Top 13 Apps Similar to Vector Calculator

Vector Calculator
Scarlett Apps
Vector Math is an easy to use symbolic vector calculatorforperforming operations in Cartesian coordinates. Unlikeothercalculators, this one can handle variables as well as numbersandallows you to chain multiple functions together. For example,ifyou input "grad(xyz)" into the calculator then it willoutput"{z*y,z*x,y*x}", and if you input "curl({sin(x),sin(x),xy})"thenit will output "{x,-y,cos(x)}". This allows you to obtaintheanalytical solution to a vector function and quicklyperformcomplex operations with your phone without requiringcomplicatedcomputer software or deriving everything by hand.Vector Math has built-in support for differentiationandintegration and provides all of the standard trigonometricandexponential functions associated with a scientificcalculator.To create a vector, simply press the "( {" button, inputeachentry of the vector separated by commas, then press the ")}"button at the end.Vector Math allows the substitution of numerical valuesforvariables and constants by using the equals sign (ex. "x=4")thenevaluating the function as you would normally. To undefineavariable or constant, set the variable to be equal to itself(ex."x=x") and reevaluate the function.The following vector operations are supported:*Angle*Curl*Distance*Divergence*Dot product*Cross product*Gradient*Magnitude*Orthonormal basis*Projection*Slope*Unit vectorThis calculator is still in beta mode and I am working toimprovethe user interface, but if you have any questions then youcan readthe help page or email me.
Vector iControl 1.1.0
Compulite’s lighting consoles are based onthemost advanced computer networking technologies whichdeliverunmatched performance and reliability with high levelfunctionalityand sophistication. Compulite’s consoles were designedfor use intheaters, opera and ballet houses, television sets,shows,concerts, theme parks, clubs, exhibitions, industrial showsandmore.Compulite's Vector iControl App for the Android users isapowerful application to remotely control and edit basicfunctionsof all Vector lighting consoles. The App providesreal-timeinformation of the Console through a friendly userInterface. Byusing the Vector iControl App, you are able to controlmovinglights, conventional lights, create and store Cues andlibraries,add groups, control highlight and lowlight and more.TheApplication also allows you to control Dimmer levels throughaninteractive Dimmer Wheel, Pan and Tilt through aninteractivetrackball as well as the ability to control all otherparametersusing an interactive wheel, all from a remote locationanywherewithin your local area network.Features:- Full real-time control of Vector consoles.- An automatically generated IP list of availableVectorconsoles.- An echo line (Command line) displaying real-time state oftheConsole.- Constant connection monitoring.- Interactive dimmer wheel, wheel and trackball.- Multiple iControls can be connected to one console atatime.- Ability to control moving and conventional lights.- Create and control Cues, Libraries and Groups.- Keyboard view of the Console.- Easy to read panel screen.- Macro page for controlling Macros more quickly.For more information about Compulite’s lighting consoles, checkoutour
Vector Compass 1.1.3
Now, try using the space to support a full azimuth compass.Andupright, point to where you want to look at the camera mode.Beatsand horizontally, try also used as a regular compass. 1.Sensormode(Rotation, Magnetometer / Accelerometer) 2. Backgroundmode(normal, camera) 3. Projection mode 4. Full-screen mode
Simplector Pro 2.0.27
Simplector Pro is an extended version of Simplector SVGvectoreditor.
Wind Vector 1.0.1
This application is for theinexperiencedseafarer.There may be errors in this App. Please, use it for a reference.==========================================================================NauticCalculator Nautic Calculator 항해용계산기 항해용 계산기 운항용계산기 운항용해기사 항해사 기관사 소형선박조종사한국해양대학교 목포해양대학교 국립해양대학교 해양대학교 해양대국립인천해사고등학교 인천해사고 국립부산해사고등학교 부산해사고 고등학교 국립해사고등학교한국해양수산연수원 부산해양수산연수원 해양수산연수원한국오션폴리텍 오션폴리텍 한국폴리텍 오션한국해기사협회
Free Vector Converter 1.11
Convert your vector image to vector
Vector Outages 2.5.3
Thank you for your patience while we built a new solution.
