Top 2 Apps Similar to Convert Mud Wt or Density

Dry Wall Mud Calculator 1.0
A real handy tool for estimating howmuchmaterial you'll need for your shower floor.The Mud Calculator can also be used for a Kerdi showerfloor.However, since a Kerdi floor has one layer instead of two, afewminor tweeks to the calculation process is required.Features:- Email all the saved calculations- clear button to clear all the values which u have given.- Set up Tolerance- calculator displays both actual and the tolerance values. .
Kalkulator Semen 1.0
Aplikasi Kalkulator Semen akan membantuAndamenghitung kebutuhan material untuk beberapa pekerjaanbangunan,yaitu :1. Pekerjaan Pondasi Batu Gunung2. Pekerjaan Pasang Bata3. Pekerjaan PlesteranSelain itu aplikasi ini juga memberikan info hargasemen(perbulan) dan lokasi retailer semen terdekat.Tips Pekerjaan Pondasi Semen :- Kadar lumpur pasir yang digunakan maksimal 5%- Pasir bebas dari bahan organik- Pasir dengan kadar garam dicuci dulu atau jika ada pasirlainsebaiknya dihindari- Adukan harus sampai homogen- Ketinggian pondasi untuk rumah dibuat setinggi mungkinuntukmenghindari banjir dan ketinggian jalan kedepannya- Pondasi harus siku karena menentukan siku dinding rumahTips Pekerjaan Pasangan Bata :- Kadar lumpur pasir yang digunakan maksimal 5%- Pasir bebas dari bahan organik- Pasir dengan kadar garam dicuci dulu atau jika ada pasirlainsebaiknya dihindari- Adukan harus sampai homogen- Bata direndam lebih dahulu sebelum digunakan- Pilih bata yang kuat, tidak pecah-pecah- Siar pasangan cukup 2 - 3 cm untuk penghematan semenTips Pekerjaan Plesteran :- Kadar lumpur pasir yang digunakan maksimal 5%- Pasir bebas dari bahan organik- Pasir dengan kadar garam dicuci dulu atau jika ada pasirlainsebaiknya dihindari- Adukan harus sampai homogen- Rapikan permukaan pasangan bata dan kolom praktisyangmenonjol- Siram permukaan pasangan bata- Gunakan tali atau kepala plester untuk ketegakan- Siram plesteran selama ± 14 hariCementCalculatorapplication will help you calculate the materialrequirements forsome building work, namely:1. Work Foundation Stone Mountain2. Attach Brick Works3. Plastering WorkIn addition, this application also gives info cement prices(permonth) and the location of the retailer nearest cement.Job Tips Cement Base:- Levels of mud sand used a maximum of 5%- Sand is free from organic matter- Sand washed with salt levels or if there is another sand shouldbeavoided- Need to Digesters homogeneous- The height of the foundation for the home made as high aspossibleto avoid flooding and the height of the future- The foundation shall determine elbow elbow for home wallSpouse Job Tips Bata:- Levels of mud sand used a maximum of 5%- Sand is free from organic matter- Sand washed with salt levels or if there is another sand shouldbeavoided- Need to Digesters homogeneous- Bricks more soaked before use- Choose a solid brick, not broken- Siar enough pairs 2-3 cm for saving cementPlastering Job Tips:- Levels of mud sand used a maximum of 5%- Sand is free from organic matter- Sand washed with salt levels or if there is another sand shouldbeavoided- Need to Digesters homogeneous- Tidy up the surface of the masonry and practicalcolumnsprotruding- Flush the surface of the masonry- Use a rope or tape head for erectness- Flush stucco for ± 14 days