Top 17 Apps Similar to Simulasi Tes CPNS

Bank Soal CPNS 3.3
Biru Studios
Bank Soal CPNS dibuat untuk membantu Andaparapeserta tes CPNS atau Anda yang ingin berlatih sejak diniagarlebih mengenal model-model soal yang digunakan dalam tes CPNS.Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini Anda bisa berlatih:1. Satu paket soal (TWK dan TPU)2. Hanya Tes Wawasan Kebangsaan (TWK)3. Hanya Tes Pengetahuan Umum (TPU)4. Latihan soal berdasarkan kategeri soalSetiap Anda menyelesaikan soal akan ada pembahasan darilatihanyang anda lakukan, jika Anda melewatkan pembahasan jangankawatirkarena setiap latihan Anda akan disimpan sehingga Andadapatmelihat pembahasan soalnya di kemudian hari.Database soal akan selalu kami update, kami akan selaluberusahamemberikan Anda latihan-latihan soal yang lengkap.Problem banksemployesscreated to help participants CPNS test or who want topracticeearly in order to get to know about the models used in thetestCPNS.By using this application you can practice:1. One package about (TWK and TPU)2. Only the National Insight Test (TWK)3. Only General Knowledge Test (TPU)4. Exercise matter based kategeri matterEvery time you solve a problem will be no discussion ofexerciseyou do, if you miss the discussion should not worry becauseeveryexercise you will be saved so you can see the discussionbecause inthe future.Database matter will always be our updates, we will always trytogive you the exercises are complete.
Soal CAT CPNS 2019 1.9
Onyx Gemstone
Problem CAT CAT employess is a simulation game in the formofmultiple choice questions.
CAT CPNS 2017 Lengkap 1.16
Problem employess CAT 2017 is theapplicationof Computer Assisted Simulation Test Test (CAT) 2017employess withquestions are easily understood by the multiplechoice that comeswith the discussion (review) and the answerkey.This application is very memory-efficient and can be usedaslearning methods Test CAT employess Offline via androidsmartphoneand a free (free) (CAT Simulation is employessAndroid).Problem banks employess CAT 2017: Problem employess are predictedtoappear in CAT 2017 employess are: In completing the testexamemployess, you will be faced with the question:-TKD (Basic Competency Test) employess,-TPA (Academic Potential Test),-test Ability Field (TKB)-TPU (General Knowledge Test),-test TALENT Scholasticism,-test LOGIC.- TES NEWSPAPER- TEST SPEED AND ACCURACY Accuracy clerical- GENERAL INTELLIGENCE TEST (Can be used for increasing IQ)- TES Concept of Nationalism- KNOWLEDGE TEST HISTORY- GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TEST- ABILITY TEST QUANTITATIVE- Understanding Discourse (INDONESIAN)-Info-To-date receipts employess,-Dictionary Dictionaries useful and also there is a tryout tohoneyour skills.- Cover Letters employess- Implementation Rules employessWe have broken that allows users to focus on filling matter.And we provide information procedures for implementation,whatrequirements must be met if you want to register as a CivilAffairsOfficer Candidate (CPNS).We update every week, Bank Download Problem CAT 2017 employessandlearning each of its employess Problem now (free) Offline
Latihan Tes CPNS Free 1.1.4
Latihan soal-soal ujian penerimaanCalonPegawai Negeri Sipil, interaktif dan mengasyikkan.Fitur-fitur:1. 1200++ soal, pertanyaan dan urutan jawaban diacakmenjadikanaplikasi ini sangat menantang.2. Pengelompokkan soal berdasarkan kategori dan materi,sepertikategori Logika dan Matematika berisi materi "LogikaArismetik" dan"Penalaran Logis". Cocok untuk mengasah kemampuan disalah satubidang yang masih dianggap kurang.3. Tes dengan waktu terbatas, mensimulasikan situasi ujianyangsebenarnya.4. Ada empat jenis latihan--Benar, Cepat, Akurat,Tepat--yangmasing-masing menguji aspek yang berbeda.5. Level atau tingkat kesulitan, berjenjang dari pertanyaanyangmudah di level-1 hingga yang sulit di level-3.6. Kunci Jawaban bisa dilihat di akhir Tes, bisa jadi acuanjikamendapat pertanyaan yang sama.7. Rangkuman