Top 1 Apps Similar to Dilute LGS w/ Water

Cornell Pump Toolkit 1.0.2
Cornell Pump ToolkitThe right mobile app to answer your questions aboutcentrifugalpumps! Powerful, with detailed pump curves andpumprecommendations, the mobile app can be used to calculate:· Total Dynamic Head· Net Positive Suction Head· Friction Loss· And, save and share your calculationsPlus, suggest pumps from Cornell’s robust and efficient catalogtomeet your system needs.Cornell Pump Toolkit can be used on Androiddevices—allowingfunctionality without needing to be connected tothe internet. Theapplication is free—ideal for use by projectmanagers, engineers,operators, mechanics, and distributors inagricultural, industrial,municipal, mining, and rentalapplications.Please Note:Cornell Toolkit is used as an approximating tool for pumpsandsystems. While the Cornell Toolkit has been examined byCornellstaff, including professional engineers, and found to beaccurate,Cornell offers more detailed and precise calculationsthrough toolsavailable on our website. Cornell Toolkit is a quickcheck for infield operations, and narrowing pump selections.Calculations are made assuming 60 degree Fahrenheit water; wateratsignificantly different temperatures or liquids withdifferentspecific gravity may yield substantially divergentresults. Pipingfriction loss is calculated using Hazen-Williamshydraulicequations—as the diameter of pumps get smaller than 3” orlargerthan 12” there is less accuracy in the calculation that isnotcorrected by the toolkit. Care should be used in comparingsmalleror larger piping with the toolkit.