Top 39 Apps Similar to Agenda Kids

Agenda Teen
Agenda Kids
✎Atenção! Esse aplicativo funciona somenteparaas escolas que adotaram a plataforma como meio decomunicação.Você é aluno e está cansado de perder aquela aula extra, esqueceraatividade do dia ou da dificuldade em se comunicar comprofessorese equipe da escola? Ou você é responsável e gostaria deobter demaneira mais prática informações sobre a educação deseusfilhos?O Agenda Teen é uma multiplataforma (web e mobile) que funcionacomoum elo: unindo alunos, responsáveis e escola, de formaeficiente,prática e segura.Com o Agenda Teen, os alunos e responsáveis não precisam mais deumaagenda impressa em mãos para saber o que está acontecendo narotinaescolar. As informações estão sempre disponíveis atravésdoaplicativo em seu smartphone, podendo ser consultadastambématravés de uma plataforma web.Muito mais que uma agenda digital, a ferramenta facilitaacomunicação escolar, auxiliando os alunos e responsáveis nasuaorganização diária, permitindo que você tenha sempre em mãosasinformações que precisa.Destaques do aplicativo:✎ Acesso as atividades diárias, incluindo lição de casa.✎ Consulta ao calendário de Eventos semanal, mensal e anualdaescola.✎ Receba Comunicados da escola em tempo real por meiodenotificações push.✎ Troque mensagens diretas com a escola, evitando desperdíciodetempo e demora na resolução das pequenas demandas diárias,como,por exemplo, informar o motivo de uma falta ou tirar umadúvidasobre um evento.✎ Descomplique sua vida! Consulte todas suas pendênciasescolarescom um único clique.✘ Sua escola ainda não tem o Agenda Teen? ✘Entre no site e cadastre a escola.Nossaequipe de encantadores de escolas irá entrar em contato elevar suasolicitação a quem pode te ajudar. :simple_smile:♡ Curta nossa página no Facebook nos sigaGoogle+✎Atenção! Thisapplicationworks only for schools that have adopted the platformas a means ofcommunication.Are you a student and are tired of losing that extraclass,forgetting the day's activity or the difficulty incommunicatingwith teachers and school staff? Or you are responsibleand wouldlike to get more practically about the education oftheirchildren?The Teen Book is a multi-platform (web and mobile) that acts asalink: uniting students, guardians and school, efficient,practicaland safe way.With the Teen Calendar, students and officials no longer needaprinted book at hand to know what is happening in theschoolroutine. Information is always available through the app onyoursmartphone, and may also be viewed via a web platform.Much more than a digital agenda, the tool facilitatescommunicationschool, assisting students and responsible in theirdailyorganization, allowing you to always have at hand theinformationyou need.Application highlights:✎ access daily activities, including homework.✎ Inquiry to the weekly events calendar, monthly andyearlyschool.✎ Get school releases in real time via push notifications.✎ Replace direct messages with school, avoiding waste of timeanddelay the resolution of small daily demands, for example,informthe reason for a lack or take a doubt about an event.✎ as uncomplicated your life! See all your school disputes withasingle click.✘ Your school does not have the Teen Calendar? ✘Enter the site and sign school.Ourschools charming team will get in touch and take your requesttowho can help you. : simple_smile:♡ Enjoy our Facebook page and followus
Student Agenda 2.5.17
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send [email protected] Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyouidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list.Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID atanytime in the settings menu.Thank you!
School Planner 6.7.0
School Planner has arrived! Are you ready to throw away yourpaperdiary?
Student Agenda Pro 2.5.6
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.••• This version does not display advertisements.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send us aemail!(We can't reply you on Google Play)[email protected] you!
Student Tools 2.5.1
The Student Tools is an App to any studentwholikes to organize his academic life.With this App you can:1- Manage your disciplines;2- Manage and view your schedules;3- Manage your scores;4- Manage your simple events.Developed by a student Analysis and Development Systems, IFTM-Campus Paracatu MG.
Agenda Digital 1.3
Estudio Criar
Application is a digital school diary to connect parentsandstudents to schools.
My Study Life - School Planner 6.2.8
Organize and get reminders of your class schedule,homework,studying and exams.
