funcionarcorretamente:VOZ, RECONHECIMENTO DE VOZ DO GOOGLE e conexão com aINTERNET.Caso o dispositivo não disponha de uma engine de voz (Conv.detexto em voz) deve ser baixado a do Google, que estádisponívelgratuitamente noendereço outras opções, a maioria são pagas, como o SVOX(Luciana) ouVoz TTS Brasileira Gabriel. Além disso, também épreciso ter oaplicativo de pesquisa por voz (VOICE SEARCH) doGoogle instalado.Caso não venha com o aparelho é preciso baixar daPlay Store. E casojá estejam instalados, uma boa ideia é atualizarpara a versão maisrecente.Se tiver tudo certo, e mesmo assim não funcionar pode serprecisomudar as configurações do dispositivo e mudar o IDIOMA paraoPortuguês. O local exato depende do aparelho e da versão doAndroid.Uma das opções é "Configurações" > "Idioma" &"Entrada" >"Conversão de texto em voz" para a VOZ e"Configurações" >"Idioma" > " Inserção" > "Fala" >"Pesquisa de voz" >"Linguagem".E, por fim, o último componente necessário para oAssistenteMinsky é uma boa conexão com a INTERNET. Sem ela oscomandos de voznão funciona. O mesmo vale para a maioria dosrecursos, quedependem de capturar dados externos como letras demúsicas esinopse de filmes.Comandos disponíveis=================Diga seu nomeVeja cotaçõesConverta escalas de temperaturaToque músicas com a vozVeja letras das músicasVeja sinopses de filmesEncontre informações sobre qualquer assuntoDescubra o significado de palavrasFaça traduçõesVeja a data e a horaVerifique como está o tempo na sua cidadeFaça cálculos usando a vozDescubra distâncias entre dois pontosVerifique o nível de carga da bateriaControle o brilho da telaControle o volume do dispositivoLigue e desligue o GPS, Wi-Fi e o BluetoothFaça ligaçõesEnvie SMSEnvie e-mailTire fotos rapidamenteDefina alarmesLocalize lugares e obtenha informações de estabelecimentosVeja as últimas notíciasConsulte horóscopoOuça piadas e charadasOuça frases inspiradoras=================================E muito mais deve ser acrescentado em breve.Minsky is avirtualassistant for Android smartphones and tablets developed withtheintention to facilitate the user's life. For this, theapplicationprovides a simple interface that eliminates settings andtries tomake use of voice recognition technology andartificialintelligence (AI) to bring answers and perform varioustaskswithout the use of hands to the example of the famousassistantSiri, the iPhone.The application development is still at an early stage, ieinAlpha stage. This means that although functional, it still hasbugsand there is still much to do to make it a reallysmartassistant.However the app is already able to recognize a series ofvoicecommands and perform various tasks such as call numbers intheaddress book, open applications, search the internetandinformation about lyrics, synopses of films and meaningsofwords.IMPORTANT !!!The application requires THREE components to functionproperly:VOICE, GOOGLE VOICE RECOGNITION and connection to theINTERNET.If the device does not have a voice engine (Conv. Of textintovoice) must be downloaded from Google, which is availableon Although there are other options, mostarepaid, including SVOX (Luciana) or TTS Brazilian Gabriel Voice.Inaddition, you must also have the search application Voice(VOICESEARCH) Google installed. If you do not come with the deviceyouneed to download from the Play Store. And if they arealreadyinstalled, a good idea is to upgrade to the latestversion.If you have everything right, and still does not work youmayneed to change the device settings and change the LANGUAGE forthePortuguese. The exact location depends on the device andAndroidversion. One option is "Settings"> "Language" &"input">"text-to-speech" for VOICE and "Settings">"Language">"Insert"> "Speak"> "Voice Search"> "language. "Finally, the last component necessary for the Minsky Wizard isagood connection to the INTERNET. Without it the voice commandswillnot work. The same goes for most features, which rely onexternaldata capture as lyrics and synopsis of movies.Available Commands=================State your nameSee pricesConvert temperature rangesPlay your music with voiceSee lyricsSee synopses of filmsFind information on any subjectDiscover the meaning of wordsMake translationsSee date and timeCheck how the weather in your cityMake calculations using voiceDiscover distances between two pointsCheck the battery charge levelControl the screen brightnessControl the device volumeTurn off and unplug the GPS, Wi-Fi and BluetoothMake callsSend SMSSend an emailTake photos quicklySet alarmsLocate places and get information establishmentsSee the latest newsSee horoscopeListen jokes and riddlesListen inspirational phrases=================================And many more to be added soon.
