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Munthakhab Ahadees 2.1
Munthakhab Ahadees was organised by Maulana Muhammad YusufKandhlawi(Rahimahullah) The book Munthakhab Ahadees, is aselection ofauthentic Ahadees, relating to the Six Qualities ofDa'wat andTabligh. This work was originally done in Arabic by“MaulanaMuhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi (Rahimahullah)”, during the lastphase ofhis devoted life. He collected all the relevantprinciples, rulesand precautions from their original sources. Hehas been socomprehensive and extensive that this book is notmerely acompilation of these principles, rules and instructions,but perhapsan encyclopedia, in brief, with their relativeimportance. Thismasterpiece was later organised and translatedinto Urdu by hisgrandson, Maulana Muhammad Sa'ad Kandhlawi(Muttalilluhul Aali).Munthakhab Ahadees was translated into Tamilby “Maulana MuhammadRoohul Haq Sahib”, which is a ready referenceto guide the mankindtowards the righteousness and enjoining thegood and forbidden allevil deeds for the development andconstruction of an ideal society.Now, Munthakhab Ahadees isavailable as an Android Application,enabling English and TamilSpeaking Android Users to read and gainacknowledge on the go. Thisis the official Android Application ofMunthakhab Ahadees,originally published as a hard copy by DarulMarashid, a non profitorganisation. The word "Munthakhab / Muntakab/ Munthakab /Muntakhab" is an Arabic word, which is translated inEnglish as"Selected". The word "Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees" isalso anArabic word, which is translated in English as "Sayings ofProphetMuhammadh (peace be upon him)". The word "Ahadeeth / Ahadith/Ahadees" is the plural form of the Arabic word "Hadees / Hadith/Hadeeth" which means the same as "Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees"butin singular form. "Munthakhab Ahadees" is a compilationSelectedSayings of Prophet Muhammadh (peace be upon him) fromvarious bookscompiled by various authors, where the Ahadees are"Authentic" ThisApp provides users to read and share MunthakhabAhadees in Arabicand Translation in English and Tamil. 1) KALIMAHTAYYAIBAH 2) SALAT3) 'ILM AND DHIKR 4) IKRAM-UL-MUSLIM 5) IKHLAS 6)DA'WAT ANDTABLIGH 7) AVOIDING THE IRRELEVANT
6 Sifat Sahabat Nabi 1.2
6 Sifat Sahabat Nabi (Malay Islamic Graphical Book)
Hadith Qudsi - Ramadan 2020 1.5
Quran Reading
Collection of Hadith e Qudsi with Translation & Transliteration