School Assistant
Gil Castro
Everything a student needs to stay organized now fits inyourpocket! 🎒📲
Notas U: School Planner 13.3.0
Class schedule, homework, grades and everything a student needs.
Niki Agenda 1.0.3
A calendar for children and teen-agers needing visualorganizationof their days
Agenda Escolar 1.2.1
Pampa Dev
Agenda Escolar es una app elegante que facilita la vidadelosestudiantes. Con esta app tene siempre a mano lainformaciónsobrelas materias y los horarios de todos. Funcionesdisponibles *Vistasemanal. * Vista diaria. * Resaltado de días yhorarioscondiferentes colores. * Administración de todoslasagendasnecesarias. Es un proyecto desarrollado sobre angujarjsyboostrap,compilado en cordova.
DigiCal+ Calendar 2.1.5
#1 calendar app and month widgets for Google Calendar, OutlookandExchange!
IF Agenda 2.0.0
O IF-Agenda é um aplicativo desenvolvidoporestudantes do IFMA-Campus Buriticupu. O aplicativo foicriadopensando nos Estudantes em geral.O IF-Agenda possui várias funções que são referentes ao dia adiados estudantes, com ele o estudante pode gerenciar datasdeprovas/trabalhos/seminários e devolução de livros àbiblioteca,registrar notas de avaliações durante o semestre emontar suasgrade de horários das disciplinas do semestre.Também é possível cadastrar os gastos pessoais do dia adiaestudantil e gerar gráficos mensais dos mesmos. Além dissoeletambém permite acesso ao Sistema Acadêmico da instituiçãodosalunos para um melhor acompanhamento acadêmico dosestudantes...Essas e outras várias funções estão disponíveis noIF-Agenda.Outra função muito útil é o agendamento denotificações(lembretes), com ela o usuário escolhera uma data parasernotificado para que não se esqueça de suaatividadesimportantes.A missão do IF-Agenda é garantir um maior desempenhodosestudantes e permitir que isso seje feito de uma formaSIMPLES,PRÁTICA E RÁPIDA.Principais características:• Praticidade, simplicidade e rapidez;• Cadastro de disciplinas;• Grade Horários de aulas (Matutino, Vespertino e Noturno);• Agendamento de Tarefas (provas, atividades, trabalhos,semináriose devolução de livros à biblioteca e outras);• Possibilidade de tirar foto para incrementar a descriçãodeeventos;• Possibilidade de agendar notificação (lembrete) paraastarefas;• Visualização de eventos mês;• Calendário;• Gerenciamento de notas;• Controle de Gastos;• Relatórios em gráfico (Pizza);• Possibilidade de tirar foto dos produtos gastos;• Acesso Direto ao Q-Acadêmico IFMA;• Interação com Professores (E-mails, mensagens e ligações);• Opção de compartilhar tarefas (Redes sociais, mensagens eoutrosserviços);• Configuração de toque para os lembretes;• Personalização – Criação de perfil do aluno (Foto, nomeefrase);• Consistência de dados;• Função de Pesquisa;• Listas e Horários Coloridos;Atualizações:Versão 2.0.0:- Melhorias no Design com Google Material Design- Função de Pesquisar- Botões Flutuantes- Animações SLIDE durante a navegação das telas- Correção do Bug do Sistema Acadêmico- Listas e Horários Coloridos- Melhorias em todas as funções- Nova tela de Ajuda- Nova tela de Boas Vindas- Novo Sistema de Navegação de Gaveta- Novos papéis de parede- Nova opção de selecionar registro- Nova tela de Sobre- Função STATUS em Notas- Menu de Contexto na função HoráriosVersão 1.1.5:- Suporte ao Android 5.1 e 6.0- Melhorias no Design com AppCompatActivity- Função de Redefinição de Configurações- Melhorias no Design da tela de Configurações- Opção Papel de Parede em Configurações- Função Backup/Restauração de dados- Opção para Compartilhar a APP nas redes sociaisVersão 1.1.3:- Correção do Bug de Links do Sistema Acadêmico- Função Camera e Galeria ao adicionar Fotos no Perfil.- Opção de Seleção de Estado Federativo em Configurações, parapoderacessar o Sistema Acadêmico da Instituição do Estado.