Virtual Secretary Pro 8.5.5
Dubrov Oleg
Virtual Secretary is a program designedtorecord all incoming and outgoing calls.-Have you ever wished that you could prove to someone that youdidsay something, or you did not promise anything?-Ever had your child tell you that they told you they arecominghome late and you can't remember?Now you can with the Virtual Secretary Pro!After you finish the conversation, the program will prompt youtoeither keep recorded conversation on the memory card or todelete itcompletely.This program is designed to help you in all aspects ofyourlife:-Your wife gave you the grocery list over the phone?-Your boss or your clients want to give you importantinformationover the phone and you are driving or you don't have apen?-You are out partying and can't remember the calls from thenightbefore?Now you do not have to worry about forgetting importantinformation.It is all yours to keep and access at any time. Ourprogram allowsyou to keep track of all that important stuff withnotes. Theprogram will keep track of all recorded calls by dateand time aswell.It is a must have for everyone!Facebook application page: for comments.TECH NOTES:Due to the fact that our program records conversation from thephoneline, on several models of the phones it may requirehardwaresupport in OS Kernet as well as Root Access.Additional information is also available on this forum: In many states in the USA as well other countries,itis illegal to record a telephone conversation without anexpressedpermission from the other party. We hold noresponsibility for theuse of this program and in no way promotethe use of it for illegalpurposes. Please review the laws of yourcountry/state regardingrecording conversations.
Portal do Aluno 4.0.45
The Student Portal can access your academic data. Android 4.4orhigher.
Virtual Secretary 1.8
How many times you get inauncomfortablesituation when your phone is ringing and you are atanappointment? Or you are receiving an important call but you areinthe middleof speaking and cannot answer with a message...VirtualSecretarydoes all the job for you. It automatically rejectscurrentcallsand answers it with appropriate message. All you needto do istocompose message/messages and click "Activate" buttonbeforeyourappointment or other activities that make you busy, andrelax.YourVirtual Secretary automatically puts your phone inMUTEstateavoiding embarrassing ringing, waits for a call and answeritwitha message.Virtual Secretary offers you two modes of operation. Thefirstmode(Single message), allows you to define one (single)messagethatwill be send to all the contacts that try to call you.Inthesecond mode (Separate messages) you can compose messagesforeachindividual contact that you select from your phonecontacts.Thisis very useful when you want to leave differentmessages toyourfamily, friends ... In this mode message is sentonly tothecontact that has been added to the list, calls fromothersarerejected without sending any message. Eachmodeimplementsmechanism that does not allow sending message morethanonce to thesame contact thus avoiding message spam andunwantedmobile trafficcharge. When you finish your obligation, youcan stopVirtualSecretary by clicking on "Deactivate" button fromtheapplication.Deactivating Virtual Secretary returns phone ringstatethat wasbefore activation.*Update* Virtual Secretary can be deactivatedautomaticallyforspecified amount of time, if the option isselected. See'what'snew' section.For any support please feel free to send request to [email protected] full time support and update. Thank you foryourtrust.Enjoy !
My Ministry Assistant
Jehovah's Witnesses family ministry service time and notes manager.
