Top 19 Apps Similar to WhatsAlarm

You can scope he/she with Wscope andreceivenotifications instantly when he/she is online onWhatsAppYou can view how many times logged in-out, and online durationsonWhatsApp.Able to scope even last seen turned off or blocked, and you cangetinstant notifications when gets online on WhatsApp.You can find out the total number of minutes that remainonlineduring the day, also weekly and monthly onlinedurations.In short, Wscope, a tool that you can findout he/she lies toyou:)Wscope Premium will serve unlimited Premium members anymore!Hurry up to become a lucky Premium member.Wscope's accurate correct information rate is 99%. %1 reservedforpossible natural disasters on our World.You can email us for detected errors.Enjoy.
WhatsEye 2.0
WhatsEye is a monitoring tool of yourWhatsAppcontacts. You can add the contacts you wish to monitor andkeeptrack of their WhatsApp history during that period.
WhatsAlert enhances the WhatsAppnotificationsletting you know who is writing using different tonesandalerts.● Define a custom tone for each contact or group. Know whoiswriting without reaching for your phone constantly.● Get a special notification and sound when someone mentions you.Ifyou are busy and can't keep up with a conversation, at leastyouknow if someone is calling for you.Are you tired of that WhatsApp group that has 100 messagesperminute? Now you can set a custom soft tone for it, or muteitpermanently. But if someone mentions you, WhatsAlert willnotifyyou with a system notification and a custom tone, so youdon't missany important messages.This is a 30-day trial version with all the features. If you findituseful, you can buy the full version with a one-timein-apppurchase.Samsung phones users: please note that enabling theAccessibilityService may cause your phone to speak out loud allactions. This isa known Samsung TouchWiz bug. Unfortunately, we arenot aware ofany workaround, the only fix we can recommend is todisable theAccessibility Service and uninstall WhatsAlert :(
WhatsUnread 1.1
VinVar Soft
******************When you receive a new message on Notification bar,SelectWhatsUnread and read the message in WhatsUnread App******************** Getting frustrated with blue ticks.* Don't want your friends to know that you have readhis/hermessage* Has "last seen at" status bothering you?Worry no more. Restore your privacy by downloading UnreadForWhatsapp and see all your messages in this app. Blue ticks willnotbe sent to your friend and last seen will not get updated.NOTE:1. Image, Audio and Video messages will not be shown in UnreadforWhatsapp2. Please read all the unread messages in WhatsApp for this apptofunction properly
WhatsWeb 1.0.3
Dots Apps
WhatsWeb is an easy to use WhatsApp Webwhichhelps you to realtime view all the WhatsApp conversationslikeWhatsApp messages,WhatsApp call records that take place in thesameWhatsApp account.The app only requires to scan your QR Code generated inWhatsWebinto another device WhatsApp under WhatsApp on Web menu andonce itdoes it will give you detailed information about allWhatsAppconversation of another device.Salient features of WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp :☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to accessWhatsAppconversions of your another phone.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to use sameWhatsAppaccount from different android devices like mobilesandtablets.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to run multipleWhatsAppaccount in same mobile.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to send andreceivemessages, pictures or even videos from your friendsandfamily.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to easily controlyourchildren WhatsApp with clone WhatsApp account with WhatsWebforWhatsApp.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to access full WhatsAppoftarget device without installing any software in another devicetoaccess your WhatsApp account☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp is a completely free tool.Important Note: This app in no way claims to be affiliatedto,associated with, or sponsored by WhatsAppDisclaimer: This app is only for personal use.Come give it a try! Don’t forget to give us a 5-Star(★★★★★)rating if you like us.Mail us: [email protected]
Last Seen Off 2.2
Harb Apps
ONLY ANDROID 4.4 OR LESS: THE APP WON'TWORKIFYOU UPGRADE TO THE LATEST ANDROID SYSTEM (ANDROID 5.0(LOLLIPOP)ANDLATER).Last Seen Off does not change your WhatsApp Last Seenstatuswhenyou chat with your friends. Simply open this app whenyoureceive aWhatsApp notification, choose your desiredconnectionthen tap the"Go Stealth" button. This will open WhatsAppwith yourWifi and3G/4G connections off. Read your friends' messagesandanswer themas you would normally. When done, exit WhatsApptoreturn to thisapplication.Now you have three choices:1- Tap the "Send" button to reactivate your connectionsandsendyour messages.2- Wait until your friends reply then tap "Go Stealth"againtoopen WhatsApp invisibly.3- To exit, tap the back button on your phone. You willgetthesame results as choice 1.For any inquiry send a message to: [email protected] being invisible.