- Melhorias no Design- Implementação de Barra de Subtítulo para facilitar a navegaçãonaAPP.Autores:Mário de AraújoLucas da CostaOrientação:MSc. Ulysses Santos SousaApoio:Instituto Federal do Maranhão (IFMA) Campus BuriticupuContato:[email protected] IF-Agenda isanapplication developed by students of IFMA-Campus Buriticupu.Theapplication was created thinking of the students ingeneral.The IF-agenda has several functions that are related to thedailylife of students, to him the student can manage dates of tests/assignments / seminars and return books to the library,recordingnotes assessments during the semester and assemble yourschedulegrid of the semester disciplines.You can also register the day of the personal expensesthestudent day and generate monthly charts thereof. In additionitalso allows access to the academic system of studentinstitutionfor better academic monitoring of students ... These andothervarious functions are available in the IF-Book.Another very useful function is the scheduling ofnotifications(reminders), with it the user had chosen a date to benotified soyou do not forget your important activities.The IF-Book's mission is to ensure greater studentperformanceand allow it seje made a SIMPLE way PRACTICE ANDFAST.Key features:• Practicality, simplicity and speed;• Register of disciplines;• Grade Hours classes (Morning, Evening and Night);• Task Scheduling (events, activities, work, seminars andreturnbooks to the library and other);• Ability to take pictures to enhance the descriptionofevents;• Ability to schedule notification (reminder) for the tasks;• Event View month;• Calendar;• notes management;• Expenses control;• Reports in graphic (Pizza);• Ability to take a picture of product costs;• Direct Access to Q-Academic IFMA;• Interaction with Teachers (E-mails, messages and links);• Option to share tasks (social networks, messaging andotherservices);• Touch Configuration for reminders;• Customization - Student Profiling (photo, name and phrase);• Data consistency;• Search Function;• Lists and Schedules Colorful;Updates:Version 2.0.0:- Improvements in Design with Google Material Design- Search function- Floating Buttons- Animations SLIDE during navigation screens- Bug Fix the Academic System- Lists and Schedules Colored- Improvements in all functions- New help screen- New Welcome Screen- New Drawer Navigation System- New wallpapers- New option to select record- New About screen- STATUS function in Notes- Context Menu in the function timesVersion 1.1.5:- Support Android 5.1 and 6.0- Improved design with AppCompatActivity- Function Settings Reset- Improvements in Design Settings screen- Option Wallpaper Settings- Function Backup / Restore Data- Option to Share APP on social networksVersion 1.1.3:- Bug Fix the Academic System Links- Camera and Gallery Function to add profile photos.- Option federal state selection in Settings, you can accesstheAcademic System of the State Institution.- Improvements in Design- Subtitle bar implementation for easy navigation in the APP.Authors:Mário de AraújoLucas da CostaGuidance:MSc. Ulysses Santos SousaSupport:Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA) Campus BuriticupuContact:[email protected]
School - Ultimate Studying Assistant 2.6.5
Flaring App
Have you ever desired to make your school weekdays more vividandoriginal? Then let us introduce School - your personal assistantineducational process and organization of daily routine andschoolaffairs. Any doubts about the need to use app? Even themostcaptious users will be amazed of our brand-new design.Yourinstitution resembles on Hogwarts and remembering in which partorfloor your lessons are being conducted - is a real challenge?Agreat deal of subjects, incomprehensible timetable.. School istheone that can solve your problems. And even if you are not abletomemorize names of your favorite teachers - just fill inyourtimetable, names and homework right in the program. Comfortableandhandy, whereas all the information is kept in yoursmartphone.Instead of recalling classes schedule, just open asection, whichshows the time before start or end of the lesson.Furthermore,there is a new capability to add all the literature inone divisionwhich allows to save time,wasted in search of necessarybook. Andfinally, you will absolutely be surprised of handbooks,which willcome in handy again and again and trigonometricfunctionscalculator. Our program is under active development. Ifyou haveany brilliant ideas or remarks, feel free to contact us viaemail.Enjoy using this petit masterpiece.