Mobile Assistant Real 1.1
Mobile assistant real is a best free ournewestmobile phone application for android users. Mobile assistantfreeapp is totally easier and redesigned to use for ever with muchpowerso you can join & start your meetings from your androidmobilephone schedule. So mobile assistan give you option to sendinvitesand access your enabled features. Mobile assistant appprovides youoptions to join your conference on the go by a singleone click soconferencing has never been easier by mobile phoneassistant such asif you are frequent traveler or unite meetingswhereas out of theoffice so mobile phone assistant manager is afree app and give you1-touch dialing into your conference from youandroid phone. SmartMobile assistant give you choice never againfumble for lengthy dialin numbers pins or codes by smart assistantmobile app your meetingis just only 1 single click away.Mobile phone assistant real increases our mobile phonesperformanceand apparently which boost your memory and os system andsavebattery life so assistant free app included with restorefeaturesand backup that help you backup applications like as apkfiles andrestore while you necessitate them. Mobile assistant appgive youbest powerful features like as monitor status as( ram, sdcard,battery, cpu, rom), system cleaner (thumbnail cache, emptyfolder,clipboard, browser, market history, cache),cache cleaner,cleanrunning process(process manager),power saver, batteryusage,uninstall app, system info, volume control, file manager,startuptime and apk backup and restore. You can control your manymobilefeatures through this real mobile phone assistant app likewifi,Bluetooth, Mobile network, Auto sync, GPS, Auto-rotatescreen,Vibrate, Sleep, Airplane mode, volume settings, PhoneRingtone,uninstall, Cache Clean, System info, System clear, Backupandrestore etc.Mobile assistant for android app is helps to know the model ofyourphone Cpu model, Ram, Rom, operating system of your phoneanddetail of sensors of your mobile phone. It also works likeRambooster and Battery saver by automatic stop your back runningapps.Mobile android Assistant real also helps you to efficientlyandeasily manage for your android mobile phone and tablets somobileandroid assistant cleaner app is the best comprehensiveandpowerful management tools. Mobile assistant real cleaner freeappclean your junk file data and improves your androidmobilemanagement and it speed up your mobile running speed.Assistantmobile app improves auto boost & quick boost candistinguishdifferent types of processes thus it will not kill fatalsystemprocesses and ignore list in apps.Features:• Quick booster and Ram booster• Live Ram and Rom monitoring• Live Battery and CPU monitoring• Mobile phone device information• Clean Cache and junk files
SechBot (Asistente de Voz) 6.1
Con SechBot podras sentir lo que eshablarconuna maquina ,Hablale ,dale ordenes,dile que abra appsymuchomas...La inteligencia Artificial es elfuturoSechBottambien.With SechBot youcanfeelwhat it's talking to a machine, talk, give orders, tell himtoopenapps and more ... Artificial intelligence is thefutureSechBottoo.
Mi asistente 30.08.20
Mediante esta aplicación podrás realizar fácilmente lastareasmáshabituales que hoy en día se realizan con unteléfonointeligente.- Puedes realizar una búsqueda en Internet. -Puedesescribir odictar un mensaje y luego compartirlo concualquieraplicaciónsocial que tengas instalada, correo, twitter,whatsapp,line, ... -También puedes buscar una dirección, un lugar ouncódigo postal enun mapa tal como cines, restaurantes, etcsidispones de tuubicación activada te buscará siempre los lugaresmáspróximos a tuposición. - Incluso puedes escribir y editar notas.-Permiteañadir facilmente eventos al calendario para programarlos.-Podrásabrir de un solo toque las aplicaciones más utilizadascomolacalculadora, la grabadora de sonidos, la linterna, elcorreodegmail, la cámara de fotos o video, etc,... Todos loscomentariosysugerencias sobre esta app y funcionalidades y mejorasquedeseesque añadamos en próximas actualizaciones puedes enviarlosalcorreodel desarrollador. Gracias por utilizar esta app.