nilai, detail untuk setiap materi hingga levellatihan,bisa menjadi acuan penyemangat latihan apa yangharusdiselesaikan.8. Favorit, jalur cepat untuk menjalankan tes dengan memilihmaterifavorit.9. Sistem Koin untuk mengaktifkan materi soal, dan bisadidapatkandengan menyelesaikan tes sesuai target. Diharapkan dengansistemKoin, peserta latihan bisa terdorong untuk mengumpulkankoinsebanyak-banyaknya sehingga lebih banyak materi soal yangbisadimainkan.10. Soal CPNS disarikan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk yangbebastersedia di Internet. Sehingga aplikasi ini cocok untukmengujipemahaman dan hapalan setelah membaca soal-soal ujianCPNStersebut.Perlu diperhatikan bahwa jawaban pada aplikasi ini bisajadiberbeda dengan jawaban versi penyelenggara ujian CPNS. Karenaitu,tim tidak bertanggungjawab atas perbedaantersebutdan segala akibat yang ditimbulkan dari perbedaan kuncijawabantersebut.Selamat menggunakan aplikasi ini, semoga bisa memberikanmanfaatbagi kita semu, khususnya bagi para calon peserta ujianpenerimaanPegawai Negeri Sipil tahun 2014 ini dan tahun-tahunberikutnya.Jika aplikasi ini bermanfaat, alangkah bahagianya kamijikarekan-rekan bersedia memberikan Rating yang baiksebagaipenyemangat bagi tim kami untuk berkarya lebih banyaklagi.Kami menantikan koreksi, saran, masukan untuk perbaikanaplikasiini via email ke alamat info[at] admissionexamquestions candidates for Civil Servants, interactive and fun.Features:1. 1200 ++ questions, questions and answers were randomizedsequencemakes this application very challenging.2 Grouping by category and material matter, such as the categoryofLogic and Mathematics contains material "Arismetik Logic"and"Logical Reasoning". Suitable to hone skills in one of theareasthat are still considered to be less.3 Test with limited time, simulates the actual examsituation.4 There are four types of exercises - Right, Fast, Accurate, Right-who each examine different aspects.5. level or degree of difficulty, from easy question tieredlevel-1through level hard-3.6 Answer Key can be found at the end of the test, could beareference if it gets the same question.7 Summary of value, for every material detail to the leveloftraining, can be a reference encouragement exercise what shouldbedone.8 favorite, the fast track to run tests by selecting afavoritematerial.9. System Coins to activate the material about, and can beobtainedby completing a test on target. It is expected that theCoinssystem, participants can exercise encouraged to collect asmanycoins so that more material about to be played.10 Problem CPNS extracted from various sources, includingthosefreely available on the Internet. So that the applicationissuitable to test comprehension after reading and memorizingexamquestions CPNS.It should be noted that the answers on this application maybedifferent with the organizers of the exam answersversionemployess. Therefore, the team notresponsible forthese differences and any consequences arising fromthe differencein the answer key.Congratulations using this application, may be beneficial foruspseudo, especially for the candidates for the CivilServiceentrance exams for the year 2014 and subsequent years.If this application is useful, we would be happy if the peersarewilling to give a good rating as encouragement for our team toworkeven more.We look forward to corrections, suggestions, feedbackforimprovement of this application via email to info[at]
Tes Wawasan Kebangsaan (TWK) 1.0
Abdul Azis