Agenten Deutsch 1.2
German agents to NSA-defense and encryption of text to your friends
Panic Button Selfie 1.7
Ultima actualización:Esta versión permite una nueva forma de disparo, siendoahorauntotal de 3. La nueva manera es sacudir fuertemente variasveceselteléfono, la tradicional mediante un botón paraselfiesopresionando 3 veces consecutivas el botón deencendido.Estasopciones ahora se pueden habilitar o deshabilitardemaneraindependiente. El teléfono vibrará confirmandolaactivación.Es una aplicación que convierte en un botón de pánico,aunteléfono celular inteligente junto a undisparadorexternoinalámbrico Bluetooth, comercializadohabitualmente paratomarfotografías denominadas selfies de maneraremota. Cuando elusuarioactiva el botón, en una situación deemergencia, éste seconecta alteléfono celular y envía pedidos deayuda a los destinosde SMS yemail configurados en la aplicación.Luego de activarse, seenvíacada 10 minutos la ubicación obtenidadel GPS del teléfono.Muyútil para en casos de robos conocidos comoentraderas,salideras,víctimas de violencia familiar, personasmayores,choferes de taxisy colectivos, y público en general. Suventaja esque es fácil deaccionar, discreto y utiliza dispositivosmuydifundidos, por lotanto solo es necesario instalar unaaplicación,para convertir aestos dos elementos en un botón depánico.Atención:El usuario debe contar previamente con undisparadordenominadocomercialmente como "Remote Bluetooth Shutter"y estarinstaladocorrectamente para que esta aplicaciónfuncione.Preguntas frecuentes:¿Qué teléfonos son compatibles?Los que traen Bluetooth versión 3.0 o superior.¿Que ventajas tiene?Es muy fácil de accionar ya que el usuario no necesitatocarelteléfono para pedir ayuda.Pueden usarlo personas sin conocimientos de tecnología.¿Cuantos destinatarios se pueden configurar?Hasta 3 destinos de SMSs y 3 de e-mail.¿Cuál es el costo de mantenimiento?Los gastos ocasionados por este sistema son los queaplicaelproveedor de telefonía celular por el envío de SMS y porconexiónaInternet.¿Como detengo el envío de mensajes?Ingresando a la aplicación con su contraseña puededetenerlasalertas y también informar a todos los destinos si fuéunafalsaalarma.¿Que pasa si se apaga el teléfono?Si se había activado el botón, cuando el teléfonovuelvaaencenderse, tratará de continuar enviando alertas, aúnsihayancambiado la tarjeta SIM.¿Cuantos botones puedo asociar al teléfono?Solo uno. Es posible reemplazarlo desde la configuracióndelaaplicación, pero siempre funcionará con un únicobotónbluetoothasociado.¿Por qué no se puede apagar el Bluetooth del teléfonodespuésdeinstalar la aplicación?Porque queda a la espera de una conexión del botón encasodeemergencia.¿Se pueden conectar otros dispositivos Bluetooth alteléfono?Si.¿Puedo seguir tomando fotografías con eldisparadorBluetoothdespués de instalar la aplicación yasociarlo?No¿Qué alcance tiene?El disparador Bluetooth debe permanecer a una distancia menora8metros del teléfono para que la comunicación entreambosseestablezca.¿Puede fallar el envío de coordenadas GPS?Si. Primero es necesario que se habilite la opciónenlaconfiguración de su teléfono, para permitir alasaplicacionesobtener la ubicación por medio del GPS. Ensegundolugardependiendo de las condiciones ambientales donde seencuentraelteléfono, puede que no obtenga la intensidad de señaldelossatélites suficiente para determinar la ubicación otengaerroressignificativos.¿Puede fallar el envío de e-mails?Si. Debe tener conexión a Internet para poder enviarlos.¿Puede fallar el envío de SMS?Si. Debe tener saldo suficiente en su prooveedordetelefoníacelular para que permita el envío de mensajes.¿Puede configurarse la aplicación en más de un idioma?Si. Por el momento están disponibles las opciones enInglésyEspañol.Last update:This version allows a new way of shooting, being now a totalof3.The new way is strongly shake the phone severaltimes,thetraditional means of a button or pressing selfies3consecutivetimes the power button. These options can now beenabledordisabled independently. The phonevibratesconfirmingactivation.It is an application that becomes a panic button, asmartcellphone with a Bluetooth wireless external trigger,usuallymarketedto take pictures selfies called remotely. When theuseractivatesthe button in an emergency situation, it connects tothecell phoneand send requests for help to destinations SMS andemailconfiguredin the application. After activated, it is sentevery 