Mi Asistente 1.1.3
Mi Asistente es una plataforma degestióndeinformación para Networkers y personas que trabajen enmercadeo,esun asistente personal que apoya la gestión detusprospectos.Te permite sincronizar tus contactos de celular con laplataformademanera que tengas toda tu base de datos cargada tansolo conunclick, puedes llevar el registro de cada contacto quetienescontus prospectos, asignarles estados para agruparlos segúnelavancede tu proceso, filtrar tus prospectos por estadovalidandocómoavanza cada etapa de tu proceso, programar próximoscontactosyrecibir recordatorios para que seas la persona que haceloquedice, crear planes de seguimiento de prospectosdefiniendoquéacciones se realizarán cada día y al asignar tusprospectos aestosplanes, Mi Asistente realizará a tu nombre lasaccionesqueprogramaste (como enviar correos con información), deestaformapodrás educar tus prospectos poco a poco y darlesinformacióndevalor sin tener que hacer esfuerzo alguno, esto tepermite tenertuprospecto pensando en tu oferta y digerir lainformación pocoapoco.Adicionalmente puedes programar el envío de mensajesyhacerseguimiento de la información que envías, Mi asistenteteinformarácuando tu material es visto, cuantas veces se visualizóyte daráestadísticas del interés de tus prospectos sobrelainformación queles envías.My Assistantisaninformation management platform for Networkers andpeopleworkingin marketing, it is a personal assistant thatsupportsthemanagement of your prospects.It allows you to synchronize your phone with the platform soyouhaveall your database loaded only with one click, you cankeeptrack ofevery contact you have with your prospects, assignstatesto groupthem according to the progress of your process,filteringyourprospects by state validating how each stage ofyourprocessadvances, program close contacts and receive remindersforyou tobe the person who does what he says, createmonitoringplansprospects defining what actions will be taken eachday andassignyour prospects these plans, my assistant held in yournamethat youprogrammed actions (such as sending emailswithinformation), thisway you can educate your prospects slowlyandgive them valuableinformation without having to make anyeffort,this allows you tohave your prospect thinking on your offeranddigest theinformation slowly.Additionally you can schedule the sending of messages andkeeptrackof the information you send, My assistant will informyouwhen yourmaterial is seen as often visualized and givestatisticsof interestto your prospects about the information yousendthem.
Panda Assistant for android 1.0.7
Panda Assistant for androidPanda Assistant is a smart assistive touch tool that helps youtouse Android phones quickly and easily.Let Panda Assistant helps with accessing your apps quickly andseeall of your notifications on any screen. Use the uninstallertoclear apps or backup your favorite ones. Ask for help fromthevoice assistant to find anything you want. Switch appsseamlesslywith the app switcher and use the speed booster to clearunusedapps for some free memory and a faster phone.Panda Assistant tries to maximize and improve yourAndroidcapability.►Home Screen PandaA cute panda will be always waiting for you at the home screen.Justone tap to fast access powerful functionalities. At the sametime,you can move the assistive touch icon wherever you want andchangeits size.►App Launcher - Access all the utility apps and settingsinone placeQuickly turn on/off system settings likeWifi/Bluetooth/Airplanemode and easily access tools like Flashlight/ Camera / Gallery /Alarm Clock / File Manager / SystemSettings.►App Switcher - One tap to switch recent appsA fast and accurate way to find & launch apps by recenttasksand new installed. Avoid spending time to look for your appbyswiping many screens.Save time and boost multitasking, switch between tasks and appswiththis app switcher.►Notification Manager - Handy messages centerA powerful and convenient unread messages / notifications manager-it shows unread messages number of WhatsApp / Facebook /Messenger/ WeChat / Line / Google+ / Gmail / SMS / Missing callsetc. Itsupports most of the social apps, email apps and news apps.It alsoreminds you about the new pictures taken and up-coming AlarmClock/ Calendar etc.►Support of various Speech and Voice AssistantsPanda Assistant supports Google Now, Cortana,,DragonMobile Assistant, Jarvis, Indigo,Pocket,ANDY, Robin,DataBot,Jeannie, HOUND etc.Just use speech control and do a voice search if you are inahurry.►Speed Booster - Speed up your phoneFree up memory, clear unused apps and get a speed booster foryourphone with just a tap.►APP manager - App Uninstaller and BackupUninstall any unused apps with the App Uninstaller to free updiskspace. Backup your favorite ones to APK file to SD Card.Sortapplications by name, size and date. Also you can seeeveryavailable detail of any app like name, version, size, date,packageetc.►Panda Music - Music scenarioWhen plug your headphones into smart phone or wirelessspeakersconnect to your cellphone by bluetooth, a panda withheadphoneswill appear to help you play music or video in a easyway.- Suppose you want to fast access to apps of Gallery,Filemanager, App Manager, Flashlight, settings.- Suppose you want to open recent / favorite apps in a hurry.- Suppose you want to quickly open or uninstall apps.- Suppose you want to reach the unread messages / notificationsatany screen.- Suppose you want to launch any of the Google apps inoneplace.- Suppose you want to clean ram and speed up your phone.- Suppose you want to listen to music or watch movie after yourputon headphones.- Suppose you want to do a search with voice.- Suppose you want to just have a relax.... ...If you like Panda Assistant for android - our smartassistivetouch tool, please give us a good rating and review.Please feel free to contact us with your feedback or [email protected]. We love to hear from you!Touch Panda right now on the home screen. Panda Assistantwillalways satisfy you with just one simple touch.