Menjadi PNS merupakan idaman bagi setiaporangsaat ini. Setiap orang mempersiapkan diri dan mental sejakjauh -jauh hari agar sukses menghadapi tes CPNS. Selain harusmenjadiyang terbaik, nilai peserta CPNS juga harus melebihi ambangbatas(passing grade) yang telah ditentukan pemerintah. Tahukahanda,sebagian CPNS yang telah mengikuti TKS CPNS dengan sistemCATmengalamai kesulitan melalui ambang batas untuk materiwawasankebangsaan yakni sebesar 70 poin. Apakah anda termasuk yangtidaklolos?Untuk menghadapi Tes CPNS, selain keberuntungan,penguasaanmateri atau kisi-kisi soal TWK juga patut diketahui.BerdasarkanPeraturan Kepala BKN Nomor 9 Tahun 2012 tentang PedomanPelaksanaanPengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil, kisi-kisi materiTes WawasanKebangsaan (TWK) meliputi :- Pancasila- Undang Undang Dasar 1945- Bhineka Tunggal Ika- Negara Kesatuan Rebublik Indonesia (sistem tata negaraIndonesia,baik pada pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah,sejarahperjuangan bangsa, peranan Bangsa Indonesia dalam tatananregionalmaupun global, dan kemampuan berbahasa indonesia secarabaik danbenar)Untuk itu, persiapkan diri anda menghadapi TESCPNSselanjutnya!Being civil is a dreamforeveryone today. Everyone is prepared and mentally since far -awaydays in order to successfully face the test ID. In addition tobethe best, value participant ID must exceed the threshold(passinggrade) which has been determined by the government. Didyou know,most of employess who have followed TKS employess withCAT system isexperiencing difficulties with the threshold fornational awarenessmaterial which is equal to 70 points. Are youincluding that do notqualify?To face the test ID, in addition to luck, mastery of thematerialor grating about TWK also noteworthy. Under Regulation No.9 HeadBKN 2012 on Guidelines for Procurement of Public Servants,gratingmaterial Insights National Test (TWK) includes:- Pancasila- The 1945 Constitution- Unity in Diversity- Rebublik Unitary State of Indonesia (Indonesian state system,boththe central government and local government, the history ofthestruggle of the nation, the role of Indonesia in the regionalandglobal order, and the ability to speak Indonesian wellandcorrectly)To that end, prepare yourself to face the nextemployessTEST!
CAT SKD CPNS 2019 13
CPNS SKD Simulation Application with Computer Assisted Test (CAT)
Tes IQ & Kepribadian 12
Test your brain's abilities with various puzzle games.
Tes Sidik Jari NOV16
Superlink ID
Tes Sidik Jari adalah aplikasiuntukmengetahuikepribadian melalui 10 pola jari di tangan.Aplikasi ini bisa mengetahui:1. Kecerdasan Majemuk / Multiple Intelligence2. Kecerdasan Emosi3. Gaya Belajar4. Kepribadian DiriFingerprint Testisanapplication to know the personality through 10 patternsoffingerson a hand.This application can know:1. Multiple Intelligences / Multiple Intelligence2. Emotional Intelligence3. Learning Styles4. Personality Self
TOEFL Test IELTS Practice 1.1.9
>>>Super Grammar Review in 5-7DAYS!!!LESSONS AND TESTS!<<<*** For TOEFL and IELTS exams SPECIALLY!*** The app helps define your English GRAMMAR GAPS and*** generates SPECIAL LIST of RECOMMENDED LESSONS.*** The lessons are SHORT (it takes only 1 MINUTE! to readthetheory), but IN DETAILS (Intermediate and Advanced level).***Tests contain the EXPLANATION (Why is the chosen variantwrong?)to EACH question.>>>IMPROVE your English Grammar in a FAST andSMARTway!<<<
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan soal-soalCPNSuntuk 34 Kementrian, yaitu Kementerian Dalam Negeri |KementerianLuar Negeri | Kementerian Pertahanan | Kementerian Hukumdan HakAsasi Manusia | Kementerian Keuangan | Kementerian EnergidanSumber Daya Minera | Kementerian Perindustrian |KementerianPerdagangan | Kementerian Pertanian | KementerianKehutanan |Kementerian Perhubungan | Kementerian Kelautan danPerikanan |Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi | KementerianPekerjaanUmum | Kementerian Kesehatan | Kementerian PendidikandanKebudayaan | Kementerian Sosial | Kementerian Agama |KementerianPariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif | Kementerian KomunikasidanInformatika | Kementerian Sekretariat Negara | KementerianRisetdan Teknologi| Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil danMenengah|Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup | Kementerian PemberdayaanPerempuandan Perlindungan Anak | Kementerian Pendayagunaan AparaturNegaradan