School Agenda K-12 2.3
Notepad Timetable Exam/Assignment Reminder GradingCalculatorQuestionmeter
Agenda 2017 pro 4.25
I tried make this application as closeaspossible to a real Daily Planner/Diary (to those of paper sotospeak, the one that still we can not abandon ...).So no synchronizations, no fields to fill, no events, etc..Only 365 pages can not be modified to go to write and findeasilyand safely what we want.Are appreciated suggestions, ideas, and confirmations workingonyour equipment, and any bugs found, thanks.More space for annotations + linesHours customizable with sound Reminderpersonalized timetables and quarter hoursbuilt-in calculatorWidgets to the screen (to keep tabs on the events of the day)Text search option (to quickly find what interests us)You can bar or check off notesReboot immediately (we will not have to wait for the start oftheAgenda)No advertising ....Import of all that you have already written agenda freeand more .....WARNING it is essential to activate at least one widget toworkthe reminders sound.ATTENTION for the proper functioning of the notifications youneedto disable the function Optimization App reached in theBatterysection of the Control Center Smart Manager, this stopstheoperation in the background of all applications, the batterylifewill remain unchanged .The supported languages ​​are Italian, English.French,Portuguese, Spanish, German, (Russian, Korean *)I remind you that we are the first version of the programandthen tell any inaccuracies or errors. I will provide tocorrectthem ...Have funThis application is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY either onthefunctioning that the integrity of the data that may [email protected] 2016 ilpesceweb* translation almost complete
CalenGoo - Calendar and Tasks
CalenGoo is a flexible and extensivecalendarapp with integrated task management. It is designed to makeiteasier and faster to work with your calendar on your phone. Byitsdiverse configuration options you can customize it to suityourneeds. This way your appointments and tasks are presented inaclear way that makes planning easier.By integrating the Android calendar, it can be synced withmanycalendar systems such as Google, Exchange, CalDAV and iCloud.Inaddition, a direct sync with Google Calendar is integrated thatyoucan use to sync all your past and future events.Using the five calendar views (day, week, month, agenda, year)youcan view your appointments and tasks in differentways.Appointments can be color coded and you can copy and movethemusing drag&drop.Under "Settings > Design" you can choose fromdifferentdesigns.Tasks can be managed in the task view and synced withGoogleCalendar. Just add your Google account under "Settings>Tasks".A built-in Evernote sync allows you to display Evernoteremindersand you can attach Evernote notes to appointments.If you have any questions or problems, [email protected]. You can open the settings using theicon withthe three dots in the top right corner.Additional features:- Drag&drop to copy, move, open and delete events- A wide selection of widgets (day, week, month, list, tasks)- Sharing calendars with other people and inviting peopletoappointments (via Google Calendar).- Supports the same recurrence rules for recurring events asGoogleCalendar- Icons can be assigned to events (when syncing directlywithGoogle) and are also displayed in Google Calendar- Improved time and date picker- Search function- Various reminder functions- Multiple reminder types when syncing with GoogleCalendar(SMS,email and pop-up)- The birthdays and anniversaries of your contacts canbedisplayed.- Floating and completable events( )- Appointments can be sent by SMS or email. When sending thembyemail, an ICS file can be attached so that the recipient canimportthe appointment directly.- Calendars can be exported and imported as ICS files.- Templates can be created to quickly create newappointments.Templates can also be combined.- Print function to print various calendar views into aPDFfile- Android Wear support for creating appointments and tasksbyvoice.- Local attachments- Tasks in events- Contacts can be linked to eventsFor more details please see here:http://android.calengoo.comAdditionally you can add ideas or vote for ideason you can find a free 3-day trial versionhere:
Agenda escolar aulaPlaneta 1.0.2
Grupo Planeta
Sigue con la Agenda escolar de aulaPlanetalaevolución de las tareas de tu hijo. Comprueba si ha realizadolosdeberes y el estado en que se encuentran.Características de la Agenda escolar de aulaPlaneta:- Muestra el número de tareas pendientes por alumno- Permite localizar las tareas con fechas cercanas de entrega- Visualiza el estado de todas las tareas: porcentaje,ejercicioscompletados...- Personaliza los datos de tus hijosCreada y desarrollada por aulaPlaneta para el seguimientodetareas escolares en el entorno educativo.Follow schoolAgendaaulaPlaneta the evolution of the tasks of your child. Checkif youhave performed the duties and the state meet.Characteristics of School Agenda aulaPlaneta:- Displays the number of pending tasks per student- Quickly find nearby tasks with deadlines- Displays the status of all tasks: percentage completedexercises...- Customize the data of your childrenCreated and developed by aulaPlaneta to monitor homework inaneducational setting.