Asistente Virtual (AVI) 1.0.3
Apalancados en la creación de procesosdeautogestión para brindarte mejores soluciones,Iberosegurospresenta tu nuevo Asistente Virtual Ibero (AVI). Esteaplicativodesarrollado con última tecnología, funciona como unchatinteractivo que te permitirá realizar operaciones yobtenerrespuestas oportunas en tiempo real.Tu nuevo Asistente virtual te permite:Realizar cotizaciones de automóvil.Solicitar emisiones de pólizas de automóvil.Notificar siniestros.Realizar consultas generales.Leveraged in thecreationof self-management processes to give you bestsolutions,Iberoseguros presents your new Virtual Assistant Ibero(AVI). Thisapplication developed with latest technology, functionsas aninteractive chat that lets you perform operations and gettimelyresponses in real time.Your new virtual assistant allows you to:Perform auto quotes.Request emissions auto policies.Report claims.General inquiries.
Asistente Docente 1.02
Esta aplicación optimiza losprocesosmásimportantesque realizan los docentes durante las clases.Entrelasopciones encontraremos:- Crear un propio horario de clases de facil uso.- Administrar las actividades que se realizan comodeberes,trabajos,examenes, etc.- Administrar asistencias a clases.- Recibir notificaciones cuando se cumpla eol plazodeunaactividad.- Manejo de varios periodos académicos personalizables- Administrar los alumnos.- Enviar tareas a alumnos.- Importar alumnos desde archivo EXCEL.- Realizar archivos en formato xad (Archivos propiosdelaaplicación)- Subir y cargar respaldos en la nuve- Exportar datos en formato EXCEL- Brinda seguridad por clave o por lector de huella (GalaxyS5).Además de tener una interfáz colorida y accionesnovedosascomoeliminaciones rápidas de lista, cacelacionesdinamicas,etc.Thisapplicationstreamlines processes more importantesque teachersmadeduringlessons. Recreational find:- Create your own class schedule easy use.- Manage the activities carried out as homework,papers,exams,etc.- Manage attendance at classes.- Receive notifications when eol within an activity is met.- Management of several personalized academic periods- Manage the students.- Send tasks to students.- Import students from EXCEL file.- Perform xad format files (My Documents application)- Upload and load backups nuve- Export data in EXCEL format- Provides security key or fingerprint reader (Galaxy S5).Besides having a colorful interface and innovativeactionsasquick eliminations list, cacelaciones dynamics, etc.
Green Donate 2.6.4
Battery Aid.
*WINNER: Battery Aid is a finalistinAckuna's2015 App contest!*Battery Aid works with your device & Battery Savermodetoincrease battery life even further. Beautiful Materialdesign.Noads!- BattStats: All your Battery Statistics inonebeautifulplace.- Low Battery helper.- Auto-stop Wifi / Bluetooth / Data, when not in use-i.e.Not connected to a Wifi network, or Paired with aBluetoothdevice,for the given period.- Simple Screen controls. Quickly minimise brightnesstosavebattery.- Auto-enable Bluetooth in a Car Dock!- Reminders of good times to charge, e.g. battery lowatbedtime.Take back your battery life beautifully.Join the Beta for early access if you like: Identity (G+ Account): +1 button in app.- Wifi, Bluetooth: Aid functionality.- Device Information: Screen Aid(changesSystemsettings).- Pictures/Media/Files: Uses some stock icons.
Voice Assistant for Message
Most of the time you really don't wanttotypemessage with your fingers, its really boring.Thisapplicationtakes voice as input and covert it into text.The text can easily be sent as Message.Application features:- Record message by speaking- Once recorded, application lists matching sentences,youcanselect the exact one.- You can edit the converted message before sendingitasMessageNote: This application requires internet connection togetbestmatching words of your speech.