10minutesthe obtained phone GPS location. Very useful incases oftheftknown as entraderas, salideras, victims ofdomesticviolence,elderly, taxi drivers and groups, and the generalpublic.Itsadvantage is that it is easy to operate, unobtrusive andusesverycommon devices therefore only need to install anapplicationtoconvert these two elements in a panic button.Attention:The user must first have a trigger commerciallyknownas"Bluetooth Remote Shutter" and be installed correctlyforthisapplication to work.Frequent questions:What phones are supported?Those who bring Bluetooth version 3.0 or higher.What are the advantages?It is very easy to operate because the user does not needtotouchthe phone for help.They can use people without knowledge of technology.How many recipients can be configured?Up to 3 destinations 3 SMSs and e-mail.What is the maintenance cost?Expenses incurred by this system are those applied bythecellphone provider for sending SMS and Internet connection.How do I stop sending messages?Entering the password application may stop alerts andalsoinformall destinations if it was a false alarm.What if the phone is turned off?If the button had been activated when the phone turned backon,itwill try to continue sending alerts, even if they havechangedtheSIM card.How many buttons can associate the phone?Only one. It is possible to replace from theapplicationsettings,but always work with a single bluetoothbuttonassociated.Why can not I turn off the Bluetooth phone afterinstallingtheapplication?Because it is waiting for a connection button incaseofemergency.Can I connect other Bluetooth devices to your phone?Yes.Can I keep taking pictures with the Bluetoothtriggerafterinstalling the application and associate it?Do notWhat is the scope?The Bluetooth trigger must remain at less than 8metersdistancetelephone for communication between themisestablished.Can you fail to send GPS coordinates?Yes. First it is necessary that the option in the settingsofyourphone is enabled to allow applications to get thelocationthroughGPS. Second depending on the environmentalconditions wherethephone, you may not get the signal strength ofsufficientinformationto determine the location or have significanterrorssatellites.Can you fail to send e-mails?Yes. You must have an Internet connection to send.You can fail sending SMS?Yes. You must have enough balance in your cell phone onsfromtoallow sending messages.You can configure the application in more than one language?Yes. By the time options are available in EnglishandSpanish.
Update for whatsapp 1.2.5
Update for whatsapp is an unofficial appwhichwill make you be the first to be notified when a new versionofwhatsapp is released.The app makes the update process really easy and offers youanswerto the most frequently asked questions.Enjoy the new whatsapp features before your friends even knowaboutthem and get security updates quickly so you can becarefree.Furthermore, you will discover other useful whatsapp add-onsthatwill make your life easier.Don't be the last one to get whatsapp Updates!This app is not an official whatsapp application and it isnotassociated with WhatsApp Inc.
WhatsApp Message Scheduler 1.10
WhatsApp Chat Scheduler is an applicationthatprovide the functionality to send WhatsApp mesage on yourselectedtime to your selected friends/user.THE BEST SCHEDULER APP FOR WHATSAPP -This app is ideal for:✪ Unique Application that provide scheduling for messaging.✪ Anyone who want to wish birthday to their friends they cancansend message using scheduling functionality.✪ Also use as remainder to reminds the specific work related toyourwhatsapp friend .✪ Quick and simple design to provide the easy interface.✪ Application with simple popup to understand useofapplication.After installation it will ask you to set a Password withhintoption, and will show the contacts screen to schedule messagetothat contact.You can customize password, also use hint password if youforgotyour password.Single click to remove the schedule.You can also schedule a list of message to singlewhatsappfriends.
Mesej Je - tools for WA 3.0.4
WA chat marketing tool, auto-reply, and business tools
Auto Text: Schedule.Send.Reply 5.1.4
Automate messages on WhatsApp, Telegram and SMS. Mass text&send bulk messages.
WA Scheduler 1.0
It reminds user to sendpredefinedmessage,photo, video and audio to particular recipient orgroup /broadcastthrough whats app on which user scheduledtime.