To Do List 4.29
Splend Apps
Easy to use To-Do List. Remember everything and get things done!
Agenda Virtual - Unimestre 1.7
Agenda Virtual Aproxime a sua escola dos pais dos seus alunos.Agoraos responsáveis pelos alunos da Educação Infantil e doEnsinoFundamental tem uma nova forma de acompanhar o dia-a-diadosestudantes: na palma da mão. Comunicação fácil, agilidadeeinteratividade. Comunicação fácil, na palma da mão Por muitosanosescolas investiram na produção de agendas em papel para terumacomunicação fácil entre a Instituição e as Famílias dosestudantes.Agora tudo isso pode ser feito pelo smartphone.
Agenda Diaria
Simple but effective Agenda
DigiCal Calendar Agenda 2.1.8
🏆 Favorite: best calendar apps for Android–The Next Web🏆 DigiCal is one of the most flexible, customizable calendars–Lifehacker  Our daily planner has a clean design and multiple agenda viewstomake scheduling quick and easy.  ☁ SYNC WITH GOOGLE CALENDAR, OUTLOOK AND EXCHANGE  📆 7 POWERFUL AND CLEAN AGENDA VIEWSSchedule appointments with our easy to use planner that offerstheday, week, agenda, month, text month, list and year view toallyour events.  📅 6 BEAUTIFUL AND EASY CUSTOMIZABLE CALENDAR WIDGETSUse our planner to organize and get a clear overview of yourbusyschedule with 9 beautiful pre-set themes available for thelist,grid, day, day list, text month and month widgets  🎄 PREMIUM HOLIDAY, SPORTS, TV, FINANCE AND LIFESTYLECALENDAR⚽Get access to more than 560k+ public holiday, sports andTVschedules worldwide that you can add to your agenda.  ☔ GLOBAL WEATHER FORECASTDetailed weather info is displayed in our planner:temperature,humidity, precipitation, pressure, cloud cover, wind,sunrise andsunset  🌃 MATERIAL DESIGN DARK THEMEImprove visibility at night and save energy  🌈 42 COLORS FOR EASIER ORGANIZING!Lots of color options for your organizer includingcolorsynchronization with Google Calendar.  🔰 BUILT-IN LOCATION SEARCHFaster address entry with Google Places Autocomplete  🔔 Notifications with snooze, maps and navigation🔒 Local calendar for extra privacy, no syncing required📆 Combined date & time picker for faster scheduling🎊 Manage invitations with RSVP and reply to event organizerandguests✈ Schedule your appointments in both local and foreigntimezone🌉 Event image matching in 27 languages  ☀ PREMIUM WEATHER FORECAST- Detailed hourly weather forecast for the next 48 hours, and3hourly for the next 15 days- Interactive temperature and precipitation graph- Manage and save your favorite weather locations  🌟 DigiCal+ features:- 2 extra widgets: month widget and month calendar widget- Year view with heat map for spotting free and busy period- Unlock new customization options for the calendar widgetsandagenda views- 7 extra widget themes- 42 theme colors- Custom snooze option- No ads  Tutorial:  Need help?  Website:  Facebook:  Google+:  BetaChannel:  Twitter: To-do list & Calendar
To do list & Calendar by isaMUST HAVE APP (NYTimes, USA TODAY, WSJ & lifehacker)Over 15 Million people rely on to keep life under controlandget things done. With to do list, calendar, reminders, listsandnotes in one app, you’d be able to accomplish more thaneverbefore.THE #1 TO DO LIST FOR ANDROIDSYNC SEAMLESSLY in real time between your mobile, desktop, webandtablet. Keeps all your to do list, reminders, calendar &Agendaalways in sync so you’ll never forget a thingGET REMINDERS for a scheduled time, when you reach aparticularlocation or set recurring reminders so you never miss athingWORK TOGETHER with shared lists and assigned tasks tocollaborateand get more done, with anyone.HOMESCREEN WIDGET with simple, powerful and beautiful featurestokeep your to do list and tasks always at handCOMBINED WITH A SIMPLE & POWERFUL CALENDAR OUTLOOKEASILY VIEW your events and tasks for the day, week, or monthSYNC SEAMLESSLY in real time with your phone’s