Top 4 Apps Similar to SchulApp ASS Nienburg

قصص قبل النوم - الإصدار الأخير 1.6
قصص قبل النوم هو تطبيق عربي 100% يحتوي علىمئاتالقصص التي يقصها الأهل او الأجداد سابقا قبل النوم , حيث نعلمانه فيثراثنا القديم يجتمع الأبناء حول الجد او الجدة لرواية القصصحتى انينام الأطفال الصغار . كقصص جحا , قصص الذئب الماكر و قصصالأنبياء والرسل أيضا .يحتوي تطبيق قصص قبل النوم على العديد من القصص الدينية والتعليميةالتي تساعد الطفل في حياته و حينما يكبر حيث تعلمه الأخلاق وحسنالتعامل و الإنصات للأكبر في السن و الوالدين أيضا .من بعض القصص التي يحتوي عليها التطبيق :قصة آدمقصة نوحقصص الأنبياءالفأر الذكيحكيم القرودالفأر و المحارةالوالي و العسلالذئب و الكيسالحمار و الذئبظل شجرة التوتقاتل الأسودالقاضي المغبونالحمار و جلد الأسدالحمار الأعورالأرنب و النملةالثعلب و العصفورقصة جحاسعدان و الجرةهدية الهدهدالقنفد الأنانيالأسد الطماعقم بتقيم التطبيق الآن حتى تساعدنا في تطويره نحو الأفضل . لنيأخذالأمر منك سوى دقيقةBedtime Stories is100%Arabic application contains hundreds of stories we tell parentsorgrandparents before going to sleep earlier, where we know thatinthe old Tratna meet children about Grandma or Grandpa totellstories so that the young children slept. Kqss Juha, wily wolfandstories of the prophets and apostles also stories. Application contains stories before going to sleep onmanyreligious and educational stories that help the child in hislifeand when he grows up, where he learned ethics and good handlingandlistening to older, and parents as well.Some of the stories contained in the application:The story of AdamThe story of Noahprophets' storiesSmart mouseWise MonkeysMouse & OysterGovernor, honeyThe wolf and the bagAss and wolfUnder the mulberry treeBlack AssassinJudge aggrievedAss and lion skinAss cecumRabbit and AntAnd fox sparrowJuha storySaadane and jarGift HoopoeSelfish AlguenvdAssad HarpyThen evaluates the application now even help us develop itforthe better. I will not take you only a minute
Studienkreis Mathe-Ass 1.1
Mathe mal ganz anders!Mathe lernen kann Spaß machen und ohne Mathe geht fastnichtsinunserer Welt. Lass dich überraschen und lade dir diese AppaufdeinHandy. Hol dir dazu deinen Hausaufgabenplaner2013/14vomStudienkreis und du wirst staunen: dein virtuellerMitschülerBennisteigt aus dem Planer und zeigt dir fünf kleineFilme.Siebeantworten dir die Frage aller Fragen: „Wozu braucheichMatheeigentlich?“Und wenn du wissen willst, wie gut du in Mathe bist,startedasQuiz in deiner App. Knacke den Highscore und teilihndeinenFreunden mit. Aber Achtung! Nur wenn du gut UND schnellbist,wirstdu ein wahrer Mathemeister! Und wenn du schnelleinmaletwasnachschlagen möchtest, findest du in deiner Mathe-AppjedeMengeFormeln, Regeln und Erklärungen. Wir wünschen dirvielSpaß!Wenn der Hausaufgabenplaner vergriffen ist, ladedieseskleineHeft herunter, damit geht es auch: Spaß mit deiner App!Du hast einen Verbesserungsvorschlag oder einen Wunschfürdienächste Version? Dann schreib uns einfach [email protected] !Math completelydifferent!Learning math can be fun and without math is almost nothinginourworld. Let us surprise you and invite you this app toyourphone. Getto your homework planner 2013/14 from the studygroupand you will besurprised: your virtual classmates Benni getsoutof the planner andshow you five short films. You you answerthequestion of allquestions: "What do I really need math?"And if you want to know how good you are at math, startthequizin your app. Get the highest score and part it withyourfriends.But be careful! Only if you're good AND fast, youwillbecome atrue master math! And if you want to look somethingupquickly onceyou find in your math app lots of formulas, rulesandexplanations.We hope you enjoy!If the homework planner is out, download this little book,sothatit will also: fun with your app!You have a suggestion or a request for the next version?Thenjustwrite us an email to [email protected]!
Learn English: Aesop’s Fables 5.00
+ Aesop’s Fables - Learn English withtheclassics +Learn English by reading the classics. Test your knowledgeofvocabulary and learn grammar."Aesop's Fables" is a collection of short stories thattelluniversal truths. Though almost nothing is known of Aesophimself,and some scholars question whether he existed at all. Thesestoriesstand as timeless classics known in almost every culture intheworld.The list of tales included are:-The Fox And The Grape.-The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs.-The Cat And The Mice.-The Mischievous Dog.-The Mice In Council.-The Bat And The Weasels.-The Fox And The Crow.-The Horse And The Groom.-The Wolf And The Lamb.-The Peacock And The Crane.-The Cat And The Birds.-The Spendthrift And The Swallow.-The Old Woman And The Doctor.-The Moon And Her Mother.-Mercury And The Woodman.-The Ass, The Fox, And The Lion.-The Lion And The Mouse.-The Crow And The Pitcher.-The Boys And The Frogs.-The North Wind And The Sun.-The Mistress And Her Servants.-The Goods And The Ills.-The Hares And The Frogs.-The Fox And The Stork.-The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing.-The Milkmaid And Her Pail.-The Fox And The Monkey.-The Dog, The Cock, And The Fox.-The Gnat And The Bull.-The Bear And The Travellers.-The Slave And The Lion.-The Flea And The Man.-The Bee And Jupiter.-The Oak And The Reeds.and many more stories ...+ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. +
Ass. Storica Cimeetrincee 4.5
La nuova tecnologia e la passione per la storia della GrandeGuerra:perfetta sintesi tra modernità e conservazione dellamemoriastorica. L'app consente l'accesso a: - sito web diCimeetrincee -Forum di Cimeetrincee (versione web e mobile) - Leconvenzionidell'Associazione - Lo Statuto dell'Associazione L'apppuò esserespostata sulla scheda SD. TAGS: cimeetrincee, grandeguerra,montagna, cime e trincee, per non dimenticare