WeProfile 3.0.2
Kodnet Mobile
You can view any WhatsApp registerednumber'sProfile Picture, Status, Lastseen & OnlineTracker.WeProfile can be used for an unknown numbers serviceforWhatsApp!You can query;- WhatsApp profile pictures,- Status messages,- Last seen dates,- Online presecenceswith WeProfile.Also WeProfile Premium members can use auto-querywhichautomatically queries selected numbers several times each dayandnotifies on any changes.You can view your all contacts last seen dates and statusmessageswith profile pictures on the same time.Also you can save large and high quality profile pictures toyourgallery.WeProfile is an unique application which servicesWhatsApplastseens, status messages and profile pictures on the sameplace,and notifies on changes!Why to use WeProfile:- there is no way other for tracking WhatsAppprofilepictures,- you can query profile details for any WhatsApp numbersincludingblocked ones,- there is no other app to view contact list whatsappprofiledetails on a sheet,- you can query a number without adding to your phonebook,- WeProfile is also an unknown numbers app for WhatsApp!- WeProfile is unique on its lane, and should be in necessarilylistof your common apps.Try WeProfile now!You can auto-query your contact list details for free whenyouwish!WeProfile uses your contact list only with your permission toqueryyour contact's WhatsApp profile details. To do this,WeProfileneeds to collect your contact list and uploads it toWeProfilequery servers to query profile details. This action isexecutedtotally under and after your permission, otherwiseWeProfile doesnot query/collect/upload your contact listever.
Panic Button Selfie Demo 1.5
Atención: Esta aplicación es un demo,quetieneun período de prueba de 2 días a partir de suinstalación,luego detranscurrido el período de prueba dejará defuncionar.Ultima actualización:Esta versión permite una nueva forma de disparo, siendoahorauntotal de 3. La nueva manera es sacudir fuertemente variasveceselteléfono, la tradicional mediante un botón paraselfiesopresionando 3 veces consecutivas el botón deencendido.Estasopciones ahora se pueden habilitar o deshabilitardemaneraindependiente. El teléfono vibrará confirmandolaactivación.Es una aplicación que convierte en un botón de pánico,aunteléfono celular inteligente junto a undisparadorexternoinalámbrico Bluetooth, comercializadohabitualmente paratomarfotografías denominadas selfies de maneraremota. Cuando elusuarioactiva el botón, en una situación deemergencia, éste seconecta alteléfono celular y envía pedidos deayuda a los destinosde SMS yemail configurados en la aplicación.Luego de activarse, seenvíacada 10 minutos la ubicación obtenidadel GPS del teléfono.Muyútil para en casos de robos conocidos comoentraderas,salideras,víctimas de violencia familiar, personasmayores,choferes de taxisy colectivos, y público en general. Suventaja esque es fácil deaccionar, discreto y utiliza dispositivosmuydifundidos, por lotanto solo es necesario instalar unaaplicación,para convertir aestos dos elementos en un botón depánico.Nota: el usuario debe contar previamente conundisparadordenominado comercialmente como "Remote BluetoothShutter"y estarinstalado correctamente para que estaaplicaciónfuncione.Preguntas frecuentes:¿Que ventajas tiene?Es muy fácil de accionar ya que el usuario no necesitatocarelteléfono para pedir ayuda.Pueden usarlo personas sin conocimientos de tecnología.¿Cuantos destinatarios se pueden configurar?Hasta 3 destinos de SMSs y 3 de e-mail.¿Cuál es el costo de mantenimiento?Los gastos ocasionados por este sistema son los queaplicaelproveedor de telefonía celular por el envío de SMS y porconexiónaInternet.¿Como detengo el envío de mensajes?Ingresando a la aplicación con su contraseña puededetenerlasalertas y también informar a todos los destinos si fuéunafalsaalarma.¿Que pasa si se apaga el teléfono?Si se había activado el botón, cuando el teléfonovuelvaaencenderse, tratará de continuar enviando alertas, aúnsihayancambiado la tarjeta SIM.¿Cuantos botones puedo asociar al teléfono?Solo uno. Es posible reemplazarlo desde la configuracióndelaaplicación, pero siempre funcionará con un únicobotónbluetoothasociado.¿Por qué no se puede apagar el Bluetooth del teléfonodespuésdeinstalar la aplicación?Porque queda a la espera de una conexión del botón encasodeemergencia.¿Se pueden conectar otros dispositivos Bluetooth alteléfono?Si.¿Puedo seguir tomando fotografías con eldisparadorBluetoothdespués de instalar la aplicación yasociarlo?No¿Qué alcance tiene?El disparador Bluetooth debe permanecer a una distancia menora8metros del teléfono para que la comunicación entreambosseestablezca.