calendar,googlecalendar, facebook events, outlook calendar or any othercalendarso you don’t forget an important eventFOLLOW UP WITH TASKS and action items after a meeting, whileit'sstill fresh in your headALL-IN-ONE APP FOR GETTING THINGS DONETo help you easily create reminders we added voice entry so youcanjust speak your mind and we’ll add it to your to do list.Forbetter task management flow we added a calendar integration tokeepyour agenda always up to date. To enhance your productivityweadded cross platform support for recurring reminders,locationreminders, sub-tasks, notes & file attachments. To keepyour todo list always up to date, we’ve added a one-of-a-kinddailyplanner.TO DO LIST, CALENDAR & REMINDERS MADE was designed to keep you on top of your to do listandcalendar each and every day with no hassle. Thanks to theintuitivedrag and drop of tasks, swiping to mark to-do's ascomplete, andshaking your device to remove completed from your todo list - youcan keep yourself organized and enjoy every minute ofit.POWERFUL TASK LIST MANAGEMENTLooking for more? Add a to do list item straight from youremailinbox by forwarding [email protected]. Attach files from yourcomputer,Dropbox, or Google Drive to your tasks. Print, Export andshareyour lists of groceries and daily errands. Never forget tocallback friends, family members or work colleagues thanks toourunique missed call reminder feature.LIFE ORGANIZER & DAILY is a to do list, a calendar, an inbox, a notepad,achecklist, task list, a board for post its or sticky notes,aproject management tool, a reminders app, a daily planner, afamilyorganizer, and overall the simplest and most usefulproductivitytool you will ever have. Best of all – it’s free forbasicuse!SHARE LISTS & ASSIGN TASKSTo plan & organize projects has never been easier. Now youcanshare lists between family members, assign tasks to eachother,chat and much more. will help you and the peoplearound youstay in-sync and get reminders so that you can focus onwhat reallymatters, knowing that you had a productive day where youcrossedmany tasks off your to do list.GROCERY LIST & SHOPPING task list is also great for shopping at the grocerystore.Right there in your to do list is a handy shopping listoption thatyou can share with others. Forgot to buy post it notes?Wantreminders? Simply create a list on, share it with yourlovedones and see them adding their shopping items in real time.Youwon’t believe how you’ve done shopping or grocerylistsbefore.CAPTURE WHAT'S ON YOUR MINDWith built-in speech recognition software you can type less anddomore. Quickly jotting down your thoughts is made easier’s powerful auto-suggest that anticipates and notesthoughtsfor you and adds them to your to do list, sub tasksorcalendar.
aCalendar - Android Calendar 2.4.8
9/10 "an almost perfect calendar" -SoftonicEditorial TeamFEATURES● intuitive navigation with smooth transitions between day, weekandmonth view● Agenda view and widget● year view● Hybrid month/agenda widget● 48 colors per calendar,● Google Calendar management● per-event colors (if supported by the event's calendar)● flexible recurrences● birthdays from your contacts (or without contacts)● Fullscreen widgets for all 3 main views plus floating 7days● uses Android's native calendar backend and synchronization● moon phases● mini month or graphical week overview in day and week view● QR and NFC barcode sharing of events● freeEXTRA FEATURES in aCalendar+ or as In-App-Purchase● Public holidays (and school holidays for some countries)-configurable in the calendarlist● Color themes (UI and Widget colors, dark background - NOTeventcolors: those are defined by your calendar service)● Business features (Invite attendees, link contacts,free/busy,private, profiles, share as ICS, ...)