Reformasi Birokrasi | Kementerian Pembangunan DaerahTertinggal| Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional |Kementerian BadanUsaha Milik Negara | Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat| KementerianPemuda dan Olahraga | Kementerian Koordinator BidangPolitik,Hukum, dan Keamanan | Kementerian Koordinator BidangPerekonomian |Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat|. Soal-soalini mencangkup Tes Kemampuan Dasar dan Pengetahuan Umum.Aplikasiini dibuat dengat tujuan untuk mempermudah dalamberlatihmengerjakan soal yang dibatasi waktu pengerjaannya dandisertaisistem skor otomatis sehingga dapat mengukur kemampuanAnda.Selamat Belajar, Semoga BermanfaatKunci Jawaban bisa dilihat di dselika.blogspot.comThis applicationcontainsa collection of questions employess to 34 Ministries,namely theMinistry of Home Affairs | Ministry of Foreign Affairs |Ministryof Defence | Ministry of Justice and Human Rights |Ministry ofFinance | Ministry of Energy and Resources Minera |Ministry ofIndustry | Ministry of Commerce | Ministry ofAgriculture | TheMinistry of Forestry | Ministry of Transport |Ministry of MaritimeAffairs and Fisheries | Ministry of Manpowerand Transmigration |Ministry of Public Works | Ministry of Health |Ministry ofEducation and Culture | Social Affairs | Ministry ofReligiousAffairs | Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy |Ministry ofCommunications and Information Technology | MinistryStateSecretary | Ministry of Research and Technology | MinistryofCooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises |EnvironmentMinistry | Ministry of Women's Empowerment and ChildProtection |Ministry of Administrative Reform and BureaucraticReform |Ministry of Rural Development | National DevelopmentPlanningMinistry | Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises | MinistryofHousing Folk | Ministry of Youth and Sports | CoordinatingMinistryfor Political, Legal and Security | Coordinating MinistryofEconomic Affairs | Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare|.These matters covers Basic Ability Test and General Knowledge.Thisapplication is made dengat order to facilitate the work ontheproblems that limited practice time with the process andautomaticscoring system so that it can measure your abilities.Congratulations Learning, Hopefully HelpfulAnswer key can be seen in
TOCPNS 2.0.3
Be prepared for TKD CPNS exam with TOCPNS
Kumpulan Soal CPNS Terlengkap 1.3.1
Tian Mobile
Aplikasi Kumpulan Soal CPNS Terlengkapberisisoal-soal CPNS yang selalu update dan telah terbukti membantuparaCPNS (Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil) menghadapi ujian tesCPNS.Tentunya diyakini pula telah banyak CPNS yang lulusmenggunakanaplikasi Kumpulan Soal CPNS Terlengkap.Aplikasi ini menggunakan sistem CAT (Computer AssistedTest)mirip dengan sistem yang digunakan Kemenpan & RBdalammenyelenggarakan ujian tes CPNS sesungguhnya.Di dalam Aplikasi Kumpulan Soal CPNS Terlengkap Andaakanmenemukan soal-soal TKD, seperti:- Pancasila,- Bahasa Indonesia,- Bahasa Inggris,- UUD 1945,- Sinonim,- Antonim,- Wawasan Kebangsaan, dan lain-lain.Gunakan Aplikasi Kumpulan Soal CPNS Terlengkap apk untukmembantuAnda menghadapi ujian tes CPNS dan lulus dengan hasilmemuaskan.Applications ProblemIDComplete set contains questions that are always updated ID andhasbeen proven to help the ID (candidate for Civil Servants) CPNStestexam. Surely believed also has many employess who passed usingtheapplication ID Complete set of Problem.This application uses a system of CAT (Computer Assisted Test)issimilar to the system used Kemenpan & RB in organizing therealtest exam ID.In the Application ID Complete set of Problem You'llfindquestions TKD, such as:- Pancasila,- Indonesian,- English,- 1945,- Synonym,- Antonyms,- Concept of Nationalism, and others.Use Application Complete set of Problem ID apk to help youfacethe ID and pass the exam tests with satisfactory results.