¿Puede fallar el envío de coordenadas GPS?Si. Primero es necesario que se habilite la opciónenlaconfiguración de su teléfono, para permitir alasaplicacionesobtener la ubicación por medio del GPS. Ensegundolugardependiendo de las condiciones ambientales donde seencuentraelteléfono, puede que no obtenga la intensidad de señaldelossatélites suficiente para determinar la ubicación otengaerroressignificativos.¿Puede fallar el envío de e-mails?Si. Debe tener conexión a Internet para poder enviarlos.¿Puede fallar el envío de SMS?Si. Debe tener saldo suficiente en su prooveedordetelefoníacelular para que permita el envío de mensajes.¿Puede configurarse la aplicación en más de un idioma?Si. Por el momento están disponibles las opciones enInglésyEspañol.Note: This applicationisademo, which has a trial period of 2 days afterinstallation,afterthe expiration of the trial period will stopworking.Last update:This version allows a new way of shooting, being now a totalof3.The new way is strongly shake the phone severaltimes,thetraditional means of a button or pressing selfies3consecutivetimes the power button. These options can now beenabledordisabled independently. The phonevibratesconfirmingactivation.It is an application that becomes a panic button, asmartcellphone with a Bluetooth wireless external trigger,usuallymarketedto take pictures selfies called remotely. When theuseractivatesthe button in an emergency situation, it connects tothecell phoneand send requests for help to destinations SMS andemailconfiguredin the application. After activated, it is sentevery 10minutesthe obtained phone GPS location. Very useful incases oftheftknown as entraderas, salideras, victims ofdomesticviolence,elderly, taxi drivers and groups, and the generalpublic.Itsadvantage is that it is easy to operate, unobtrusive andusesverycommon devices therefore only need to install anapplicationtoconvert these two elements in a panic button.Note: The user must first obtain a trigger commerciallyknownas"Bluetooth Remote Shutter" and be installed correctlyforthisapplication to work.Frequent questions:What are the advantages?It is very easy to operate because the user does not needtotouchthe phone for help.They can use people without knowledge of technology.How many recipients can be configured?Up to 3 destinations 3 SMSs and e-mail.What is the maintenance cost?Expenses incurred by this system are those applied bythecellphone provider for sending SMS and Internet connection.How do I stop sending messages?Entering the password application may stop alerts andalsoinformall destinations if it was a false alarm.What if the phone is turned off?If the button had been activated when the phone turned backon,itwill try to continue sending alerts, even if they havechangedtheSIM card.How many buttons can associate the phone?Only one. It is possible to replace from theapplicationsettings,but always work with a single bluetoothbuttonassociated.Why can not I turn off the Bluetooth phone afterinstallingtheapplication?Because it is waiting for a connection button incaseofemergency.Can I connect other Bluetooth devices to your phone?Yes.Can I keep taking pictures with the Bluetoothtriggerafterinstalling the application and associate it?Do notWhat is the scope?The Bluetooth trigger must remain at less than 8metersdistancetelephone for communication between themisestablished.Can you fail to send GPS coordinates?Yes. First it is necessary that the option in the settingsofyourphone is enabled to allow applications to get thelocationthroughGPS. Second depending on the environmentalconditions wherethephone, you may not get the signal strength ofsufficientinformationto determine the location or have significanterrorssatellites.Can you fail to send e-mails?Yes. You must have an Internet connection to send.You can fail sending SMS?Yes. You must have enough balance in your cell phone onsfromtoallow sending messages.You can configure the application in more than one language?Yes. By the time options are available in EnglishandSpanish.
Fleep - Free Team Messenger 2.22.11
Fleep is a flexible messenger that integrates with email andletsyoustore and share files easily. It enables communicationwithinandacross organizations - be it your team chats,projectcommunicationor one-to-one conversations. In Fleep you can:*easily createconversations with your teams, consisting ofanycombination ofpeople from within and outside the organization;*add people toconversations and teams with their email address-and they willreceive messages as emails until they sign uptoFleep; * always seewho is participating in the conversationandhow far they have readthe messages; * easily share files ofanysize; * access all yourconversations and files on any device -allin sync and securelystored in Fleep’s cloud; * edit sentmessagesto make corrections; *create, assign and manage tasks; *easilysearch across conversationsto find the information you need.