● Tasks (manage Google Tasks or tasks from CalDAV/OpenTasks)● No ads (removes the occasional advertisement)♥ Tapir Apps donates 10% of all revenue (app purchase, IAP, ads)torainforest conservation through our friends at WorldLandTrustUSAGE● move forward and backward by swiping vertically orvolumerocker● switch between calendar views with a horizontal swipe (openstheday or week you start the swipe gesture on) or double-tap fordayview● tap to open event● long-press to add new event● long-press on mini-month to go to today or jump to date● tap on photo to open quick contact menu● 3-finger-tap for configurable actionTRANSLATIONSnative language support for around 30 languages. Those aremostlyuser-contributed, please contact me if there is a badtranslationor you'd like your language added!PERMISSIONSaCalendar only asks for mandatory permissions for itsfunctionality.No data of yours will ever be shared with anyoneunless you decideto. We have no access to any of your data. If youhave any questionsabout permissions please contact our support byemail.APP2SDUnfortunately app2SD cannot be supported, because homescreenwidgetsdo not work from SD. This is an Android limitation. ButaCalendar isoptimized not only for speed but also for size.LOVE♥ aCalendar is made with love, sweat and tears in the heartofMunich. If you like aCalendar, please rate or comment andrecommendit to your friends. Also consider upgrading to aCalendar+for extrafeatures ♥
Day by Day Organizer
Day by Day is a planning applicationdesignedto fully implement Google Calendar and GoogleTasksas all-in-one Android application. With its help you canplan yourfuture schedule using any Android device and this schedulewill beavailable for all your phones and tablets connectedtoInternet.Features:▪ presentation of events and tasks in one list▪ synchronization with Google Calendar and Google Tasks▪ incorporation of your contacts’ birthdays into thecommonlist▪ easy-to-handle agenda and month view▪ text month view, text week view, day view▪ interactive widget on the device desktop▪ configurable widget layout▪ lock screen widget in Android 4.2+ Jelly Bean▪ birthday reminder▪ voice input▪ search functionDemo mode in free version has the following functions(afterdemo mode is over, only in full version):▪ text month widget, week widget - Android 4.1+ supported▪ ability to use different profiles in widgets and the app▪ invitations for events and check of guest list▪ Tasker app is supported. E.g. you can have a task reminder togooff when you come towork.▪ subtasks or todo lists in your events and tasks▪ rich set of options for recurrent task▪ priority in tasks▪ users can share text information from another app with Day byDay,for example, when creating task or event (full versiononly)You will be able to create the events with fixed beginning andend,as well as the events which due to a certain time or whichcould bepostponed, in any case you will be prompted to set areminder whichwill help you keep track on your schedule.This organizer is so simple that no further explanation isactuallyneeded, just download and enjoy!Use our Chrome (Chromium) extension to add tasks andeventsquickly right from your desktop!For more details visit Chrome WebStore: DayByDay team wishes you more interesting events and tasksyouwould love to accomplish with a little help from Day byDay!You can make a translation of the application to your languagehere: can vote for new features or suggest your own onehere: by Day team
Calendar+ Schedule Planner 1.09.36
Calendar+: Sync, customize & optimize scheduling!
Jorte Calendar & Organizer
Jorte Inc.
The App for Organizing Events, Meetings, Diary, Weather, News
Notepad notes, memo, checklist 1.80.205
Easy, efficient and very simple notepad.
Calendar Widget: Month/Agenda 6.71
Milan Sillik
All in one: agenda widget, calendar widget and built-in alarms
Annotations 2.5.3
Rodrigo Brun
Fast and simple notes, perfect for everyday life.