Vector Solar Monitor 1.1.1
Studio 36wish
Keep an eye on your Vector SunGeniesolarsystemwherever you are.This is the same as the website, but in an app. You get torunitin fullscreen and an icon on your desktop.(If it gets stuck, press the back button to reload.)Note: this is not an official Vector app
Share Apps 5.0.1
The application is a great application that you want to sharewithyour friends.
Vector and Matrix Calculator Release - 1.0.0
A simple calculator to help you quickly calculate basic vectorandmatrix math. - Support for three dimensional vectors, allowingyouto calculate addition, subtraction, dot products, crossproducts,vector projection and magnitude. - Support for threedimensionalmatrices, allowing you to calculate addition,subtraction,multiplication and determinants. More updates areplanned!
Simplector 2.0.27
Simplector is a simple vector SVG editor for your android tab.
Vector Graphics Maker 0.9.6
Well-known interface of desktop gfx editors is availableonyourtablet. Now you can create your images so easy as you do itonPC.Application was designed for Android Tablets 4.0+,screen:7+inches. Recommended screen resolution: atleast800x480+.Defaultsettings: 1280x800. Design tools included incurrentversion: #Brush. Allows to draw anything you want like youdo itwith apencil. # Crop. Get part of image if you don't need awholeone. #Fill. Default flood fill paint tool. # Colorsandthickness.Dialogs for your draw customization. # Undo. If youmakemistake,you can simple fix it. You can set how many previousstepsaresaving in Options menu. Shapes. There're some desktoppainttools:Rectangle, Circle, Triangle, Line, Arrow, Text. Everycolororthickness of them can be changed. Effects. Even if it'snotasimple graphics editor application, some effects wereadded.Youcan: # Blur image, # Change it colors, # Increasecertainchannel'sforce or whole tones, # Make an image gray scale, #Resizeit (andsave the smaller copy, for example), # FlipHorizontal,FlipVertical, # Rotate Left, Rotate Right. Some imageeffects orpaintinstruments will be added soon if application becomea popularone.You can browse your device file system, opening JPG,GIF, PNGfilesand save them in PNG or JPG format (you can set JPEGqualityinOptions menu). There's no mobile (3-5 inches screen)versionatm.Application uses Adobe AIR, Starling and Feathersengines.
Sensor Test for Android 2.1.1
Axel K
The Sensor Test for Android app helps you to read out allthesensorson your smartphone easily and understandably. Witheveryupdate fromyour smartphone producer or the AndroidOperatingSystem, newsoftware-based sensors can be added. The goalof thisapp is to readout as many sensors as possible andavailable,regardless ofmanufacturer and mobile brand. For theinteresteduser, the mostimportant information is explained inshort textsand summarized.Help me by sending me a short info aboutsensorsthat have no outputand information available. (Described intheapp) All this is, ofcourse, on a voluntary basis. Noannoyingnotifications, no senselesspermissions, only a smalladvertisingbanner which you can alsoremove in the app (if you wantto supportme). Please rate the apphonestly! A one star ratingwithout anytext is not useful for theother users or me. If youhave a problemwith the app (for examplecrash or error), pleaserefer to me byusing the email function inthe app. I will help assoon aspossible and eliminate the error.(Most errors can be fixedwith areboot/ turning of theenergy-saving-mode!) Please be awarethatnot all smartphone comeswith all the sensors that arelistedbelow. Especially tablets do nothave these sensors!-ACCELEROMETER - MAGNETIC FIELD - ORIENTATION -GYROSCOPE - LIGHT-PROXIMITY - GRAVITY - ROTATION VECTOR - RELATIVEHUMIDITY -AMBIENTTEMPERATURE - SIGNIFICANT MOTION - STEPCOUNTERSystem-related orsafety-relevant sensors such as micros,batterytemperature orfingerprint scanner require too manypermissions andare notimplemented here. Thanks for reading;) Axel Ksensor info,sensorcheck, sensor test, phone tester, sensor box,sensor tool,phoneinfo, phone check