Update for WhatsApp 4.0.9
Thanks to this unofficial application youwillknow at each instant updates Whatsapp and find help ontheoperation of the messaging application, will inform the numberofinstalled version and published in the market and will alsoreceivean alarm whenever you can update WhatsApp.Keep updated whatsapp for improvements.
handsfree for Whatsapp 1.1.0
handsfree for Whatsapp read aloudwhatsapmessages while driving or when you can not be aware of themobilephone.This app tells you who write you and what they are writingyou,being a companion application can listen to your messages andwillnot appear to your contacts online.Enjoy your conversations whatsapp, including groups, whatevertheapplication will tell you the name of the group and the memberandthe message written. Is somebody writing you and can not readyourposts? You know the police could fine you ... tired of longtripsalone? Or from work only with the same music ever? alltheseproblems are over with whatsapp drive hands-free, yourwasapfinally speaks!Possible uses:- You're fixing and late for an appointment or a meetingwithfriends, active whatsapp drive and listen to your notificationstolose no time in opening the app and be reading.- Are you busy with your hands while you work? Activates the appandknow at all times what is discussing in groups orpersonalmessages.- Practicing in the gym or running ... how many times we had tostopto read messages whatsapp? It's over! Put on your headphonesmusicfor privacy and hear all your notifications!Notes:- If you are playing music and you get a message from our activeappwhatsapp, the two things work together. You will continuelisteningto the music and also the notification.- Note also that: With the program open and running will continuetodictate voice notes even if you pick up a call.- You have an option to allow the program to operate only when itisopen or keep it running even with the phone locked.The application is available in several languages but themessagesare played with the accent of the language you haveinstalled onyour mobile phone.
HeyYapp Messenger 1.1.9
Launching a project thatcanaccumulatethousands of users in one place?You can find the full template project at: can download a sample iOS app with fullfeaturesactivatedform this link in .ipa format: SECOND VERSION READY:Hey Yapp! 1.1.9 is ready for purchase or update, we have added:ChartBoost support or monetizationFrameworks updates to last versionsVideo call fix for iOS and AndroidMinor bug fixesChatHey Yapp! comes with powerful instant messaging right outofthebox. Powered by Quickblox backend technologies,withcompatibilityfor server-side chat history, group chats,attachmentsand useravatars, it's pretty powerful. It also has chatbubbles anduserpresence (online/offline).Chat UsersHey Yapp! users can sign-up with just a Facebook accountorsignin with an email address. They can also updatetheirprofilepicture, status message, contact details andavatar.Chat MediaSend photos, videos and voice recordings with ease andwithnolimits - these files are stored safely in theQuickbloxcloud.Chat GroupsWhether it's the football team or your family, creatingagroupchat is so simple that your grandma could do it (and ifshedoes,it's easy to leave too)Video callingOne of the coolest technologies of the 21st century, HeyYapp!hasHD video calling powered by Quickblox WebRTC right out ofthebox.It's peer-to-peer to reduce latency and bandwidth and hasasimpleuser interface that you'd expect from the tech giants -easycameraswitching and muting.WebRTC is a great solution for video and audiocalling.WebRTCitself it open-source, so you can modify the code asmuch asyouwish, or you can trust the thousands of skilleddeveloperswhocontributed to it’s development.Push notificationsInstant, easy and free notifications are fullyintegratedintoboth the iOS and Android versions of HeyYapp!.Receivenotifications for chat messages, incoming calls andanyothercustom alert that you want to send from the CMSstylemessagesdashboard. As you'd expect, they're also presenceaware -so usersonly see them when they should.AlertsSend alerts to your users whenever you want - whether itbeaproduct update, a warning notification or just tosayhappybirthday - it's available.Custom messagesCustomise messages from chatting friends with the aidofmergetags, badge counter customization and more. You canconveyexactlythe message you want.DashboardConfigure your push settings, send alerts to your usersandviewyour past messages through the easy-to-useQuickbloxCMS-styledashboardDisclaimer: This project is derived from the free opensourceprojectQ-municate. You can download itfromhere: What you are paying forbygetting HeyYapp! is our version of the Quickblox app toincludemorefunctionality and complete modernization / redesign oftheUI.