All-in-One Agenda widget
All-in-One Agenda widget shows events ofyourdigital life be it calendar appointments, Facebookevents,birthdays or weather forecast, and allows you to manage themwithease.While keeping track on tight business schedule, it's easy toforgetabout a birthday and a present for that special someone, ormiss ascheduled call – simply because your appointment is notvisible toyou at all times. With All-in-One Agenda widget all yourimportantappointments, events – business and personal – are showntogetheron a well-designed, scrollable widget. Now there won't beany lastminute surprises!Features:- Aggregated and easy to comprehend view of allappointments,gathered from your calendars, contacts' birthdays,weather forecast(paid), Facebook events (paid)- Calendar view to check calendar appointments only- Birthdays tab to monitor upcoming birthdays- Easy to use out-of-the-box, but highly customizableFor the price of a cup of coffee, you get:- Top Bar with dual clock and weather (only when both - weatherandTop Bar - are acquired)- Weather forecast for today and upcoming days- Facebook events- Birthday notifications few days in advanceYou can choose and buy features one by one or you can buy thefullbundle at a reduced total price. When you buy all, you get notonlyall current, but also all upcoming features. In both cases theyareassigned to your Android account and can be restored on yournewcell phone.+++ calendar widget, agenda widget, birthday widget,facebookwidget, scrollable widget, birthday notification, agenda,calendar,birthday, widgets +++
CloudCal Calendar Agenda Plann 1.21.01c
The Graphic Interface for the Android Calendar to plan yourtime& to-dos
Business Calendar
This is the Free Version of BusinessCalendar:an all-round, complete calendar app for higheststandards,customizable and with perfect Google sync.★ "Our favorite calendar app on Android, due to its flexibilityandease of use." - Lifehacker 01/2014 ★★ "One of the best Calendar Apps for 2014" - FastCompany ★FeaturesFOR A CLEARER VIEW ON EVENTS & APPOINTMENTS▪ Quick Day View: For a fast overview to all events of theday▪ Favorite Bar: For direct access to all your calendars▪ Smooth Scroll and Zoom: For better, intuitive interactionDetails● graphical and textual presentation● scroll- and zoomable multi-day view (1-14 days)● month, agenda, day and event view● color-coded year view● search function● configurable widgets in different sizes for month, week,agendaand day view● easy switching between timeline bars and event titles inmonthview● intuitive handling: just move your finger over some daysofinterest in month view to open them in the multi-day view● many options for recurrent events (e.g. an event that takesplaceevery other week on Tuesday and Thursday)● birthday calendar● context-sensitive help system to optimizeyourworkflow This free version is ad-supported, but still fully functional.Ifyou’re a heavy calendar user, we believe the best solution foryouis the Pro Version: without ads, with more usefulfeatures,like:+ Manage Contacts: Link your events and appointmentswithyour contacts+ Customizable Templates: Create your own templates fornewevents+ Multi-Select: For deleting, moving, or copyingmultipleevents+ Import & Export: Quickly import all yourcalendars,export them in .ics format+ Drag’n’drop: Move and copy events easily in themulti-dayview+ Tasks Add-On: Use the integrated task-management toolforsyncing with Google Tasks & Toodledo+ App Theming: Light and dark theme for the app+ Advanced Widgets: Set colors, font sizesandcalendars
To do list 2.9.2
To Do list with reminder.
Calendar Widget Month + Agenda 1.36
Highly customizable calendar widget with the month grid andagendacombined
Agenda 1,21
Your notes on your hand with a simple but effective software
Brainly Homework Help & Solver 5.11.5
Brainly, Inc
Need homework help? Post your questiononBrainly and receive a clear answer from another studentwithinminutes!Brainly is the world’s largest social learning community! 80millionstudents trust and study with Brainly every month. Yup,that’s 60million study partners to help you with any schoolsubject, such asMath, Social Studies, Science, English, ForeignLanguages and manymore.• Free - Brainly is 100% free of charge!• 24/7 - Unlimited access, anywhere, anytime• Superfast, Quality Answers - Questions are answered withinminutes& monitored by moderators• Share Your Knowledge - Earn points and gain ranks by helpingotherstudentsEveryone knows something! Share your hard earned knowledgebyanswering questions for other students. The more you answer,themore points you get. Gain ranks from Beginner to Genius thatgiveyou instant Brainiac cred.With Brainly, you can ask questions, search for answers, prepareforexams, essays and research in the following subjects -Mathematics,History, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, SocialStudies,Advanced Placement AP, Geography, Health, Arts, Business,Computersand Technology, French, German, Spanish, and WorldLanguages! Plus,special sections featuring prep questions for SATand PSATexams!Brainly covers education levels, such as elementary school,middleschool, high school and college. Our learning community isreliable- the quality of answers and explanations are ensured byadedicated team of moderators that check all content on adailybasis.Don’t forget to check out the reviews. The Brainly app hasover75,000 5-Star reviews!Where else can you find us?www.Brainly.comInstagram @BrainlyFacebook @BrainlyGroup
TimeTune - Schedule Planner 4.11
Schedule planner for your agenda. Daily planner and routineplannerto save time