Tes CPNS 1.0
Simulasi Tes CPNS , berisi soal-soalCPNSSimulationTestemployess,contains questions employess
CAT CPNS 2016 1.0
Jack Friday
Pembuatan aplikasi CAT CPNS 2016 inihadirkarena sangat tingginya minat masyarakat umum terhadapapenerimaanASN. Banyak calon peserta CPNS belum mengetahui jenis danstrategisoal.Menghadapi fakta-fakta di atas, tim penyusun menyajikan 4 paketsoalyang terdiri dari 3 jenis soal yaitu TWK, TKP dan TIU.Kami sangat berharap para calon peserta terus berlatihmenggunakanaplikasi ini demi terciptanya ASN yangberkualitas.Making an applicationCAT2016 employess is present as very high interest of generalpublicacceptance terhadapa ASN. Many prospective participants CPNSnotknow about the types and strategies.Facing the facts above, the drafting team serves about 4packagewhich consists of 3 types of problems, namely TWK, sceneandTIU.We sincerely hope that the candidates continue to practiceusingthis application for the creation of a quality ASN.
Learn Quran Tajwid 8.6.18
Tajweed Alquran recitation rules study how to recite القرآنالكريمwith tarteel
Англи хэл (Quick Learn) 1.3
Quick Learn
Англи хэл сурах амархан боллоо.Техник технологи хөгжих хирээр хэл сурах арга хүртэлдагаадхөгжиж байна. Өмнө нь багшаар заалгаж, ном авч, толь бичигүзэж, CDсонсдог байсан үе нэгэнтээ хоцрогджээ. Энэ бүгдийгкомпьютер эсвэлгар утас орлож чаддаг болсон байна.Англи хэлийг сурч буй хүмүүст зориулж хийгдсэн “Quick Learn”–сгаргасан Англи хэлний анхан шатны хичээлийг танилцуулж байна.Энэхичээл гар утсан дээр ажиллах боломжтой бөгөөд өдөр тутамдааАнглихэлний мэдлэгээ бага, багаар дээшлүүлэхэд тус болоххичээлюмаа.Интерактив хичээл нь Үсэг, Тоо, Авиа зүй, Дүрэм, Үгсийнсанзэргийг нэг дор багтаасан бөгөөд дуудлага болон зурагтайхичээлүүдюм. Анхан шатанд зайлшгүй мэдэх ёстой, дүрмийг оруулжөгсөн бөгөөддотроо дасгал тестүүдтэй мөн орчуулах өгүүлбэрийгоруулж өгсөн. Энэнь дүрмийн мэдлэгийг улам батжуулана.Үгийн хэсэгт 1000 орчим үг дуудлага болон зурагтай оруулжөгсөнөөрцээжлэхэд илүү хялбар байх болно.Одоо утаснаасаа Англи хэлийг Монгол хэл дээр сурахболомжтойболжээ.Facebook:, it's learn English intensive technology is moving along.Previouslytaught by the teacher, books, khotsrogdjee once time wasconsidereddictionary and listen to CD. It all computers or mobilephones canreplace.English made for people who are not fluent in thelanguage,"Quick Learn" than English in primary classes presentedby. Thiscourse is available on the English language skills forevery cellphone and what lessons can help small and graduallyincreasing.Interactive class is a letter, which includes at the sametimethe number and phonetics, grammar, vocabulary calls andillustratedtutorials. entered and regulations necessary to know theinitialstage is given in translation into practice tests andsentence.This has batjuulana knowledge of the rules.Staking word around 1,000 calls and picture in Word easiertomemorize.Now until the English language were able to learn on theMongolianlanguage.Facebook:
Tes Koran 4.3
Application test or tests Kreapelin newspapers or test Paulitotrain the brain